What graphical entry/documentation tools?




I am a mature student will be doing some complex VHDL and Verilog design
work for my course. As well as having to create and test the
functionality of the design (in both languages) I want to document how
the design is put together and it's complex hierarchy.

Is there anything out there that will allow me to represent my design in
some sort of hierarchical functional blocks to use as a documentation
tool? As I want to use both languages for the design something that
ideally can accommodate VHDL and Verilog.

I am happy using my normal editing system for the code design so I don't
want a 'block-to-code' type of system.

Thanks for your help.


Mike Treseler

jamesp said:
I am a mature student will be doing some complex VHDL and Verilog design
work for my course. As well as having to create and test the
functionality of the design (in both languages) I want to document how
the design is put together and it's complex hierarchy.

If you have an audience for such artwork,
it is much easier to obtain when the design
is complete. Synthesis programs have an
rtl viewer that will do the work for you.
I sketch diagrams in my notebook to get
started. Things usually change significantly
before I am done.

-- Mike Treseler


jamesp said:

I am a mature student will be doing some complex VHDL and Verilog design
work for my course. As well as having to create and test the
functionality of the design (in both languages) I want to document how
the design is put together and it's complex hierarchy.

Is there anything out there that will allow me to represent my design in
some sort of hierarchical functional blocks to use as a documentation
tool? As I want to use both languages for the design something that
ideally can accommodate VHDL and Verilog.

I am happy using my normal editing system for the code design so I don't
want a 'block-to-code' type of system.

Thanks for your help.


Hi James,

We have a tool which we believe will address your questions. There is a
15 day fully functional evaluation download available on the web site so
please feel free to try it out.



Expressive Systems.


Hi James,

Have a look at Mentor's HDL Designer. It has a lot of graphical design entry
methods like block diagrams, graphical FSM (+ animation during simulation if
you have Modelsim), flow charts, IBD (spreadsheet like entry method) etc It
now also includes a design checker (ex Design Analyst). It supports OLE so
you can drag and drop diagrams into Office products (not the open flavour
:). It also supports export to HTML including all your side data (scripts,
pdf documents etc).

You might also want to look at tools similar to Java-Doc to automatically
create documentation,


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