Strange problem with PCRE



I encountered this strange problem while making a graphical application
under Windows and I was able to make a simple test program that
demonstrates the problem that appears to be occuring (if indeed it is a
problem and I'm not just missing something.)

It runs under both windows (using either Embarcadero's or Borland's C++
Builders, though I was unable to test under any version of Visual Studio
VC++ since it appears to lack any PCRE libraries) or g++ under linux.

Begin Demonstration Code
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h> // strncpy.

#ifdef __GNUG__
#include <regex.h> // regcomp, regexec.
#include <pcreposix.h> // regcomp, regexec.

// Since Embaradero and Borland don't seem to define this.
#define REG_EXTENDED 1

void error(const char* title, regex_t &re, int status) {
char err_msg[128];
regerror(status, &re, err_msg, 128);
printf( "[%s] Error: %s\n", title, err_msg );

void clean_up( regex_t &re, regmatch_t* pmatch = NULL ) {
if ( pmatch ) delete[] pmatch;
regfree( &re );

int main() { // int argc, char* argv[]
char str[128] = "$$$ ABC123def ###";
char pat[128] = "([A-Za-z]+)([0-9]+)([A-Za-z]+)";

regex_t re;
int status;

if ((status = regcomp(&re, pat, REG_EXTENDED)) != 0) {
error("regcomp", re, status);
clean_up( re );
exit( -1 );

// !!! Changing "re.re_nsub + 3" to just "re.re_nsub" in the next
// !!! two lines seems to exibit the problem. I don't understand
// !!! why it only works right with 3 additional slots allocated.
// ( See OUTPUT section below for comparisons. )
regmatch_t *pmatch = new regmatch_t[ re.re_nsub + 3 ];

if ((status = regexec(&re, str, re.re_nsub + 3, pmatch, 0)) != 0) {
error("regexec", re, status);
clean_up( re, pmatch );
exit( -1 );

for (unsigned int i=0; i<=re.re_nsub; i++) {
char cap[128] = ""; // Capture Group.
str + pmatch.rm_so,
pmatch.rm_eo - pmatch.rm_so

"[%2d] so[%2d] eo[%2d] m[%s]\n",

// Clean up.
delete[] pmatch;
regfree( &re );
getchar(); // Pause (so cmd.exe doesn't close under Windows.)
return 0;


// Using: re.re_nsub
// Under linux, sometimes I get
// *** glibc detected *** ./test: malloc():
// memory corruption: 0x0804a960 ***
// instead of the below.
[ 0] so[ 0] eo[ 9] m[ABC123def]
[ 1] so[ 0] eo[ 3] m[ABC]
[ 2] so[-1] eo[ 0] m[]
[ 3] so[ 0] eo[ 0] m[]

// Using; re.re_nsub + 1
// Sometimes I get the same crash as noted above.
[ 0] so[ 0] eo[ 9] m[ABC123def]
[ 1] so[ 0] eo[ 3] m[ABC]
[ 2] so[-1] eo[ 0] m[]
[ 3] so[-1] eo[-1] m[]

// Using: re.re_nsub + 2
// Sometimes I get the same crash as noted above.
[ 0] so[ 0] eo[ 9] m[ABC123def]
[ 1] so[ 0] eo[ 3] m[ABC]
[ 2] so[ 3] eo[ 6] m[123]
[ 3] so[-1] eo[ 3] m[]

// Using: re.re_nsub + 3
// Only with 3 extra indices allocated does it work right. But why?
[ 0] so[ 0] eo[ 9] m[ABC123def]
[ 1] so[ 0] eo[ 3] m[ABC]
[ 2] so[ 3] eo[ 6] m[123]
[ 3] so[ 6] eo[ 9] m[def]
End Demonstration Code

As can be seen from the output snapshots above, if I change

regmatch_t *pmatch = new regmatch_t[ re.re_nsub + 3 ];

if ((status = regexec(&re, str, re.re_nsub + 3, pmatch, 0)) != 0) {


regmatch_t *pmatch = new regmatch_t[ re.re_nsub ];

if ((status = regexec(&re, str, re.re_nsub, pmatch, 0)) != 0) {

Then it doesn't display the matches (capture groups) correctly and even
sometimes crashes outright with a
*** glibc detected *** ./test: malloc(): memory corruption: ...
error from glibc, under Linux. Otherwise I get the first output
comparison above.

