Giving an application a window icon in a sensible way



Patricia said:
Incidentally, you don't happen to know any fix for this
tangentially-related issue do you? In Eclipse I've gotten around to
creating three or four projects of various sorts. When started, Eclipse
*always* starts with the first of these as the "current" project (no
matter which was the last edited) and a blank package explorer, whose
active "up arrow" button needs to be used a couple times to get the
full project and package listing.
...[Several more Eclipse questions]

For general Eclipse questions, I suggest the web site,

I prefer answers in the form of text rather than URLs.

I don't see any eclipse newsgroups at Google Groups, and the URL you
posted seems to imply that they aren't "newsgroups" at all but rather
some kind of Web forum for which separate login and registration are

If they require separate login and registration they are out of the
question. I already have more logins and passwords to keep track of
than I'd like, and I already receive more spam than I'd like (and, lest
you're unaware, every registration for a Web site means giving out your
email address, and every giving out of an email address is a further
chance for it to be misused).

If you know of a Usenet newsgroup that's better targeted, by all means,
please reply with its name (e.g. "comp.ide.eclipse" or whatever the
fully-qualified name may turn out to be). If GG provides access to it,
I'm golden. But no restricted-access stuff behind a registerwall
please. You understand why I must say "no" to the vast majority of
suggestions along those lines, I trust -- simply because there are so
many of them.

Thanks anyway.


You've mistaken courtesy for kowtowing.

No; evidently *you've* mistaken courtesy for floormat syndrome. I draw
the line at responding with courteous acceptance to someone telling me
what an idiot they think I am.
Nebulous> I've solded my problem by doing X

Other> Have you tried Y? It has these advantages ... [snip]

Homo Sapiens> Thanks for the suggestion, I'm happy with X for the
moment but appreciate your help.

Only a dolt would think the second response is "kowtowing".

And I'm sure only a dolt does. But then none of this bears the remotest
resemblance to anything that's actually happened, now does it?
Comparable would be:

Nebulous> I've solded my problem by doing X

Other> Why the hell aren't you doing Y instead?!

Nebulous> Because <list of reasons> (this actually happened)

Floormat> Oh, I'm sorry, I'm obviously a complete moron*, I'll do so
right away sir! Thank you sir! (this is apparently the kind of response
you desired instead)

*And Floormat is correct, because anyone who uncritically accepts the
sort of judgmental attitude depitced clearly is one.
Anyway, why not unravel the statement that produced the NPE so that you
can identify the variable that became null? Don't you have ANY
intellectual curiosity?

What NPE? I haven't had any null-related problems connected with icon
loading. (I made brief reference to ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsExceptions,
but I'd solved those quickly and without assistance and only posted
about them afterward.)


(e-mail address removed) wrote:

Oh, you're a PofN sockpuppet. I can tell, because you diddled your
headers to make that last followup count as a twofer.

(And in response to some of the nonsense elsewhere in this thread:
VINDICATED! I have an explicit example now of one post being made to
count for many. So much for the various improbable alternative
explanations for the blocking that have been put forth -- it is PofN
and (e-mail address removed), who are probably the same person anyways,
doing it, and they are doing it in precisely the way I originally
guessed at that.)

I TOLD you in response to your last steaming turd that I would dissect
and analyze your postings to detect and neutralize your BS. Did you
actually think I was bluffing? Idiot. The only reason you succeeded
with that last post was that I only noticed it was you cleverly
disguised as a different idiot after it showed up as posting to two
newsgroups when I'd obviously only clicked "reply" in one. And now, of
course, I will neutralize any further attempts by "foobarbazqux" to do
so in the future too.

Give it up. Either settle your disagreements with me using reasoned
debate, or take a hike. Your underhanded tactics have been rendered
ineffective, and your insulting behavior and resorting to ad hominem
attacks is childish, not to mention reeks of the desperation of a man
who knows he's beaten.


Bent said:
If someone is trying to take over your computer via an HTML link...[snip]

None of which is applicable to the *other* matter, which is that I just
plain don't have the spare time for clicking on every single link I
see. If it doesn't look useful just from its name, and there's nothing
telling me what to expect at the other end, it is simply going to be
ignored. Sorry -- I must ignore the vast majority of the links I see
for the same reason as I must reject the vast majority of
registration-requiring Web sites; there are simply too damn many of
them for me to adopt any other policy. And, as you yourself pointed
out, with disguising techniques *any* link might be hazardous and
carries security considerations (even if some more than others).

Andrew Thompson

Twisted said:
Joe Attardi wrote: ....

Fascinating, although the user's home directory is clearly
inappropriate for an application icon.

Clearly why I did not suggest it for such. Your point
at the time was about how to get a 'user directory'.
To reiterate..


Andrew T.


RedGrittyBrick said:
Really, I wonder why it is that I am so much more productive? Oh well.

Likely, because you know of some shortcut that I don't. (Eclipse seems
to include a whole damn continent worth of just shortcuts alone, the
exploring of which would take any single person decades. So you can't
fault me for not knowing some specific one. :))

Care to divulge it? (I'm guessing it creates a new stub Swing-app
project in a couple of mouse clicks and one typed-in project name, but
does not solve the 10,000-projects clutter problem I've pointed out
such usage would lead to in a relatively short span of time.)
I have a Project called Testing, so I don't need to create a new one
each time. I just click the "testing" project then click the "new class"
button. These two button clicks take only a second or two of the "couple
of minutes".

