Where Have all the Jobs Gone


Derek Clarkson

I think you are talking about Seagull Managers - Fly in, sqwark alot, shit
on everything and fly off before their mess is discovered.


Lets see, we are here studying like mad, working hard and trying to educate
ourselves and stay abreast of the latest technology, which changes faster
than companies can even react to. We also see bone headed management
decisions based on no knowledge of computer science and how to build a
repeatable process. They zero in on one thing and one thing only. Puny
minds have narrow vision. "Lets keep cutting costs until we make money" -
not offering the best product and trying to keep valuable knowledge from
walking out the door. The political food change in a typical corporation
makes Washington look like small time. Shipping all the jobs away by these
flag waving millionaires is just what my taxes have been paying for. And
Java just gets more complicated and resume stuffing did cause a money
crunch, but the solution may be to outsource management. Can you see saving
millions by outsourcing just a few? I know they get fired to, only to go do
damage elsewhere because those are the jobs we want to maintain. We wish to
be the masters so at least the missiles maybe don't turn around right after
we launch them. I love Java, just got certified last month knowing it meant
little as I can hardly see any future in it, 1 year after getting a masters
at age 52. Third career time? Others thinking of going into business for
themselves? Anyone looking for a partner in CT area? Frustrated night,
sorry to ramble.


I think those who see the current trend to outsource or use contractors
for everything as a good idea should read Machiavelli's views on
mercenaries. The current corporate climate is starting to look just as
screwed up as 16th century Italy.

Andrew Thompson

| I think those who see the current trend to outsource or use
| for everything as a good idea should read Machiavelli's

Views, or observations?

AFAIU, Machiavelli wrote his much alluded
to works at the behest of a paying customer.

He was just '..telling it like is is'.


Andrew said:
AFAIU, Machiavelli wrote his much alluded
to works at the behest of a paying customer.

So his customer outsourced the project to
an independant contractor.


Andrew Thompson

| Andrew Thompson wrote:
| > AFAIU, Machiavelli wrote his much alluded
| > to works at the behest of a paying customer.
| So his customer outsourced the project to
| an independant contractor.

Yeah, the client was being 'Machiavellian'
whereas Machiavelli was just trying to pay
the bills.

I think he is much maligned.


Andrew said:
| I think those who see the current trend to outsource or use
| for everything as a good idea should read Machiavelli's

Views, or observations?

AFAIU, Machiavelli wrote his much alluded
to works at the behest of a paying customer.

Actually, I believe he wrote The Prince as a gift for Lorenzo di Piero
de Medici.

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