Thanks for any insight on this. I admit I'm not used to working with
regex in C or C++, so maybe I'm missing something, but I can't seem to
find anything in any documentation about a need for (at least) 3 extra
slots to be allocated.

Jorgen Grahn

I encountered this strange problem while making a graphical application
under Windows and I was able to make a simple test program that
demonstrates the problem that appears to be occuring (if indeed it is a
problem and I'm not just missing something.)

It runs under both windows (using either Embarcadero's or Borland's C++
Builders, though I was unable to test under any version of Visual Studio
VC++ since it appears to lack any PCRE libraries) or g++ under linux.
#ifdef __GNUG__
#include <regex.h> // regcomp, regexec.
#include <pcreposix.h> // regcomp, regexec.

// Since Embaradero and Borland don't seem to define this.
#define REG_EXTENDED 1

What you're using is not PCRE (Perl Compatible Regular Expressions)
but the plain Posix regular expressions. "pcreposix.h" might mean
"Posix-regcomp/regexec emulation on top of PCRE".

Or not. says

In addition, there is a set of C wrapper functions (again, just
for the 8-bit library) that are based on the POSIX regular
expression API (see the pcreposix man page). These end up in the
library called libpcreposix. Note that this just provides a POSIX
calling interface to PCRE; the regular expressions themselves
still follow Perl syntax and semantics. [...]

This makes your #ifdef above a problem. Both include files provide
regcomp() and regexec(), but they do different things. There are
plenty of differences between Posix and Perl REs.

That's not the cause of the crashes, though.


Jorgen Grahn

I encountered this strange problem while making a graphical application
under Windows and I was able to make a simple test program that
demonstrates the problem that appears to be occuring (if indeed it is a
problem and I'm not just missing something.)

It runs under both windows (using either Embarcadero's or Borland's C++
Builders, though I was unable to test under any version of Visual Studio
VC++ since it appears to lack any PCRE libraries) or g++ under linux.

Begin Demonstration Code
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h> // strncpy.

#ifdef __GNUG__
#include <regex.h> // regcomp, regexec.
#include <pcreposix.h> // regcomp, regexec.

// Since Embaradero and Borland don't seem to define this.
#define REG_EXTENDED 1

void error(const char* title, regex_t &re, int status) {
char err_msg[128];
regerror(status, &re, err_msg, 128);
printf( "[%s] Error: %s\n", title, err_msg );

void clean_up( regex_t &re, regmatch_t* pmatch = NULL ) {
if ( pmatch ) delete[] pmatch;

You never have to check for NULL before deleting. (Or before calling
delete() in C for that matter.)
regfree( &re );

int main() { // int argc, char* argv[]
char str[128] = "$$$ ABC123def ###";
char pat[128] = "([A-Za-z]+)([0-9]+)([A-Za-z]+)";

Use this instead for clarity and safety:

const char str[] = "$$$ ABC123def ###";
const char pat[] = "([A-Za-z]+)([0-9]+)([A-Za-z]+)";
regex_t re;
int status;

if ((status = regcomp(&re, pat, REG_EXTENDED)) != 0) {

Using a REG_EXTENDED which you just made up yourself is a problem.
libpcreposix won't magically understand what you mean.
In the regex.h case it's of course correct.
error("regcomp", re, status);
clean_up( re );
exit( -1 );

// !!! Changing "re.re_nsub + 3" to just "re.re_nsub" in the next
// !!! two lines seems to exibit the problem. I don't understand
// !!! why it only works right with 3 additional slots allocated.
// ( See OUTPUT section below for comparisons. )
regmatch_t *pmatch = new regmatch_t[ re.re_nsub + 3 ];

if ((status = regexec(&re, str, re.re_nsub + 3, pmatch, 0)) != 0) {
error("regexec", re, status);
clean_up( re, pmatch );
exit( -1 );

for (unsigned int i=0; i<=re.re_nsub; i++) {
char cap[128] = ""; // Capture Group.
str + pmatch.rm_so,
pmatch.rm_eo - pmatch.rm_so

valgrind: "Invalid read of size 4", reported two times.

You were told there were re.re_nsub==3 sub-expressions, but then you
loop through 0, 1, 2, 3. That's four, i.e. the fencepost error.

