my little implementation of malloc



is it possible that a
malloc function that use a nobody student
is better than all yours :)

How many errors do you see?

Bug1: memory<13MB
it seems do you have to write you own sprintf "Ps_m"
Ps_m(char* out, int len, char* fmt, ...)
that has the len of array in the second arg

#include <windows.h>
#include <winbase.h>
#include <wincon.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <float.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <winuser.h>

#include "winb.h"

#define P printf
#define W while
#define F for
#define R return

/* MEM_LIMIT e' il limite del numero di diversi puntatori
ritornati da malloc_m */
#define MEM_LIMIT 200000
#define MAX_ARRAYS 255

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

void* malloc_sys(int n)
{if(n<0) R 0;
R (void*)LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, n);

void free_sys(void* p){ LocalFree(p); }

void* realloc_sys(void *p, int nbytes)
{int k;
uns a, r, j, i;
char *p1, *p2;

if(nbytes<0) R 0;
if(k<0) R 0;
p1= (char*) LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, nbytes);
if(p1==0) R 0;
i = k<=nbytes? k: nbytes;
a=i/(sizeof(int)); r=i&(sizeof(int)-1);
F(j=0, p2=(char*)p; j<a; ++j)
F(i=4*j, r+=i; i<r; ++i)
R p1;

#define NALLOC 1024
// 1024 /* numero minimo di unita' richieste */
// 1024*256*8=1024*1024*2 = 2 mega

static unsigned yuyuy=0;
typedef double Align; /* per allineare alla double */

union header { /* header del blocco */
struct {union header* ptr; /* blocco successivo in free list */
unsigned size; /* dimensione di questo blocco */
Align x; /* forza l'allineamento dei blocchi */
}; /* sizeof header == 4+4 = 8 */

typedef union header Header;
static Header base; /* lista vuota per iniziare */
static Header *freep=NULL; /* inizio della free list */

static char name_ [ 1100 ] = {0}; /* name_== nome routines
chiamate */
static char memo_ [ 300 ] = {0}; /* stringa ove errori
trovati in memoria */
static int n_i_ = 0 ;
int libero_m_ = 0 ; /* libero_m_==1 controllo tutti i
vettori a
ogni chiamate di free(); serve insieme a name_ per individuare le
routines che
sovrascrivono la memoria che non hanno (e.g. if(libero_m_)
init_w("nome_routines");) */

typedef struct {
void *p;
unsigned size;
unsigned piu;
unsigned meno;

static vettore_array **p_p_p_=0; /* lista di struct di puntatori
ritornati da malloc_m */
static int i_i_i_=0; /* attuale indice nella lista */
static int m_m_m_=0; /* massimo indice nella lista */
static char **list_ =0; /* lista dei vettori richiesti al
sys */
static int list_i_=0;
static int list_m_=0;
static int show_si =0;

static int mem_init(int siz)
{vettore_array **pp;
int j;
//P("p_p_p_=%p i_i_i_==%u siz=%u ", (void*) p_p_p_, i_i_i_, siz );
if(siz<0) R 0;
{pp= (vettore_array**) malloc_sys( (siz+1) * sizeof *pp );
if(pp==0) R 0;
F( j=0; j<siz; ++j)
{pp[j]= (vettore_array*) malloc_sys(sizeof(vettore_array));
F( --j ; j!=0 ; --j)
free_sys( (void*) pp[j] );
free_sys((void*) pp[0]); free_sys((void*) pp); R 0;
else { if(siz==m_m_m_) R 1;
else if(siz < m_m_m_) /* dovrebbe distruggere la
memoria eccessiva */
{ if(siz<=i_i_i_) R 1; /* la 1024ma volta che viene
chiamato free_m()*/
F(j=siz; j<m_m_m_; ++j) // v[0]...v[size]=size+1
free_sys((void*) p_p_p_[j]);
pp=(vettore_array**) realloc_sys(p_p_p_, (siz + 1) *
sizeof *pp );
if(pp==0) {P("Fallimento realloc\n"); m_m_m_ = siz; R
/* ritorna senza cambiare niente */
goto label;
pp= (vettore_array**) realloc_sys( (void*) p_p_p_, (siz + 1)
* sizeof *pp);
if(pp==0) {P("Fallimento realloc\n"); R 0;}
if( siz > i_i_i_)
{ F( j=i_i_i_; j<siz; ++j)
pp[j]= (vettore_array*) malloc_sys(sizeof(vettore_array));
F( --j ; j!=0 ; --j)
free_sys( (void*) pp[j] );
free_sys((void*) pp[0]); R 0;

label: ;
m_m_m_ = siz; p_p_p_=pp; R 1;

