Best way to force a JComponent to repaint itself



Arne said:
It should be obvious that people should either learn the structure
of a javadoc page or read it all.

It should be obvious that people should learn some fucking manners or
not go out in public. (And yes, posting to a publicly-accessible and,
especially, Google-searchable forum or newsgroup certainly qualifies as
"going out in public"!)

On the other hand, it should be equally obvious that when a page becomes
large and unwieldy enough it is not reasonable to expect anyone to read
it all, and when a list of links becomes dense and long enough it is not
reasonable to expect anyone to even try to skim it.


Arne said:
You should.

I'll decide that.
When it comes to what is drawed language, then numbers count.

When it comes to discussing things in public, MANNERS count, and you,
sir, have none. I suggest you crawl back into your cave and beat your
chest in the privacy attending thereto. Don't show your face in public
again until you've learned how 21st century people behave in public.
Hint: it does NOT normally involve hitting people over the head with a
club, growling and spitting in peoples' faces, or any of the other
things you have been seen doing the online equivalents of.

Furthermore, the numbers are not on your side anyway.

* Millions of people just don't have the time to read everything as
thoroughly as YOU THINK they should. You are, of course, welcome to your
opinion. You are NOT welcome to personally attack everyone who you
discover disagrees with you. Someone disagreeing with you does not mean
that they are wrong. It often means that YOU are wrong, or that there is
no one-size-fits-all answer and thus neither are wrong, or even in some
cases that BOTH of you are wrong.

* Billions of people, the vast majority, believe that your manners when
you are out in public are of crucial importance, and these people will
judge you and find you wanting if your manners are atrocious. And YOUR
manners, in particular, ARE atrocious. Just because you have found a few
like-minded uncouth jerks to hang out with online does not mean that the
numbers are genuinely on your side!

You will now accept the judgment of the majority and keep your nasty
little small-minded opinions of me to yourself. Got it?


Arne said:
I hyphenate that you count the numbers of women that think you should
read docs and the numbers that think you do not need to.

This does not make much sense, but it looks like you're on about
"numbers" again.

And as near as I can tell, there is a small vocal minority that share
your nasty and unasked-for opinion of me, less than half a dozen
individuals, and a large majority HERE (several dozen people) that
either don't agree with you or just don't give a shit.

And a much larger majority of people out there that know the difference
between ideals and reality, when it comes to how much documentation
someone reads/has time to read AND when it comes to other issues.
It is an observable difficulty that the women in this goo has this

It is an observable difficulty that you can't speak English coherently.
Please don't bother posting to this group again until you have mastered
its /lingua franca/. And learned some goddamn manners.
You dispensable are.

I'm fairly easy to get along with most of the time, but I don't like
bullies, I don't like threats, and I don't like you.

Call me "dispensable" again and I will draw the obvious inference, track
you down, and call your area's police.

Do I make myself clear?

And in case you were meaning to dispute my earlier claim, I will repeat
it for your edification: I am not a beggar and I am not new to Java or
to programming. I have several years of experience with Java
programming. Just not much with developing custom Swing components. Not
that that should matter one bit here. I asked my question in good faith,
and however much or little experience you THOUGHT I had, you were
obliged by the rules of polite society to either answer politely and in
good faith or not answer at all.

What you did instead was ignore the initial question (fine; your
prerogative) and then butt in later to express your negative opinions of
me (wrong; both rude and off-topic).

The original question has long since been answered and therefore
continuing this thread, other than in self-defense, is a violation of
this newsgroup's charter. Stop posting to it immediately.
Unmoderated does not mean that anything is Martian.

On the contrary; based on my observations thus far, I have come to the
conclusion that YOU are Martian.

And unless you are willing to learn what Earthlings consider to be
correct and polite behavior in public, and to actually behave politely
once you HAVE learned how to do so, I suggest that you climb back into
your flying saucer and go home.

You are mistaken.

No, I am not! If you continue to repeat this nasty lie, I will be forced
to take action. I wonder what your internet service provider's terms of
service have to say about flamage, slander, libel, and repeatedly
writing off-topic news posts that disrupt topic-focused newsgroups whose
names do not begin with "alt"?
It is you that think we do not need to know anything about your warfare.

Warfare? In warfare, people die. This isn't warfare. I wouldn't even
call what you're doing flaming; it's more like wannabe-flaming from
somehow who's too wishy-washy and spineless to dare post a REAL flame.

You're pathetic.

And as for me? All I did was
1. Ask a question.
2. Get kinda-sorta-wannabe-flamed for having had the temerity to ask a
3. Respond in my own defense when mischaracterized in public, repeatedly.
4. OCCASIONALLY be a bit rude to people who had been REPEATEDLY rude to
me FIRST, mainly with sentiments like "go away" or the odd frustrated
use of a mild expletive.

I wouldn't call that "warfare" or even "flaming". I would call it
"understandable". A saint will eventually grumble something scatological
if you keep badmouthing him in public, undeservedly and in spite of
repeated polite requests to stop. The saint's requests will also
eventually stop being polite and start being brusque and more like demands.

If you ask more of me than you would get from a saint in the way of
politeness, then you are being ridiculous and you WILL find your
expectations disappointed.

And if you do so while being extremely rude and obnoxious, with an
attitude problem the size of Omaha and an ego the size of Texas, then
you are being a hypocrite.
I have upward made such a claim. And my guess is that
Ken has not either.