Hrm. But then you still have a 10,000-class clutter in the package
For me, it's never a waste to learn something new about an interesting
topic. I keep them around so I can go back and remind myself of a
solution or to use them as a basis for another test case.

As a rule, I prefer to work on one thing at a time. Regardless of its
merits, creating whole new applications at the drop of a hat will
necessitate tons of context-switching and workflow disruption...
There's lots I'm not telling you about, but that is because you haven't
asked or because it is not apparent that you don't know.

It's not because (as you imply) that I am deliberately withholding any
information. Not that you've any right to demand info from me, you're
perhaps lucky that I, and others, are happy to give it.

This is uncalled for -- I implied nothing of the sort. I did suggest
that there might be a shortcut that you assumed falsely that I already
knew, and meant for you to question that assumption.
I use Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V to save a lot of typing. I really don't
understand why you think this is hard or time-consuming?

Eh what? I don't see how cut and paste helps. If I've got a broken
behavior involving my use of, say, the Foo class, in a threaded context
with various accesses, I'd need to copy and paste several chunks of
code (and each chunk means switching projects *twice*) and then write a
whole lot of glue code before it will even *compile*, likely including
a new thread subclass or two. Then I need to tweak it until it
reproduces the behavior seen in the original app...

The alternative would seem to be to copy the original project in its
entirety (all potentially however-many class source files worth) and
then pare it down, which might take an insane amount of time (and if
one important bit is deleted by mistake, the result either won't work
or won't reproduce the original problem, and then it all has to be done
again *from scratch*...)

I don't see either of these as being anything like as quick as you make
out. Unfortunately, the bugs (mine or otherwise) that would be isolated
with the least effort by this method are exactly the bugs that are so
localized to one or two lines of code that they rapidly succumb to
debugging tools such as breakpoints and added System.out.println
statements. The more complex problems are the very ones that will
require an effort to reproduce this way comparable to making a
substantial new project in its own right.

There's also the issue that the stripped-down copy produced (by either
method) will, for more complex situations, still potentially reveal way
too much about the nature and architecture of my project. I had one
reason to avoid doing so in the past; lately I've added a second,
namely that every fact that is exposed about what I'm doing is another
potential target for someone to latch onto to criticize for no apparent
reason beyond the sheer joy of criticizing someone. If I mention that
I'm doing X, in other words, then anyone who for whatever reason thinks
doing X is dumb is liable to go and open their big mouth and I'll be
forced to defend my use of X. Multiply that by however many details are
revealed, and before long that's a lot of defending and not much actual
work getting done. In the worst case, enough implementation details are
exposed, and enough of those become the focus of some dweeb's pointless
attacks, that defending them actually requires 300 GG accounts and over
24 hours a day of defending. At that point, it becomes impossible to
avoid letting at least one criticism a day slide, with the devastating
consequence of bad beliefs about me beginning to circulate unopposed.
And the number circulating then growing with every passing day until,
presumably, all 6 billion people in the world believe something bad
about me and nobody will want anything to do with me again. Needless to
say, that would then put a crimp in my lifestyle...

So I hope you'll forgive me if I'm sparing with details, and if I react
somewhat negatively to any and all attempts to pry beyond the narrow
confines of the specific areas about which I've asked questions, as
well as to all suggestions that would involve exposing lots of such
details in one fell swoop.
What NDA?

It was a joke. I must have forgotten that nobody else here has a sense
of humor; sorry, momentary lapse.
I don't have that problem with Eclipse 3.1, so I can't offer any certain

3.1.1 here.
Have you tried creating a "Working set" (see menu under
down-arrow to right of title in Package Explorer). At start-up Eclipse
remembers my last-selected working set. They are also a great way to
eliminate clutter (I don't see any Testing classes in Project Explorer
when working on my main project).

Well that would be one clutter-related shortcut I can now use; thank

I'll check it out.
I've not experienced that.

I don't know yet that it wasn't a one-off. It was nonetheless
That is what I see too. I don't find it a problem, so I've no experience
of trying to tailor this characteristic. I sometimes find it useful to
have java files form several projects open for the following reasons:
- I can cut & paste between projects more easily (e.g. real to testing)

Sounds like you need version control and branching -- or at least so
some other people here would probably jump at suggesting. ;) (I'd say
it depends on the complexity of what you're doing. If you're
maintaining parallel versions of something over a significant span of
time, it may very well be warranted. If you're just forking a quick
copy to experiment in, it might be a waste of time instead.)
Did you know that you can right-click a source tab and select "close
others"? It might ameliorate the issue you have with this behaviour.

Clutter in the source view area I can manage (although any kind of
significant debugging activity tends to result in windows open on
either standard library class sources or "No source code available"
messages regarding same; I don't suppose you can limit it to only
opening a window at the site of a thread suspension if it's inside code
you wrote?)
When I select a project in Package Explorer, then choose Properties from
the Project menu, it is the selected project whose properties are

Maybe I was unclear, because that's the properties I see too. But they
differ from the one indicated by the titlebar. That might not matter,
except that the package explorer always seems to start in the latter,
and being able to change it would be useful...
You can tailor this, I did so. Select the "Problems" pane, at the right
of the title is a set of icons, one is "filters" click it, there are
radio-buttons for "On any resource", "On any resource in same project"
and so on. I suggest you select one of the narrower scopes.

