stack overflow on 1 PC and not on another?


Geoff Cox


When using Internet Explorer, on networked PCs in a college, to view a
page of mine with Javascript code in it the "stack overflow" error
message appears.

When I access the same file from my home PC no such message.

Is it possible for this to be caused by any IE setting?

Any other ideas?

Thanks for any help!


Vincent van Beveren

Geoff said:

When using Internet Explorer, on networked PCs in a college, to view a
page of mine with Javascript code in it the "stack overflow" error
message appears.

When I access the same file from my home PC no such message.

Is it possible for this to be caused by any IE setting?

Might depend on the machine memory. I don't know any JavaScript setting
in IE that controls how much is assigned to JavaScript. You should be
doing a lot of recusion in order to generate a stack overflow. Any idea
how many levels deep you're going?


Geoff Cox

Might depend on the machine memory. I don't know any JavaScript setting
in IE that controls how much is assigned to JavaScript. You should be
doing a lot of recusion in order to generate a stack overflow. Any idea
how many levels deep you're going?


The error message comes up when the user clicks on a button to move to
another htm page. I have copied the 1st page below - perhaps you can
see some code whiich might be causing this?!


<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"



<SCRIPT SRC="slider.js" TYPE="text/javascript"></script>

<link rel=stylesheet href="slider-front.css" type="text/css">

<script type="text/javascript">

var mySlider1 = new Slider( "Slider1" );

mySlider1.leftValue = 0;
mySlider1.rightValue = 6;
mySlider1.defaultValue = 3;

mySlider1.offsetX = 1;
mySlider1.offsetY = 1;
mySlider1.buttonWidth = 10;
mySlider1.maxSlide = 288;

function checkForm(myForm)
var formOK = true;
if (myForm.FirstName.value == "") {
window.alert("please enter first name");
formOK = false;
} else if (myForm.LastName.value == "") {
window.alert("please enter last name");
formOK = false;
return formOK;



<noscript><p align="center"><strong>If you cannot see an image below
you may need to enable Javscript in your


<body onload="mySlider1.placeSlider()";

<h2 align="center">test</h2>



<table border="0" cellpadding="20">
<td valign="middle" align="center" colspan="2">

<FORM NAME="myForm" METHOD="LINK" ACTION="spa-m4.htm" onSubmit="return
First name: <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="FirstName"> <br>
Last name: <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="LastName"> <br>


<td valign="middle">


<h3 align="center">How to use the slider</h3>

<p>Imagine that you are asked for your impression of how cold it is
today. The
position of the slider thumb (coloured blue) can represent any
between Very Hot and Very Cold. </p>

<p>If you wish to indicate that you think that
is quite cold you would click on the thumb with your mouse and drag it
to the right, nearer to the Very Cold end, as is shown in the diagram.

<p>Click on the button below to move to the questions.</p>

<td align="center">

<p align="center"><IMG SRC='sliderbg.gif' NAME='Slider1RailImg'
ID='Slider1RailImg' ALT='spa image'></p>

<p>Try moving the slider thumb above with your mouse.</p>

<img src="slider-before-after.gif" width="350" height="150" ALT="spa

<td valign="middle" align="center" ID="button" colspan="2">

<INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Move to the questions">



<script type="text/javascript">


Vincent van Beveren

Might depend on the machine memory. I don't know any JavaScript setting

The error message comes up when the user clicks on a button to move to
another htm page. I have copied the 1st page below - perhaps you can
see some code whiich might be causing this?!


I see nothing on this page that might cause that. When you click on the
next question, does it submit to the same page or another page? It must
be something with the slider.js. An example of what might happen is that
the placeSlider function invokes something that resizes the page,
dispatching another onResize event, invoking another placeSlider. I
would look for such things.


Geoff Cox

I see nothing on this page that might cause that. When you click on the
next question, does it submit to the same page or another page? It must
be something with the slider.js. An example of what might happen is that
the placeSlider function invokes something that resizes the page,
dispatching another onResize event, invoking another placeSlider. I
would look for such things.


on the second page I have

<body onload="mySlider1.placeSlider();mySlider2.placeSlider();
sendbutton()"; onResize="mySlider1.placeSlider();

does anything here look as if it might cause a problem?

If I can let you have any more code will be pleased to do so!



Vincent van Beveren

does anything here look as if it might cause a problem?

If I can let you have any more code will be pleased to do so!

Well, I don't see anything. The source of slider.js might help. The only
thing is that you load a JavaScript library ( <script
src="..."></script> ) and then later on use it in the document ( slider1
= new Slider()). The browser doesn't guarantee that slider.js code is
already loaded at the point that it is created. but if it wouldn't work
I'd expect another error message though, not a stack overflow.


