ISQED 2009 Call for Papers



Call for Papers

ISQED 2009, 10th Anniversary of International Symposium on

March 16-18, 2009. DoubleTree Hotel, San Jose, CA, USA

Paper Submission Deadline: Oct. 17, 2008
Acceptance Notifications: November 24, 2008
Final Camera-Ready paper: January 2, 2009

A pioneer and leading multidisciplinary conference, ISQED accepts and
promotes papers related to the Electronic Design, manufacturing, and EDA.
Authors are invited to submit papers in the various disciplines of circuit
design, high level design, test & verification, design automation tools;
processes; flows, device modeling, semiconductor technology, and advance IC
packaging. A list of topics include:

1. Manufacturing, Semiconductor Technology and Devices
1.1 Design for Manufacturability/Yield & Quality (DFM/DFY/DFQ)
1.2 Effects of Technology on IC Design, Performance, Reliability,
and Yield (TRD)

2. Electronic Design
2.1 System-level Design, Methodologies & Tools (SDM)
2.2 Package - Design Interactions & Co-Design (PDI)
2.3 Robust & Power-conscious Circuits & Systems (PCC)
2.4 Emerging/Innovative Process & Device Technologies and Design
Issues (EDT)
2.5 Design of Reliable Circuits and Systems (DFR)

3. Design Automation and CAD
3.1 EDA Methodologies, Tools, Flows & IP Cores; Interoperability
and Reuse (EDA)
3.2 Design Verification and Design for Testability (DVFT)
3.3 Physical Design, Methodologies & Tools (PDM)

Submission of Papers
Paper submission must be done on-line via the conference web site at Authors should submit FULL-LENGTH, original, unpublished
papers (Minimum 4, maximum 6 pages) along with an abstract of about 200
words. Please check the as-printed appearance of your paper before
uploading. To permit a blind review, do not include name(s) or
affiliation(s) of the author(s) on the manuscript and abstract. The
complete contact author information needs to be entered separately. The
guidelines for the final paper format are provided in the conference web
site at in the author resources section. Authors of the
submitted papers must register and attend the conference for their paper to
be published.

The International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ISQED), is a
premier Design & Design Automation conference, aimed at bridging the gap
between and integration of, electronic design tools and processes,
integrated circuit technologies, processes & manufacturing, to achieve
design quality. ISQED is the pioneer and leading conference dealing with
design for manufacturability and quality issues front-to-back. The
conference provides a forum to present and exchange ideas and to promote the
research, development, and application of design techniques & methods,
design processes, and EDA design methodologies and tools that address issues
which impact the quality of the realization of designs into physical
integrated circuits. The conference attendees are primarily designers of the
VLSI circuits & systems (IP & SoC), those involved in the research,
development, and application of EDA/CAD Tools & design flows, process/device
technologists, and semiconductor manufacturing specialists including
equipment vendors. ISQED emphasizes a holistic approach toward design
quality and intends to highlight and accelerate cooperation among the IC
Design, EDA, Semiconductor Process Technology and Manufacturing communities.

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