Ah. The 100 item limit seems to be tunable there also. Thanks. (Have
yet to get around to clicking on every icon or button I see in the
interface. :))

Seems to work. (I have prompt access to eclipse at this time, unlike a
couple days ago, and I just checked it on the project the icon
controversy erupted about. The 100+ warnings and errors in the
incomplete project disappeared, leaving only some warnings from the
XImageSource. I'm now seriously considering retrofitting the icon with
getResource purely because of those; having compile warnings bugs me
even if everything works. Apparently, half the stuff XImageSource uses
has been deprecated since it was written, and all of it was written
before own code may have only an extra couple of lines
and no extra I/O or error recovery to worry about, but the bolted-on
mini-library it uses is itself something of a mess. Of course, I could
have made it some kind of proper library instead of dropping the class
files into my own project and changing the package statements, but I
couldn't be arsed to learn all about how just to make one lousy icon
Yes it is possible. Position the cursor over any Java Class name and
press Shift+F2. You'll need to download the Javadocs (if you have not
already) and tell Eclipse where to find them.

Shift+F2? You don't mean just the little scrollable box with an
abbreviated, un-hyperlinked version? (Which I'm fairly sure was just

Testing it, it doesn't seem to work. It's looking for the project
javadocs, which I've not built at this time, rather than the standard
library javadocs, and that's while pointing at the identifier
PriorityQueue and seeing in the regular-F2 window the PriorityQueue
class docs' preamble (before the method list etc.) without hyperlinks.

It does at least seem to be able to find the standard library javadocs
to provide the latter functionality, even if shift-F2 is misfiring. Has more detail including screenshots.

The last tinyurl I ran across led directly to goatse, so I hope you'll
forgive me if I at least save this one for later. :)
N.B. If this is at all useful, a simple thanks would go a *long* way.

See above.

P.S. I found the "Select working set..." option and it produces a blank
selection box with a "new..." button. A bit of tinkering reveals that I
don't know what the bleep I'm doing, so it seems to be an area where
reading the docs will be needed (which is unlike a lot of Eclipse,
where it's been second nature how to just use the thing).

P.P.S. foobarbazqux's attack post, with its sneaky header tricks,
evidently did its damage after all. :p What an arsehole. I'm guessing
that whatever it looked like, it made the first followup count for far
more than just 2. Since midnight I've posted maybe a grand total of 10
posts, and in the last 24 hours maybe twice that. Google apparently
sees a significantly larger number. I wonder where the hell they are
all going? The one I definitely caught being copied elsewhere went to a
newsgroup whose very name suggests an insult, so I'm somewhat concerned
now about where the copies are going as well as how many there are. The
jerk may have made several newsgroups think I'm spamming them
deliberately with offtopic posts, and if so, I expect the hate mail to
start rolling in any day now, unless of course it's already coming and
my spam filters are stopping it all. And a longer-lived block at Google
might be in the offing if I get complained about, which I don't have
confidence I'll even be given the chance to appeal. My experience with
Internet justice so far has been that the only two options are
"totalitarian" or "rough" in most places...


Bent said:

Very well, then, it seems that [snip insult]

1) It completely disregards the shadow of the future.

If you'd care to speak English, I might be able to debate you further
on this matter. If you refuse to, then I will have to just blanket
disclaim whatever negative things about me you are saying or implying
and have done with it.

But an attempt to parse what you might be meaning suggests that you've
made a significant error. Far from ignoring the future, I'm concerned
with it. If I didn't care about the future I wouldn't care about the
fact that someone had claimed negative things about me in public. But
thinking about the chain of consequences if they do so unopposed leads
me to act differently. Consider a person who hears the insult, but does
not hear anything that provides a counterbalancing viewpoint -- for
example, a hostile claim about my IQ with no corresponding positive
claim, nor any pointing out of a flaw in the argument used to "prove"
my supposed low IQ. True, this person might discover the flaw on their
own, or simply be skeptical. On the other hand, they might be
credulous, and their belief in my inferiority will then influence how
they treat me in the future.

Now consider the potential scope of the internet, and multiply that one
person by, oh, say, 6 billion or so...

Fortunately, the very people most influenced by these insults, the
credulous, are equally susceptible to be influenced in *both*
directions, from which it isn't difficult to conclude how to prevent
the nightmare scenario of some jerk online convincing the world to have
nothing to do with me (or worse, to actively abuse me). And that method
is simple: for each insult, there must be an equal and opposite
rebuttal. The two influences will exactly cancel. Some people are
credulous, and they will swing widely both ways before settling at the
center again. Others are less susceptible to persuasion, and may budge
slightly or stay put.

Of course, this is with regard to claims that are false, or that are
matters of opinion with no real empirical basis at all. Unfortunately,
if someone were to discover a true but unpleasant claim about me and
start broadcasting it, I don't see any recourse other than to forcibly
shut them up (assuming they marshaled something resembling actual
evidence to support their claim). On the other hand, that has
fortunately not actually happened yet, and there may not be any such
claim anyway. Maybe the real worst-case is that such a claim is found
that, while false, is in some ways particularly convincing anyway, in
much the way it can be difficult to persuade a tribal people that the
earth isn't flat because the alternative is counter to their intuition
and they are unequipped to understand the evidence against its
flatness. Physically escorting them up to orbit and back would likely
be necessary, but that is rather expensive. I hope that a similarly
false-but-plausible-sounding hostile notion regarding me doesn't crop
up, the disproving of which might be similarly involved or expensive...

