Web scraping i guess (Yet to start, maybe this should be done in python?)

Nov 10, 2021
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Hi all,
So it goes like this. My friend has a Minecraft server on which he has some sort of minigames and stuff that are played between friends. (not a public server). For each guy on the server (5-6) guys, there is a WEBSITE on which his stats and some info are displayed
I need a program that will do the following:
We will call 5 websites by players so we have (Player1.com, Player2.com, Player3.com and so on)
On each site there will be couple of threads for each day or something at that time, so we have like this let's say:
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and so on... (this is yet to change) And upon openning each of those
we have threads with minigames, something like this:
Minigame 1, Minigame2, Minigame3
On each minigame, we have some stats, lets call it like this
Upon opening minigame 1, you have stats: Mobs_killed, Experience_gained.
Upon opening minigame 2, you have stats: Ores_mined, Ores_Sold
Upon opening minigame 3, you have stats: current_balance, all_time_earned_money
So now, the app/program needs to: Scrape info from all of the websites, So it needs to open all 5 websites,
Open minigame 1, Take stats from the 2 given, COMPARE all stats between each player, and take the highest guy's value and dispaly it. Same goes for minigame2, and minigame3. It needs to know how to navigate itself to find and compare same stats on same days (so it takes tuesday for all, same minigame for all etc.)
This will be done on my side without access to API.
The taking the highest value and stuff doing with it, i know how to do. What i do not know is how to do the Web scraping part. So if anyone can direct me to some sort of a guide, or if its simpler to just show me simply how to make the program know how to navigate itself for 2 websites, take info and compare it, ill know later how to add more websites, that would be awesome.
Im thinking about C#, but i googled that python might be better for this web scraping thing, i could switch to that too, any tips and suggestions for this are more than welcome :)
Thanks a LOT!
Mar 3, 2021
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Hello and welcome! Sorry that I'm a month late, are you still working on this? I'd say Python or Perl are definitely much more better for web scraping. That being said, if you know C# much better, it might be easier to muscle through it than to pick up a new language for it. In either case, I'd be happy to help, but I can't do much without seeing the actual data.

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