Installing Web Controls on the toolbar


Aidan Gill

MS Visual Studio.NET
Framework 1.1


I am trying to install the webcontrols. Have installed
into the correct directories and can run the example
pages under IIS.
I am trying to install this on the toolbar so that I can
drop it onto my pages.
I have gone through the steps using "customise toolbar"
and found the webcontrols dll. Have clicked on this to
add it but am getting the error "there are no components
in 'c:\windows\\framework\1.1.4322\IE Web
Controls\build\microsoft.Web.UI.WebControls.dll' that can
be added to the toolbox

Any suggestions.


J P Deka

Are you using the ASP.NET if yes follow the following procedure.

When you install the web controls , it is installed in the

<%LocalDrive%>/Program Files/ IE Web Controls
Then Build it for that read the Readme doc.
once you have build it under the Directory "BUILD" there will be the Microsoft.Web.UI.WebControls.dll

Then open the Visual studio .NEt and add the .NET Component Right Click Toolbox>>Customize Toolbox >> .NET Framework Components
THen just drag and drop the component Rest everytign will be taken care by the VS studio .NET

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