Visual C++ Forms error question



I tried to work with the Visual C++ forms, and created some small app. After
restarting MSVC++ I got the error-message " Index was outside the bounds of
the array" when I tried to open the Form-window. I don't know what happened,
but I cant recall changing anything that could cause this error. Anyway,
result is that I cant edit my Form anymore but when I compile my code, it
still works fine and I can still run my program... Does anyone know what
could be the problem?


Victor Bazarov

Martijn said:
I tried to work with the Visual C++ forms, and created some small app. After
restarting MSVC++ I got the error-message " Index was outside the bounds of
the array" when I tried to open the Form-window. I don't know what happened,
but I cant recall changing anything that could cause this error. Anyway,
result is that I cant edit my Form anymore but when I compile my code, it
still works fine and I can still run my program... Does anyone know what
could be the problem?

I'll bet somebody in a Microsoft newsgroup would know. Here your question
about "VC++ forms" is off-topic. "Forms" (whatever they are) are not part
of the C++ _language_.


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