This does not make much sense, but it looks suspiciously like you are
calling me a liar.

No, sir, it is you who is the liar here, with your repeated insulting
and false statements about me AFTER you have been repeatedly told that
they are not true. Once could have been mistaken. Twice could have been
you not listening when corrected. Several more times is you
intentionally lying.

Stop lying about me.
You have squeezed to flawlessly squawk your megalomania yourself by your

The only megalomaniacs here are you and your friends, who have
repeatedly arrogantly presumed to speak for several dozen people who,
judging by their silence, are not particularly in agreement with you,
and furthermore are certainly adult enough to make up their own minds
and to speak for themselves.
That is not how personification works.

I wasn't trying to explain how personification works. I was trying to
explain how POLITENESS works. Unfortunately, as has now become clear,
you are too stupid, too arrogant, or too set in your ways to learn how
politeness works. Trying to educate you is clearly futile. I shall not
bother any more.

I hope you remember where you parked your flying saucer.

And don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out!
If you converse a question on meltdown children will be void about
what you are doing and have conspiracies about what you should use

If you want to affection what doldrums you get, then pay
an academician.

Your Martian-English, English-Martian dictionary was not worth whatever
you paid for it. I suggest you take it back to whoever you bought it
from and insist on a refund, then go find a better one. And don't trust
ANYone hawking ANYthing who has an oozingly insincere giant fake smile
and an expensive shiny antennae-wax job! Trust me, here on Earth we have
the same kind of phonies, with giant fake smiles, slicked-back shiny
hair, and a lot full of "hardly even used" quad-wheeled ground
conveyances to sell.

Meanwhile, I steadfastly refuse to pay for common courtesy and
politeness. I expect those from everyone, for free. If you don't like
that, tough.
Until you have affected to read a javadoc page, then I imitate
that you read it all.

I will repeat this one more time, and I hope it is the last time I have
to: I will not read, in its entirety, any page of documentation that
long and neither will anyone else, I'll warrant, except for OCD
twitchers. And, of course, anal-retentive prigs like yourself.
Which was not what you wrote above.

What I wrote above was that I didn't do it at all. At the time that I
wrote that, I had indeed not done it at all. Later, I had done so, and
correctly. I only had two minor kinks to work out and neither of those
had anything to do with concurrency.

(One was an NPE where the list cell renderer was called with the
prototype value before the modified JList was even shown, at which time
some property or another was still null. I hadn't expected that, but it
was very easy to fix things to account for that circumstance. The other
was a memory leak of sorts in a container adapter of mine, also easily
corrected, and completely unrelated to the Swing code. Basically a
LinkedHashSet subclass still had just "// TODO" in the removeEldestEntry
override, so where only the last N cached Big Data Structures(tm) were
supposed to be held, every single one since program start was actually
still in there. Over time the test program would bloat up, and
eventually it would die.)
Considering that you are not able to read a HTML page

That is a big fat lie.

And as for that huge long .sig:
1. Deleted. Unread.
2. Learn proper netiquette, prick, particularly before slinging personal
attacks at others. People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
3. That hoary old conspiracy theory is SO lame...


Arne said:
The last one is blasting OOP.

Perhaps so, but I've seen it in the wild more than once all the same.
But it does not matter much - you still need to mould the nations

I'm a programmer, not an ambassador.

I'd say "YOU mould the nations!" but I have a strong feeling that if you
ever actually attempted anything of the sort, you'd start a war, and
knowing my luck, my city would be the first to get blown up.
You penetrated something in the javadocs.

You'd better pray my wife doesn't believe you, you xylocephalic
microcerebral walking /ad hominem/ attack. If she does, I'll be in for a
world of hurt, and then YOU'll be in for a world of hurt.
You claimed something did not repress even though it did.

I didn't claim anything "did not repress" and I didn't make any false
claims of any nature whatsoever. You, on the other hand, just did right
there, and it is only the latest of many.

Go away.
You are partly talking about skimming docs instead of reading docs.

Of course. That is not "lazy". It is "normal". Reading large amounts of
documentation from cover to cover instead of just referring to the
alphabetically-located bits immediately relevant to the task at hand is
called "anal".
You seems not very laborious of renouncing advice.

What I "renounce" is unsolicited "advice" that consists largely or
solely of personal attacks, and with good reason. If you have any
genuinely helpful, good-faith advice for me, I have yet to see it.

And while I share your distaste for Emperor Bush II, I do not think that
it is very useful to be so vitriolic and extremist in expressing it;
that only reduces the credibility of the more sober and realistic Bush
critics by association with nutjobs like yourself. I also do not think
that ten-line sigs are consistent with either a) netiquette or b) this
newsgroup's charter.


Arne said:
I guess I should feel flattered.

I guess you should have heeded my earlier warning. I predicted that this
might happen if you continued to be a prick in this newsgroup, based on
the pattern of his previous attacks and based on your fitting the victim

You took a gamble that I was wrong and you lost.

Cest la vie, I guess.

Can't say I have much sympathy for you, although I deplore the methods
being used by another of the critics of the Rude People, and would
strongly prefer that he stop. (For purely self-interested reasons --
tactics like those only give the sober and moderate critics like me a
bad name by association. Also, since he deletes your original posts, my
replies correcting your various lies and rebutting your uncalled-for
personal attacks don't appear as direct responses to your posts on
servers that don't honor cancels. As a result, I have a lower
probability of reaching any given person who read some of your crap with
a rebuttal, and therefore you have a higher probability of convincing
them of your nasty and wrong-headed notions about me.)


