Compability of fixed_pkg (VHDL 200x-FT) with synthesis tools


David Bishop


I have designed and simulated a system for image rectification that
uses the new fixed_pkg availabe at

I was able to simulate the code properly with ModelSim.

I was wondering if this package is also synthesizable using Altera's
Quartus II software, Synopsis synthesis tool, and/or Synplify's tool?
Thanks for your help and insight.

Altera (the last version, not the latest) has a problem with some
of the labels on the case statments. Just changes the labels to
make them unique and it will compile (This has been called in as a bug).

Synopsys works fine if you use the Presto compiler (available in
the latest version). You many need to comment out the aliases.

Synplicity works great. You do need to comment out the aliases in
the package though (this has also been called in as a bug).

Divyang M

Hello David,

Some observations and looking for your insight regarding the fixed_pkg.

I tried synthesizing a simple fixed point multiplier block, initially
with Precision Synthesis from Mentor (because I am having trouble
synthesizing with the Altera tool).


Precision complains about the aliases on lines 594 and 595 of
fixed_pkg.vhd, but has no complaints about the aliases on lines 588 and
589. I am assuming this is a bug and if so, I can report it a a bug to
Mentor support. For now, I've commented the two lines and hoping that
it does not affect the functionality of my code.

Below is the code for the fixed point multiplier that I synthesized.
The block multiplies (A x B) where:
A : a 9 bit signed integer
B : a 4 bit fraction (i.e the fraction is 0.b1b2b3b3 so four bits
after the decimal)

C : result is 14 bits.

But when I look at the RTL schematic from Precision synthesis, it uses
a 26 bit multiplier.
Is this expected or am I using the package incorrectly?

I would appreciate any insight into this.
Thank you

---- Code for fixed point multiplier
USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
USE ieee.numeric_std.all;

USE work.fixed_pkg.all;

ENTITY mytest IS
CLK : in std_logic;
A : in std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
B : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
reset : in std_logic;
C : out std_logic_vector(13 downto 0)
END mytest;

signal ans : sfixed(8 downto -5);

process (clk, reset)
variable aint : sfixed(8 downto -1);
variable bint : sfixed(0 downto -4);

if (reset = '1') then
ans <= (others => '0');
aint := (others => '0');
bint := (others => '0');

elsif (clk = '1' and clk'event) then
aint(8 downto 0) := to_sfixed(A,8,0);
aint(-1) := '0';
bint(-1 downto -4) := to_sfixed(B,-1,-4);
bint(0) := '0';

ans <= aint * bint;

end if;
end process;

C <= to_slv(ans);

END rtl;

Mike Treseler

C : result is 14 bits.
But when I look at the RTL schematic from Precision synthesis, it uses
a 26 bit multiplier.

I expect that is the smallest multiplier available
in the device you are using.

-- Mike Treseler

David Bishop

Divyang said:
Precision complains about the aliases on lines 594 and 595 of
fixed_pkg.vhd, but has no complaints about the aliases on lines 588 and
589. I am assuming this is a bug and if so, I can report it a a bug to
Mentor support. For now, I've commented the two lines and hoping that
it does not affect the functionality of my code.

It's a bug. Please report it.
Below is the code for the fixed point multiplier that I synthesized.
The block multiplies (A x B) where:
A : a 9 bit signed integer
B : a 4 bit fraction (i.e the fraction is 0.b1b2b3b3 so four bits
after the decimal)

C : result is 14 bits.

But when I look at the RTL schematic from Precision synthesis, it uses
a 26 bit multiplier.
Is this expected or am I using the package incorrectly?

I would appreciate any insight into this.

Looking at your code I see:

variable aint : sfixed(8 downto -1);
variable bint : sfixed(0 downto -4);
ans <= aint * bint;

under the hood, the algorithm will see the following:

ans <= to_sfixed(signed(9 downto 0) * signed(4 downto 0))

The minimum width of a multiplier in an altera or Xilinx part
is 9 bits. Since one of the inputs is 10 bits it has to use the
next size up.

Divyang M

Hello Mike and David,

I've emailed the tech support reporting the bug.
Thanks for your insights into how the code is being synthesized.
Divyang M

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