Giving an application a window icon in a sensible way



However, as I have no desire to be a victim of your silly little
vendetta, have you considered that the blocking you are experiencing is...

[snip remainder of drivel]

In your previous episode, *you* copped to causing the blocking. Also,
it is *your* vendetta. I'm the one who came here to have a question
answered; you're the one who came here to find somebody to bash, pick
on, and harp at. Or had you forgotten?

I have forgotten nothing, even if I had, a quick search back through
the archives of this thread (which I doubt you will bother to do, as
the facts seem to just get in your way), you will see that in my very
first post on this thread, I responded to you with a perfectly sincere
post, including some suggestions on things that might help you to solve
your image loading problem in a more robust and standard way. I even
ended my post with a "I wish you luck" message, which I intended
completely sincerely.

You responded by moaning that "nobody had given you a link to ant",
with the implication that it was their fault when you know damn well
that a simple google search would suffice. You then went off on some
idiotic moan about how a search for 'ant' would not be fruitful, and
you know what, even though it actually would, I can understand why you
would think this, but anyone with 2 brain cells to bang together would
have thought, "I will try 'java ant'".

This entire thread has focused on your sheer stubborness to accept
anything but your own opinion, and having searched your posting
history, your poor attitude extends way beyond this thread. My history
on the other hand (with the exception of this major blight) consists of
posts with the best intentions of helping others get thought their Java
problems, just as I was once helped.

You can argue the toss all you like, the archives do not lie.
I do not deserve to be the "victim of a false positive" or anything
else. My refusal to accept this mistreatment stands.

I would agree that you are not deserving of these blocks. Neither am I
deserving of your accusations of foul play with regard to your posting
account, but deserving is not relevant in this case. The point is, it
is google spam blocking that is causing the problem and I think by this
point you know it too.
First of all, it looks here too like you are a) the blocker, b) realize
you might not get away with such tactics after all, and c) so you
respond with a counterthreat.

My only 'counterthreat' is that I will report any attempt at intrusion
on to my private network, yours or anyone elses.
Second of all, you misunderstand me. I have no intention of breaking
into yours or anyone else's computer. If retribution arises, it will
not take such a form. On the other hand, *you* might want to be on the
lookout in case a bunch of FBI agents suddenly take a deep interest in
the contents of your computer...

Can you honestly not comprehend how childish this sounds? In the off
chance that there could be any kind of seriousness to this threat at
all. Please dont start making silly prank calls to law enforcement, you
will either get laughed off the phone, or end up being charged with
time wasting offences.
Third and last, I'm not in Toronto, so sorry, please try again.

Don't hold your breath.

Your loss.


(e-mail address removed) wrote:
[Blatant insult snipped]

Well, there's progress -- instead of slyly insinuating it you come
right out and say it. At least it proves that you are trying to do
exactly what people kept insisting to me you were not trying to do, and
therefore proves one point in my favor...

Oh, and Oliver? So much for your supposition that maybe he didn't truly
mean to insult me.

[Snip something about research]

It's true that I won't just blindly follow links in the dismal hope of
stumbling onto something that just happens to be useful! Why fumble
around in the dark when you can find a light, or even just ask for
directions? :p
Again, nobody here is doing the muzzling. Dan has already posted a link
which explains EXACTLY what happened

No, he did not. He posted a link that raises far more questions than it
answers, in fact, because it is extremely vague on any kind of real
information, details, mechanisms of appeal etc.

Nor has anyone addressed another point I raised initially, namely that
your *ahem* Google's post-rejection page has a link for "if you feel
you received this in error" that is just a 404.
You trigged an anti-spam filter.

Since I am not a spammer, the very suggestion is a mortal insult!
What would anyone have to gain by doing the same thing again?

To annoy me and inconvenience me, or to eventually hope to attack all
of my avenues of approach simultaneously.
Unless he works for google (and I happen to know he doesnt) he has far
less power to prevent it than you do.

I have no power whatsoever to prevent it -- you've forced me to keep
posting, by posting personal attacks against me in public each of which
clearly requires a corresponding public refutation. Well, I suppose I
could do something that genuinely is stupid and just walk away,
forfeit, *let you win*, and perhaps you're hoping that I'll do so, but
if so ... tough shit.