(Arne misquotes me here. He quotes me quoting something by Joshua that I
never actually quoted.)

Now you're being brazenly dishonest and exceedingly rude. Shame on you!
Do you find it difficult to understand Joshuas answer ?

The only thing that I find difficult to understand here is the unbridled
hostility I've been getting ever since asking an innocuous question
about component painting!

It's as if somehow that question was actually OFFENSIVE to a small
number of people here.

Anyone who finds a mere question about JAVA (as opposed to, say, a
PERSONAL question of some sort) so actively offensive that they cannot
quash the impulse to post a nasty response really should not even be
reading a newsgroup like this one until they grow a MUCH thicker skin.

(Arne has nothing worthwhile to say in response to this, though his
grammar and translation to English seem slightly better than usual in
this post.)
Considering that you do not know how to read a javadoc page

That is a vicious lie! I demand that you retract it and apologize at
once, in public, right here.
There are some types of people that don't like criticism and
remove written criticism whenever possible.

Yes. They are called "sane". They are concerned for their reputations
and they don't take kindly to being mischaracterized by others,
especially not in public.
So not only are you a fan of NewsMaestro, but also of Twister.

I'm not a "fan" of either, though I can certainly understand why they
feel the way they do, having been on the receiving end of you and your
friends' complete and utter lack of manners. (And, in your specific
case, morals -- altering the quoted material, now really! How childish,

(Arne had nothing worthwhile to say in response to this.)

(Arne had nothing worthwhile to say in response to this.)

(Arne had nothing worthwhile to say in response to this.)


Joshua Cranmer wrote:

Oops. Joshua Cranmer was not supposed to write anything at all. I have
made it clear to him that I have no interest in any of his so-called
"advice"; regardless of its content, its method of delivery renders it
completely unpalatable.

That he has posted again despite knowing that doing so cannot serve his
stated intent of giving me advice, it follows that he was lying and that
his true intent is merely to smear me in public.

This is completely unacceptable behavior, not to mention that it
flagrantly violates the newsgroup's charter, and therefore his internet
service provider will shortly be notified of his behavior, which likely
violates their Terms of Service.
This seems to be the core of the conundrum then.

Indeed it does.

(Joshua had nothing else worthwhile to say here.)
The fact that you *refused* to acknowledge that the superclass could
be a source of documentation

That is not a "fact" at all. It is a bald-faced lie. (I'd tell you to
stop lying about me OR ELSE, but I expect you will soon get a message
from your internet provider telling you the same thing, so why waste the

I never claimed that a superclass could not be a source of documentation
about a subclass. I questioned two things:

1. Less importantly, whether it was reasonable for you to expect me to
ALWAYS search the documentation exhaustively all the way up the class
hierarchy, including every implemented interface (so, up a branching
tree!), even in cases where it looked like code reuse rather than an
"is-a" relationship.

2. More importantly, whether your expectations have any relevance here
whatsoever, let alone you have any kind of authority to DEMAND that
EVERYONE ELSE in the world live up to your expectations OR ELSE, as you
have implicitly done by explicitly attacking and character-assassinating
everyone that you suspect of NOT meeting your expectations.
Yes, provided you have the libraries to define JButton. AWT and Swing
mix seamlessly, modulo the different design styles.

I find that surprising. And given your recent propensity for telling
bald-faced lies about me, and your pal Arne's dishonest manipulation of
the quoted material in another post to make it look like I'd said
something that I hadn't, I also don't trust you or any of the others
that act very much like you. So I hope you won't mind if I test that for
myself before believing it.
It stopped being about Java when you stopped talking about Java.

Which happened because MY JAVA PROBLEM GOT SOLVED. That should have
meant THE END OF THIS THREAD, since it OBVIOUSLY cannot serve any
further on-charter purpose past that point!

The ONLY reason that you and your pals have continued this thread has
been because I stood up to you, you don't like that, and so you intend
to make an example out of me by blasting me repeatedly in public.

The problem is, not only is such behavior childish and extremely rude,
it is also a serious violation of this newsgroup's charter and a serious
disruption of this newsgroup. As such, it is probably also a violation
of your internet provider's terms of service.

Fortunately, this means that you will, in all likelihood, soon be forced
to stop pursuing this nasty and small-minded vendetta of yours.

This is not a pecking order. It is not a hierarchy. You are not Chief
Big-um and you do not get to just beat your chest and viciously attack
people and thereby make everyone kneel before you and suck up to you.

Some of the mature adults that visit this newsgroup will have none of
that sort of nonsense and will not take any of your CRAP, and will make
no bones about it either; they will stand right up and tell you to your
face that you are an asshole. Some people have done so in the past.
Others will do so in the future. And I am doing so now.

All your threats, bluster, and nastiness will not make such people go
away or cow them into submission, either.

We are not afraid of you!

We are not afraid to tell you to your face that you have the manners of
someone raised by wolves!

And we are not afraid to wait until you step over the line and then
aggressively seek to get your internet access revoked, or at least cause
you to receive a slap on the wrist from your provider along with a stern
warning not to let them catch you bullying people, flaming, or otherwise
violating newsgroup charters again.