/* malloc_m: allocatore di memoria */
void* malloc_m(unsigned nbytes)
{Header *p, *prevp;
unsigned nunits, *k, *kk, led, size;
double dnm;
Header* morecore(unsigned);
unsigned verifica_all_m( void );
void stato_mem(void);
{if(verifica_all_m()==0) stato_mem();}

if(i_i_i_>MEM_LIMIT || nbytes==0 ) R 0;
{if(mem_init( i_i_i_ + MAX_ARRAYS ) == 0) R 0;}
nunits = nbytes + sizeof(Header);
nunits = nunits/sizeof(Header) +
(( nunits%sizeof(Header) >sizeof(unsigned) ) ? 1: 0) + 1;
if((prevp=freep)==NULL) /* non esiste la free list */
{ base.s.ptr=freep=prevp=&base; base.s.size=0; }
for(p=prevp->s.ptr; ; prevp=p, p=p->s.ptr)
{if(p->s.size>=nunits) /* spazio insufficiente */
{if(p->s.size==nunits) /* esattamente */
{prevp->s.ptr = p->s.ptr;}
else /* alloca la parte finale */
{p->s.size -= nunits;
p += p->s.size;
p->s.size =nunits;
freep = prevp;
/****************** Blocco aggiunto ************/
size = nbytes;
led = (size % sizeof(unsigned)!=0) ? 1: 0;
k = (unsigned*)(p+1); kk=k; --k;
kk[size/sizeof(unsigned)+ led]=(uns)(p+1);
p_p_p_[i_i_i_]->meno = *k;
p_p_p_[i_i_i_]->piu = kk[size/sizeof(unsigned)+ led];
p_p_p_[i_i_i_]->size = size;
p_p_p_[i_i_i_++]->p = (void*)(p+1);
return (void*) (p+1);
if(p==freep) /* la free list e' terminata */
{ // ho aggiunto le seguenti 11 righe
dnm = yuyuy + (nunits<NALLOC ? NALLOC: nunits);
dnm = (dnm *8.0)/1024000.0; // tutta la memoria in MB
if(dnm > 13.1 ) G lab90; // se memoria > 13.1MB esci
if((p=morecore(nunits)) == NULL)
if(stdout_m!=0 && stdout_m->fd!=(int)IVA_)
P("\nErrore: memoria insufficiente\n");
exit_m(1); // voglio uscire
return NULL; /* non c'e' piu' spazio */
yuyuy += (nunits<NALLOC ? NALLOC: nunits);
/* numero di unita' di mem. richieste al sistema */

unsigned verifica_all_m( void )
Ritorna il numero degli elementi;
se il numero degli elementi e' 0 ritorna (unsigned) -1
se errori di out of bound per qualche puntatore ritorna 0
unsigned verifica_all_m( void )
{unsigned *k, *kk, xk, xkk, led;
int j;
if( p_p_p_==0 || i_i_i_==0 ) R -1;
F(j=0 ; j < i_i_i_ ; ++j)
{k = (unsigned*) (p_p_p_[j]->p); kk=k; --k;
led = (p_p_p_[j]->size % sizeof(unsigned)!=0) ? 1: 0;
if( (xk=kk[p_p_p_[j]->size/sizeof(unsigned) + led]) !=
(xkk=p_p_p_[j]->piu) )
{ Ps_m(memo_ , 300, "verifica_all_mMEM_+ p=%p size=%u
p[-1]=%u p[max]=%u n:v=%u:%u",
p_p_p_[j]->p, p_p_p_[j]->size, p_p_p_[j]->meno,
xkk, xk, xkk);
if(n_i_>2) name_[ n_i_ - 2 ]='+';
return 0;
if( (xk=*k) != (xkk=p_p_p_[j]->meno) )
{ Ps_m(memo_ , 300, "verifica_all_mMEM_- p=%p size=%u
p[-1]=%u p[max]=%u n:v=%u:%u",
p_p_p_[j]->p, p_p_p_[j]->size, xkk,
p_p_p_[j]->piu, xk, xkk);
if(n_i_>2) name_[n_i_ - 2]='-';
return 0;
R i_i_i_;

void verifica_all( void )
{if(verifica_all_m( )==0)
{P("Errore nella memoria\n");
if(*memo_ !=0 && *name_ != 0 )
P("memo=%s name=%s\n", memo_, name_ );