*You* on the other hand can prevent it. Your own honor isn't at stake
right now so you can just walk away; nothing I've posted requires a
public refutation by you. So you could just do what you've promised (at
least twice) to do and shut the **** up! Or, of course, you could stop
doing the blocking thing, which you admitted once to doing (only to
subsequently deny, twice, but I don't believe the denials, especially
since your admission came only a short time after Dan fingered you as a
suspect, and you'd been on the shortlist even before *that*).


If they suggested that I was an idiot at the same time, I would.

I did nothing of the sort, not in my initial response anyway, why not
go back an reread and come back with a cite of where I made this
assertion. I certainly didnt think you were an idiot based on your
first couple of post... ignorant perhaps (which is no crime, we are all
ignorant before we learn), but not an idiot. You seem to be doing a
good job of proving that since though.
(Besides, I
thought shutting up was your goal? You've promised to several times now
but you just ... keep ... POSTING!)

You are absolutely right, and believe me, I will hear this far worse
from my work mates on Monday morning. I kind of wish I had never said I
would stop posting because I am actually enjoying this far more than I
should be. You have certainly managed to draw me into the discussion
anyway (might just be that I am having a quite night and wasting time
on the group however).

In any case, it would only be fair to the other posters here if we both
stopped at this point (unless it was on topic). In honesty, I would be
more than happy to take the discussion to email, but I suspect that you
are not up for that. So how about we agree to stop wasting everyone
elses bandwidth, agree to disagree and get on with our lives? Sound
good to you?


Well, there's progress -- instead of slyly insinuating it you come
right out and say it. At least it proves that you are trying to do
exactly what people kept insisting to me you were not trying to do, and
therefore proves one point in my favor...

Maybe the case, favour or not, its how I feel.

*You* on the other hand can prevent it. Your own honor isn't at stake
right now so you can just walk away; nothing I've posted requires a
public refutation by you. So you could just do what you've promised (at
least twice) to do and shut the **** up!

Exactly what I have suggested in my last post, problem is I can't stop
replying for some reason. I feel like I should be accusing you of some
kind of manipulation :)
Dan fingered you as a
suspect, and you'd been on the shortlist even before *that*).

Hehe. I know Dan personally, have done for years and currently work on
the same project as him on a desk immediately opposite :). Of course,
you weren't to know, but just so you don't confuse friendly jibes with
actual accusations.

For the record, and on my mothers grave if it helps, I had absolutely
nothing to do with your post blocks.


You responded by moaning that "nobody had given you a link to ant",
with the implication that it was their fault when you know damn well
that a simple google search would suffice.

Actually, I knew nothing of the sort, as you'd know if you'd bothered
to read the archives you just recommended *I* read.
This entire thread has focused on your sheer stubborness to accept
anything but your own opinion

Actually, it has focused on some peoples' sheer stubbornness in trying
to prove some false things about me (despite the obvious futility of
I would agree that you are not deserving of these blocks.

Neither am I deserving of your accusations of foul play with regard to your posting

You yourself implied earlier in this thread that you did it!
but deserving is not relevant in this case. The point is, it
is google spam blocking that is causing the problem and I think by this
point you know it too.

Even if that were the case, what you have neglected to do is furnish a
solution. Aside from "post less", which is useless, since a) I'm not
being given that opportunity anyway and b) my posting volume is none of
Google's, yours, or anyone else's business to judge anyway.


I did nothing of the sort, not in my initial response anyway...

Perhaps not, although you certainly did later, and most recently just
came right out and said it. But I didn't mean you specifically, I meant
ignorant perhaps (which is no crime, we are all
ignorant before we learn), but not an idiot.

Then, of course, someone had the brilliant idea of making out that that
constitutes a *fault* and putting me on some kind of *trial* for it,
forcing me to defend myself and explain exactly why I didn't have
certain knowledge they thought I should have had, and why it was their
expectations rather than my lack of knowledge that were the problem,
and why they should have either furnished the knowledge or left me
alone rather than attack me ...