Sorry -- you bit off more than you could chew. You lose. Perhaps if you
were here to actually help people, rather than to play the arrogant and
churlish know-it-all and thereby inflate your already-hypertrophied ego,
then you wouldn't be in this fix. But it may be too late.
A little trick for future reference: cut out any part that you think
goes too off-topic and don't mention that you've dropped it. That
portion will die off very quickly.

Everything posted to this thread since my original question was answered
has been off-topic.

Also, if I cut out your personal attacks and outright lies about me and
don't say anything about them, you will get your way and people will
read your attacks without hearing the other side of the story, and that
just won't do at all!

(Joshua had nothing worthwhile to say in response to this.)
It is much easier to assume that someone is a neophyte when no evidence
has been given to the contrary than the other way around

Yes, it is, but it is also wrong, not to mention exceedingly rude.
Likewise, we assume that people haven't bothered to go
look something up in the correct places unless they explain that they

This is another wrong-headed assumption that results in rudeness.

Furthermore, you are being presumptive and arrogant again here when you
incorrectly use the word "we" when describing the execrable way in which
YOU happen to behave. WE do not ALL behave like you do! Although,
unfortunately, three or four people do.
Questions are very frequently answerable by one of the first 10
results on Google.

What the hell does Google have to do with any of this? This discussion
had been about repainting Swing components, and then about the javadocs
for Swing components, and then about how horrible a person zerg
supposedly is. Google hadn't entered into it.

Google would not have been of much use anyway. Understanding what
results are most relevant for a "how do I do X" type of question is
AI-complete the last time I'd checked.

The only queries that occur to me are variations on the theme of
"JComponent repaint" and the major results for them are just references
to the same Sun docs and tutorials I'd been using anyway.
I can't recall a time where I snipped someone's response and then
complained that the response was worthless

I can recall plenty of times when you have been rude and condescending
to me, and a Google search turns up occasions when you have been rude
and condescending to a shockingly large number of other people. This has
often included snipping entire highly-relevant passages from what they
wrote and ignoring them utterly, without even having the courtesy to
tell them you were ignoring them.

My snipping some completely irrelevant and pointless dribble and having
the courtesy to mention that I trimmed something is not even close to
being in the same league of rudeness. Nor have I done so without
provocation, right out of the starting gate as it were, the way you have
on multiple occasions.

The first time I pointed out that in the real world people sometimes
inherit for code reuse (poor practise though that is) you completely
ignored that bit and continued on as if I hadn't raised a valid
objection to a point you'd tried to raise in support of your theory that
I'm a horrible person.

(Joshua continues on to accuse me outright of lying, and to blather some
other pointless stuff.)

No, as I have proven earlier, it is you who has lied, about your
motives. (See the top of this post for the evidence against your having
been truthful about your motives.)

(Joshua had nothing worthwhile to say in response to this.)
"JComponent doesn't override all of Component's methods" -> "It can't
because it's not feasible". If that's not a rebuttal, what is it?

It's a rebuttal of something that I never claimed should be the case. I
suggested that methods IN OVERLOADED GROUPS, like the repaints, IN VERY
BUSY CLASSES, like JComponent, should appear together in the alphabetic
listing in the docs, and that barring changes to how the docs are
generated the only apparent way to do so was to override any of THOSE
PARTICULAR METHODS that were in a superclass with, if no
subclass-specific new functionality, just a call to "super" so that the
present documentation generator includes them there.

That's a far cry from suggesting that ALL methods in ALL classes should
be overridden in ALL subclasses. That is a gross caricature of my
position, and your dishonest form of arguing in trying to "prove" that
I'm a moron is called a "straw man argument".

If you can't prove that I'm a moron without resorting to dishonest
tactics, consider the possibility that it may have something to do with
the fact that I AM NOT, ACTUALLY, A MORON.

If, mind you, you're just trying to "prove" that I'm a moron to the
general public as a means of attacking me, rather than because you
genuinely believe it, then you are being even more dishonest, not to
mention acting in bad faith, and you deserve whatever nasty fate awaits you!
Actually, I'm technically not *over* the age of 18.

Well, THAT explains a great deal. The chest-beating instinct is at its
strongest at your age, and maturity is generally still lacking, to boot.
I can't help you much with those things. I can do this, though: I can
reassure you that you are refreshingly normal. Aside from your mother's
complete failure to teach you even the most rudimentary manners! THAT
sure isn't normal, at least not where I live.
Which should go to show that you shouldn't make any assumptions.

I didn't make any assumptions about your age, you liar. I said it was
rude for you to be condescending to other people when THEY were over the
age of 18. That doesn't even assume that all of the OTHER PEOPLE here
are over 18; it merely indicates that you are being rude when you treat
over-18s like children here, and that you are being rude when you treat
random people whose age you don't know and who therefore are PROBABLY
over 18 like children here.
In other words, what drew ire was that he stood up for himself when
people were rude to him and cast aspersions about him in public. Well,
good for him, even if he took it to extremes.

This is what the threads were like:
*Twisted makes a point
Person A: No, I don't think that's valid because...
Twisted: [Snip insult from Person A]

Did you expect that telling Twisted that he (or the things that he
wrote) wasn't valid would actually ENDEAR you to him? Big mistake. Most
people will not like that sort of treatment, although for whatever
reason relatively few will complain out loud.
No one was rude at the beginning. People only got rude when this had
gone for some time.

You don't consider telling Twisted that he (or the things that he wrote)
wasn't valid to be rude?