More generally, this seems to indicate a possibly serious problem with
the mere existence of the Internet, for all its benefits. I'm not a
luddite by any means, but this one particular area is a recurring
concern -- it seems to be possible for any kind of libel, slander, or
mudslinging directed against an individual to be broadcast unreasonably
and undeservedly far and wide now, impossible to recall it (and so to
force its recall using e.g. legal action to obtain a court injunction),
and difficult to counter it in any other way than by a corresponding
broadcast of the negation of what was claimed (in the simplest case,
"what the preceding message said is false", but producing arguments and
evidence against it is surely more effective). And of course every
opinion anyone has ever expressed about anyone else is now susceptible
to a Google search...there seem to be only two defenses. Besides the
counteropinion defense, there's the nymshifting defense -- everyone
could create a new pseudonymous identity for every separate online
interaction, for example one for each separate question or conversation
in This strikes me as a lot of work, until
our communication tools make establishing new pseudonyms easy and
automatic. Also, it needs to be harder to tie together anyone's
pseudonyms. Much harder. As a rule, the originating IP address of every
posting tends to be viewable by everybody else (not just those at
providers who deal with abuse complaints), so we're at minimum talking
about automating something equivalent to a) setting up a new GG account
for every new thread a person participates in, or at least for every
newsgroup or equivalent context, and b) Tor-routing everything
transparently with a minimum of fuss. As far as I can tell, the bare
*minimum* to avoid the rebuttal-requirement scenario is Tor-routing
combined with the creation of a new GG account after each insult,
thereby effectively erasing it from history.

And it is obviously critically important that none of those identities
ever be traceable to your name offline, lest you have to actually have
your name legally changed just to escape an undeserved reputation
created by some loser on the Internet with too much free time. The last
time I checked, that is not only a massive inconvenience, it actually
*costs money* too...and that means that a penetration enables anyone
who wants to to cost you money at any time, at the push of a button. In
actual fact, it's even worse; at least when past insults that are
believed accumulate to the point of interfering with activities like
job-finding or getting loans, the victim will have to change their name
legally, relocate, find a new job, and about six thousand other things.
To top it off, so will their whole family, and most of their friends
will have to fall by the wayside, leaving only those who can definitely
be trusted with the ability to connect the old and new identities! The
estimated expense of all this is upwards of $6000, *if* an online
problem develops into a problem of large enough magnitude. And this can
potentially be caused at any time by anyone who simply decides they
have a beef with you... I don't see any solution other than strong
online pseudonymity to preventing anyone from being able to cost anyone
else $6000 and months of inconvenience at the drop of a hat. It should
be noted that in less affluent countries and in the US with its
hole-riddled safety net, the consequences can even be death by
starvation or exposure, if someone starts spreading internet rumours
and nonsense that gets you fired, gets you unhireable, and thus you
don't eat ever again. The only insurance would be to sock a few tens of
thousands away as an emergency relocation-and-name-change fund, which
you might not have saved up yet by the time the bomb gets dropped...

If anything, there's worse. After all, people offline will know your
legal name and place of business and things like that. If one of
*those* decides to ruin you with online rumour-spreading, then to put
things bluntly, you're fucked even if you *do* use strong pseudonymity.
So the internet may well force us to limit our offline transactions to
only that which we can't do online. Human social interaction becomes a
largely online-only affair, and offline is limited to highly ritualized
formal transactions that can't be done online and in which everyone is
nervous and walking on eggshells because any other participant that
gets a mind to can blow their whole life sky-high. It's nearly as bad
as a Wild West type setting where everyone packs a gun and there's very
little accountability regarding their use of it. At least you can start
over after the attacks depicted in this scenario, unlike after getting
fatally shot. On the flip side, it's easy to set up justice systems to
catch and punish the majority of people who wantonly shoot people, and
in the process prevent by deterrence a lot of the same. There's also
the mutually assured destruction factor that you might *be* shot when
you pull the gun, if your target is a quicker draw. Whereas the same
strong pseudonymity necessary to enable someone to quickly amputate an
online "limb" that becomes "gangrenous" before it threatens the whole
organism also enables someone who penetrates your real name to attack
it online untraceably. There's no hope for justice and no MAD threat
when the victim can't identify who nuked him to target their own
missiles and the police also can't identify the perp. And that means
there's no deterrence.

I can't see any solutions to the final dilemma at all. On the one hand,
we could try to somehow *prevent* strong pseudonymity, but this opens
up a Pandora's box of surveillance, police state behavior, chilling of
speech, and so forth, and doesn't stop someone "nuking" someone else
with strongly negative belief-spreading about them. It only ensures the
MAD option and possibly enables some kind of legal action, which is
cold comfort since in that world you also can't change your identity
and start over after being nuked.

On the other hand, we could push a magic button and make everyone in
the world disregard anything bad they hear (however plausible) about
anyone else over the internet, and while we're at it make gullibility
itself a crime, banish war and poverty, and institute peace on earth by
fiat. I can tell you, though, that I already tried one of those
miraculous easy buttons from Staples and it definitely didn't perform
as advertised, so that option seems to be right out. ;)

Where does that leave us? We can't make everyone else not be gullible,
and we can't make everyone else like us or even just not say nasty
things about us on the net. We can only respond with a change of
identity if our current one ends up in undeserved disrepute (and
enabling that, mind you, enables people to get rid of identities in
*deserved* disrepute too...)

If you have any brilliant suggestions, I'd like to hear them.
Currently, my two rays of hope here are things like Tor and Freenet, on
the one hand, and (paradoxically) the proliferation of surveillance on
the other. The latter may *force* society to become really, really
tolerant in a big hurry once it reaches the knee of the curve, and that
will take the potentially serious consequences out of the equation, and
reduce insults again to what they once were before the Internet:
something you could just shrug off with impunity.