*sigh* but explaining all that is pointless. You will continue to
believe what you want to believe about me, and unfortunately, you will
also continue to profess it to everyone else in earshot, probably all
the way until (and with) your dying breath. :p

[Insult deleted.]
In any case, it would only be fair to the other posters here if we both
stopped at this point (unless it was on topic). In honesty, I would be
more than happy to take the discussion to email, but I suspect that you
are not up for that. So how about we agree to stop wasting everyone
elses bandwidth, agree to disagree and get on with our lives? Sound
good to you?



For the record, and on my mothers grave if it helps, I had absolutely
nothing to do with your post blocks.

Then back into the unsolved-crime category they go. It sounds like
neither of you did it then. Yet Google is at best complicit (and
probably inadvertently) in some kind of attack, given one point I made
that nobody has yet addressed, which is that the second time it hit, it
was after there had been less than 12 posts in a day from the affected
account. Any limit that kicks in at a posting frequency exceeding one
per two hours is clearly unreasonable, and besides, I should run up
against it weekly if that were the limit. Which means either the limit
was lowered especially for me or someone made one of those 12 posts
actually somehow count for more than one -- a *lot* more than one.

Either way, the only sensible conclusion is that I was attacked, either
by someone who lowered the limit (and for a single specific person) or
by someone who put a logic bomb in their post headers so that my reply
would count for a large number of, instead of just one, post(s).

Karl Uppiano

Chris Smith said:
Actually, getResource is exactly the solution to everything you are
mentioning. Nothing is stored in some directory on some disk somewhere.
Everything is stored in the same JAR file with all of your code; one
file that you can distribute around that contains the whole application.
All this, and you don't have to do kludgy things like build images into
the source code of your classes.

(By the way, if exceptions should never happen, as is the case when
using getResource on a resource that's packaged in a JAR file with your
application, then it's pretty trivial to add

catch (SomeException e)
throw new RuntimeException(e);

No information is lost, and you don't have to write any complex error
reporting code or anything like that. Just be careful that you don't
catch some exceptions indicating real plausible problems like this.)

Not only that, but it is much easier to localize this way, should that
become a requirement. Putting resources into the code itself is what we've
been trying to get away from for all these years. That's why we have rc
files, resource bundles, and so on.

Karl Uppiano

Twisted said:
Well, judging by the name, NetBeans are beans *with internet added!* or
something of the sort. :) (Kind of the way half the current US patent
applications are some preexisting business model *with internet added!*

Don't let the name mislead you. The name NetBeans doesn't mean anything as
far as I can tell. They were just trying to ride the coattails of the
buzzwords that were flying when NetBeans were first created. It's just an
IDE, like Eclipse.

Karl Uppiano

I find the phenomenon of topic drift curious. There seems to be a
recurrent pattern in this group in which a person creates an initial
topic of some Java related sort or another and the topic quickly drifts
to criticism and "bashing" of the person that started the thread.

I think people are put off by your rapid shift to a home-grown solution,
when there is a very good, standard, and commonly used solution available.
You seem to be looking for reasons not to use it. I can understand the "not
invented here" syndrome, but it really isn't helpful in this case.

The technique suggested by the posters here makes packaging, localization,
re-branding, and maintenance quite simple. Someone (familiar with Java) who
inherits your code will immediately recognize the tried and true design
pattern. Keeping resources separate from the code makes it easier for third
party vendors (or your graphics art department) to contribute to the
product. Of course, that's all a moot point if you're a one-man shop.


Karl said:
I think people are put off by your rapid shift to a home-grown solution,
when there is a very good, standard, and commonly used solution available.

A shift prompted by finding reference to it with Google before finding
reference to the other solution. If (as does in fact seem to be the
case) the latter is the standard one, this is rather odd, but I'd
suggest you take it up with Google, not with me.
You seem to be looking for reasons not to use it. I can understand the "not
invented here" syndrome, but it really isn't helpful in this case.

Given that the method currently being used wasn't "invented here"
either, that is clearly not what's going on.

