Perl Multithreading and use of Perl Modules



Hello all,
I'm trying to create a multithreaded program in Perl 5.8 on Linux.
I am trying to package up my code into a .pm file, but I would still
like to be able to do some shared memory between running threads.

I seem to be hitting a road block where I may want a subroutine that's
in the module to have access to a shared memory variable.
Because the module starts up in a seperate memory space I can't get
access to the shared memory variables that I'm declaring in the main

In some cases I'm trying to simply read a shared variable, but in other
cases I would like to update data in a shared hash.

Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I could best accomplish


A. Sinan Unur

I'm trying to create a multithreaded program in Perl 5.8 on Linux.
I am trying to package up my code into a .pm file, but I would still
like to be able to do some shared memory between running threads.

I seem to be hitting a road block where I may want a subroutine that's
in the module to have access to a shared memory variable.
Because the module starts up in a seperate memory space I can't get
access to the shared memory variables that I'm declaring in the main

In some cases I'm trying to simply read a shared variable, but in
other cases I would like to update data in a shared hash.

You have not given enough information. It would be immensely helpful if
you could give a minimal example which does not do what you want, and
explain exactly what you would like it to do instead, you will have a
better chance of getting useful responses.

As it stands, trying to help you involves setting up a lot of
scaffolding based on guesswork which I doubt many people will be doing.



You have not given enough information. It would be immensely helpful if
you could give a minimal example which does not do what you want, and
explain exactly what you would like it to do instead, you will have a
better chance of getting useful responses.

As it stands, trying to help you involves setting up a lot of
scaffolding based on guesswork which I doubt many people will be doing.


Sure, more info is always helpful...

The sample below consists of two files: which is the main perl file, and which is the perl module.

I would like to find the best way to allow the subroutines in to access some shared variables made possible through
multithreading. If someone out there believes this isbad programming
practice, then please suggest the best way to get the info I'm looking
for in the script below.

The idea in this example is to run a counter in multiple threads. As
the counters run, I would like to have a shared variable incremented as
each counter thread executes it's iteration of the counter.

The code below is broken, in that I'm not sure how to get the
subroutines in to access the shared variable from
The tracker() subroutine needs to be able to check the shared variables
in order to report status. The join method only allows data to be
returned when the thread exits. However, I would like the tracker
process to be able to collect live data from the counter threads while
they are running. In reality, these threads will be running for minutes
or hours, and I would like to have the tracker process report data as
close to realtime as possible.

I have gotten this to run when all the subroutines are in the, but I would like to run the subroutines in a module for
repeated use among other perl programs.

When it runs in a single perl script it looks like this:
# ./
Counter1 Counter4 Counter5 TOTAL
1 1
2 1 3
3 1 4
4 2 6
5 2 1 8

However, in the "modularized" state I only get this:
# ./

Counter1 Counter4 Counter5 TOTAL
All Threads have closed, shutting down tracker
EXIT Values: 1: 0 2: 0 3: 0 Trk:
Attempt to free unreferenced scalar: SV 0x8c272bc, Perl interpreter:
0x8b75cf0 during global destruction.
Attempt to free unreferenced scalar: SV 0x8ba4f00, Perl interpreter:
0x8b13ed0 during global destruction.
Attempt to free unreferenced scalar: SV 0x8b431ac, Perl interpreter:
0x8ab1b58 during global destruction.
Attempt to free unreferenced scalar: SV 0x8adffa8, Perl interpreter:
0x89b3050 during global destruction.


# Threading requires use of the "threads" module
use threads;
# In order to use shared variables, you need to include the
"threads::shared" module
use threads::shared;
use testmulti qw(tracker counter);

# In this example we're going to start 3 threads of incrementing
# each counter runs at a different time interval.
# The purpose of this example is to show how to use shared memory for
# constantly running threads

# Establish some shared variables for the counters
my %stats : shared; #This hash is used to track the stats of each
my $total : shared; #This string variable holds the total of all
counters and is writable via variable locking

my $end_test=9; #Here we define how many test intervals to run

# Let's run 3 counters of different sleep intervals
my @tests : shared = (1,2,5);

# Start the threads
# Here we are creating threads that will call the counter() subroutine.

# the second argument is the list of variables to pass to the
# Syntax: $handle = threads->create(subroutine,list of args);
my $counter1 = threads->create("counter", "$tests[0],$end_test");
my $counter4 = threads->create("counter", $tests[1]);
my $counter5 = threads->create("counter", $tests[2]);

# Run status tracker in seperate thread
# We will use this thread to collect the data from the shared variables
# and print the results.
# "tracker" is the name of the subroutine to call
# "1" is the number of seconds to sleep in between checks

my $tracker1 = threads->create("tracker", "1,@tests");