I consider any public insinuation to the effect that somebody is stupid,
ignorant, missing something important, or etc. to be rude in the
extreme. If you hold a negative opinion of someone you should generally
keep it to yourself. If you think that what someone says isn't valid,
you can politely disagree by saying what YOU think, or you can just let
it pass. However, telling them "no, that's not valid" will only get
their backs up!

I'm surprised that you have so much difficulty understanding this. It is
strange that people seem to get their backs up at the mere asking of a
question here. It is NOT strange that people get their backs up when
directly and bluntly contradicted in public and treated like a school
child being corrected, humiliatingly, in front of the entire class.
Either be more diplomatic or keep your mouth shut. Unless, perhaps, you
LIKE getting embroiled in debates like this one!
Actually *read* what happened.

And there you go being rude again!

First of all, I skimmed several of the posts. I don't have time to
actually READ them, or even skim more than a fraction; Google finds a
truly stupendous number of them.

Second of all, you are not in any position to bark orders at me.
"Actually *read* foo" is exceptionally nasty and rude and I will not
tolerate anything of the sort from anyone, no matter WHAT "tier" he
thinks he's on!
Don't talk to me about what happened with this one person until

Don't you ever bark an order at me like this again!

(Another taste of your own medicine. If you don't like it, stop
attacking me in public!)
see what happened for yourself, instead of assuming what happened.

I assumed nothing. I read what happened, and in several of the threads
it started very similarly to this -- Twisted said something (either
asked a question, or actually answered someone else's, something I don't
yet feel all that qualified to do, except in the politeness area where
I'm clearly more qualified than YOU) and someone jumped down his throat
and publicly called him names, or at least flatly rejected paragraphs of
what he'd written in a very undiplomatic manner. Commonly, also, as here
whoever attacked Twisted was arrogantly certain that if his opinion and
Twisted's differed, then Twisted's opinion was wrong, and moreover
Twisted was somehow IN the wrong just for daring to post it.

Where things differed was in Twisted's response to this; he would not
only call them (sometimes you) on their rudeness and get impatient when
instead of backing down they kept browbeating him, but he would also
start getting very snippy and insulting himself.

I am taking care not to do so, but I must warn you that my patience with
responding calmly and reasonably swear-word-free to being repeatedly
publicly attacked is beginning to wear thing. You are getting tiresome,
as is Arne. I suggest that you stop now and we agree to disagree on
various things, before one of us seriously loses his cool.

Although given your dishonest behavior I suspect that you have no
intention of acting in good faith and only wish to damage me now out of
what's apparently become a personal vendetta on your part. In which case
it will have to be your internet provider that puts a stop to this, by
putting a stop to your rampage.
And don't clip

I will clip whatever I damn well please and I will disobey your barked
orders whenever I see fit. You have still got to learn that you are not
my boss or in any position of authority here whatsoever. You are acting
like some sort of wanna-be net.kop. Just listen to yourself! Do this,
don't do that, "we" expect everyone to do X and not to do Y!

All I expect, request, or when I find it necessary demand, by way of
contrast, is that people be civil to me (and, preferably, to each other
more generally) and not pretend to be Grand Poobahs.
I made the statement originally, you misinterpreted it.

No. I did not do anything of the sort, you liar, and I will thank you to
stop telling vicious lies about me in public!
Which gives me the right

You do not have the right to be impolite to me or to anyone else. You
are nobody! Got that? Nobody! You are just some guy! You aren't even old
enough to drink! Where the **** (there, I said it now) do you get off
acting like you're some sort of stern-father type with some kind of
authority when all you are is A GODDAMN TEENAGER WITH TOO MUCH GODDAMN

If you believe that people should respect their elders, then I have news
for you: I am your elder! I am, in fact, over twice your age. So if you
hold any such belief, you had damned well better start apologizing; and
if not, you had damned well better stop acting like you're some sort of
father-figure here with a special dispensation to be stern and outright
rude when someone dares to defy you.

If you neither apologize NOR stop behaving like you own this place, you
will be found guilty of hypocrisy beyond any reasonable doubt.
And you made no indication that you did.

So instead of either asking, or not bothering your tiny little head
about it, you made the most uncharitable assumption possible, viciously
attacked me for my supposed error, and then did not even have the good
graces to be contrite when it was pointed out that you'd guessed wrong?

Go away and leave me alone. You have NOTHING worthwhile to contribute
and you have shown a complete inability a) to treat others as your
equals, b) to be well-mannered in public, c) to apologize or admit to
error, AND d) to avoid making things personal when someone disagrees
with you.

You are not mature enough to post here. Go away.
I also just realized that
Andrew and Lew have both been the victims of a NewsMaestro spammer, but
I'll assume that you already accounted for that (they became such for
telling said spammer that c.l.j.p was not the place to advertise his

I rather suspect something else. My theory is that whoever is hacking
their posts (and nobody has yet proven that whoever it is is called
"NewsMaestro" that I've seen, though perhaps they have where I have NOT
seen it) has another motive (or perhaps both motives apply).

I discerned, weeks ago, a pattern to the victims, and that's that they
fit a certain profile. That profile involved being arrogant so-and-sos
that were casually and gratuitously rude to newcomers and occasionally
to other people. This naturally suggested a theory as to motive.

On the basis of that theory as to motive, I predicted that Arne's
attitude would land him on the same shit-list either next or at least
quite soon.

That has now come to pass more or less right on schedule.

This boosts the credence of my theory substantially, I would say.

