Which IDE ?



Hi everyone, this is my first post..

I know this is a question many people have asked but i wanna make sure
everyone understands what i say.. I have been programming in java for
almost a year and i have changed opinions many times regarding which
IDE fits me best, NetBeans or Eclipse...

Eclipse is very scalable has MANY plugins and very very fast. However
it lacks the ease of use in some cases. Plus, a lot of stuff need to
be configured by hand (eg SQL Explorer for transactions with MySQL
Server )

Netbeans offers great ease of use and is greatly supported by lots of
people and Sun Microsystems. It reminds me in many cases of Visual
Studio (which is where i come from as a developer). However the major
problem here is speed/responsiveness. Netbeans is awfully slow, in
such a level i dont think a company could use it in production level.
I have used it in slow and fast computers but the result is the same,
always takes too much time to respond when there is a logical amount
of classes/files.

Many people say Eclipse without thinking much. I respected that and i
used to be great fun of Ecipse but in some cases the ease of use of
Netbeans is also important. For example, i was creating ~10sub-
projects in Eclipse and when the time came to merge them in one i
spent an awfull lots of time writing the code for buttons and labels.
It was really NOT COOL.. I lost too much time when all i wanted was to
test the connection of the subprojects.. Also, when exploring new
technologies (like i do now with Java Server Faces) it's a lot easier
to start with Netbeans when i have absolutely no help by the Eclipse

A few months ago i had a chat with a lead developer at Microsoft and
when i asked if MS forces them to use VS he answered "Each one uses
his own tools, and in most cases we use different tool for different
jobs. My advice is to prefer what you think best for the specific

I think that is right and that is what i do now but it is a bit
frustrating moving projects from Netbeans to Eclipse etc. I d prefer
to stay with one IDE and learn it's core functions so i can be more
productive (although my main goal is to learn Java / JSF related

*** I have to declare that the projects i am referring to are for
myself, my fun only .. There is no relation with company/production


I know this is a question many people have asked but i wanna make sure
everyone understands what i say.. I have been programming in java for
almost a year and i have changed opinions many times regarding which
IDE fits me best, NetBeans or Eclipse...

Did you have a question?

If it's, "Which is better, NetBeans or Eclipse?" the answer is "NetBeans", of
course. But then, YMMV.
I think that is right and that is what i do now but it is a bit
frustrating moving projects from Netbeans to Eclipse etc.

NetBeans has a facility to directly import Eclipse projects. Doesn't Eclipse
have a facility to import NetBeans projects?

Actually, if your project is Ant-based, both IDEs will import it just fine,
I've imported projects into both IDEs many, many times and it's never been
even "a bit frustrating", except when I want Eclipse to play nice with CVS, or
NetBeans to import a project into CVS for me (using NB 6 nightly build). But
that isn't an issue of porting projects between the IDEs but of getting the
IDEs to fully support CVS.

NetBeans has played nicer with CVS for me, assuming a project already in the
repository, than Eclipse. I've had to jump through hoops to get Eclipse to
coexist with other CVS clients (like, say, "cvs" for example).


I know this is a question many people have asked but i wanna make sure
everyone understands what i say.. I have been programming in java for
almost a year and i have changed opinions many times regarding which
IDE fits me best, NetBeans or Eclipse...

Eclipse is very scalable has MANY plugins and very very fast. However
it lacks the ease of use in some cases. Plus, a lot of stuff need to
be configured by hand (eg SQL Explorer for transactions with MySQL
Server )

Netbeans offers great ease of use and is greatly supported by lots of
people and Sun Microsystems. It reminds me in many cases of Visual
Studio (which is where i come from as a developer). However the major
problem here is speed/responsiveness. Netbeans is awfully slow, in
such a level i dont think a company could use it in production level.
I have used it in slow and fast computers but the result is the same,
always takes too much time to respond when there is a logical amount
of classes/files.

Many people say Eclipse without thinking much. I respected that and i
used to be great fun of Ecipse but in some cases the ease of use of
Netbeans is also important. For example, i was creating ~10sub-
projects in Eclipse and when the time came to merge them in one i
spent an awfull lots of time writing the code for buttons and labels.
It was really NOT COOL.. I lost too much time when all i wanted was to
test the connection of the subprojects.. Also, when exploring new
technologies (like i do now with Java Server Faces) it's a lot easier
to start with Netbeans when i have absolutely no help by the Eclipse

A few months ago i had a chat with a lead developer at Microsoft and
when i asked if MS forces them to use VS he answered "Each one uses
his own tools, and in most cases we use different tool for different
jobs. My advice is to prefer what you think best for the specific

I think that is right and that is what i do now but it is a bit
frustrating moving projects from Netbeans to Eclipse etc. I d prefer
to stay with one IDE and learn it's core functions so i can be more
productive (although my main goal is to learn Java / JSF related

Why not use both ?


Actually I have not used that combo, but

Eclipse----CVS----JBuilder (before it was Eclipse based)

has worked fine for me.



I m sorry Lew i wasn't clear, ofcourse my question was about which of
the 2 IDEs is best. But mostly, i wanted to listen to other peoples
opinions about those 2 (or others) IDEs.

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