Tom said:
If you had given it a shot you would have found this free nntp server, I
found it on the first google search i performed...

It may either a) have not existed at the time the ISP/GG woes began, b)
failed some of my criteria, or c) not happened to be findable with the
queries I used. Those factors may have changed in the interim (I'm
assuming that a) if true did in fact change :))...

A cursory examination curiously fails to reveal any apparent flaws,
which would seem to be a first. What's its likely longevity?

If I have reason to suppose it's not brand-new and perhaps fairly
ephemeral, or on some kind of downward spiral, I'll probably now switch
to it; thanks.

[Suggestion of something insulting snipped]

Oops. Spoke too soon. I take back the "thanks" part.


Andrew said:
Clearly why I did not suggest it for such. Your point
at the time was about how to get a 'user directory'.
To reiterate..


OK. This thread has grown far too long for me to remember anything's
specific context, and the post I was following up to had no indication
that it had come up in any other way than as a suggested icon location.

Where, I'm sure you agree, it *would* be inappropriate. :)

Joe Attardi

B) I don't google people I'm debating hunting for irrelevant stuff to
drag in to use as attack ammunition, unlike some people around here
*cough*PofN*cough*; and

Ha ha. Don't blame PofN for your weird Usenet posts elsewhere. As
you've said before, it's a public unmoderated forum. If you don't like
it, well, don't post!


Joe said:
Ha ha. Don't blame PofN for your weird Usenet posts elsewhere.

I don't; only for referencing them where they are clearly irrelevant
and for an evident case of net.stalking and borderline harassment. Do I
*really* have to create a separate GG account for every froup I read
just to avoid this kind of nonsense? I hope not. :p

Andrew Thompson

Andrew said:
Clearly why I did not suggest it for such. Your point
at the time was about how to get a 'user directory'.
To reiterate..


OK. This thread has grown far too long for me to remember anything's
specific context, and the post I was following up to had no indication
that it had come up in any other way than as a suggested icon location.

Where, I'm sure you agree, it *would* be inappropriate. :)

Sure. I'd put icons in the application jar (mentioned earlier,
repeated by (or possibly repeating) others, lost amongst the
torrent of this thread..).

Andrew T.

Joe Attardi

a) It would mean the people running the show at Google were complete
retards and
b) I'd encounter this far, far more often.
Will you shut up about the Google Groups posting problems? Take off
your tinfoil hat; nobody is interfering with Google Groups. As I have
said and you continue to ignore, I have run into this limit at times
too when involved in heated discussions involving lots of posts.
As I'm sure I mentioned earlier in the thread,
my ISP stopped providing usenet access (to any of its customers,
apparently nationwide) but they did not reduce my monthly bill at all,
which means that whatever portion of that covered their costs is now
just going straight into their pockets.
Way to over-simplify. You are becoming quite the conspiracy theorist.
(No, I didn't actually put my house up for sale just because by ISP did
something shoddy. There are a number of factors prompting the decision.
ISP misbehavior is one of the less significant of these factors.)
No one cares about your housing situation.
Hasn't that already been done -- by *me*? Or did you not read that part
of the thread? (I'm not surprised.)
Hey jackass, I've read the thread over and over every time I come back
to read your latest drivel. Your "review" was simply a distortion of
what happened to place you in the role of the poor innocent victim -
give me a break. At least I provided links and references to the
messages I was discussions.
implementing the method I'd discovered via further googling, and busily
tweaking the icon itself in photoshop after a successful test.
So that means after that point, advice is no longer accepted? After
this point, advice to the contrary becomes bashing and hostility,
I might have been clearer in the original post on that point; likewise
he might have read a bit more before jumping on that use of "URL",
whereupon my separate treatment (and non-neglecting) of the local
storage option would have become apparent to him.
Jumping on? He was just trying to help, for God's sake! There was
nothing negative about his post, he was trying to be helpful!

No; that only started once I posted what I'd discovered using google to
the thread.
Wrong. It started when you started acting that way.
The implication that she found "my" approach (which is another
It's not a misunderstanding. You're oversimplifying again. It is your
approach as in, the approach you chose to use.
the approach I encountered and ended up using carries the cachet of having
been described by a Sun developer-oriented article, a point that seems
to be ignored by everyone else in this sorry mess of a debate) to be
questionable. At this point, there's at least a hint of trouble
Not really. I once wrote a Sun developer article about web services,
using the low level JAXM API to manually construct SOAP messages. It
was mostly academic; in practice, nobody would use such an archaic and
overcomplicated method. Sun developer articles are not always best
practices. So no, no trouble brewing here.

Despite which, the implication is "Why the ****?!" and therefore "Are
you a moron?!".
That's your ego kicking in. He said nothing to make it sound that way,
unless you were overly defensive to begin with.
Fascinating, although the user's home directory is clearly
inappropriate for an application icon.
How dare he deviate from your original question!! Oh yeah, you had
mentioned the user's directory and he mentioned that in response to
Really? First of all, if I mentioned bashing it was because there was
bashing. (Unless, of course, you mean to call me a liar, on top of
everything else that I've been called lately.)
I don't think you are a liar. I think you were overly defensive from
the beginning and as such, took everything as an attack against you,
which is utterly ridiculous.
I felt rather put-upon, having suddenly found that I was expected to
either defend my code or rewrite it (or at least defend it or look
foolish). I chose to defend it, and, frustratingly, instead of my
reasons being accepted and everyone getting on with their lives, people
just continued to question me and imply that I was doing something
wrong or stupid!
We were discussing the approach to your problem, so of course we were
asking about the advantages of your approach, whoops I'm sorry, I mean
the approach you chose. And Oh No! People continued to question you??!!
It was an ongoing discussion, so what? Nobody forced you to come back
and write the hostile replies that you did.