/* unsigned verifica_m( void* pointer, int *jj)
-se pointer==0 ritorna
1 se tutto e' cancellato
2 se tutto e' cancellato tranne il puntatore iniziale
3 altrimenti
-se pointer!=0 ritorna
0 se il vettore puntato da pointer fa parte della lista
1 se tutto e' cancellato
7 se il vettore puntato da pointer non fa parte della lista
8 se il vettore puntato da pointer fa parte della lista
ma ci sono errori di scrittura "out of bounds" 'iniziali'
9 se il vettore puntato da pointer fa parte della lista
ma ci sono errori di scrittura "out of bounds" 'finali'
unsigned verifica_m( void* pointer, int *jj)
{unsigned *k, *kk, xk, xkk, led;
int j;
if(jj!=0) *jj=0;
{if( i_i_i_==0 && p_p_p_==0 ) R 1;
else if(i_i_i_==0) R 2;
else R 3;
if(p_p_p_==0 ) R 1;

F(j=i_i_i_-1 ; j>=0 ; --j)
if( p_p_p_[j]->p == pointer ) break;

if(j<0) {P("\nverifica_mMEM_0 0x%p indice=%u ", pointer, i_i_i_ );
if(*memo_ && *name_ )
P( "memo=%s name=%s", memo_, name_ );
if(n_i_>2) name_[n_i_ -2]='0';
R 7;
k = (unsigned*) pointer; kk=k; --k;
led = (p_p_p_[j]->size % sizeof(unsigned)!=0) ? 1: 0;
if( (xk=kk[p_p_p_[j]->size/sizeof(unsigned) + led]) !=
(xkk=p_p_p_[j]->piu) )
{ P("\np=0x%p size=%u p[-1]=%u p[max]=%u ", pointer,
p_p_p_[j]->size, *k, xk);
P("verifica_mMEM_+ n:v>%u:%u\n", xk, xkk);
if(n_i_>2) name_[ n_i_ - 2 ]='+';
return 8;
if( (xk=*k) != (xkk=p_p_p_[j]->meno) )
{ P("\np=0x%p size=%u p[-1]=%u p[max]=%u ", pointer,
p_p_p_[j]->size, xkk, p_p_p_[j]->piu);
P("verifica_mMEM_- n:v>%u:%u\n", xk, xkk);
if(n_i_>2) name_[n_i_ - 2]='-';
return 9;
else R 0;

unsigned verifica_p_m( void* pointer)
{int jj; R verifica_m( pointer, &jj);}

static void free_list_m(void)
{--list_i_; free_sys(list_[list_i_]);}
free_sys(list_); list_=0; list_m_=0; freep=NULL;

static void free_vettore_m(void)
{int j;
if(p_p_p_==0) { m_m_m_=0; i_i_i_=0; R;}
F(j=0; j<m_m_m_; ++j) // v[0]...v[size]=size+1
free_sys((void*) p_p_p_[j]);
free_sys((void*) p_p_p_);
p_p_p_=0; m_m_m_=0; i_i_i_=0;

static void inserisci(void* ap, unsigned jk, int j)
{Header *bp, *p, *r;
static unsigned f_cont=0;
if(jk==0) ++f_cont;
bp = (Header*)ap - 1; /* punta all'header del blocco */
F( r=p=freep; !(bp>p && bp < p->s.ptr); r=p, p=p->s.ptr )
if( p >= p->s.ptr && (bp>p || bp < p->s.ptr) )
break; /* il blocco liberato e'
ad un estremo della lista*/
if(jk) goto label;
if(j != i_i_i_ - 1)
{p_p_p_[j]->p = p_p_p_[i_i_i_ - 1]->p;
p_p_p_[j]->size = p_p_p_[i_i_i_ - 1]->size;
p_p_p_[j]->meno = p_p_p_[i_i_i_ - 1]->meno;
p_p_p_[j]->piu = p_p_p_[i_i_i_ - 1]->piu;
p_p_p_[--i_i_i_]->p =0; p_p_p_[i_i_i_]->size=0;
p_p_p_[i_i_i_]->meno=0; p_p_p_[i_i_i_]->piu =0;
if(m_m_m_>1000 && f_cont%1024==0)
if(bp+bp->s.size == p->s.ptr)/*lo unisce al blocco dopo*/
{bp->s.size += p->s.ptr->s.size;
bp->s.ptr = p->s.ptr->s.ptr;
else bp->s.ptr=p->s.ptr;