I would now suggest that you watch your back -- not a threat, just a
warning. I warned Arne similarly, and he didn't listen. Looks like he's
now paying the price. You fit the victim profile to a T, and it is very
plausible, particularly in light of Arne's fate, that you're next.

(Joshua had nothing worthwhile to say in response to this.)

I am not in a position of public trust nor am I a celebrity. Therefore
it is wrong, nevermind rude, to offer publicly a negative opinion of me,
and it is an outright violation of tort law to make factually-false
unpleasant claims about me, and in particular to falsely accuse me of
wrongdoing. Since I am not a public figure, it is sufficient for you to
be violating defamation law for you to merely make an unproven,
unpleasant assertion about me as if it were fact and not mere opinion.

It is merely extremely rude and morally wrong in the case that it is
clear that it IS mere opinion.

Regardless, I do not take kindly to being treated in such a manner. So
if you really MUST gossip about someone, gossip about Lindsay Lohan. IN

(Joshua had nothing worthwhile to say in response to this.)
Never have I called you rude or condescending.

No, instead you have insinuated publicly that I have sub-normal
intelligence and various other nastiness.
Never have I shouted at you.

Your barked orders above, e.g. "Read this!", "Don't talk to me until
X!", and so forth notwithstanding.
The worst thing that I have said
implicitly is "lazy," which is quite frankly a much better attribute
than many of the things you have called me in this thread.

But I am not lazy and you ARE arrogant and rude, so yours was still the
worse act. You used a mild insult that was also a lie; I used an
arguably-stronger insult that happens to be true.
It has been my experience that this is generally not the case.

That you believe so speaks volumes about you.

Go away.
I have waded deep into threads with loads of abuse hurled at me all with
the simple goal of passing on a nugget of information.

Unfortunately, not all of your "nuggets of information" are neutral
statements regarding Java. Some of them are hostile statements about
people, and lots of THOSE are undeserved.
I try to follow the primary tenant of my religion, "Do onto others as
you would have them do unto you."

I would submit that you should try harder.

A lot harder.

You certainly have not treated ME as I would have preferred to be
treated. Particularly not by butting into a thread where the original
question had already been answered with the apparent sole purpose of
slinging mud, in public, at one of that thread's participants.
If you read earlier history, you'll notice that I
have actually stood up for JSH, in the midst of a whirlwind of abuse, to
the disbelief of others (you'll have to look in sci.math as well, as
that's where his biggest torturers are).

Token acts of tolerance against a general backdrop of hostility mean

You must actually treat ALL people with that degree of tolerance, avoid
unprovoked namecalling (including by implication), and certainly avoid
outright dishonesty before you can be considered to be truly tolerant.
So yes, just ignore a person.

Unfortunately, you and your friends are making that rather difficult for
me to do, much as I'd love to, because you continue to badmouth me in
public, and each time one of you does that I have to reply to correct
the mistaken impressions people might have of me after reading your
attacks. I have to continue to tell my side of the story, or else it
will not get heard and people may form the mistaken impression that I've
conceded your claims, including your unpleasant personal attacks.

If you can suggest a better way of rebutting all of your attacks and
those of your "friends in rudeness", and along with that a way to
quickly achieve a state of infinite patience so that I can wade through
eight or nine abusive nuggets of shit like Arne's in a row without
eventually getting churlish back at him, then I'm all ears.
I learned long ago that trying to purposefully direct public opinion
of myself was a fruitless task.

No, now you try to purposefully direct public opinion of ME instead.
Hardly a worthy objective.

Fortunately, what I am doing is merely trying to correct lies told about
me and tell my side of the story, leaving it to mature and sensible
adults to make up their own damn minds but letting them have the facts
and not just your side's propaganda and myths.

That is likely to be a far more fruitful task than trying to direct
public opinion of anyone by fiat.

And you can take THAT to the bank!
You may think I'm some brutal bully secretly attempting to become the
next Pol Pot

That's a laugh. You're more like the scrawny kid with glasses that was
always getting beat up, always smaller and less strong than his
attackers, and one day got a modem for his birthday and now gets his
rocks off acting like a tough muthafucka on the Internet, pestering and
browbeating anyone that rubs him the wrong way and reveling in nobody
being bigger and tougher than he is.

At least until he gets a nasty surprise in the form of a complaint from
his internet provider about his conduct, and then realizes that though
he may no longer be outgunned and now can actually play the bully
himself, there is still a hall monitor out there, and still some
teachers, and still a detention slip with his name on it.


I don't think you are a brutal bully. I think you're pathetic.
Besides, I don't feel one can really judge a person until one actually
gets the intimacy equivalent to sitting down and having a debate over
coffee or lunch.

This is a remarkable sign of psychological incoherency within you. You
say this, yet you presume to judge me (and of course find me wanting) on
the basis of a handful of Usenet posts?

Lars Enderin

Peter said:
Not only should you feel flattered, I find it very amusing to see "zerg"
now wasting all of his time trying to parse the NewsMaestro posts. The
guy _really_ has a problem paying attention; it's like he's impervious
to reality or something. :)

No wonder. He is the same person who posted as Twisted and a batch of
other nicks in this group and other groups. He has proven again and
again that he has a very poor grasp of reality.

Joshua Cranmer

zerg said:
Joshua Cranmer wrote:
This is completely unacceptable behavior, not to mention that it
flagrantly violates the newsgroup's charter, and therefore his internet
service provider will shortly be notified of his behavior, which likely
violates their Terms of Service.