Lesson: "for (int i=0; i<=N; i++)" is a rare thing in C and C++.
It's almost always "for (int i=0; i<N; i++)".
"[%2d] so[%2d] eo[%2d] m[%s]\n",

valgrind: "Invalid read of size 4".

// Clean up.
delete[] pmatch;
regfree( &re );
getchar(); // Pause (so cmd.exe doesn't close under Windows.)

Those fancy IDEs *still* don't do that for you?
return 0;


// Using: re.re_nsub
// Under linux, sometimes I get
// *** glibc detected *** ./test: malloc():
// memory corruption: 0x0804a960 ***

Since you have access to Linux, do yourself a favor and learn how to
use valgrind. Remember to compile with -g so it will report line

Thanks for any insight on this. I admit I'm not used to working with
regex in C or C++, so maybe I'm missing something, but I can't seem to
find anything in any documentation about a need for (at least) 3 extra
slots to be allocated.

Hope that helped,


int main() { // int argc, char* argv[]
char str[128] = "$$$ ABC123def ###";
char pat[128] = "([A-Za-z]+)([0-9]+)([A-Za-z]+)";

Use this instead for clarity and safety:

const char str[] = "$$$ ABC123def ###";
const char pat[] = "([A-Za-z]+)([0-9]+)([A-Za-z]+)";

if ((status = regcomp(&re, pat, REG_EXTENDED)) != 0) {

Using a REG_EXTENDED which you just made up yourself is a problem.
libpcreposix won't magically understand what you mean.
In the regex.h case it's of course correct.

Well I only defined it manually if it's not gcc/g++.

$ grep REG_EXTENDED /usr/include/pcreposix.h # from pcre-8.12
#define REG_EXTENDED 0

$ grep REG_EXTENDED /usr/include/regex.h # from glibc-2.14
#define REG_EXTENDED 1

I hadn't realize they were different, and I'll of course take that into

if ((status = regexec(&re, str, re.re_nsub + 3, pmatch, 0)) != 0) {
error("regexec", re, status);
clean_up( re, pmatch );
exit( -1 );

for (unsigned int i=0; i<=re.re_nsub; i++) {
char cap[128] = ""; // Capture Group.
str + pmatch.rm_so,
pmatch.rm_eo - pmatch.rm_so

valgrind: "Invalid read of size 4", reported two times.

You were told there were re.re_nsub==3 sub-expressions, but then you
loop through 0, 1, 2, 3. That's four, i.e. the fencepost error.

Lesson: "for (int i=0; i<=N; i++)" is a rare thing in C and C++.
It's almost always "for (int i=0; i<N; i++)".

I agree but it's my understanding that with pmatch, [0] is the whole
match, and after that you have each individual sub match (group), hence
i<=re.re_nsub instead of i<re.re_nsub there.

Those fancy IDEs *still* don't do that for you?

Actually no. If there is nothing stopping the execution, it'll just run
to the end, though I realize I could have just put a stop point.

Since you have access to Linux, do yourself a favor and learn how to
use valgrind. Remember to compile with -g so it will report line

Thanks, I will that up.


On 6/15/2012 23:16 PM, Jorgen Grahn wrote:
// !!! Changing "re.re_nsub + 3" to just "re.re_nsub" in the next
// !!! two lines seems to exibit the problem. I don't understand
// !!! why it only works right with 3 additional slots allocated.
// ( See OUTPUT section below for comparisons. )
regmatch_t *pmatch = new regmatch_t[ re.re_nsub + 3 ];

if ((status = regexec(&re, str, re.re_nsub + 3, pmatch, 0)) != 0) {
error("regexec", re, status);
clean_up( re, pmatch );
exit( -1 );

for (unsigned int i=0; i<=re.re_nsub; i++) {
char cap[128] = ""; // Capture Group.
str + pmatch.rm_so,
pmatch.rm_eo - pmatch.rm_so

valgrind: "Invalid read of size 4", reported two times.

You were told there were re.re_nsub==3 sub-expressions, but then you
loop through 0, 1, 2, 3. That's four, i.e. the fencepost error.

Lesson: "for (int i=0; i<=N; i++)" is a rare thing in C and C++.
It's almost always "for (int i=0; i<N; i++)".