Thing is, people didn't merely mention the other solution. They
lambasted me for not using it to begin with (e.g. "Why the hell are you
doing it THAT way?!" or words to that effect, fairly early in this
thread). And that, of course, means that now I must defend my original
choice; someone asked "why the hell", and I clearly look foolish if I
don't answer or I instantly change my mind, so instead I must explain
precisely why the hell. And I've mentioned all of the following:
* That that was the method I discovered first through the research I've
since been accused of never doing;
* That for such a small and simple case it has no particular
disadvantages, and may have slight advantages, regardless of the
general case;
* That certain assumptions they had made regarding what build tools I
was using and what I was familiar with were not actually true...
Unfortunately, nothing satisfies them! I still don't fathom how or
*why* it has blown up into a huge controversy. Apparently, some people
simply can't rest until they've proven something -- and it's created a
situation in which I have little choice but to not rest until I've
*dis*proven it, given that the "something" amounts to "Twisted is a
Of course, that's all a moot point if you're a one-man shop.


Joe Attardi

This is definitely the longest discussion I've taken part in, and as
some other posters have said, by this point it's almost purely for

Twisted, stop flattering yourself. Nobody has pulled any dirty tricks
with Google Groups to limit your postings. I've been bitten by this
limit in the past when involved in very heated discussions in political
newsgroups. (You think this discussion is a flamewar, you should see
some of those!) Making threats over the internet just makes you look
like a buffoon. Especially when you make remarks like "don't expect
your computer or internet connection to last till the weekend". That
one made me laugh out loud!
It is rude to post disingenuous caricatures of a person to a public newsgroup. Don't do it again.
Oh, please. Is this another veiled threat? Don't make me laugh. It was
a perfectly reasonable comparison to the current debate (which really
ended long ago).

Are you still so pissed about everyone's disagreement about your
ass-backwards approach that you have to continue blasting any new
advice you are given? It's an established way of solving a common
problem (See design patterns). There's no new ground-breaking discovery
to be made here; _especially_ not your method of doing things. A Java
source file should be that, the source of a Java class. Not some
bizarrely-encoded image icon. If the String class weren't final, would
you advocate creating String subclasses for each string literal you
want to use in your application?

And by the way, don't bother using smiley emoticons when it's perfectly
clear that your posts are inflammatory and not in a joking tone. Also,
nobody thinks you are witty by using Capitalized Phrases(tm), and it
just makes you look like more of a fool.

I've never seen anybody in such denial about a flawed approach and
never seen anybody reject so much advice from so many experienced
posters who initially responded to your message with the intention to
help. You see it as an attack on your methodology, but it is more
experienced developers (by your own admission, calling yourself a
newbie) trying to steer you in the right direction. Instead you decided
to take it as a "challenge" from the "alpha male" (a really stupid
analogy by the way).

But by all means, Twisted. Post and flame on. This whole conversation
is a gem. Some great highlights:

* Software only does what its name implies
* Google is flawed because it doesn't return results that you think it
* You are a mighty hacker and will disable the computer and internet
connection of anyone who dares censor you in a public unmoderated forum
* Standardized build tools like Ant are unreasonably complicated to
learn and have no use in small projects.

One remark though on the Google issue - Google is a search engine and
they catalog what is out on the Web. When somebody runs a search, i.e.
"ant", it's going to return more relevant results first. In this case,
relevancy means its popularity, how many pages link to it, etc. It
doesn't just "know" that there is a more mainstream use of the word
"ant" and return results for that instead. There is more "buzz" on the
Internet about Ant, so that's what Google finds. If you don't like it,
you'll just have to deal with it - Ant is a hugely popular tool and
isn't going away anytime soon.

You mentioned before that you don't have the desire to be a
professional software developer. Thank God for that; I'd be miserable
if I had someone as stubborn and unreasonable as you on a project team.

Mark Thornton

Google *is* the wider world -- or at least, it's supposed to be. For a
programming-related search engine you'd be correct, but for a
general-purpose one?

It reflects the ONLINE world. There are seemingly far more online
references to the ANT software than references to insects.