if(p+p->s.size == bp)/* lo unisce al blocco prima*/
{p->s.size += bp->s.size;
p->s.ptr = bp->s.ptr;
freep=r; R;
else p->s.ptr=bp;
freep = p;

void free_all_m(void) {free_vettore_m(); free_list_m();}

/*Non usare free_all_m() ma free_a_i_m se ci sono oggetti
allocati da costruttori e distruttori del c++
(gli oggetti fuori da una qualsiasi procedura finiscono quando si
l'ultima istruzione del main) */
void free_a_i_mm(void)
{free_vettore_m(); free_list_m();
((yuyuy*8.0)/1024000.0) );
else if( i_i_i_>=1 && p_p_p_!= 0 )
P("Vi e' ancora da liberare 0x%p\n", (void*) p_p_p_[0]->p);

void free_a_i_m(void)
{if(i_i_i_==0 && show_si==0)
{free_vettore_m(); free_list_m();
(long double) ((yuyuy*8.0)/1024000.0) );

void free_a_r_m(void)
{free_vettore_m(); free_list_m(); }
else if( i_i_i_>=1 && p_p_p_!= 0 && stdout_m->flag!=0)
{P("Vi e' ancora da liberare 0x%p\n", (void*)

void free_a_e_m(void)
{if(i_i_i_==0 && p_p_p_!=0)
{free_vettore_m(); free_list_m();
if(stdout_m->flag && p_p_p_==0)
P("Memoria libera\n");
else if( i_i_i_>=1 && p_p_p_!= 0 && stdout_m->flag)
{P("Vi e' ancora da liberare 0x%p\n", (void*)

/* morecore: chiede al sistema memoria aggiuntiva */
static Header* morecore(unsigned nu)
{char *cp, **p;
Header *up;
unsigned len;
if(nu<NALLOC) nu=NALLOC;
// P("@@");
cp = (char*) malloc_sys(nu * sizeof(Header));
// P("%u##", nu);
if( cp==0 ) /* non c'e' piu' spazio */
return NULL;

if(list_i_ >= list_m_ )
{len = (list_m_==0 ? 128: 2*list_m_);
if(list_==0) list_ = (char**) malloc_sys(4);
p = (char**) realloc_sys(list_, len * sizeof *p);
if(p==0) {free_sys(cp); return 0;}
list_ = p;
list_m_ =len;
up=(Header*) cp;
inserisci((void*)(up+1), 1, 0);
return freep;

/* se pointer!=0 ritorna la size del pointer
ritorna 0 se il pointer non c'e' */
unsigned get_size_m( void* pointer )
{int j;
if(pointer==0 || p_p_p_==0) R 0;
F(j=i_i_i_-1 ; j>=0 ; --j)
if( p_p_p_[j]->p == pointer ) break;
if(j<0) R 0;
R p_p_p_[j]->size;

void* realloc_m1(void *p, unsigned nbytes)
{unsigned j, k;
char *p1, *p2=(char*)p;
p1= (char*) malloc_m(nbytes);
if(p1==0) R 0;
k = (k<=nbytes? k:nbytes);
F( j=0; j<k; ++j)
R p1;

void* realloc_m(void *p, int nbytes)
{int k;
uns a, r, j, i;
char *p1, *p2;
if(nbytes<0) R 0;
if(k<0) R 0;
p1= (char*) malloc_m(nbytes);
if(p1==0) R 0;
i = k<=nbytes? k: nbytes;
a=i/(sizeof(int)); r=i&(sizeof(int)-1);
F(j=0, p2=(char*)p; j<a; ++j)
F(i=4*j, r+=i; i<r; ++i)
R p1;

void init_w(const char *nam)
{unsigned i, j;
if(nam==0) R;
if( n_i_ > 2 )
name_[n_i_ - 1]='|';
if( n_i_ >= 1016 ) // 0..14 carattere 15='|'
F(i=n_i_, j=0; j<15 && nam[j]!=0; ++i, ++j)
F( ; j< 15; ++i, ++j)
name_=' ';
name_ = '#';
n_i_ += 16;