The fact that everyone in this thread is pretty much unanimously in
agreement about your piss-poor attitude might tell you something about
your tone, were you not so self-important to keep this going as is.

Joe Attardi

I don't see any eclipse newsgroups at Google Groups, and the URL you
posted seems to imply that they aren't "newsgroups" at all but rather
some kind of Web forum for which separate login and registration are
Um, except that they are newsgroups. Eclipse runs them on a news server
just like any other newsgroup.
If they require separate login and registration they are out of the
question. I already have more logins and passwords to keep track of
than I'd like, and I already receive more spam than I'd like (and, lest
you're unaware, every registration for a Web site means giving out your
email address, and every giving out of an email address is a further
chance for it to be misused).
Yes, I'm sure Eclipse will spam you. Give me a break. At this point I
really think you just choose to shoot down every piece of advice given
to you simply because it was given to you by someone here, and because
you didn't think of it.
If you know of a Usenet newsgroup that's better targeted, by all means,
please reply with its name (e.g. "comp.ide.eclipse" or whatever the
fully-qualified name may turn out to be). If GG provides access to it,
I'm golden. But no restricted-access stuff behind a registerwall
please. You understand why I must say "no" to the vast majority of
suggestions along those lines, I trust -- simply because there are so
many of them.
Registerwall, huh? Is that like a 'weblication'? You like using made-up
words I see.

Joe Attardi

I've read some other threads that Twisted/Nebulous/whatever else has
been in - and from what I see, he gets in a huge argument in every
single one he posts in!

Might want to think about that, Twisted.

Joe Attardi

I don't; only for referencing them where they are clearly irrelevant
and for an evident case of net.stalking and borderline harassment. Do I
*really* have to create a separate GG account for every froup I read
just to avoid this kind of nonsense? I hope not. :p

Hahaha, did you *really* just say 'net.stalking' ? What's next, LOL and
And it's not really nonsense. If it were nonsense, Google wouldn't have
provided that feature.
Oh wait, you've already said that Google is wrong. So add that to the
list, I guess.


[ snip ]
This group has a better track record than comp.text.tex, I'll grant you
-- there, every other person seems to be trying to sell something
(usually a book), and I've seen a wide variety of incomplete,
inapplicable, or outright wrong answers get posted in response to n00b

(For other readers of this thread: Not everyone shares this opinion
of comp.text.tex. Most of the (admittedly few) questions I've posted
there have been replied to promptly and with helpful information.)
(as generally indicated when the n00b does only and exactly
what someone suggests and it blows up in their face, and then they post
back to relate the gory details). Some of those cases seem to have
resulted from the answer-poster assuming the n00b had extra knowledge
that the n00b didn't actually have (so, lesson one: don't assume a n00b
knows *anything* they didn't say or show they know); one case involved
some construct that had to be wrapped in something to work, but whoever
posted it neglected to mention that fact; the n00b naturally just
pasted the construct in without doing anything else and detonated his
project into the next century, then logged on and detonated the
newsgroup. It took weeks for that particular thread to die and it ended
up with over 500 postings...

Is this the one that began with you asking .... I forget, but the
ensuing furor had much in common with this thread.

(For other readers of this thread: I foolishly attempted something
along the same lines as what Oliver Wong has been doing in this thread,
with equal (lack of) success.)
other cases have looked like they could
have been more intentional, rather than stemming simply from dubious
assumptions about someone's state of knowledge. Perhaps the better to
motivate those book sales...

[ snip ]

Bent C Dalager

Bent said:
If someone is trying to take over your computer via an HTML link...[snip]

None of which is applicable to the *other* matter, which is that I just
plain don't have the spare time for clicking on every single link I

This raises the question of why you bother asking questions at all, if
you're most likely not going to care about the answer anyway. There
appears to be a general consensus on this newsgroup (and, indeed, in
others that I follow) that the asker must expect to have to do a bit
of legwork himself to get where he's going - no one else has the time
to lead him there by hand. If you're not prepared to do that minimum
bit of research, then what possible benefit is Usenet to you?

Bent D


Twisted said:
No; evidently *you've* mistaken courtesy for floormat syndrome.

You're fond of pantomime?
I draw
the line at responding with courteous acceptance to someone telling me
what an idiot they think I am.

I don't recall anyone using the word idiot prior to this, but I have
skipped a lot of your Logorrhoea, so I may have missed it. Sensible
people can cope gracefully with being called an idiot when they've
behaved like one.


Joe said:
Will you shut up about the Google Groups posting problems?

[Attack post detected. Response mandated.]

It's called "topic drift". It happens. If you don't care for it, feel
free to ignore that branch of this thread now.
I have run into this limit at times
too when involved in heated discussions involving lots of posts.

And it never once occurred to you that one of your opponents might have
discovered a way to engineer such an occurrence in order to stifle
dissenting opinions?

Anyway, I have absolute proof now -- a post by foobarbazqux (apparently
a PofN sockpuppet by the way) quite definitely contained code designed
to trick GG into thinking I wanted to crosspost my response. It only
showed me the name of one bogus extra destination group, but it
evidently spammed an unknown but large number of others, since the
limit in question was hit again almost immediately thereafter.

