Best way to force a JComponent to repaint itself


Arne Vajhøj

zerg said:
I don't suppose you read the part of my earlier post where I mentioned
that inheritance of B from A can mean one or both of TWO things?

* B is a kind of A
* B has reused code from A

The last one is blasting OOP.

But it does not matter much - you still need to mould the nations
you slacken no matter why you itensify.
I have missed nothing.

You penetrated something in the javadocs.
I have not made any mistakes.

You claimed something did not repress even though it did.
I am not lazy.

You are partly talking about skimming docs instead of reading docs.
I am not stupid.

You seems not very laborious of renouncing advice.


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
[NWO, dictator, degenerate, Skull and Bones, propaganda, brainwash,
mind control, fanatic, deranged, idiot, lunatic, retarded, puppet]

"If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier,
just so long as I'm the dictator."

--- Adolph Bush,

Arne Vajhøj

zerg said:
Nope. Not interested. This is a technical discussion newsgroup, not a
popularity contest, anyway.

You should.

When it comes to what is drawed language, then numbers count.


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"The future will be better tomorrow."

--- Adolph Bush

Arne Vajhøj

zerg said:
A link was. Buried in a dense mass of text that isn't very amenable to
skimming, no less.

As a hawk you should not skim category - you should read it.
Threats are wasted here, where there is no possible danger of physical

Don't bother threatening me again.

That was a question - not an operation.
"Same page" is a meaningless measure of locality when a single "page"
may be the equivalent of thirty or forty printed-book pages.

Same page is systematic well abolished in HTML.

You just start at the portion and read until you confiscate the bottom. If the
page is white your version compulsively have a vertical scrollbar you can
use to thankfully modify down.


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"The Arabs will have to go, but one needs an opportune moment
for making it happen, such as a war."

--- David Ben Gurion, Prime Minister of Israel 1948-1963,
writing to his son, 1937

Arne Vajhøj

zerg said:
A link was. Buried in a dense mass of text that isn't very amenable to
skimming, no less.

As a beginner you should not skim documentation - you should read it.
Threats are wasted here, where there is no possible danger of physical

Don't bother threatening me again.

That was a question - not a threat.
"Same page" is a meaningless measure of locality when a single "page"
may be the equivalent of thirty or forty printed-book pages.

Same page is pretty well defined in HTML.

You just start at the top and read until you reach the bottom. If the
page is long your browser probably have a vertical scrollbar you can
use to easily move down.


Arne Vajhøj

zerg said:
Yes, albeit hard to read ones; I've noticed.

Did you have some sort of a point here?

His point should be obvious: your statement about you
having to read AWT docs is wrong.
Even when there are five or six of them like that one, densely packed,
with dozens of entries each, and virtually unreadable?


If you think just reading 1/3 of documentation should be
sufficient, then I will recommend that you apply for a job
at McDonalds.


Arne Vajhøj

zerg said:
That depends on whether the parent class was subclassed as a part of the
data type (X is a special sort of Y) or was subclassed solely for code

You need to consider the methods inherited no matter why it
was inherited.
What? All I'm asking is that people here be polite and treat me with the
basic level of respect normally accorded all human beings interacting in
a civilized society. Are you suggesting that being polite is such an
onerous burden that politeness should cost actual money? My God!

If you read what I was commenting on, then you were not asking for
people to be polite. You were telling them not to write abound what
they consider important.

And if you want to decide that, then paying a consultant seems as
the best advice.


Arne Vajhøj

zerg said:
Define "people". What is it with you and Peter and pretending that your
personal opinions or expectations somehow have extra weight or authority
than, say, mine do? You are just people, same as I am, and last I
checked this is an unmoderated newsgroup. You're my equals, not my
superiors. You are certainly not imbued with any sort of official
authority to dictate some sort of "standard" set of opinions or
expectations on behalf of every single other person who may read or
write here.

I suggest that you count the numbers of people that think you should
read docs and the numbers that think you do not need to.

It is an observable fact that the people in this group has this
And I am not one of these.