# The join() method allows you to collect return data from the thread
when it closes
my $return1 = $counter1->join();
my $return4 = $counter4->join();
my $return5 = $counter5->join();
my $returnt = $tracker1->join();
print "EXIT Values: 1: $return1 2: $return4 3: $return5 Trk:



# Multithread test package
package testmulti;
use strict;
use base 'Exporter';
use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT);
@ISA = ('Exporter');
@EXPORT = qw(&tracker &counter);

#use threads::shared;

#my %stats : shared; #This hash is used to track the stats of each
#my $total : shared; #This string variable holds the total of all
counters. We use this to show locking

# Subroutine that tracks the results of the running counters
sub tracker {
my ($interval, @tests) = @_;

# Take the count of the number of running processes and increase by
1 since it's 0 based
my $num_tests = $#tests;

#print column headers
print "Counter1 Counter4 Counter5 TOTAL\n" ;
# Start the while loop for this subroutine
while () {
# Pull the list of running threads and increment counter of
running threads
my (@running_threads) = threads->list();
my $num_threads = $#running_threads;
# Detect a thread is missing and alert
print "A Thread has shut down\n" if $num_threads < $num_tests;

# For the purposes of a clean shutdown, we want the tracker to
return to the main thread when it's done.
# It becomes done, when all of the other threads have shut down.
if ($num_threads == 1){
print "All Threads have closed, shutting down tracker\n";

# Print counter result data, if there's anything to print
if $stats{$tests[0]};
sleep $interval;



#Simple subroutine for counting something
sub counter{
my ($interval, $end_test) = @_;
# This is an "internal counter" that will be used to generate a return
# I only use it here to simulate having some value to return.
my $int_ctr=0;

# Run the counter until we reach the max number of counter tests to
run, as defined by a global variable
while($total < $end_test){
print "\t\t\t\t\tCounter $interval reports the total as $total\n";
sleep $interval;
# Lock the $total variable for writing. This causes other threads
to block while waiting for the lock to be released
# THe lock is released when the code context is exited at the end
of the BLOCK
# Return a known value so that we know what we're getting in the
join() method
return $int_ctr;



A. Sinan Unur



The sample below consists of two files: which is the main perl file, and which is the perl module.

Thanks for posting that. I have not yet run anything but just a cursory
look makes me wonder about something. See below.

use strict;
use warnings;

# Threading requires use of the "threads" module
use threads;

Long comments like this tend to wrap, and make it difficult to get your
code to run.
my $tracker1 = threads->create("tracker", "1,@tests");

sub tracker {
my ($interval, @tests) = @_;
my $num_tests = $#tests;

This is weird. You pass tracker only two arguments: The string
"tracker" and the *string* "1,1, 2, 5". That is, in the sub tracker,
@tests contains only one element.

I do not know if this has anything to do with your problem, but it seems
to be a significant error in logic.

Please also see

perldoc -q always.


A. Sinan Unur

# Subroutine that tracks the results of the running counters
sub tracker {
my ($interval, @tests) = @_; ....
my $num_tests = $#tests;

In addition to my comments elsethread, you seem to be unaware that

my $num_tests = @tests;

would give the number of elements in @tests. In addition, unless you are
changing the number of elements in @tests, you do not need the variable
$num_tests. You can just use @tests in scalar context.



A. Sinan Unur said:
Thanks for posting that. I have not yet run anything but just a cursory
look makes me wonder about something. See below.

use strict;
use warnings;


Long comments like this tend to wrap, and make it difficult to get your
code to run.

I'll remember that.
This is weird. You pass tracker only two arguments: The string
"tracker" and the *string* "1,1, 2, 5". That is, in the sub tracker,
@tests contains only one element.

I do not know if this has anything to do with your problem, but it seems
to be a significant error in logic.

That was an error on my part. In other versions of the code, I passed
the list elements one by one. Thank you for pointing that error out. It
was affecting things.

Please also see

perldoc -q always.


More thanks. In looking at that I was able to figure out a way to do
what I needed.
It's been a little while since I've done any serious Perl programming,
and the use of references slipped my mind. I was able to rework the
code using references and have since been able to get the code to do
what I want.

Also, thank you for the reminder regarding the use of the scalar
context of the array to get the array count. I rememberted that $@array
would yield the number of elements -1, so I had been incremented them
to get the value!

I have fixed the code and it's working now. I'm going to clean it up a
little and post it here in a clean post.

