I got "Unable to locate a reference to a supported schemakind(DTD...)



I am using XMLSpy 5.2.

I have specified the wsdl file in schemalocation, and that wsdl has
passed xmlspy validation.
and my wsdl is located in the same directory as the xml file.

But when it try to validate xml, it got error:

"Unable to locate a reference to a supported schema kind (DTD, DCD,
W3C Schema, XML-Data, BizTalk) within this document instance.


<?xml version="1.0"?>
xsi:schemaLocation="http://myurl myurl.wsdl">



I have specified the wsdl file in schemalocation, ...

But when it try to validate xml, it got error:

"Unable to locate a reference to a supported schema kind (DTD, DCD,
W3C Schema, XML-Data, BizTalk) within this document instance.

A WSDL file is a schema file plus a bit more (the schema is wrapped in
the WSDL). That's most likely the reason that the XML file can't
understand your 'schema'.

It should be pretty easy to extract the schema part of the wsdl file
and store it in something like myurl.xsd. Depending on your file you
might have to move some namespace declarations around. Maybe XMLSpy
can do this for you.


Pete Cordell
Visit http://www.codalogic.com/lmx/
for XML Schema to C++ data binding


A WSDL file is a schema file plus a bit more (the schema is wrapped in
the WSDL). That's most likely the reason that the XML file can't
understand your 'schema'.

It should be pretty easy to extract the schema part of the wsdl file
and store it in something like myurl.xsd. Depending on your file you
might have to move some namespace declarations around. MaybeXMLSpy
can do this for you.


Pete Cordell
for XML Schema to C++ data binding

Should you download XMLSpy 2008 sp1 from the Altova website, you will
get a much better error message to include a link back to the W3C
specifications as to the reason for your specific error. I would
recommend upgrading your existing license from XMLSpy 5.2 to the most
recent. At the very least, download the latest release and grab an
evaluation license and test it out for yourself. It will not interfere
with your current installation and you can check out all the new
features introduced since the 5.2 release,

In addtion, XMLSpy 2008 sp1 Enterprise Edition does include the
ability to easily edit the embedded schema definition included in the
wsdl file. No need to mess around with any of the namespaces, etc.
There are a lot of cool features since 5.2, check it out! If you need
to extract the embedded schema save the schema to a new file name and
location, then go back to the wsdl file and remove all the contents in
between the types tag.

Jerry Sheehan
Visit http://www.altova.com

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