Install fcgi-ruby for Apache on Windows Xp


Javier Abaroa


I need some help with gem fcgi-ruby-0.8.8. I have tried to create from
the source rubygem, but in Windows Xp, always i get a lot of errors and
the process is aborted.

I have tried also to make a direct install of the gem, but always i get
an error about the "Ruby Native Extensions". This is a common error that
i have also obtained when i have tried to install other extensions like
"Sqlite3" and "Ruby-Postgres".

My question is?. Is there any way to obtain the correct native
extensions and compile fcgi and other extensions without obtain this

My OS is Windows-Xp SP3 and my Web Server Apache 2.2.14. I have
installed also Mingw and Msys, if it were an alternative way to compile
the modules i have mentioned.

Thank you.

Javier Abaroa

Luis Lavena


I need some help with gem fcgi-ruby-0.8.8. I have tried to create from
the source rubygem, but in Windows Xp, always i get a lot of errors and
the process is aborted.

I have tried also to make a direct install of the gem, but always i get
an error about the "Ruby Native Extensions". This is a common error that
i have also obtained when i have tried to install other extensions like
"Sqlite3" and "Ruby-Postgres".

My question is?. Is there any way to obtain the correct native
extensions and compile fcgi and other extensions without obtain this

My OS is Windows-Xp SP3 and my Web Server Apache 2.2.14. I have
installed also Mingw and Msys, if it were an alternative way to compile
the modules i have mentioned.

Thank you.

Please provide more information about the ruby version you're using.
More precisely, if you're using downloads from ruby-lang, from old One-
Click Installer or the newer RubyInstaller project.

"ruby -v" output will be helpful.

Also, if you're using 1.8 or 1.9 versions of Ruby, as it is unknown to
me if fcgi-ruby extension is compatible with Ruby 1.9.

As you see, that information is required to actually help you.

Please include also the gem installation output: gem install xxx --
debug -V

Brian Candler

Javier said:
I need some help with gem fcgi-ruby-0.8.8

I believe the gem is called 'fcgi': gem install fcgi
(at least it was when I installed it a couple of days ago :)

To install the C native version will require a C compiler and the fcgi
development kit version 2.4.0, available from, which
you'll also have to compile.

However I seem to remember that fcgi has a 'pure ruby' implementation
too. I don't know how you'd tell 'gem install' not to attempt to build
the C version. It may be easier just to install fcgi directly from the
source bundle:

Javier Abaroa


Thanks for your help. I have downloaded and compiled the development kit
fastcgi-2.4.0 , and i have seen that it contains the fcgiapp.h source
that i need to compile ruby-fcgi-0.8.9. The problem is that when i try
to install (gem install ruby-fcgi-0.8.9 --remote), i get the following

C:\fcgi\include>gem install ruby-fcgi --remote
Building native extensions. This could take a while...
ERROR: Error installing ruby-fcgi:
ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.

C:/Ruby19/bin/ruby.exe extconf.rb
checking for fcgiapp.h... no
checking for fastcgi/fcgiapp.h... no

make: *** No rule to make target `/usr/include/ruby-1.9.1/ruby.h',
needed by `fcgi.o'. Stop.

Gem files will remain installed in
C:/Ruby19/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/ruby-fcgi-0.8.9 for inspection.
Results logged to

C:\fcgi\include>gem uninstall ruby-fcgi
ERROR: While executing gem ... (Gem::InstallError)
cannot uninstall, check `gem list -d ruby-fcgi`

C:\fcgi\include>gem uninstall ruby-fcgi-0.8.9
ERROR: While executing gem ... (Gem::InstallError)
cannot uninstall, check `gem list -d ruby-fcgi-0.8.9`


I have set the route to fcgiapp.h in my path environment variables, but
the rubygems can't find it. Also would be an error in the Makefile,
because of the "/usr/include/ruby-1.9.1", as my Ruby Directory is

Thanks a lot.

Javier Abaroa.

Brian Candler

Javier said:
make: *** No rule to make target `/usr/include/ruby-1.9.1/ruby.h',
needed by `fcgi.o'. Stop.

Then you need *ruby's* development header files as well.

If this were an Ubuntu box, I'd say install the package ruby1.8-dev or

However I don't know how you'd do it on Windows. You'd have to find out
where your Windows install came from, and whether they offer the header
files as a separate package.
Also would be an error in the Makefile,
because of the "/usr/include/ruby-1.9.1", as my Ruby Directory is

It could be a hard-coded assumption, although it should be using
rbconfig to find the files where they were built. What happens if you do
this in IRB?
require 'rbconfig' => true
=> "/usr/include"

If you see "/usr/include" then the person who built your ruby built it
with that as the system header directory.