Thanks for your help. Sorry for the newbie mistakes, I really have been
working in Perl for a little while, not that it shows. :)


A. Sinan Unur

Thanks for your help. Sorry for the newbie mistakes, I really have
been working in Perl for a little while, not that it shows. :)

You are welcome. Don't worry about the mistakes. I do not point those out
to put anyone down, but to make sure the simple errors are fixed before
moving on to more complicated issues.

Please do post the new version with these errors fixed (and somewhat fewer
comments, it is easier to read code than comments in most cases), so
everyone can take a look to see if there are any other issues remaining.
For example, I would have passed a reference to %stats to the threads,
restricted locks to a smaller scope than the sub etc, but would not have
done more work before the obvious errors were fixed.



Please see code Below. Thanks to Sinan's comments I was able to get
this to work as desired.
Sinan, what did you mean by this comment?

use strict;
use warnings;

use threads;
use threads::shared;
use testmulti qw(tracker counter);

my %stats : shared;
my $total : shared = 0;
my $end_test=9;

# run 3 counters of different sleep intervals
my @tests = (1,4,5);
my @args1 = ("$tests[0]",$end_test,\%stats,\$total);
my @args4 = ("$tests[1]",$end_test,\%stats,\$total);
my @args5 = ("$tests[2]",$end_test,\%stats,\$total);

# Start the threads
my $counter1 = threads->create('counter', @args1);
my $counter4 = threads->create('counter', @args4);
my $counter5 = threads->create('counter', @args5);

# Run status tracker in seperate thread
my $tracker1 =

# collect return data from the thread when it closes
my $return1 = $counter1->join();
my $return4 = $counter4->join();
my $return5 = $counter5->join();
my $returnt = $tracker1->join();
print "EXIT Values: 1: $return1 2: $return4 3: $return5 Trk:
# Multithread test package
package testmulti;
use strict;
use base 'Exporter';
use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT);
@ISA = ('Exporter');
@EXPORT = qw(&tracker &counter);

# track the results of the running counters
sub tracker {
my ($interval,$num_tests,$ref_stats,$ref_total) = @_;
#print "tracker $interval $ref_stats $ref_total\n";

#print column headers
print "Counter1 Counter4 Counter5 TOTAL\n" ;
# Start the while loop for this subroutine
while () {
# Get list of running threads and increment counter
my (@running_threads) = threads->list();
# Detect a thread is missing and alert
print "A Thread has shut down\n" if scalar(@running_threads) <

#Tracker should return to main thread when done.
# We're done when all other threads shut down.
if (scalar(@running_threads) == 1){
print "All Threads have closed, shutting down tracker\n";
return 1;

# Print counter result data
#print 'Keys:' . keys(%$ref_stats) . "\n";
sleep $interval;



#Simple subroutine for counting something
sub counter{
my ($interval, $end_test, $ref_stats, $ref_total) = @_;
#print "recieved: $interval, $end_test, $ref_stats, $ref_total\n";

# internal counter that will generate the return value
my $int_ctr=0;

# Run the counter until we reach the max number of counter tests
while($$ref_total < $end_test){
#print "\t\t\t\t\tCounter $interval reports the total as
sleep $interval;
# Lock the $total variable for writing.
# test return value to join method
return $int_ctr;





Huh, I forgot to paste the

# Multithread test package
package testmulti;
use strict;
use base 'Exporter';
use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT);
@ISA = ('Exporter');
@EXPORT = qw(&tracker &counter);

# track the results of the running counters
sub tracker {
my ($interval,$num_tests,$ref_stats,$ref_total) = @_;
#print "tracker $interval $ref_stats $ref_total\n";

#print column headers
print "Counter1 Counter4 Counter5 TOTAL\n" ;
# Start the while loop for this subroutine
while () {
# Get list of running threads and increment counter
my (@running_threads) = threads->list();
# Detect a thread is missing and alert
print "A Thread has shut down\n" if scalar(@running_threads) <

#Tracker should return to main thread when done.
# We're done when all other threads shut down.
if (scalar(@running_threads) == 1){
print "All Threads have closed, shutting down tracker\n";
return 1;

# Print counter result data
#print 'Keys:' . keys(%$ref_stats) . "\n";
sleep $interval;



#Simple subroutine for counting something
sub counter{
my ($interval, $end_test, $ref_stats, $ref_total) = @_;
#print "recieved: $interval, $end_test, $ref_stats, $ref_total\n";

# internal counter that will generate the return value
my $int_ctr=0;

# Run the counter until we reach the max number of counter tests
while($$ref_total < $end_test){
#print "\t\t\t\t\tCounter $interval reports the total as
sleep $interval;
# Lock the $total variable for writing.
# test return value to join method
return $int_ctr;



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