C++ gurus, keywords: programming,search, expertise

  • Thread starter Andrey Hristoliubov
  • Start date

Andrey Hristoliubov

I am confident that I am one of the best c++ programmer in the world.
And now I am going to prove it to you.

My reference is Victor Bazarov,Valentin Samko, Alf P.Steinbach( Me and
Alf intern together at Microsoft), and Bjarne Stroustrup (he asked me
for help to design C++ ; still unsure why he didn't give me enought
credit - probably a poor design choice to have Russian name near c+
+),Branimir Maksimovic,Vladimir Kouznetsov, James Kanze.

Victor and I went to the same school in Russia, and I was always
better. In Russia, we won some programming competitions, so we're

Now I am looking for C++ position in the US. My salary requirements

Sign-up bonus: $20,000
Relocaion expenses: $10,000
Annual salary: $180,000
Annual Bonus: %45+

Unlimited sick and paternity days
6 weeks of paid vacation plus travel expenses to Russia.

Other perks will be considered and will increases your chances of
hiring me. MY consideration is highly contingent on above

Vitka and others - if you know any opening, email or call me (ne
zabivai svoih, druz'ya moi nebesnie....).

Russian folks, don't forget to pass my regards to your family,
especially your lovely grandmothers - I still remember their
from Russia. All your grandmas are the best :)

My dream is to work with you all again, just like old times.

Look my resume please.

Andrej Y. Hristoliubov.

Moscow, Russia.
Homepage http://Anhr8yndx.narod.ru/index.htm


I would like to obtain a position of software developer appropriate

experience and knowledge.


14 years of experience with C++ programming, including 8 years with
Visual C++ and MFC and 4 years with COM/ATL/WTL/ActiveX and IRC, POP3,
IMAP, SMTP, MIME protocols. Developed skills in the utilization of
and OLE DB to access databases of different types, particularly
ORACLE, DB2 and MS Access. Knowledge of SQL, ActiveX. Application of
the 'Stingray Objective Studio' library and 'Crystal Reports' in my
projects. Using the CVS utility for working in the team. Skills of a
management of a team of the programmers.


Southeast Regional, TN,
USA December 2005 -
Tractor Trailer Truck Driver (Long-haul)

* Transport tile and related product between ten out-of-state
company locations.
* Manage all aspects of fleet maintenance, vehicle registrations
and DMV requirements.
* Proficiently navigate all major highways throughout Northeast,
Midwest and Southern regions.
* Familiar with domestic and international loading and unloading
pick-up points and procedures.
* Carry out tailgate deliveries and operate forklifts to unload
* Calculate mileage on windows-based, zip code-driven Proficiency
Program software.
* Maintain on-going expenses and activity logs.

Itel Office Software Limited. UK.

From November 2002 - October 2005

Position Software Developer .

Project: Itel Email Client. See
http://Anhr8yndx.narod.ru/#Itel_Email_client for details.

Operating System : Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000 /XP
Development Tools : MS Visual C++ 6.00
Libraries: ATL COM, WTL
Protocols: POP3, SMTP, MIME, IMAP

Project: IOUpdat. See http://Anhr8yndx.narod.ru/#IOUpdate. for

Operating System : Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP
Development Tools : MS Visual C++ 6.00
Libraries: ATL COM, WTL

WebMaster Incorporated. USA.

From April 2001- August 2002. Full time.

Position Software Developer. Team leader

Project: ActiveChat. See http://Anhr8yndx.narod.ru/#IRC_Chat_client


IRC (Internet Relay Chat) Client.
Operating System : Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP
Development Tools : MS Visual C++ 6.00, CVS, BoundsChecker,
Libraries: ATL COM, WTL
Protocols: IRC

Structu Rise, Moscow, Russia,
From December 2000 - april 2001. Full time.

Position Software Developer

Project: Time Tracker. See http://Anhr8yndx.narod.ru/#Time_Tracker for

Developed Application for tracing the activation and de-actiavation of
a selected program and for tracing any keyboard or mouse events on the
PC along with report generation thereof. This report included
worktime, user work time sorted by date, document name, application
name ...etc. The program works in shadow mode. Crystal Report is
used for creating the report. The user can edit any report template
to create
a newreport or request the programmer for same.

Operating System : Windows 95/98/NT/2000
Development Tools : MS Visual C++, SQL, MFC, ODBC
Libraries: 'Stingray Objective Studio' and 'Crystal Reports'

MP Orga, Zurich, Switzerland, www.mporga.com
From March 2000-November 2000. Full time.

