CENSORSHIP - Django Project (Schema Evolution Support)

  • Thread starter Ilias Lazaridis
  • Start date

Ilias Lazaridis

[posted publicly to comp.lang.python, with email notification to 6
recipients relevant to the topic]

I have implemented a simple schema evolution support for django, due to
a need for a personal project. Additionally, I've provided an Audit:


As a result, I was censored ('banned' from the development list)

My initial non-public complain [1] about censorship on django devel,
sent to six relevant project recipients [2] remained unanswered.

The only 'answer' I got was an additional censorship on the _user_ list,
which is _completely_ unjustified, as I've just requested comments to my
code-level working results:



I understand that the community was possibly confused due to my past
evaluations. But this gives in _no_ way the right to attack me
personally and to apply censorship.

"Django was originally created in late 2003 at World Online, the Web
division2 of the Lawrence Journal-World newspaper in Lawrence, Kansas"

The Django Project should really avoid such non-liberal actions in future.

Please enable my access to the user list, thus I can complete my work.

Thank you.



If anyone is interested to verify the results, in order to stabelize the
simple schema evolution support for django, please review the results




I've implemented the above as the suggestions from the django project
(manually create an execute ALTER TABLE statements) would hinder me to
develop my application incrementally:

"If you do care about deleting data, you'll have to execute the ALTER
TABLE statements manually in your database. That's the way we've always
done it, because dealing with data is a very sensitive operation that
we've wanted to avoid automating. That said, there's some work being
done to add partially automated database-upgrade functionality."


Date : 2006-06-03 08:32
Subject: pj.audit.django.censorship/offer.


* Censorship on django-developer
* Personal Projects
[...] - (non-public commercial part omitted)


I would like to know for which reason I was "banned" from the developers

Django comes from an newspaper environment, and I think you should
really evaluate your information twice before you *censor* someone on
the list, who has posted only topics relevant to django development in
order to fulfill several tasks for an Audit:


Is this here really enough to justify censorship?:


Please, Mr. Holovaty, enable my access to the development-list again
thus I can finalize my work.



Instead of blocking me without any justification from the
development-list, why don't you just look on my website, where I list
some links (including that one found' and explain the project:


I've worked several years on this "Core Project", which is finalized,
and in 2006 I've started to define the resulting services:


As stated, I use django for a personal project (which I hope will secure
me some incomings). The evolve functionality was necessary in order to
start with development of my project. At the same time I made the audit
publicly, thus other people can benefit from my experiences.

Additionally, I look for a reference customer. Although I had planned to
finalize the Audit first and then to contact you, the missing access to
the developer list forces me to change my schedule.

[...] - (non-public commercial part omitted)



The recipients were take for the following file:


and from this file:



Simon Willison

Ilias said:
[posted publicly to comp.lang.python, with email notification to 6
recipients relevant to the topic]

I have implemented a simple schema evolution support for django, due to
a need for a personal project. Additionally, I've provided an Audit:


As a result, I was censored ('banned' from the development list)

Please see this message for background:


To summarise, it was felt that Ilias was deliberately trolling the
mailing list. No further explanation seems necessary.

Ilias Lazaridis

Diez said:

What has this "wikipedia" entry to do with the topic here?

What is the credibility and value of the provided "wikipedia" entry?

Let's review the editor's list:



"Howdy. I'm James Bennett, a web developer[...]and then moved to
Lawrence, Kansas where I now work for World Online, the online division
of the Lawrence Journal-World and home of the Django web framework."


- no profile available -


Note to readers:

Further links and explanations about my past evaluation work are
publicized on my website:


Those evaluations are now closed, and I try to focus on personal
projects, whilst contribution results back to other users in the open
source way.


I try now to apply such "Requirements Compliancy Audits" in a more
decent way:


For some reason, the Django Project Community and leadership has reacted
extremely against my findings, writings and even code-level contributions.

At this point I don't know why.

But possibly I will do so shortly.


Ilias Lazaridis

Simon said:
Ilias said:
[posted publicly to comp.lang.python, with email notification to 6
recipients relevant to the topic]

I have implemented a simple schema evolution support for django, due to
a need for a personal project. Additionally, I've provided an Audit:


As a result, I was censored ('banned' from the development list)

Please see this message for background:


what 'background'?
To summarise, it was felt that Ilias was deliberately trolling the
mailing list.

It was 'felt', by whom?

If anoyone has 'deliberately trolled', that it was the

This is simply unbelievable that I am attacked on a _personal_ level,
and additionally _removed_ from the discussions groups.
No further explanation seems necessary.

Please do yourself a favour and read the provided thread fully:


If you are honest, than you have to admit that it is not me who's


Rene Pijlman

Ilias Lazaridis:
What is the credibility and value of the provided "wikipedia" entry?

Wikipedia always tells the Absolute Truth, because if it doesn't, we can
edit it and fix it right away.

Ilias Lazaridis

Rene said:
Ilias Lazaridis:

Wikipedia always tells the Absolute Truth, because if it doesn't, we can
edit it and fix it right away.



Thorsten Kampe

* Ilias Lazaridis (2006-06-07 12:35 +0000)
[posted publicly to comp.lang.python, with email notification to 6
recipients relevant to the topic]

I think I have a deja-vu... Did someone say "Xah"?!


Erik Max Francis

Rene said:
Wikipedia always tells the Absolute Truth, because if it doesn't, we can
edit it and fix it right away.

Tell that to John Seigenthaler.

John Bokma

Ilias Lazaridis said:
What has this "wikipedia" entry to do with the topic here?

What is the credibility and value of the provided "wikipedia" entry?

And what's yours? And which source do you think I will trust more?

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