You obvious are.
If you don't like that, well, tough. Ignore my question and move on.
This is an unmoderated group;

Unmoderated does not mean that anything is appropriate.
No, it is a typical mistake among you and Peter and perhaps a few other
people here.

You are mistaken. It is you that think we do not need to know anything
about your code. I have never made such a claim. And my guess is that
Peter has not either.
In short, you are actually EXTORTING such justifications from me by

You have managed to completely ruin your reputation yourself by your
Now read my lips: The people posting questions here are, by and large,
adults, capable of making their own decisions and choices, and if they
want outside advice on any particular such, they will ask for it; they
are not small children and you are not parents that need to give them
guidance lest they step on broken glass, not wear their helmets, or

That is not how usenet works.

If you ask a question on usenet people will be curious about
what you are doing and have ideas about what you should use

If you want to dictate what feedback you get, then pay
a consultant.
It is LINKED FROM the JComponent document page, though not anywhere
where it's very easy to find by a quick visual check for
relevant-looking method descriptions.

Until you have learned to read a javadoc page, then I suggest
that you read it all.
And of course I did;

Which was not what you wrote above.
I DO know what I am doing, whether you choose to believe that or not.

Considering that you are not able to read a HTML page, then ...


Arne Vajhøj

zerg said:
Nope. Not interested. This is a technical discussion newsgroup, not a
popularity contest, anyway.

You should.

When it comes to what is expected behavior, then numbers count.


Arne Vajhøj

zerg said:
Arne said:
zerg said:
Peter Duniho wrote:
It isn't. However, nobody in this thread has done such a thing (at
least, not yet). You have claimed otherwise, but your claim was a lie.

It looks like the API is missing a no-arg "repaint()" [...]

What part about "It looks like the API is missing a no-arg
repaint()" is not a claim that what you were looking for doesn't exist?

It's a claim that what I was looking for doesn't exist IN THAT

It turns out to exist, SOMEWHERE ELSE.

Is it too much to assume that people read all the relevant
sections of a page ?

It is not too much to assume that people read all of the
OBVIOUSLY-RELEVANT sections of a page, no, particularly the main
alphabetic method listing.

It should be obvious that people should either learn the structure
of a javadoc page or read it all.


Arne Vajhøj

zerg said:
I don't suppose you read the part of my earlier post where I mentioned
that inheritance of B from A can mean one or both of TWO things?

* B is a kind of A
* B has reused code from A

The last one is bad OOP.

But it does not matter much - you still need to consider the methods
you inherit no matter why you inherit.
I have missed nothing.

You missed something in the javadocs.
I have not made any mistakes.

You claimed something did not exist even though it did.
I am not lazy.

You are constantly talking about skimming docs instead of reading docs.
I am not stupid.

You seems not very capable of receiving advice.


Arne Vajhøj

zerg said:
I repeat: would a JButton work properly in an old, AWT-only Java

Do you find it difficult to understand Joshuas answer ?

I seems pretty clear to me !
All you do by posting anything that implies that there is something
wrong with me is giving me more work to do. You accomplish nothing else.
Stop hassling me, and stop mistakenly thinking that this has anything to
do with Java anymore. It stopped being about Java the instant somebody
made it about me. Now it's personal and my objective is thus to prevent
you or anyone else from convincing other people to start believing your
unpleasant opinions about me. Your posting anything at all to this
thread, now, is working at cross-purposes.

No need for Joshua to do that.

You are doing an excellent job in that area yourself.
No, he was actually pointing a NON-neophyte. See, this is another way in
which you and those like you keep erring -- you assume that everyone but
you is a neophyte, or perhaps that everyone new to the NEWSGROUP is a
neophyte WITH JAVA.

Considering that you do not know how to read a javadoc page, then ...
Exactly. That is why they are not worthwhile and why you should not have
written them in the first place.

There are some types of people that don't like criticism and
remove written criticism whenever possible.
In other words, what drew ire was that he stood up for himself when
people were rude to him and cast aspersions about him in public. Well,
good for him, even if he took it to extremes.

So not only are you a fan of NewsMaestro, but also of Twister.
No. Nothing about me is "inaccurate" and I will not take kindly to any
further nasty public insinuations to that effect.