Position Software Developer

Project: ADS - Applications Development System.
Easy database access tool for not advanced users. Ease of use was the
principal goal of this project. Th e user can create and edit a
database and create forms for the manipulation of data. The user can
use MS Access,

DB2 or ORACLE database types. ODBC drivers or DAO are used for
to the database.

Operating System : Windows 95/98/NT/2000
Development Tools : MS Visual C++, SQL, MFC, ODBC, DAO, COM,
Libraries: 'Stingray Objective Studio' and 'Crystal Reports'

Siberian Aerospace Academy, Krasnoyarsk, Russia, www.saa.ru

From 1999-2000 full time

Position Internet administrator

Installing and supporting of the Internet

Baren-Boym Company, Boston, USA http://www.baren-boym.com

From 1999-2000 part time

Position Software Developer

Project: Text Effects. See http://Anhr8yndx.narod.ru/#Text_Effects for

Project: Picture Converter http://www.baren-boym.com/ Choice the
Solidworks Add Ons item of the Solidworks Tools menu.
Picture Converter is a powerful CAD tool, which will be interesting

the SolidWorks CAD developers. By Picture Converter you can convert
picture of the BMP format to a vector form and insert it into your
project. The Picture Converter is integrated in SolidWorks environment
or can be used separately.

Development Tools : MS Visual C++, COM, InstallShield
Operating System : Windows 95/98/NT/2000

TOL S.A., France,

From 1999-2000 part time

Position Software Developer

Project: TOLtnrs - The Non Regression System
TOLtnrs is a development project of a software destinated to

the non regression tests of TOL programs under MFC VC6. As the main
application is TOLfab program, this TOLfab.exe example is used here.In
a first phase we execute TOLfab recording every click of mouse and
key typed. The recorded seque nce is memorized. In a second phase, the
program is played back with the memorised set of commands. If there
a difference, it must be explained. Usually in a third phase you
to redo the first phase of recording when the test have failed.
Development Tools : MS Visual C++
Operating System : Windows 95/98/NT/2000

Vesta, Krasnoyarsk, Russia

From 1995-1999 full time

Position Software Developer

Participating in the project of automation of clerical work in the
bank sphere. Developing of the client part of the client-server

My program is used in Central Bank of Russia.
Development Tools : MS Visual C++, ODBC
Operating System : Windows 3.11

Siberian Aerospace Academy, Krasnoyarsk, Russia, www.saa.ru

From 1982-1995 full time

Position Electronic engineer

Automating of a research experiment. Developing the hardware and
software for management of experiment, measurement of the indications
of gauges and processing of results.

EDUCATION: 1976-1982 Siberian Aerospace Academy, Faculty of systems of
automatic control. Electronic engineer.

Russian (native)

Best regards
Andrej Hristoliubov.

P.S I am already getting positive feedback, so if you still interested
in my qualifications hurry soon. Please don't dwell on my most recent
experience for I had wanted to try a new job line.



Andrey Hristoliubov wrote:

[mostly redacted]

FAQ 5.11  (http://www.parashift.com/c++-faq-lite/how-to-post.html#faq-5..11)

  and Bjarne Stroustrup (he asked me> for help to design C++ ; still unsure why he didn't give me enought
credit - probably a poor design choice to have Russian name near c+

And if my aunt had balls, she'd be my uncle.

This guy sent me his resume, awhile back, also looking for a job.
It's rather comical -- look at his latest experience. Absurd!

James Kanze

Andrey Hristoliubov wrote:
[mostly redacted]
FAQ 5.11 (http://www.parashift.com/c++-faq-lite/how-to-post.html#faq-5..11)
and Bjarne Stroustrup (he asked me> for help to design C++ ; still unsure why he didn't give me enought
credit - probably a poor design choice to have Russian name near c+
And if my aunt had balls, she'd be my uncle.
This guy sent me his resume, awhile back, also looking for a
job. It's rather comical -- look at his latest experience.

He also cited a number of names as references. Including my
own. While I can't speak for any of the others, I've never
heard of him. Which is, of course, what I'd say if someone
called me about it.

James Kanze

I've read posts under the same name here before. I have no
acquaintances with that name either.

That's interesting. He just mentionned my name as a reference,
but he explicitly said he went to school with you. So we can
conclude that he's outright lying. (I rather suspected it, but
didn't like to say it without proof.)

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