Looking for a FAQ article on autoposting in PERL



I maintain a FAQ for the misc.immigration.misc newsgroup. I have been
looking for a short perl snippet to automate FAQ announcements that would be
posted to the misc.immigration.misc newsgroup.

Also a perl snippet that could be run once a week to post an article showing
where the FAQ is.

I have a rudimentary command of perl, sufficient to re-engineer an existing
snippet if it uses something like sendmail, but I'm in no way a heavyweight.
There's scripts out there, mail2news, for example. But they are WAY over my
head. Something dirt simple is needed...

Is it possible? I appreciate any pointers in the right direction!

David K. Wall

cob said:
I maintain a FAQ for the misc.immigration.misc newsgroup. I have been
looking for a short perl snippet to automate FAQ announcements that
would be posted to the misc.immigration.misc newsgroup.

Also a perl snippet that could be run once a week to post an article
showing where the FAQ is.

I have a rudimentary command of perl, sufficient to re-engineer an
existing snippet if it uses something like sendmail, but I'm in no way a
heavyweight. There's scripts out there, mail2news, for example. But
they are WAY over my head. Something dirt simple is needed...

Is it possible? I appreciate any pointers in the right direction!

You could read the docs for Net::NNTP and write your own program, or search
the web for other people's code using the same module, which you can then
customize to your heart's content.

Why not try writing your own? Graham Barr (the author of Net::NNTP) has
already done most of the work for you. If you have problems you can post
your code here and almost certainly someone will help you correct it.

Tad McClellan

cob said:
I maintain a FAQ for the misc.immigration.misc newsgroup. I have been
looking for a short perl snippet to automate FAQ announcements that would be
posted to the misc.immigration.misc newsgroup.

Also a perl snippet that could be run once a week to post an article showing
where the FAQ is.
Is it possible?

Yes. I have one that sends the Posting Guidelines to this newsgroup
twice each week.

I appreciate any pointers in the right direction!

long URL wrapped:


David K. Wall

Tad McClellan said:
Yes. I have one that sends the Posting Guidelines to this newsgroup
twice each week.

I wondered about that one; whether you thought it was trivial enough to
have a custom program just for the guidelines or if you had generalized it.

Is there any particular reason you used instead of
Net::NNTP ? I alread had Net::NNTP (core module, I think?), so I used it
in my test program instead of making a trip to CPAN.
long URL wrapped:


I'm often uncertain in cases like this one if I should just give someone a
complete program or point them to relevant module(s) or documentation. I
decided on the latter this time even though I wrote and tested a small
program for the purpose. I've never had a reason to automate usenet
posting, but it seemed easy enough (a few minutes, mostly spent reading the
docs for Net::NNTP) that I thought I would encourage the OP to try his hand
at it. <shrug>


cob said:
I maintain a FAQ for the misc.immigration.misc newsgroup. I have been
looking for a short perl snippet to automate FAQ announcements that would be

There's scripts out there, mail2news, for example. But they are WAY over my
head. Something dirt simple is needed...

Is it possible? I appreciate any pointers in the right direction!

To David & Tad,

Thanks for these great replies! Your speedy responses have enabled me to
muddle forward, and to (given a fair wind) have something for the weekend...

Kind regards,

Graham Drabble

I maintain a FAQ for the misc.immigration.misc newsgroup. I have
been looking for a short perl snippet to automate FAQ
announcements that would be posted to the misc.immigration.misc

Also a perl snippet that could be run once a week to post an
article showing where the FAQ is.

I do something like this. It's based on 3 scripts. The first allows
you to add new postings to the autoposter and change frequencies and
the like, the second (run from cron) does the posting the third
displays which postings are due when.

Note that the option to have a post posted on a specific day doesn't
work over a new year (it starts in February). I must get round to
sorting that out.

The things to be posted need to be stored in text fles with all
headers except Message-ID, Supercedes and Date.

