Parser error: cannot load type master page


Julia B

Hi all

Got an ASP.Net 2.0 web application in VB which uses a master page. When I
try to run the app on my local machine in debug mode, I get the following

Parser error message: could not load type 'RCMaster'. The error occurs in
line one of the source code of the RCMaster file which is:

<%@ Master Language="VB" AutoEventWireup="false"
CodeBehind="RCMaster.Master.vb" Inherits="RCMaster" %>

I've checked that the partial classes RCMaster.Master.vb and
RCMaster.Master.Designer.vb are both public.

I've deleted the files in the bin folder several times and re-built and get
the same error. I've restarted the IIS server and checked all the properties
on the virtual directory and all seem to be OK.

Any ideas where to look now?


Julia B

Hi all,

Just had another thought. I deleted the master file and recreated it and it
works fine now. I still have no idea why it was causing a problem in the
first place but never mind!


Gregory A. Beamer

Got an ASP.Net 2.0 web application in VB which uses a master page.
When I try to run the app on my local machine in debug mode, I get the
following error:

Parser error message: could not load type 'RCMaster'. The error occurs
in line one of the source code of the RCMaster file which is:

<%@ Master Language="VB" AutoEventWireup="false"
CodeBehind="RCMaster.Master.vb" Inherits="RCMaster" %>

I've checked that the partial classes RCMaster.Master.vb and
RCMaster.Master.Designer.vb are both public.

I've deleted the files in the bin folder several times and re-built
and get the same error. I've restarted the IIS server and checked all
the properties on the virtual directory and all seem to be OK.

Any ideas where to look now?

Check the name of the code behind class. In addition, see if there is a
namespace added to the class. Either can interfere with linking.

It looks like you found the answer already, however, so this is a
future, "if it happens again" thing.

Peace and Grace,

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