Graphics generation and website protection.


Henry Stock

I do not know exactly where to post this because I don't know exactly what I
am asking for. I have noticed that a number of websites, that allow readers
to comment on articles, protect themselves from automated responders by
generating a graphic image of random numbers and letters that would be hard
for anything other than a human to read. People are required to enter that
random combination in a submission box before their comments are posted.

I don't know what this technique is called, but I want to find out how it is
done so that I can add similar protection to a website that I am working on.

I am hoping that someone here will know what I am talking about and give me
a place to look.


Jesse Houwing

Hello Henry,
I do not know exactly where to post this because I don't know exactly
what I am asking for. I have noticed that a number of websites, that
allow readers to comment on articles, protect themselves from
automated responders by generating a graphic image of random numbers
and letters that would be hard for anything other than a human to
read. People are required to enter that random combination in a
submission box before their comments are posted.

I don't know what this technique is called, but I want to find out how
it is done so that I can add similar protection to a website that I am
working on.

I am hoping that someone here will know what I am talking about and
give me a place to look.

It's called a CAPTCHTA test a little google search will get you where you
want to:

Includign useful information, components and self-made stuff.

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