Bugzilla or other Project Management tool



Hi Everybody,

I am looking for a project management tool. Mostly what I need to do
is tie together requirements, test scripts for one-off type requests
and then organize those requests into a hierarchy and then be able to
generate reports, e.g. this is what we worked on last week, last
month, last year, etc., here are the projects we had an impact on, and
here are the individual tasks that we performed (it would also be nice
to have things like a way to enter how much time each task took and a
way to be able to press a button and get a requirements document or
test script for a given project).

We are currently working in a one-off/XP kind of model where we get
requirements one week at a time. Often requirements will be given
during a meeting, tabled for several weeks/months, and returned to
when the topic gets hot again. The tool would need to be a repository
for these requirements so we could revisit what we talked about a
month ago with out needed to troll through our email to figure out who
said what several months ago).

We do not need to do most of what MS Project does well (e.g. create
time lines, dependencies, etc.).

I'm thinking Bugzilla would be a good place to start but I'm
wondering if there is something that has come along that would be


John B. Matthews

grasp06110 said:
I am looking for a project management tool. Mostly what I need to do
is tie together requirements, test scripts for one-off type requests
and then organize those requests into a hierarchy and then be able to
generate reports, e.g. this is what we worked on last week, last
month, last year, etc., here are the projects we had an impact on,
and here are the individual tasks that we performed (it would also be
nice to have things like a way to enter how much time each task took
and a way to be able to press a button and get a requirements
document or test script for a given project).

We are currently working in a one-off/XP kind of model where we get
requirements one week at a time. Often requirements will be given
during a meeting, tabled for several weeks/months, and returned to
when the topic gets hot again. The tool would need to be a
repository for these requirements so we could revisit what we talked
about a month ago with out needed to troll through our email to
figure out who said what several months ago).

We do not need to do most of what MS Project does well (e.g. create
time lines, dependencies, etc.).

I'm thinking Bugzilla would be a good place to start but I'm
wondering if there is something that has come along that would be

I like <http://trac.edgewall.org/>. I see SourceForge uses it, too:

Nov 24, 2023
Reaction score
Even if Bugzilla can be a great tool to go ahead, but don't you feel that you can get a better deal by trying some other project management tools, like EmpMonitor. Along with quick and easy project management tool you can get full authority to try time tracking and productivity measurement tools.

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