Geoff Cox

Well, I don't see anything. The source of slider.js might help. The only
thing is that you load a JavaScript library ( <script
src="..."></script> ) and then later on use it in the document ( slider1
= new Slider()). The browser doesn't guarantee that slider.js code is
already loaded at the point that it is created. but if it wouldn't work
I'd expect another error message though, not a stack overflow.


I have copied the slider.js contents below. One odd thing - I
suggested that the people seeing this stack overflow might try Firefox
- they did and the error message is no longer there!

I have also carried out some HTML validation on the 2 pages and have
asked that the users to try the new pages. Have not had any response
yet. I understand from other people that bad HTML should not cause
stack oversflows but we will see.

Anything in the slider.js file?



* Slider
* Slider050723
* by Christiaan Hofman, July 2005
* You may use or modify this code provided that this copyright notice
* appears on all copies.
* Constructor:
* var slider = new Slider( [name] );
* (default: name = "slider0", "slider1", ...)
* Creating Methods
* slider.writeSlider();
* slider.placeSlider( [imgName] );
* (default: imgName = name+"RailImg")
* Control Methods:
* slider.getValue();
* slider.setValue( [value] );
* Event Handlers:
* slider.onmouseover( e );
* slider.onmouseout( e );
* slider.onmousedown( e );
* slider.onmouseup( e );
* slider.onslide( e );
* slider.onchange( e );
* slider.onclick( e );
* Default Initial Settings:
* slider.leftValue = 0;
* slider.rightValue = 1;
* slider.defaultValue = 0;
* slider.offsetX = 1;
* slider.offsetY = 1;
* slider.maxSlide = 258;
* slider.buttonWidth = 40;
* slider.buttonHeight = 28;
* slider.buttonImg = "sliderbutton.gif";
* slider.buttonHiliteImg = "sliderhibutton.gif";
* slider.imgPath = "";
* slider.orientation = "h";
* <html>
* <head>
* <script language="javascript" src="slider.js"></script>
* <script language="javascript">
* mySlider = new Slider( "MySlider" );
* </script>
* </head>
* <body onload="mySlider.placeSlider()">
* <img src="sliderbg.gif" name="MySliderRailImg">
* <script language="javascript">
* mySlider.writeSlider();
* </script>
* </body>
* </html>

// Constructor

function Slider(name) {
this.leftValue = 0;
this.rightValue = 6;
this.defaultValue = 3;
this.offsetX = 1;
this.offsetY = 1;
this.maxSlide = 258;
this.buttonWidth = 40;
this.buttonHeight = 28;
this.buttonImg = "sliderbutton.gif";
this.buttonHiliteImg = "sliderhibutton.gif";
this.buttonHoverImg = null;
this.imgPath = "";
this.orientation = "h";

this.writeSlider = Slider.writeSlider;
this.placeSlider = Slider.placeSlider;
this.makeEventHandler = Slider.makeEventHandler;
this.isPrototype = Slider.isPrototype;
this.getValue = Slider.getValue;
this.setValue = Slider.setValue;

this.MouseOver = Slider.MouseOver;
this.MouseOut = Slider.MouseOut;
this.MouseDown = Slider.MouseDown;
this.MouseUp = Slider.MouseUp;
this.MouseSlide = Slider.MouseSlide;

this.onmouseover = null;
this.onmouseout = null;
this.onmousedown = null;
this.onmouseup = null;
this.onslide = null;
this.onchange = null;
this.onclick = null;

if (!window.sliders) window.sliders = new Array(); = name || "slider"+window.sliders.length;
window.sliders[window.sliders.length] = this;
window.sliders[] = this;
if (!window.sliderDrag) window.sliderDrag = new Object();

// method write the button DIV

Slider.writeSlider = function () {
if (!document.getElementById) return; // no W3C support

var proto = this.prototype || this;

// create images for the prototype, if not already set
if (!proto.loImg) {
proto.loImg = new Image(proto.buttonWidth,proto.buttonHeight);
proto.loImg.src = proto.imgPath + proto.buttonImg;
if (proto.buttonHiliteImg) {
proto.hiImg = new
proto.hiImg.src = proto.imgPath + (proto.buttonHiliteImg
|| proto.buttonImg);
if (proto.buttonHoverImg) {
proto.hoImg = new
proto.hoImg.src = proto.imgPath + proto.buttonHoverImg;
// set the properties according to the prototype
if (proto != this) {
this.loImg = proto.loImg;
if (proto.hiImg) this.hiImg = proto.hiImg;
if (proto.hoImg) this.hoImg = proto.hoImg;
this.orientation = proto.orientation;
this.maxSlide = proto.maxSlide;