For clarity the following is not wrapped:

changes.pl - for adding new poststo and removing old posts from to
the autoposter
use strict;
use warnings;
use diagnostics;
use Storable;

my $hashref = retrieve('schedule.info');

print 'Do you want to Add a new file, Change an existing one or Remove it? (A|C|R) ';
my $response;
until (($response = <STDIN>) =~ /[ACR]/i){
print "$response is not allowed\n";
print 'Do you want to Add a new file, Change an existing one or Remove it? (A|C|R) ';
if ($response =~ /a/i){
print 'Enter filename: ';
chomp(my $filename = <STDIN>);
print 'Enter schedule type (interval or day): ';
my $type = <STDIN>;
until ($type =~ /interval|day/i){
print "$type is not allowed\n";
print 'Enter schedule type (interval or day): ';
$type = <STDIN>;
chomp $type;
$type = lc $type;
my $postfreq;
my @days;
my $date = time();
if ($type eq 'interval'){
print 'Enter posting frequency in days: ';
chomp($postfreq = <STDIN>);
$$hashref{$filename} = {'date', $date, 'type', $type, 'interval', $postfreq};
}elsif ($type eq 'day'){
print 'Enter days to be posted on (seperated by spaces) ';
chomp($postfreq = <STDIN>);
@days = split / /, $postfreq;
$$hashref{$filename} = {'date', $date, 'type', $type, 'days', [@days]};
elsif ($response =~ /r/i){
print 'Enter filename: ';
chomp(my $filename = <STDIN>);
until (exists($$hashref{$filename})){
print "$filename is not known\n";
print 'Enter filename: ';
chomp($filename = <STDIN>);
delete $$hashref{$filename};
unlink ("C:/Usenet/autoposter/files/$filename") || warn "Could not delete $filename. $!";
elsif ($response =~ /c/i){
print 'Enter filename: ';
chomp(my $filename = <STDIN>);
until (exists($$hashref{$filename})){
print "$filename is not known\n";
print 'Enter filename: ';
chomp($filename = <STDIN>);
print 'Current type is ' . $$hashref{$filename}->{'type'} . ' do you want to change this? [y/n]';
if (<STDIN> =~ /y/i){
print 'Enter schedule type (interval or day): ';
my $type;
until (($type = <STDIN>) =~ /interval|day/i){
print "$type is not allowed\n";
print 'Enter schedule type (interval or day): ';
chomp $type;
$type = lc $type;
$$hashref{$filename}->{'type'} = $type;
print 'Do you want to change the posting frequency? ';
newfreq($hashref,$filename) if (<STDIN> =~ /y/i);
print 'Do you want to change another file?? ';
last unless (<STDIN> =~ /y/i);
store $hashref, 'schedule.info';
##Sub routines follow

sub newfreq{
my ($hashref,$filename) = @_;
if ($$hashref{$filename}->{'type'} eq 'interval'){
print 'Enter posting frequency in days: ';
chomp(my $postfreq = <STDIN>);
$$hashref{$filename}->{'interval'} = $postfreq;
elsif ($$hashref{$filename}->{'type'} eq 'day'){
print 'Enter days to be posted on (seperated by spaces) ';
chomp(my $postfreq = <STDIN>);
my @days = split / /, $postfreq;
$$hashref{$filename}->{'days'} = \@days;

poster.pl - does the posting and works out when it next gets posted

use strict;
use warnings;
use diagnostics;
use Net::NNTP;
use Storable;
use Time::Local;

my $domain = 'A.DOMAIN.YOU.CAN.USE';

chdir ('C:/Usenet/autoposter');
my $hashref = retrieve('schedule.info');

