Good Morning, guys. Noob here. Please help me to code this circuit in vhdl. This exercise is already done but its bugging me like crazy. This is my code for this circuit.
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
----- OR GATE -----
entity orgate is
port( a,b : in bit; c : out bit);
end orgate;
architecture orarchi of orgate is
c <= a or b;
end orarchi;
----- AND GATE (2-INPUT) -----
entity andgate2 is
port( a,b : in bit; c : out bit);
end andgate2;
architecture andarchi2 of andgate2 is
c <= a and b;
end andarchi2;
----- AND GATE (3-INPUT) -----
entity andgate3 is
port( a,b,c : in bit; d : out bit);
end andgate3;
architecture andarchi3 of andgate3 is
d <= a and b and c;
end andarchi3;
----- INVERTER -----
entity inv is
port( a : in bit; b : out bit);
end inv;
architecture invarchi of inv is
b <= not a;
end invarchi;
----- JK FLIP FLOP -----
entity jk is
port( clk,j,k : in bit; q : out bit);
end jk;
architecture jkarchi of jk is
variable temp : bit;
if(clk = '1' and clk'event) then
if(j = '0' and k = '0') then
temp := temp;
elsif(j = '0' and k = '1') then
temp := '0';
elsif(j = '1' and k = '0') then
temp := '1';
elsif(j = '1' and k = '1') then
temp := not temp;
end if;
q <= temp;
temp := temp;
end if;
end process;
end jkarchi;
entity circ_2 is
port( clk,x,pre0,pre1 : in bit; q0,q1,z : out bit);
end circ_2;
architecture circ_2_archi of circ_2 is
--!--!--! OR COMPONENT --!--!--!
component orcom
port( a,b : in bit; c : out bit);
end component;
for all : orcom use entity work.orgate(orarchi);
--!--!--! AND(2-INPUT)COMPONENT --!--!--!
component and2com
port( a,b : in bit; c : out bit);
end component;
for all : and2com use entity work.andgate2(andarchi2);
--!--!--! AND(3-INPUT)COMPONENT --!--!--!
component and3com
port( a,b,c : in bit; d : out bit);
end component;
for all: and3com use entity work.andgate3(andarchi3);
--!--!--! INVERTER COMPONENT --!--!--!
component invcom
port( a : in bit; b : out bit);
end component;
for all: invcom use entity work.inv(invarchi);
--!--!--! JK FLIP FLOP COMPONENT --!--!--!
component jkcom
port( clk,j,k : in bit; q : out bit);
end component;
for all: jkcom use entity work.jk(jkarchi);
signal s0,s1,s2,s3,s4,s5: bit;
AND1 : and2com port map (s5,s0,s1);
OR1 : orcom port map (x,s5,s3);
OR2 : orcom port map (x,s2,s4);
INV1 : invcom port map (x,s0);
JK1 : jkcom port map (clk,s1,s3,s2);
JK2 : jkcom port map (clk,s4,s0,s5);
AND2 : and3com port map (s2,s5,x,z);
q1 <= s2;
q0 <= s5;
end circ_2_archi;
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
----- OR GATE -----
entity orgate is
port( a,b : in bit; c : out bit);
end orgate;
architecture orarchi of orgate is
c <= a or b;
end orarchi;
----- AND GATE (2-INPUT) -----
entity andgate2 is
port( a,b : in bit; c : out bit);
end andgate2;
architecture andarchi2 of andgate2 is
c <= a and b;
end andarchi2;
----- AND GATE (3-INPUT) -----
entity andgate3 is
port( a,b,c : in bit; d : out bit);
end andgate3;
architecture andarchi3 of andgate3 is
d <= a and b and c;
end andarchi3;
----- INVERTER -----
entity inv is
port( a : in bit; b : out bit);
end inv;
architecture invarchi of inv is
b <= not a;
end invarchi;
----- JK FLIP FLOP -----
entity jk is
port( clk,j,k : in bit; q : out bit);
end jk;
architecture jkarchi of jk is
variable temp : bit;
if(clk = '1' and clk'event) then
if(j = '0' and k = '0') then
temp := temp;
elsif(j = '0' and k = '1') then
temp := '0';
elsif(j = '1' and k = '0') then
temp := '1';
elsif(j = '1' and k = '1') then
temp := not temp;
end if;
q <= temp;
temp := temp;
end if;
end process;
end jkarchi;
entity circ_2 is
port( clk,x,pre0,pre1 : in bit; q0,q1,z : out bit);
end circ_2;
architecture circ_2_archi of circ_2 is
--!--!--! OR COMPONENT --!--!--!
component orcom
port( a,b : in bit; c : out bit);
end component;
for all : orcom use entity work.orgate(orarchi);
--!--!--! AND(2-INPUT)COMPONENT --!--!--!
component and2com
port( a,b : in bit; c : out bit);
end component;
for all : and2com use entity work.andgate2(andarchi2);
--!--!--! AND(3-INPUT)COMPONENT --!--!--!
component and3com
port( a,b,c : in bit; d : out bit);
end component;
for all: and3com use entity work.andgate3(andarchi3);
--!--!--! INVERTER COMPONENT --!--!--!
component invcom
port( a : in bit; b : out bit);
end component;
for all: invcom use entity work.inv(invarchi);
--!--!--! JK FLIP FLOP COMPONENT --!--!--!
component jkcom
port( clk,j,k : in bit; q : out bit);
end component;
for all: jkcom use entity work.jk(jkarchi);
signal s0,s1,s2,s3,s4,s5: bit;
AND1 : and2com port map (s5,s0,s1);
OR1 : orcom port map (x,s5,s3);
OR2 : orcom port map (x,s2,s4);
INV1 : invcom port map (x,s0);
JK1 : jkcom port map (clk,s1,s3,s2);
JK2 : jkcom port map (clk,s4,s0,s5);
AND2 : and3com port map (s2,s5,x,z);
q1 <= s2;
q0 <= s5;
end circ_2_archi;