Mark Thornton

So it *is* active content, of an unfamiliar new kind, therefore with
unfamiliar new security issues I'd best find out about *before*
clicking any such link...

Certainly and Google will soon lead you to everything you need to know
and more. Your browser should also give warnings if the link leads to
anything that might actually be dangerous. In the case of WebStart, if
the application wants permission to do anything risky you will get a
warning message and have the opportunity to accept or reject it. In
addition the code has to be signed if such permission is required.

Once you are satisfied that it is secure, all you have to do is click on
the link.

Mark Thornton


Joe said:
Twisted, stop flattering yourself.
[snip various things, including an insult]

And why, pray tell, should I believe a word you say, in light of the
fact that you have long since assumed an adversarial stance?
Are you still so pissed about everyone's disagreement about [insults deleted]

The only thing I'm "pissed about" is a certain fairly prevalent, very
judgmental attitude I've noticed. The sort that responds to someone's
honest work and problem-solving efforts with scorn and derision,
forcing them to speak up in their own defense, only to respond to
*that* in the same manner.

The sort that indicates that the people doing it have very insecure
egos and can only feel good about themselves when they're kicking some
other guy around or finding some reason to feel superior or something.

[Snip various rhetorical questions and assorted nonsense]
And by the way, don't bother using smiley emoticons when it's perfectly
clear that your posts are inflammatory and not in a joking tone.

My posts are nothing of the sort. It is your posts, liberally sprinkled
with insults and belittling language, that are inflammatory here, yours
and those of the others like you. Mine have been calm and rational
almost to a fault, where perhaps screaming and frothing at the mouth
would have been both understandable and, perhaps, more effective, since
then I'd be communicating in a language I know for certain you
understand instead of one I merely hope you do.
I've never seen anybody in such denial about a flawed approach...

As long as you continue to accuse me of "flawed" anything, you aren't
going to convince me of anything, because I will reject everything you
say and consider it a lie. The minute you tell the other person in a
debate what's wrong with them, you've lost any chance to convince them
of anything; it's stopped being a debate and become an argument, and
they cannot now give any ground, or even be perceived as giving any
ground, because now there isn't a common search for the truth, but a
contest; now there isn't discovery, but winners and losers, and nobody
likes to lose.

Once you attack someone, you force them to entrench their position and
in a place like this, you will never make them give any ground; not
with arguments, pleading, namecalling, or even dirty tricks.

If you had wanted to make some constructive suggestions to me, then you
should have done so and done nothing else. Now it is too late. Since it
is clear that you dislike me and wish to cause me problems and pain, I
cannot trust a word you say, since doing something you suggest may well
simply help you accomplish that particular goal and help me accomplish
nothing. You would have been smarter to conceal your goals, given what
they appear to be, and tried to trick me then, rather than blatantly
insult me; you would have been wiser to have had different goals from
the outset.
and never seen anybody reject so much advice from so many experienced
posters who initially responded to your message with the intention to

I didn't reject any advice from people whose intention was to help. I
did not accept it unconditionally and unquestioningly either, which
some people appear to have misinterpreted, but I did not reject it. I
do reject anything said by someone whose attitude even remotely
resembles yours, though. Perhaps there is a lesson in that for you.
You see it as an attack on your methodology, but it is more
experienced developers (by your own admission, calling yourself a
newbie) trying to steer you in the right direction.

"You're an idiot; give me the wheel" isn't "trying to steer me in the
right direction", it's "pissing me off and convincing me not to trust a
word you say". And that "you're an idiot" attitude oozed out of every
pore of some of the earliest responses I got. I don't respond well to
patronizing posts or condescending or derisive ones either, as you have
probably figured out by now. Why you persist in making them after
they've proven ineffective is a mystery to me.
Instead you decided to take it as a "challenge" from the "alpha male" [insult deleted]

What I took as a challenge was the hostile tone I received. It wasn't
exactly hard to interpret it correctly. When someone says "You don't do
it that way, dummy" it's fairly clear that they are trying to assert a
dominant position. When someone's response to your questioning them
instead of jumping when they say "frog" is to call you names, it's
become damned obvious.
* Software only does what its name implies