// style for the slider button
var style = '<STYLE TYPE="text/css"><!--\n' +
'#''Button {visibility:hidden; position:absolute;
width:'+ proto.buttonWidth +'px; height:'+ proto.buttonHeight +'px;
z-index:1; }\n' +

// html for the button div
var content = '<DIV ID="''Button">'+
'<IMG ID="''ButtonImg" SRC="'+proto.loImg.src+'"
WIDTH='+proto.buttonWidth+' HEIGHT='+proto.buttonHeight+'>'+

// write the button style and content in the document

// set button properties and mouse event handlers
this.button = document.getElementById("Button");
this.button.img =
document.getElementById("ButtonImg"); = proto.buttonWidth + 'px'; = proto.buttonHeight + 'px';
if (this.button.addEventListener) {



} else {
this.button.onmousedown = this.MouseDown;
this.button.onmouseout = this.MouseOut;
this.button.onmouseover = this.MouseOver;
// set event handlers as functions
this.onmouseover = this.makeEventHandler(this.onmouseover);
this.onmouseout = this.makeEventHandler(this.onmouseout);
this.onmousedown = this.makeEventHandler(this.onmousedown);
this.onmouseup = this.makeEventHandler(this.onmouseup);
this.onslide = this.makeEventHandler(this.onslide);
this.onchange = this.makeEventHandler(this.onchange);
this.onclick = this.makeEventHandler(this.onclick);
// tell button who we are
this.button.slider = this;
// from now on button refers to the style object
this.button =;

// method to put the slider button in place

Slider.placeSlider = function (imgName) {
if (!document.getElementById) return; // no W3C support

var proto = this.prototype || this;

// set name or default name
imgName = imgName ||'RailImg';
// find the rail image
this.rail = (typeof(imgName) == 'string')?
document.getElementById(imgName) : imgName;
// offset w.r.t rail
var x = proto.offsetX;
var y = proto.offsetY;
// add global position of rail and parents in global document to
the offset
if (this.rail.offsetParent) {
var parent = this.rail;
while (parent) {
x += parent.offsetLeft;
y += parent.offsetTop;
parent = parent.offsetParent;
// Fix for IE 5 for Mac
if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE")+1 &&
navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Mac")+1) {
x += parseInt(document.body.currentStyle.marginLeft);
y += parseInt(document.body.currentStyle.marginTop);
} else {
x += (typeof(this.rail.pageX) == 'number')? this.rail.pageX :
y += (typeof(this.rail.pageY) == 'number')? this.rail.pageY :
// set position of button
this.button.left = x + 'px'; = y + 'px';
// offset is remembered for later sliding
this.offset = (proto.orientation == "v")? y : x;
// put button in default position and make visible
this.button.visibility = 'inherit';

// makes slider a prototype for all previously defined sliders

Slider.isPrototype = function () {
for (var i=0; i<window.sliders.length; i++)
window.sliders.prototype = window.sliders.prototype ||

// mouseover handler of the button, only calls handler of slider

Slider.MouseOver = function (e) {
window.sliderDrag.isOver = true;
if (this.slider.hoImg && !window.sliderDrag.isDown) this.img.src
= this.slider.hoImg.src;
if (this.slider.onmouseover) this.slider.onmouseover(e);

// mouseout handler of the button, only calls handler of slider

Slider.MouseOut = function (e) {
window.sliderDrag.isOver = false;
if (this.slider.hoImg && !window.sliderDrag.isDown) this.img.src
= this.slider.loImg.src;
if (this.slider.onmouseout) this.slider.onmouseout(e);

// mousedown handler of the button

Slider.MouseDown = function (e) {
var slider = this.slider;
// remember me
window.sliderDrag.dragLayer = this;
window.sliderDrag.dragged = false;
window.sliderDrag.isDown = true;
// event position
var evtX = evtY = 0;
if (!e) e = window.event;
if (typeof(e.pageX) == 'number') {
evtX = e.pageX;
evtY = e.pageY;
} else if (typeof(e.clientX) == 'number') {
evtX = e.clientX + (document.body.scrollLeft || 0);
evtY = e.clientY + (document.body.scrollTop || 0);
// ignore right mouse button
if ((e.which && e.which == 3) || (e.button && e.button == 2))
return true;
// set starting offset of event
window.sliderDrag.offX = evtX - parseInt( +
window.sliderDrag.offY = evtY - parseInt( +
if (e.cancelable) e.preventDefault();
if (e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation();
e.cancelBubble = true;
// document handles move and up events
document.onmousemove = slider.MouseSlide;
document.onmouseup = slider.MouseUp;
if (document.captureEvents)
// show hilite img
if (slider.hiImg) this.img.src = slider.hiImg.src;
// call event handler of slider
if (slider.onmousedown) slider.onmousedown(e);
return false;