Something I forgot to mention in my previous reply; yes, re.re_nsub
comes back as 3 in my test case, and as far I know, pmatch array, at the
minimum, needs to be re.re_nsub + 1 big (index 0 is the whole match, and
what follows, if anything, are the sub expressions (capture groups),
which there should only be re.re_nsub of.

So why then does it crash (and I've reproducd this under both Linux/g++
and windows/borland/embarcadero C++ builder) if it the pmatch array
isn't re.re_nsub plus 3 big? That is, when re.re_nsub is 3, pmatch
appears to only use the 4 indices, as I would expect. But why does does
it crash if pmatch is only have 4 indices allocated?

That is what is mysterious to me.

Jorgen Grahn

On 6/15/2012 23:16 PM, Jorgen Grahn wrote:
// !!! Changing "re.re_nsub + 3" to just "re.re_nsub" in the next
// !!! two lines seems to exibit the problem. I don't understand
// !!! why it only works right with 3 additional slots allocated.
// ( See OUTPUT section below for comparisons. )
regmatch_t *pmatch = new regmatch_t[ re.re_nsub + 3 ];

if ((status = regexec(&re, str, re.re_nsub + 3, pmatch, 0)) != 0) {
error("regexec", re, status);
clean_up( re, pmatch );
exit( -1 );

for (unsigned int i=0; i<=re.re_nsub; i++) {
char cap[128] = ""; // Capture Group.
str + pmatch.rm_so,
pmatch.rm_eo - pmatch.rm_so

valgrind: "Invalid read of size 4", reported two times.

You were told there were re.re_nsub==3 sub-expressions, but then you
loop through 0, 1, 2, 3. That's four, i.e. the fencepost error.

Lesson: "for (int i=0; i<=N; i++)" is a rare thing in C and C++.
It's almost always "for (int i=0; i<N; i++)".

Something I forgot to mention in my previous reply; yes, re.re_nsub
comes back as 3 in my test case, and as far I know, pmatch array, at the
minimum, needs to be re.re_nsub + 1 big (index 0 is the whole match, and
what follows, if anything, are the sub expressions (capture groups),
which there should only be re.re_nsub of.

OK, well, then you have to consult the documentation more I guess. If
that is indeed how it works, this aspect of the Poxix regex library is
dangerous -- you normally try to provide lengths which can be
immediately used as array sizes and for loop end conditions, without a
need to add 1 or whatever.

My regcomp(3) man page doesn't document re_nsub at all, and doesn't
say that there's a special subexpression #0 which is the whole match.
I haven't used this part of the library.

Also note that there's standard regular expression support in C++
nowadays. If you don't have TR1 or C++11 or whatever support, there's
the Boost library which all that is based on.



Ben Bacarisse

szr said:
On 6/15/2012 23:16 PM, Jorgen Grahn wrote:
// !!! Changing "re.re_nsub + 3" to just "re.re_nsub" in the next
// !!! two lines seems to exibit the problem. I don't understand
// !!! why it only works right with 3 additional slots allocated.
// ( See OUTPUT section below for comparisons. )
regmatch_t *pmatch = new regmatch_t[ re.re_nsub + 3 ];

if ((status = regexec(&re, str, re.re_nsub + 3, pmatch, 0)) != 0) {
error("regexec", re, status);
clean_up( re, pmatch );
exit( -1 );

for (unsigned int i=0; i<=re.re_nsub; i++) {
char cap[128] = ""; // Capture Group.
str + pmatch.rm_so,
pmatch.rm_eo - pmatch.rm_so

valgrind: "Invalid read of size 4", reported two times.

You were told there were re.re_nsub==3 sub-expressions, but then you
loop through 0, 1, 2, 3. That's four, i.e. the fencepost error.

Lesson: "for (int i=0; i<=N; i++)" is a rare thing in C and C++.
It's almost always "for (int i=0; i<N; i++)".

Something I forgot to mention in my previous reply; yes, re.re_nsub
comes back as 3 in my test case, and as far I know, pmatch array, at
the minimum, needs to be re.re_nsub + 1 big (index 0 is the whole
match, and what follows, if anything, are the sub expressions (capture
groups), which there should only be re.re_nsub of.

Yes, but did you change the argument you pass to regexec as well? If
not, it will try to "clear" (set to -1) pmatch elements that don't

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