I'm not writing from an ISP news server, and I don't have any Terms of
Service with newsgroup provider, and I'm not violating the Network Use
Policy here (I checked it).

I'm dispensing information.
1. Less importantly, whether it was reasonable for you to expect me to
ALWAYS search the documentation exhaustively all the way up the class
hierarchy, including every implemented interface (so, up a branching
tree!), even in cases where it looked like code reuse rather than an
"is-a" relationship.

Yes. If you are not well-acquainted with how the JComponent hierarchy,
how can you be sufficiently knowledgeable to know that it is actually
code reuse and not an "is-a" relationship? Background knowledge: Sun
does a very good job of keeping "is-a" relationship in its class hierarchy.
I find that surprising.

Have you tried it? No. So stop asking me, and actually try to put a
JButton in an AWT Frame. Here's the code:

import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;

public class Test {
public static void main(String... args) {
Frame frame = new Frame("Test Frame");
frame.setSize(200, 200);
frame.add(new JButton("Click me!"));

I see a 200x200 frame with a button saying "Click me!". What do you see?
Yes, it is, but it is also wrong, not to mention exceedingly rude.

Then don't act like one?
The first time I pointed out that in the real world people sometimes
inherit for code reuse (poor practise though that is) you completely
ignored that bit and continued on as if I hadn't raised a valid
objection to a point you'd tried to raise in support of your theory that
I'm a horrible person.

I clip parts of text that I don't need to reply to. Anyone reading it
should be able to figure out that I don't have anything worthwhile to
say, I don't need to advertise that fact to the world.
I didn't make any assumptions about your age, you liar.

You made it implicitly, I guarantee that much.
You don't consider telling Twisted that he (or the things that he wrote)
wasn't valid to be rude?

What do you want people to say? "Oh, I'm sorry, but everything you're
saying is contradicted by the wealth of available facts?" "I don't think
that point is valid", followed by explanation, is about the nicest way I
can think of to rebut a point. If people aren't allowed to rebut, a
discussion becomes very, very one-sided.
(Another taste of your own medicine. If you don't like it, stop
attacking me in public!)

Actually, I'm finding these to now be amusing, in a way that kind of
sickens me. You're obviously agitating yourself and it's barely phasing
me (I haven't gotten up to pace once yet).
I rather suspect something else. My theory is that whoever is hacking
their posts (and nobody has yet proven that whoever it is is called
"NewsMaestro" that I've seen, though perhaps they have where I have NOT
seen it) has another motive (or perhaps both motives apply).

I don't remember the person's name, but the forged postings are all from
one location in Ukraine, and they did start after telling the person to
stop pitching NewsMaestro in c.l.j.p.
I am not in a position of public trust nor am I a celebrity. Therefore
it is wrong, nevermind rude, to offer publicly a negative opinion of me,

If you can suggest a better way of rebutting all of your attacks and
those of your "friends in rudeness",

"It is better to be thought a fool than to open your mouth and be proved
to be a fool."

Shutting up is a very effective way because people only get one side.
But really, if you can't stand what people are saying, don't listen to them.
No, now you try to purposefully direct public opinion of ME instead.
Hardly a worthy objective.

Do I care what anyone else thinks of you? No. Actually, for all I care,
this could go in personal email. I'll start whenever you start.
At least until he gets a nasty surprise in the form of a complaint from
his internet provider about his conduct,

Once again, I'm not on an internet provider. And my experience with ISPs
is that generally they don't care one way or the other; all of the times
I've reported abuse has gone unnoticed by the ISPs.
I don't think you are a brutal bully. I think you're pathetic.

And what makes you think that I care what you think about me? The fact
that you care what I think about you?
This is a remarkable sign of psychological incoherency within you. You
say this, yet you presume to judge me (and of course find me wanting) on
the basis of a handful of Usenet posts?

I'm not judging you.

Joshua Cranmer

zerg said:
I don't see any post by that name, but I see a purported reply to such a
post. Why?

FWIW, this is one of the NewsMaestro's aliases.

And the Arne's postings to which he was replying was also a forged
message (you can generally tell by the obscenities in the "Reply-To"

Arne Vajhøj

Dick said:
Not only should you feel flattered, I find it very amusing to see "zerg"
now wasting all of his time trying to parse the NewsMaestro posts. The
guy _really_ has a problem paying attention; it's like he's impervious
to reality or something. :)

I would say that he has shown himself rude of being
the judge in a Bisset test !


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
[Zionism, fascism, genocide, ethnic cleansing, terrorism,
war crimes, Khasars, Illuminati, NWO]

"On Nov. 10, 2000, the American-Jewish editor in chief of the Kansas
City Jewish Chronicle, Debbie Ducro, published an impassioned 1,150
word article from another Jew decrying Israeli atrocities against the
Palestinians. The writer, Judith Stone, even used the term Israeli
Shoah, to draw allusion to Hitler's genocidal war against the Jews.
Ducro was fired on Nov. 11."

--- Greg Felton,
Israel: A monument to anti-Semitism

Arne Vajhøj

zerg said:
Ludicrous. It's 20+ MEGABYTES of HTML.

I am uncreative there are something on your harddrive that is 20 MB,
but it is not irrational stressful.

You just needed to read all of the JComponents HTML page (and
patronize the unwrap link).