The issue is probably moot now, since I'll manually edit the newsgroup
list when responding to anything from either sockpuppet from now on,
and be a bit more alert for anyone else trying a similar tactic (who
will, of course, start to be suspected of being another of this loser's
sockpuppets upon being detected...)
Way to over-simplify. You are becoming quite the conspiracy theorist.

I don't see any "over-simplification" here. They are still getting the
money in question, and they are not providing usenet service with it
anymore. Nor, to my knowledge, are they now using it to provide some
different service. There was no new feature added at the time they
removed usenet access; in fact, they also dropped web hosting(!) at
about the same time and told everyone to go use Yahoo. I let my small,
poorly-maintained and semi-abandoned site lapse rather than do anything
of the sort or pay for it to be hosted somewhere less bogus, of course.

Face it; they were simply being greedy.
No one cares about your housing situation.

Rather arrogant of you to presume to speak for everyone who reads here,
especially given that that's potentially the entire population of the
planet. Who died and appointed you Secretary-General of the United
Nations, or whatever it is that you think that you are that would mean
that you had a jurisdiction that bloody huge?

Anyway, nobody's sticking a gun to your head and forcing you to read
anything I write (or reply, for that matter -- hint, hint).

Your "review" was simply a distortion of [continuation of untruths

**** you. Now you've crossed a new line and more or less called me a
liar, and I have no other response to something like that; I won't
dignify it with a proper point-by-point rebuttal.

[I spent more time than you did]

Whoopee. I don't have as much time to waste here (and you're already
wasting way too damn much of it, and not even giving me a choice in the
matter) as you evidently seem to think I do, and especially not to open
eighty thousand browser tabs and fish around and google up references
to liberally sprinkle in my posts. I assume that everyone else here
besides you is smart enough to know how to browse their way up the
thread if they forgot anything -- easy with GG, and also with a proper
newsreader if they don't chuck all the old posts' headers.
So that means after that point, advice is no longer accepted? After
this point, advice to the contrary becomes bashing and hostility,

I never said that. I'm just pointing out that I didn't read that
particular message until later. That is to rebut the claim many have
implied and some have stated outright that I ignored that advice and
did something different out of pure bloody-mindedness. Of course,
making claims like that about my motivations and state of mind without
evidence *is* bashing and hostility...
Jumping on? He was just trying to help, for God's sake! There was
nothing negative about his post, he was trying to be helpful!

Are you blind? The post in question snapped "URLs can be to local files
too" rather bluntly as if this was some fact some backwards student
needed reminding of for the nth time, without bothering to read ahead.
How would *you* describe such a response?

The response was of a genuinely helpful intent, it would seem. One part
of it was somewhat undiplomatic though, and in hindsight assumes
additional significance as such.
No; that only started once I posted what I'd discovered using google to
the thread.
[insult deleted] It started when you started acting that way.

"Acting that way"? Meaning "posting to" I
It's not a misunderstanding. You're oversimplifying again. It is your
approach as in, the approach you chose to use.

Stop accusing me of error. It is a misunderstanding, given that I (and
others) will read it as implying "your half-assed homebrew approach"
when they see "your approach". In any event, there's the niggling
little matter that calling it "my" approach attaches to me some sort of
responsibility for it, which doesn't actually exist since I knew of no
alternatives at the time in question. That perceived responsibility is
then used as a hook to hang attacks on; accusations of doing things
stupidly that obviously would fall flat otherwise. In light of the
purpose of framing the debate in that particular "you-oriented"
language the very use of such language, especially after being told not
to, carries significance on its own.

In fact, perhaps a big problem all along has been the use of
"you-language" which inextricably mixes up a software project and its
author, and makes an attack on either an attack on both. Using "you" at
the same time as criticizing an aspect of a project implicitly
criticizes the person too, and puts them on the defensive. When that
happens, it becomes darn hard to convince them of anything, not when
accepting what you're saying would mean accepting the implicit
criticism of their person too. So the use of "you" language is
monumentally stupid if you assume that a person's motive is to help,
but on the other hand it is quite logical if you suppose instead that
their motive is to attack someone. And that means, of course, that the
use or disuse of "you" language can itself be used to make educated
guesses about someone's motives ... yours, for instance.
Not really. I once wrote a Sun developer article about web services,
using the low level JAXM API to manually construct SOAP messages. It
was mostly academic; in practice, nobody would use such an archaic and
overcomplicated method. Sun developer articles are not always best
practices. So no, no trouble brewing here.

I expect them to at least work, and (barring a single bug which their
test cases never triggered anyway) the one at issue here did.

I don't expect that the following should result in criticism, however:
* Having a problem
* Investigating with Google
* Eventually encountering a hit on describing a possible
* Implementing this
* Having no more problem

I was damn surprised when criticism was the result. And, of course,
annoyed, particularly when the criticisms called it "my" approach and
thereby implicitly criticized *me* and not just the approach itself.
(That alone implicitly criticizes, which I also find startling
That's your ego kicking in. He said nothing to make it sound that way,
unless you were overly defensive to begin with.

You are not the judge of what is "overly" defensive. See above re: your
jurisdiction, which as far as I can tell so far extends precisely as
far as the four exterior walls of your home and to the tip of your
nose, the same as mine.
How dare he deviate from your original question!! Oh yeah, you had
mentioned the user's directory and he mentioned that in response to

You didn't mention this in your post, and I'm hard-pressed to remember
every detail of this excessively long thread that you insist on
perpetuating, so I only had what was in your posting to go on there.
Don't blame me for this. It is you who didn't give additional
information in that post, and it is you, to a significant extent, who
is making this thread so bloody long to begin with. (Count your
postings to this thread and then double that to include every reply
that I was forced to make if I was to counteract some insult or
another, less the first couple that were non-insulting thus
response-optional. The result's gotta be in the neighborhood of 40 by
now. And counting.)
I don't think you are a liar.