void leggi_mem(void)
{Header *u, *v;
unsigned j;
F( u = freep; u!=0 ; )
{P("|v=%u s=%u|", (unsigned)u / sizeof(Header), u->s.size );
if(u->s.ptr==freep) break;
if((u + u->s.size) != v)
{j = (uns)(v-u) - u->s.size;
P("%u", j );
else P("#");

void stato_mem(void)
{unsigned j;
P("Memoria richiesta al sistema=%.4f Mb ", ((yuyuy*8.0)/1024000.0) );
if(j!=0 && j!=-1)
{P("%u vettor%c allocat%c con successo\n",
j, j==1?'e':'i', j==1?'o':'i');
if( p_p_p_!= 0 && p_p_p_[0]!=0 )
{P("Vi e' ancora da liberare 0x%p\n", (void*)
else {if(j==0) {P("Out of bounds "); goto label;}
P("Il sistema non ha vettori da liberare ritornati da
malloc_m\n"); // j==-1
j=verifica_m(0, 0);
if(j==1) P("Sia la base sia il contatore sono NULLI\n");
else if(j==2) P("Il contatore e' nullo ma la base no\n");
else {label: ;
P("Errori nella memoria\n");
if(*memo_ && *name_)
P("memo=%s name=%s\n", memo_, name_ );
// free_vettore_m(); free_list_m();

void controlla_m(char* st)
{P("!%s!", st);
{if(st) P("ERRORE!");

/* free: inserisce in free list il blocco ap */
void free_m(void* ap)
{ int j, k;
if(ap==0) R ;
if(k=verifica_m(ap, &j))
{ if(k==7)
{P("free_m(): ha cercato di liberare un puntatore che
non \n");
P("appartiene a quelli rilasciati da malloc_m: Esco...
else if(k==8 || k==9)
{P("free_m(): ha cercato di liberare un puntatore
P("in cui \"out of bound\" riscrittura. Esco... \n");
// free_vettore_m(); free_list_m();
inserisci(ap, 0, j);

void stampa_chiamate(void){P("memo=%s name=%s\n", memo_, name_ );}


i would sai it is better
malloc(int a) than malloc(size_t a) or malloc(unsigned a)
because i can control if a<0 and in that case exit

Martin Ambuhl

¬a\/b said:
is it possible that a
malloc function that use a nobody student
is better than all yours :)

How many errors do you see?

Before we get into any substantive code,
#include <windows.h>
#include <winbase.h>
#include <wincon.h>
#include <winuser.h>
#include "winb.h"

All of the above are non-standard. Anything in the code that depends on
any of the above will not work outside of one specific proprietary
system. Post to a newsgroup for that OS, not here, but first check
their FAQs and prior postings. Your post may be beyond the size anyone
bothers with.

#define P printf
#define W while
#define F for
#define R return

To avoid being thought an illiterate fool, get rid of the above.


is it possible that a
malloc function that use a nobody student
is better than all yours :)

Much likly. This seems to me like _typical_ c.
C is used by most programmers, so it must be the best?
Therefore your code must be best.
I dont know c, so I cant confirm.



In comp.lang.c "¬a\\/b said:
is it possible that a
malloc function that use a nobody student
is better than all yours :)

How many errors do you see?

I didn't even bother to look, since my compiler found 46 already.

[snipped IOCCC-worthy code]


i would sai it is better
malloc(int a) than malloc(size_t a) or malloc(unsigned a)
because i can control if a<0 and in that case exit
not really. malloc with unsigned argument can have some upper-bound
defined (other than 7FFFFFFFh), and result is same.


#include said:
All of the above are non-standard. Anything in the code that depends on
any of the above will not work outside of one specific proprietary
system. Post to a newsgroup for that OS, not here, but first check
their FAQs and prior postings. Your post may be beyond the size anyone
bothers with.
hey, don't be nazi. you NEED to call system to do memory management.
Point of this topic is to demonstrate his handler, and it is impossible
without. And it's enough to support one OS in demonstration, win32 is a
good choice because most asmers use it.
oh god... don't be afraid of typing. also choose less obfuscative names
for your variables


���������������� said:
is it possible that a
malloc function that use a nobody student
is better than all yours :)

How many errors do you see?

