doubt in FLI Program and order of execution



Hi all,

I have written simple 2-input and gate vhdl code.I am passing
2-input from FLI to VHDL Code and also sending VHDL Andgate output to
FLI.I am using modelsim to executed my code

Here i am pasting both VHDL and FLI CODE.


entity and4 is
port ( in1, in2 : in bit;
out1 : out bit
architecture only of and4 is
attribute foreign : string;
attribute foreign of only :architecture is "and_gate_init ./gates.dll";

out1<=in1 and in2;

entity and_output is
port ( out1: in bit;
out2 : out bit
architecture out_arch of and_output is
attribute foreign : string;
attribute foreign of out_arch :architecture is "and_gate_init_output


-- -- -- -----------------------
entity testbench is
end testbench;
architecture and_arch of testbench is
component and4
port ( in1, in2 : in bit;
out1 : out bit
end component;
component and_output
port ( out1: in bit;
out2: out bit
end component;

signal in1 : bit;
signal in2 : bit;
signal out1 : bit;
signal out2 : bit;
t1 : and4 port map ( in1, in2, out1 );
t2 : and_output port map ( out1,out2);
end and_arch ;


#include <stdio.h>
#include "mti.h"

typedef struct {
mtiSignalIdT in1;
mtiSignalIdT in2;
mtiSignalIdT out1;
mtiSignalIdT out2;
} inst_rec;

void do_and( void * param )
inst_rec * ip = (inst_rec *)param;
mtiInt32T val1, val2,val3;
mtiInt32T result;

mti_SetSignalValue( ip->in1,1);
mti_SetSignalValue( ip->in2,1);


void and_gate_init(

mtiRegionIdT region,
char *param,
mtiInterfaceListT *generics,
mtiInterfaceListT *ports
inst_rec *ip;
mtiSignalIdT outp;
mtiProcessIdT proc;

mti_PrintFormatted("hello FLI Code\n");

ip = (inst_rec *)mti_Malloc( sizeof(inst_rec) );
ip->in1 = mti_FindPort( ports, "in1" );
ip->in2 = mti_FindPort( ports, "in2" );

proc = mti_CreateProcess( "p1", do_and, ip );


void do_and1( void * param )
inst_rec * ip = (inst_rec *)param;
mtiInt32T val1, val2;
mtiInt32T result;

val1 = mti_GetSignalValue( ip->out1 );

mti_PrintFormatted("variable values out1 is %d\n",val1);


void and_gate_init_output(
mtiRegionIdT region,
char *param,
mtiInterfaceListT *generics,
mtiInterfaceListT *ports
inst_rec *ip;
mtiSignalIdT outp;
mtiProcessIdT proc;

ip = (inst_rec *)mti_Malloc( sizeof(inst_rec) );

ip->out2= mti_FindPort( ports, "out2" );
ip->out1= mti_FindPort( ports, "out1" );

proc = mti_CreateProcess( "p1", do_and1, ip );


question No :1

t1 : and4 port map ( in1, in2, out1 );

This module instantions is used to get the 2-input value from fli code
by calling foreign attribute.

Here I am able to get the 2-input.But I have one doubt.

void and_gate_init( ---this method is in FLI CODE.

attribute foreign of only :architecture is "and_gate_init ./gates.dll";
---this line is in VHDL CODe...

Here i am calling and_gate_init foreign method only one times.but
here the and_gate_init method will be executed two times.

for ex I added printf statement in and_gate_init method...

I got the following output

hello FLI Code
hello FLI Code

it printed 2 times...
I dont know the how they method called two times.

question No.2: output foreign attribute also called two times...


t1 : and4 port map ( in1, in2, out1 );
t2 : and_output port map ( out1,out2);
end and_arch ;

Here I have one more doubt..How these two module instantaions
executed..It means that it Executed parallely or sequentially?

As far as my knowleage it executed Parallely....

but here i want to send the out1 value to input of the second module...

How it is possible? need to add any delay?

plz anyone reply my question.if u are not clear my question ,plz let me
know....I will explain in detail.....

can we mix structual and data flow statement in single begin and


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