If you can't work out how to do this (and remember I'm not a Windows
user so I can't help you much), I'd say your best option is to use the
pure-ruby fcgi library. This is simply lib/fcgi.rb inside the gem. You
can see that it tries to load, and if that fails, just builds
the FCGI class from ruby code.

Javier Abaroa

The execution in IRB was:

require 'rbconfig'
=> true
=> "c:/ruby19/include"

But when i try to install gem ruby-fcgi-0.8.9 the Makefile generate a
full of errors. Even, is configurated for i486-linux. So i think, it's
no possible do a good configuration for Windows. Only if you hard coded
Makefile on hand.

Thank you.

Brian said:
Javier said:
make: *** No rule to make target `/usr/include/ruby-1.9.1/ruby.h',
needed by `fcgi.o'. Stop.

Then you need *ruby's* development header files as well.

If this were an Ubuntu box, I'd say install the package ruby1.8-dev or

However I don't know how you'd do it on Windows. You'd have to find out
where your Windows install came from, and whether they offer the header
files as a separate package.
Also would be an error in the Makefile,
because of the "/usr/include/ruby-1.9.1", as my Ruby Directory is

It could be a hard-coded assumption, although it should be using
rbconfig to find the files where they were built. What happens if you do
this in IRB?
require 'rbconfig' => true
=> "/usr/include"

If you see "/usr/include" then the person who built your ruby built it
with that as the system header directory.

If you can't work out how to do this (and remember I'm not a Windows
user so I can't help you much), I'd say your best option is to use the
pure-ruby fcgi library. This is simply lib/fcgi.rb inside the gem. You
can see that it tries to load, and if that fails, just builds
the FCGI class from ruby code.

Javier Abaroa

The first problem is that i can't find the fcgiapp.h or
fastcgi/fcgiapp.h that i think are header files that managed the native
extensions.They are in the include folder of the fastcgi-2.4.0 kit, but
the gem install don't found them.

I have compiled fastcgi-2.4.0, and i have obtained the "cgi-fcgi.exe"
and "libfcgi.dll", but perhaps, i haven't installed the files correctly
and the rubygems install procedure can't find it.Perhaps this would be
the problem.

The documentation of fastcgi-2.4.0 says how to compile the source, but
not how to set the folders an install these on Windows environment.

Thank you.

Javier Abaroa.

Javier said:
The execution in IRB was:

require 'rbconfig'
=> true
=> "c:/ruby19/include"

But when i try to install gem ruby-fcgi-0.8.9 the Makefile generate a
full of errors. Even, is configurated for i486-linux. So i think, it's
no possible do a good configuration for Windows. Only if you hard coded
Makefile on hand.

Thank you.

Brian said:
Javier said:
make: *** No rule to make target `/usr/include/ruby-1.9.1/ruby.h',
needed by `fcgi.o'. Stop.

Then you need *ruby's* development header files as well.

If this were an Ubuntu box, I'd say install the package ruby1.8-dev or

However I don't know how you'd do it on Windows. You'd have to find out
where your Windows install came from, and whether they offer the header
files as a separate package.
Also would be an error in the Makefile,
because of the "/usr/include/ruby-1.9.1", as my Ruby Directory is

It could be a hard-coded assumption, although it should be using
rbconfig to find the files where they were built. What happens if you do
this in IRB?
require 'rbconfig' => true
=> "/usr/include"

If you see "/usr/include" then the person who built your ruby built it
with that as the system header directory.

If you can't work out how to do this (and remember I'm not a Windows
user so I can't help you much), I'd say your best option is to use the
pure-ruby fcgi library. This is simply lib/fcgi.rb inside the gem. You
can see that it tries to load, and if that fails, just builds
the FCGI class from ruby code.

Brian Candler

Javier said:
The first problem is that i can't find the fcgiapp.h or
fastcgi/fcgiapp.h that i think are header files that managed the native
extensions.They are in the include folder of the fastcgi-2.4.0 kit, but
the gem install don't found them.

You could try

set CPPFLAGS=-I/path/to/dir
set LDFLAGS=-L/path/to/lib

If you're going to do this sort of stuff, I suggest you don't install
using rubygems. Rather, use the setup.rb which comes inside the fcgi
source tarball.

Googling for "ruby fcgi windows" turns up some interesting stuff, such
although it doesn't address how to get fcgi installed for Windows. I
guess they are just using the pure-ruby version.

Finally: if you're installing a 0.8.9 version, that's someone's fork.
The "official" fcgi is 0.8.8 (the one on anyway). You
could try contacting whoever forked the code for help.

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