You more-or-less came right out and called me one about two pages up in
the interminable post this is a reply to. Either your memory is shorter
than a single posting (and you just implicitly attacked me for not
remembering *the whole thread word for word*) or you're a hypocrite.
I think you were overly defensive from the beginning and as such, took everything as an
attack against you

No. I only took as an attack anything that implied that the poster
questioned my competence, intelligence, honesty, or whatever.

To recap: after my detailing of the solution I found online, there
were, almost immediately, responses insisting that I explain my choice
of approach, and detail its advantages. This is the kind of response
I'd expect to get in a class at school after doing something dumb or,
at best, questionable; not in a newsgroup where the post in question
was of a "nothing more needs to be done here, move along" nature
indicating that no further assistance was required. (And when it's my
project, of course, it is I, not you, who decides if further assistance
is required.)

I would, at that point, have welcomed anything neutral (or better) and
constructive. Unfortunately, not even "neutral" was in the offing;
every response, *every last damn one of them* suggested, in front of an
audience, that I was doing something dumb; several of them challenged
me explicitly to provide evidence against such a claim.

If that isn't rude I don't know what is; basically what we had was "if
you don't quickly prove otherwise I will conclude that you're stupid
and everyone reading this is then advised to draw the same conclusion".

This is rather as if I'd done something innocuous and someone suddenly
unsheathed a sword and said "Engarde!", with a lunge sure to follow
shortly if I didn't take defensive actions.

The mystifying thing is ... why? I found some fix on the Internet for
my problem. So? If I'd waited for advice here and used it instead, I'd
still have found some fix on the Internet for my problem. In fact,
instead of it being from it would have been from a usenet
newsgroup; I know which is likely to be considered more credible by
most people.

I posted the details. Civilly and mainly to let people know the
original question wasn't in need of answering by anyone here after all.
That's courteous; I could have just been quiet and potentially left
someone busily researching away on my behalf, unaware that it was a
waste of time for them to continue.

Next thing I know: schoolteacher-type responses testing me, like "What
are the advantages of your approach?" I didn't come here to be lectured
at or, worse, asked patronizing questions! I'm six years out of
university, not some grade-school kid taking remedial math classes!

*sigh* I doubt the exact, complex causes of this ... event will ever be
understood. Short of being able to read the minds of the initial
respondents, anyway. If I ever get one of them alone while I happen to
have access to sodium pentothal, maybe I'll find out >;-) but otherwise
it seems unlikely, unless someone remembers and chooses to divulge
their exact mindset at the time. Likely one of them actually instructs
a course in Java programming and went into "teacher and slow student"
mode without even thinking about it, and that set the tone of the whole
debate and created a handy template for subsequent responses, but that
is only ever likely to be an educated (so to speak) guess.
We were discussing the approach to your problem, so of course we were
asking about the advantages of your approach...

Why were "we" discussing it at all, once I made the post indicating I
had a working solution? Certainly not with the intention of solving the
problem, given that it no longer needed solving. I definitely did
nothing specifically to invite continued discussion. That doesn't mean
I wouldn't have welcomed a constructive response, but what I got was a
questioning/doubtful one, followed closely by an outright incredulous
And Oh No! People continued to question you??!!

By continuing to do so, they implied I'd done something wrong, or is
this somehow lost on you? (A post *suggesting* something else would
have been another matter, as long as it was civil.)
It was an ongoing discussion, so what? Nobody forced you to come back
and write the hostile replies that you did.

You seem to misunderstand the next sequence of events. Because my
competence had been publicly called into question it was my
responsibility to respond and set the record straight. To the poster
who'd asked what the advantages of "my" approach were, I responded with
not one but five that applied at least to the specific case in
question. (Later, it emerged that the other approach is superior in a
broad class of cases *not* including that one.) At no time did I
personally attack anyone; my responses were either statements or
questions of a largely factual nature.
The fact that everyone in this thread is pretty much unanimously in
agreement about your piss-poor attitude might tell you something about
your tone, were you not so self-important to keep this going as is.

My tone is that of someone besieged unexpectedly and, yes, increasingly
annoyed by it.

And it is you who is "so self-important to keep this going as is". You
have not had your honor, competence, or anything of the sort
questioned; you could walk away from this right now without losing
anything. On the other hand, that choice is denied me every time
someone posts something that claims that I did anything wrong. I must
then respond and explain why that isn't true, or else continue to be
perceived as wrong by whoever sees the posting in question. (I think I
can safely assume that the worst of the people posting such things will
never be convinced, unfortunately.)

Every time I respond in my own defense, though, some jerk posts
something that undoes all of my hard work and suggests unkind things
about me again! It is clear that there is a deliberate pattern here,
that certain people simply will not quit doing so until I let one of
their attack posts stand unchallenged. Obviously though I *can* not
satisfy them without negative consequences (while they could easily
quit without negative consequences). Why do they -- why do *you* want
this? Why do you seem bound and determined to have some disparaging
claim about me be the last word in this thread? Especially when you
must realize by now that it is futile; I will not allow it to happen
and it is easily within my power to prevent your victory condition. The
game is a draw -- please just admit it and walk away, without stigma.

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