// mouseup handler of the button

Slider.MouseUp = function (e) {
// button and slider that was draged
var l = window.sliderDrag.dragLayer;
var slider = l.slider;
window.sliderDrag.isDown = false;
// cancel move and up event handlers of document
document.onmousemove = null;
document.onmouseup = null;
if (document.releaseEvents)
window.sliderDrag.dragLayer = null;
// show normal image
if (slider.hiImg)
l.img.src = (window.sliderDrag.isOver && slider.hoImg)?
slider.hoImg.src : slider.loImg.src;
// cal event handlers of slider
if (slider.onmouseup) slider.onmouseup(e);
if (window.sliderDrag.dragged) {
if (slider.onchange) slider.onchange(e);
} else {
if (slider.onclick) slider.onclick(e);
return false;

// mousemove handler of the button for sliding

Slider.MouseSlide = function (e) {
// button and slider to be draged
var l = window.sliderDrag.dragLayer;
var slider = l.slider;
// we have dragged the slider; for click
window.sliderDrag.dragged = true;
// event position
var evtX = evtY = 0;
if (!e) e = window.event;
if (typeof(e.pageX) == 'number') {
evtX = e.pageX;
evtY = e.pageY;
} else if (typeof(e.clientX) == 'number') {
evtX = e.clientX + (document.body.scrollLeft || 0);
evtY = e.clientY + (document.body.scrollTop || 0);
var pos = (slider.orientation == "h")?
Math.max(Math.min(evtX -
window.sliderDrag.offX,slider.maxSlide),0) + slider.offset :
Math.max(Math.min(evtY -
window.sliderDrag.offY,slider.maxSlide),0) + slider.offset;
// move slider.
if (slider.orientation == "h") = pos + 'px';
else = pos + 'px';
if (e.cancelable) e.preventDefault();
if (e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation();
e.cancelBubble = true;
// call slider event handlers
if (slider.onchange) slider.onchange(e);
if (slider.onslide) slider.onslide(e);
return false;

// calculate the value of the slider from position

Slider.getValue = function (n) {
var pos = (this.orientation == "h")? parseInt(this.button.left) :
var val = this.leftValue + (this.rightValue-this.leftValue) *
(pos-this.offset) / this.maxSlide;
return (typeof(n) == 'number')? toDecimals(val,n) : val;

// set the position of the slider from a value

Slider.setValue = function (value,ignore) {
if (typeof(value) == 'string') value = parseFloat(value);
if (isNaN(value)) value = this.defaultValue;
// set within min/max bounds
var rangeValue = (this.rightValue >= this.leftValue)?
Math.min(Math.max(value,this.leftValue),this.rightValue) -
this.leftValue :
Math.max(Math.min(value,this.leftValue),this.rightValue) -
var pos = this.maxSlide * rangeValue /
(this.rightValue-this.leftValue) + this.offset + 'px';
// move button to calculated position
if (this.orientation == "h") this.button.left = pos;
else = pos;
// call slider event handler, unless ignore is true
if (this.onchange && (!ignore)) this.onchange(null);

// make an event handler, ensuring that it is a function

Slider.makeEventHandler = function (f) {
return (typeof(f) == 'string')? new Function('e',f) : ((typeof(f)
== 'function')? f : null);

// return a value as a string with a fixed number of decimals

function toDecimals(val,n) {
if (isNaN(n)) return val;
for (var m=0; m<n; m++) val *= 10;
for (var m=0; m>n; m--) val *= 0.1;
val = Math.round(val);
if (val < 0) {
val = -val;
var sgn = "-";
} else {
var sgn = "";
var valstr = val.toString();
if (n>0) {
while (valstr.length<=n) valstr = "0"+valstr;
var len = valstr.length;
valstr = valstr.substring(0,len-n) +"."+
} else if (n<0) {
for (m=0; m>n; m--) valstr = valstr+"0";
return sgn+valstr;

Dr John Stockton

JRS: In article <[email protected]>, dated
Wed, 26 Jul 2006 12:29:30 remote, seen in
Geoff Cox said:
// return a value as a string with a fixed number of decimals

function toDecimals(val,n) {
if (isNaN(n)) return val;
for (var m=0; m<n; m++) val *= 10;
for (var m=0; m>n; m--) val *= 0.1;
val = Math.round(val);
if (val < 0) {
val = -val;
var sgn = "-";
} else {
var sgn = "";
var valstr = val.toString();
if (n>0) {
while (valstr.length<=n) valstr = "0"+valstr;
var len = valstr.length;
valstr = valstr.substring(0,len-n) +"."+
} else if (n<0) {
for (m=0; m>n; m--) valstr = valstr+"0";
return sgn+valstr;

Fails on Infinity and undefined and 1e22, testing with n=2.

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