I never said that; you did, just now. I did say that if someone has
only the name on which to base a guess, and that guess doesn't suggest
it would be of use to them, then it is unlikely that they will use it;
but that is a completely different statement than the ludicrous one you
falsely attribute to me.
* Google is flawed because it doesn't return results that you think it

I didn't say that, either. I said Google is flawed if there exists a
query term for which it doesn't return the most common usages as the
bulk of the first page of hits. People googling for hoofbeats want
horses more often than they want zebras, so I don't think there can be
any disagreement with that statement, but that makes it useless for
framing me for the high crime of idiocy, so again you're forced to
invent something vaguely similar but wrong and then attribute it
falsely to me. But I don't believe for one second that I'm some sort of
supremely qualified person to decide what google should do; just that I
know what its purpose is and what those who built it intended it to do.
* You are a mighty hacker and will disable the computer and internet
connection of anyone who dares censor you in a public unmoderated forum

I do reserve the right to respond in kind to anyone who uses
underhanded tactics. In particular, if someone is going to take my
posts to this unmoderated newsgroup and moderate them, I have no qualms
about doing it right back to their posts.
* Standardized build tools like Ant are unreasonably complicated to
learn and have no use in small projects.

I never claimed that, either. I did claim that if someone unfamiliar
with a tool is working on a quite small project that has not needed
such a tool, then taking time out to download, configure, and learn the
new tool is not necessarily justified. I *would* go so far as to say
that doing so *purely* to conform to the expectations of some bunch of
usenetters is in fact *not* justified.
One remark though on the Google issue - Google is a search engine and
they catalog what is out on the Web. When somebody runs a search, i.e.
"ant", it's going to return more relevant results first.

That is the theory; the practise is apparently quite different,
although why some people think that's somehow *my* fault, I don't know.
You mentioned before that you don't have the desire to be a
professional software developer. Thank God for that; I'd be miserable
if I had someone as stubborn and unreasonable as you on a project team.

I am only "stubborn and unreasonable" to people like you. Perhaps you
should ponder why. (I suggest this, because I know you won't have
bothered to actually read and understand the part of this post, near
the top, where I actually *told* you why.)


Joe said:
You mentioned before that you don't have the desire to be a
professional software developer. Thank God for that; I'd be miserable
if I had someone as stubborn and unreasonable as you on a project team.

P.S.: if I do at some time in the future become a professional software
developer, you can breathe easy knowing that I'll be sure to stay five
thousand *miles* away from any project team with anyone like *you*.

Daniel Dyer

It doesn't matter. Since I am not deserving of such treatment, I insist
that it cease immediately. Arguing about the details is pointless; it
simply should not be happening in the first place. Either tell me
something useful towards ensuring that it never does again (and "post
less" is hardly a viable option, since attackers can make me have to
post a minimum amount just to keep a parity of rebuttals to attacks,
which means that merely to stay in one place I may need to post an
arbitrary amount, before considering doing something further such as
asking a whole new question!) or shut up about it. :p

You don't have to stop posting, but you could consider not using Google
Groups. If you use a real NNTP client, Google won't have any say in your
Usenet activity. As long as you abide by your ISP's Acceptable Use
Policy, you'll be able to post as much as you like. Yes, like many of the
suggestions in this thread, this does require a small amount of effort on
your part, but most news clients are pretty straightforward.
Nonetheless, it's clearly miscounting. The attack I described happened
again, and on *that* occasion, "twisted" had posted no more than a
dozen posts in the previous 24 or more hours.

Either the limit is under 12 posts a day, which is impossible since I'd
have run into it on plenty of other occasions (weekly or more often),
or the limit was somehow changed to something ludicrously low (then
there's the timing coincidence, if it wasn't one of my detractors
here), or the limit doesn't even exist and one of you has fairly
significant control of GG, or my dozen-or-so clicks of "Post Message"
translated into a larger number of actual posts.

Well, we're both just speculating. Only Google can tell you why your
account became frozen.
Don't let it happen again.

I'd love to help, but it's out of my control.


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