My compiler shows 51 errors 17 warnings(is this a code :p) apart from
the fact that all the headers are system specific..not

Keith Thompson

Martin Ambuhl said:
¬a\/b wrote: [snip]
#define P printf
#define W while
#define F for
#define R return

To avoid being thought an illiterate fool, get rid of the above.

We've been telling him that for years; it hasn't done any good.


¬a\/b said:
is it possible that a
malloc function that use a nobody student
is better than all yours :)

How many errors do you see?
<sniped code eligible for>

This group (comp.lang.c), doesn't discuss details of implementation.
Since you appear to be targetting the Windows platform, post to a
Windows group. It's also not topical for alt.lang.asm.


//\\\\o//\\\\annabee said:
Much likly. This seems to me like _typical_ c.

No it's not. avb is well known in all the groups he posts in, for using
illegible style and needlessly obfuscating his code. This is not an
example of good C programming.

Robert Redelmeier

In alt.lang.asm [email protected] said:
hey, don't be nazi. you NEED to call system to do memory management.

At some level, yes. The traditional one is brk() and mmap()
has recently been added to most OSes. malloc() itself is _NOT_
a syscall but very deliberately a libc call.

At a more detailed level, users ought to write their own
allocators when they have specialised needs that potentially
aren't handled by the general purpose malloc().

-- Robert

jacob navia

(e-mail address removed) a écrit :
hey, don't be nazi. you NEED to call system to do memory management.
Point of this topic is to demonstrate his handler, and it is impossible
without. And it's enough to support one OS in demonstration, win32 is a
good choice because most asmers use it.

I agree with that. How can one write an allocator
without calling the OS?



jacob said:
(e-mail address removed) a écrit :

I agree with that. How can one write an allocator
without calling the OS?

To be pedantic an allocator's job is to manage a chunk of memory.
Nothing says that that chunk should be created from a syscall. A
simplistic allocator can be built around a global array for example.

Flash Gordon

jacob navia wrote, On 27/01/07 14:54:
(e-mail address removed) a écrit :

OK, you've lost the argument according to standard Usenet etiquette.

I've got no idea what you mean by "asmers", but a lot of people don't
use Windows here. Of the half dozen machines I've been using whilst
working today, or example, *none* are running Windows.

In any case, based on what others have spotted in the code it looks
suspiciously like the return of a troll who has been here before, in
which case the the purpose is not to demonstrate anything, it is merely
to annoy.
I agree with that. How can one write an allocator
without calling the OS?

Depending on your definition of "calling the OS" I can think of three ways.

Use the C library provided malloc and friends. Yes, people do sometimes
do this to an extent for perfectly good reasons, and discussion of such
would be perfectly topical here.

Write an OS where malloc and friends are the primitive memory management
functions, then it is OS code rather than calling the OS. How to do this
would not be topical here.

Allocate memory from a large static array. There is no standard way to
ensure you have met the alignment requirements for all types, but other
than that it is all standard C and discussion of it would be topical of
it here. There are times when there are good reasons for doing this.

Robert Redelmeier

In alt.lang.asm "?a\\/b said:
is it possible that a malloc function that use a nobody
student is better than all yours :)

Poxy `c` is OT to the point of flamebait for ALA.

"better" is a relative term that evokes some sort of
standard and values. ASM has no std malloc() and you've
given no hint of what values you code is good at.

-- Robert

Martin Ambuhl

hey, don't be nazi. you NEED to call system to do memory management.

Don't engage in gratuitous name calling. If you need system calls, then
you have no business posting to comp.lang.c. Such posts belong in
system-specific newsgroups, as I already pointed out.

Richard Tobin

I agree with that. How can one write an allocator
without calling the OS?

An OS could provide heap space without system calls just as it
provides stack space.

-- Richard

Mark McIntyre

On 27 Jan 2007 00:48:14 -0800, in comp.lang.c , "(e-mail address removed)"

(of someone posting platform-specific nonstandard code to CLC)
hey, don't be nazi.

Godwins rule?
you NEED to call system to do memory management.

Sure. but then its offtopic in CLC, whose topic is portable code, and
its offtopic in CLA because its not assembler.
oh god... don't be afraid of typing. also choose less obfuscative names
for your variables

For your reference, the guy who posts using these abbreviations is (or
is copying) a known troll.

Mark McIntyre

"Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place.
Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are,
by definition, not smart enough to debug it."
--Brian Kernighan

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