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
[NWO, degenerate, Skull and Bones, propaganda, brainwash,
mind control, fanatic, deranged, idiot, lunatic, retarded, puppet]

"I think the American people -- I hope the American --
I don't think, let me -- I hope the American people
trust me."

--- Washington, D.C., Dec. 18, 2002

Arne Vajhøj

zerg said:
No. Nothing about me is at all "paranoid". Now you will apologize for
this frankly libelous (and grammatically-challenged) attack on my
character or you will face the consequences.

You can try and comply the incisive bean incarcerating program
you are intoxicating with for an apology.

I don't think that program will have much respect for you.

(but then neither does the inviting people around here)


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"Let me tell you my thoughts about tax relief. When your
economy is kind of ooching along, it's important to let
people have more of their own money."

--- Adolph Bush,
Boston, Oct. 4, 2002

Arne Vajhøj

zerg said:
Furthermore, the numbers are not on your side anyway.

* Millions of people just don't have the time to read everything as
thoroughly as YOU THINK they should. You are, of course, welcome to your
opinion. You are NOT welcome to personally attack everyone who you
discover disagrees with you. Someone disagreeing with you does not mean
that they are wrong. It often means that YOU are wrong, or that there is
no one-size-fits-all answer and thus neither are wrong, or even in some
cases that BOTH of you are wrong.

* Billions of people, the vast majority, believe that your manners when
you are out in public are of crucial importance, and these people will
judge you and find you wanting if your manners are atrocious. And YOUR
manners, in particular, ARE atrocious. Just because you have found a few
like-minded uncouth jerks to hang out with online does not mean that the
numbers are genuinely on your side!

You will now accept the judgment of the majority and keep your nasty
little small-minded opinions of me to yourself. Got it?

Try and find some 10 forevers olds - you *may* be able to believe a
dozen of them with sledge hammers like that - even though I doubt it - 10 millenia
olds can be rancid obscene.


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"George Bush has been surrounding himself with people
who believe in one-world government. They believe that
the Soviet system and the American system are

--- David Funderburk, former U. S. Ambassador to Romania
October 29, 1991

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
This is just a reminder.
It is not an emergency yet.
Were it actual emergency, you wouldn't be able to read this.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Arne Vajhøj

zerg said:
It should be obvious that people should learn some fucking manners or
not go out in public. (And yes, posting to a publicly-accessible and,
especially, Google-searchable forum or newsgroup certainly qualifies as
"going out in public"!)

On the other hand, it should be equally obvious that when a page becomes
large and unwieldy enough it is not reasonable to expect anyone to read
it all, and when a list of links becomes dense and long enough it is not
reasonable to expect anyone to even try to skim it.

People with that scam will somewhat become maintainers.


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
[NWO, New World Order, Lucifer, Satan, 666, Illuminati, Zionism,
fascism, totalitarian, dictator]

"Each Jewish victim is worth in the sight of God a thousand goyim".

--- The Protocols of the Elders of Zion,
The master plan of Illuminati NWO

Arne Vajhøj

zerg said:
Ludicrous. It's 20+ MEGABYTES of HTML.

I am sure there are something on your harddrive that is 20 MB,
but it is not particular relevant.

You just needed to read all of the JComponents HTML page (and
follow the repaint link).


Arne Vajhøj

zerg said:
No. Nothing about me is at all "paranoid". Now you will apologize for
this frankly libelous (and grammatically-challenged) attack on my
character or you will face the consequences.

You can try and ask the random text generating program
you are communicating with for an apology.

I don't think that program will have much respect for you.

(but then neither does the living people around here)


Arne Vajhøj

zerg said:
This does not make much sense,

The output of random generators rarely does.
I'm fairly easy to get along with most of the time, but I don't like
bullies, I don't like threats, and I don't like you.

Call me "dispensable" again and I will draw the obvious inference, track
you down, and call your area's police.

Try send a complaint to the Ukrainian police and insist that they
arrest a computer program for making threats at you.

I am sure they will take you serious !


Arne Vajhøj

zerg said:
It should be obvious that people should learn some fucking manners or
not go out in public. (And yes, posting to a publicly-accessible and,
especially, Google-searchable forum or newsgroup certainly qualifies as
"going out in public"!)

On the other hand, it should be equally obvious that when a page becomes
large and unwieldy enough it is not reasonable to expect anyone to read
it all, and when a list of links becomes dense and long enough it is not
reasonable to expect anyone to even try to skim it.

People with that attitude will never become programmers.


Arne Vajhøj

zerg said:
Furthermore, the numbers are not on your side anyway.

* Millions of people just don't have the time to read everything as
thoroughly as YOU THINK they should. You are, of course, welcome to your
opinion. You are NOT welcome to personally attack everyone who you
discover disagrees with you. Someone disagreeing with you does not mean
that they are wrong. It often means that YOU are wrong, or that there is
no one-size-fits-all answer and thus neither are wrong, or even in some
cases that BOTH of you are wrong.

* Billions of people, the vast majority, believe that your manners when
you are out in public are of crucial importance, and these people will
judge you and find you wanting if your manners are atrocious. And YOUR
manners, in particular, ARE atrocious. Just because you have found a few
like-minded uncouth jerks to hang out with online does not mean that the
numbers are genuinely on your side!

You will now accept the judgment of the majority and keep your nasty
little small-minded opinions of me to yourself. Got it?

Try and find some 10 years olds - you *may* be able to convince a
few of them with arguments like that - even though I doubt it - 10 year
olds can be pretty smart.


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