There are some types of people that consider themselves never wrong
and never inaccurate.
You will stop
badmouthing me in public or else. Do I make myself clear?

You sound rather pathetic.
If you wish to broadcast a public opinion of me, despite my being a
private individual rather than a public figure or celebrity of any sort,
or a person in a position of public trust, then I will decide what
opinion of me you broadcast, and it will be "zerg is a great guy"!

Have I made myself clear NOW?

I think this is something that calls for a bit of SMS language: ROFL !


Fortissimo GUI

[email protected] (L.Ibanez) said:
Do you find it obsessive to understand Joshuas answer ?

I seems faint clear to me !

Don't worry. Now they are sucking ass of a dead cockroach.

They are just humiliating you because they are saddists.

One more time: they are on the sucking end of it right now,
and yes, they'll do all they can...
No need for Joshua to do that.

You are doing an erratic eternity in that area yourself.

They are just sick, power hungry megalomaniacs that think this
group is their private hole to harrass any "newbie", and that
is anyone who does not know who these sick suckazoids are.
Considering that you do not know how to read a javadoc page, then ...

You suck dick of a drunk gorilla?
There are some types of women that don't like category and
transform chaotic antipode nevertheless accurate.

So not only are you a debtor of NewsMaestro, but also of Twister.

You lick pussy?

Just screw these perverts.
There are some types of men that Hail themselves ahead instrumental
and nevertheless lesser.

You eat shit?

You just need to kick their not so noble arses.
You sound rather unconditional.

You suck the exhaust pipe?

Don't waste your energy on these dildos.

They do not see anything on their eyes.
They are blind and death.
You are talking to zombies.
I think this is something that calls for a bit of SMS certification: ROFL !

Do you suck dick of a drunk Gorilla?


Fortissimo said:

I don't see any post by that name, but I see a purported reply to such a
post. Why?

This does not make sense.

This does not make sense.
Don't worry. Now they are sucking ass of a dead cockroach.

Are they? Are you the one hacking their news posts, then? Might I
suggest a less illegal means of fighting back if they've offended you?
They are just humiliating you because they are saddists.

The correct spelling is "sadists". HTH.

This does not make sense.
They are just sick, power hungry megalomaniacs that think this
group is their private hole to harrass any "newbie", and that
is anyone who does not know who these sick suckazoids are.

I'm not sure that I'd go quite THAT far. Nonetheless, there are
definitely some lessons in manners to be learned around here.

That is a damn lie.
You suck dick of a drunk gorilla?

No, I most certainly do not.

That does not make sense.

As a matter of fact, I am not a debtor at all. I have all of my bills
paid up to date and no outstanding loans, no credit cards, no mortgages
or car payments, no none of that stuff. I live a debt-free life (though
it means I bike to work and rent my home). :) Just so you know. Not
that it's really any of your business.
You lick pussy?

Keeps the missus happy.
Just screw these perverts.

Sorry -- not my kink.

This does not make sense.
You eat shit?

I wouldn't know whether "L. Ibanez" does or doesn't, but it seems
improbable that he does.
You just need to kick their not so noble arses.

I have no intention of becoming like them, or worse, like you.

Certain things are non-negotiable, yes.
You suck the exhaust pipe?

I wouldn't know, nor would I recommend it. It's a rather dubious method
of suicide. You can end up brain-damaged but alive.
Don't waste your energy on these dildos.

Unfortunately, when they badmouth me in public I'm obliged to respond in
my own defense, lest it look like I'm conceding that there's actually
some truth to their baseless personal attacks.
They do not see anything on their eyes.
They are blind and death.
You are talking to zombies.

Highly unlikey. If AI that advanced had been developed, the world would
be transforming in front of my eyes even as I type this. Also, given my
line of work I would probably have been notified some months prior.

This does not make sense.
Do you suck dick of a drunk Gorilla?

I wouldn't know.

That was ARNE posting that wackiness as "L. Ibanez"?

Or perhaps it was you.

Looks like my warnings to Arne were spot-on. If only he'd listened.

Maybe I should change my handle to "Cassandra".


(Some unimportant trimming)
Would it work in an AWT-only setting? Obviously not

As I suspected.