# Data structure that is stored in schedule.info
# $hashref is a reference to a hash with the following keys
# 'type' = the way it is schedules (interval / specified days)
# 'date' = the date of next posting in time() format
# 'mid' = message-id used last time this was posted
# 'interval' = the interval (in days) that the post is repeated at (does not exist unless type = interval)
# 'days' = reference to an array containing the days they are to be posted on (does not exist unless type = day)

while (my ($filename,$info) = each %$hashref){
if ($$info{'type'} eq 'day'){
}elsif ($$info{'type'} eq 'interval'){
warn "$filename has a type, $$info{'type'}, that is unknown"

store $hashref, 'schedule.info';

sub interval{
my $filename = shift;
my $info = shift;
if ($$info{'date'} < time){
if (post($filename, $info)){
$$info{'date'} += ($$info{'interval'} * 24 * 60 * 60);
sub day{
my $filename = shift;
my $info = shift;
if ($$info{'date'} < time){
if (post($filename, $info)){
my $next_day;
foreach (@{$$info{'days'}}){
if ($_ > (localtime($$info{'date'}))[3]){
$next_day = $_;
$$info{'date'} = timelocal(0,0,1,$next_day,[localtime()]->[4],[localtime()]->[5]);
if ($$info{'date'} < time){
$next_day = $$info{days}->[0];
my ($month,$year);
if([localtime()]->[4] +1 < 12){
$month = [localtime()]->[4] +1;
$year = [localtime()]->[5];
$month = 1;
$year = [localtime()]->[5] +1;
$$info{'date'} = timelocal(0,0,1,$next_day,$month,$year);

sub post{
my $filename = shift;
my $info = shift;
my $message_id = "Message-ID: <$filename".time().'@'."$domain>\n";
my $supercedes = '';
if(exists $$info{'mid'}){
$supercedes = $$info{'mid'};
$supercedes =~ s/^Message\-ID\://i;
$supercedes = 'Supercedes:'.$supercedes;
my $nntp = Net::NNTP->new('NNTPSERVER');
die 'Could not connect to server' unless ($nntp);
$nntp->authinfo('USER','PASS'); #comment out if IP based
open(POSTING, "files/$filename") or die "can't open files";
$nntp->datasend($supercedes) if ($supercedes);
my $post_ok = $nntp->ok();
logit ($filename,$nntp->code);
if ($post_ok){
$$info{'mid'} = $message_id;
return 1;
return 0;

sub logit{
my ($file,$code) = @_;
open (LOG, '>>C:/Usenet/autoposter/post.log') or warn "Not logged, $!";
my @date = localtime(time);
my $year = $date[5]+1900;
my $month = sprintf("%02d",$date[4]);
my $day = sprintf("%02d",$date[3]);
my $hour = sprintf("%02d",$date[2]);
my $minute = sprintf("%02d",$date[1]);
my $sec = sprintf("%02d",$date[0]);
print LOG "$day/$month/$year $hour:$minute:$sec $file $code\n";
close LOG;

files.pl - for seeing what files are being posted when

use strict;
use warnings;
use diagnostics;
use Storable;

my $hashref = retrieve('schedule.info');
my @months = qw(Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec);
my @nextpost;

$^L = '';
$~ = 'INTERVAL';
foreach (sort keys %$hashref){
if ($$hashref{$_}->{'type'} eq 'interval'){
@nextpost = localtime($$hashref{$_}->{'date'});
print "\n\n\n";
$~ = 'DAY';
$^ = 'DAY_TOP';
$- =0;
my $postlist;

foreach (sort keys %$hashref){
if ($$hashref{$_}->{'type'} eq 'day'){
@nextpost = localtime($$hashref{$_}->{'date'});
$postlist = join (' ',@{$$hashref{$_}->{'days'}});

format INTERVAL=
@<<<<<<<<<<<<<< @# @<< @<< @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
$_, $nextpost[3], $months[$nextpost[4]], $$hashref{$_}->{'interval'}, mid()
Files posted at a given interval

Filename Next Post Frequency Last Message-ID

format DAY=
@<<<<<<<<<<<<<< @# @<< @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ^<<<<<<<<<<<<<
$_, $nextpost[3], $months[$nextpost[4]],mid(), $postlist;
~~ ^<<<<<<<<<<<<<
format DAY_TOP=
Files posted on a given day

Filename Next Post Last Message-ID Days Posted

sub mid{
$$hashref{$_}->{'mid'} ? substr($$hashref{$_}->{'mid'},13) : 'none'

Comments on these from experts would be taken on board with thanks.

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