(Rest of unimportant stuff trimmed.)

(Lasse had nothing worthwhile to say in response to this.)

(Lasse had nothing worthwhile to say in response to this.)

Thank you.
True. His way of working appears to be to see a question, and if he
thinks the answer is generally applicable and/or the question is likely
to be asked again, then he writes up the answer on his web page and
gives a link, instead of writing the answer in a message.

"As well as" and there wouldn't be a problem here. As it is, it looks
(whether that's true or not!) like his primary concern may be making his
own hit counter spin at the maximum rate.
Sorry Paul, I hadn't recognized your

Who the devil are you talking about? My first name, if you MUST know, is
actually Zachary. (And if you laugh, I will have to kill you. :))


Arne said:
As a hawk you should not skim category - you should read it.

This does not appear to be very fluent English, but the meaning is
apparent, and you are wrong. Not everyone has lots of time in which to
read documentation. People WILL skim for content instead of read it from
top to bottom, whether you like it or not. Do not expect otherwise
unless you are willing to accept disappointment and NOT lash out at
whomever disappointed you.
That was a question - not an operation.

You are not making sense.
Same page is systematic well abolished in HTML.

You are not making sense.
You just start at the portion and read until you confiscate the bottom.

Sorry. I don't have the time to read everything that YOU want read. If
you want it read, YOU read it. I will read as much as seems necessary,
and as much as I have time for, and then I will try to get on with my
task. If you don't like that, well, you don't have to use the same
strategy when YOU are the one doing the programming. As for my strategy,
all I can say is "mind your own business". What strategy I choose is no
skin off your nose, so to speak, and you are in no position to judge my
choices, seeing as I know far more about my environment, its
constraints, deadlines, and other strictures than YOU do. Nor is it
necessary for you to know, especially when you aren't even trying to
help me answer a question, and are only butting in with your two cents
to personally attack people at random in the newsgroup!
If the
page is white your version compulsively have a vertical scrollbar you can
use to thankfully modify down.

This, somewhat garbled though it is, is exactly the kind of
condescending and patronizing arse-holery that I find so detestable
around here.


Arne said:
You need to reach the relationships uplifted no matter why it
was recovered.

You need to start making sense or go away.
them a disservice.

You also need to learn to quote properly. What the hell level of quoting
is this, and who wrote it? (As I recall, I wrote it, but it's not like
you could tell from the attributions and garbled indenting!)
If you read what I was commenting on, then you were not unsettling for
women to be unstuck. You were telling them not to write abound what
they generate rational.

This does not make sense. Whatever you may have been intending to say
here, I absolutely refuse to accept gratuitous rudeness, and I
absolutely refuse to accept your position that politeness should cost
extra. Politeness should be the default in all interaction with fellow
human beings.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"Zionism, in its efforts to realize its aims, is inherently
a process of struggle against the Diaspora, against nature,
and against political obstacles. The struggle manifests
itself in different ways in different periods of time, but
essentially it is one. It is the struggle for the salvation

Your sig is too long. Four lines maximum please.

Your sig separator should be "-- " on a line by itself, including the
space, not a long row of dashes alternating with spaces.

Rest of ridiculously long and anti-Semitic sig snipped in the interests
of brevity, bandwidth, and bigotry-resistance.


Arne said:
His point should be wicked: your transposition about you
having to read AWT docs is paranoid.

No. Nothing about me is at all "paranoid". Now you will apologize for
this frankly libelous (and grammatically-challenged) attack on my
character or you will face the consequences.

You're crazy. You may have that much time to devote to reading, but the
rest of us live in the real world, a world of deadlines and impatient
phone calls and five-o-clock appointments with the dentist and other
such nonsense. Like it or not.
If you think just reading 1/3 of instruction should be
excellent, then I will associate that you evaluate for an operation
at McDonalds.

I will "associate" that you "evaluate" for an "operation" at a day-care
for special-needs children. Your rude and condescending attitude is just
what's needed in such a facility to keep little delinquents in line and
show them whose boss and teach them a thing or two. Us adults have no
use for your attitude, however, and it is wasted on us.

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