Whoever it was that suggested a floating DIV instead of a chromeless window


George Hester

At the time this suggestion was made I didn't have the wherewithall to even attempt it. But over time I learned enough to make a stab at it. Let just say the foating DIV had to provide the same advantages as a chromeless window else it really wouldn''t help.

You see the idea is that the chromeless window forces a client to make a choice. It cannot be closed until a choice is made. If the user decides not to allow the chromeless window to be formed that's fine a choice has been made. Also if the user makes a "wrong" choice then being wrong should ban them from the site in that session anyway. I was able to accomplish all this using a chromeless window.

But Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 came to town and made this less then appealing. Oh the chromeless window formed only it took up all the real estate of the desktop. I didn't like that and so the floating DIV was suggested here.

But the floating DIV had to provide the same benefits. Namely when the floating DIV appeared then the user HAD to make a choice. They could not do anything else but make a choice that the floating DIV provided. This meant that the floating DIV had to appear over the link the user chose and disappear when the user went out of the floating DIV. If the user resized the window in any fashion the floating DIV had to appear over any link the user chose to onmousedown. No scrolling no nothing but make a choice. If scripting is off that is fine a choice has been made. If the user is using other browsers then Microsoft Internet Explorer that's fine too. A choice has been made.

Anyway I got it. Needs a little cleanup but on the whole it performs well. I mention this because we ask our questions. And what may seem "right" here may not be "right." The asker may not have the knowledge to do it "right" may not have the inclination to do it "right" may not have the time to do it "right" they may just want to be all "wrong" because the wrong thing WORKS.

So I just want to thank the person who suggested this floating DIV and please accept my apologies if I seemed recalcitrant. I was. It was because I wasn't sure if I could get what I wanted using that and the time I spent on getting this to work correctly, belies why I used the chromeless window in the first place. It did what I wanted and was easy.

Richard Cornford

So I just want to thank the person who suggested this
floating DIV and please accept my apologies if I seemed

My recollection is not that you "seemed recalcitrant", more that you
seemed abusive. Telling everyone that proposed that you abandon the
stupid chromeless window (with its extremely limited browser support and
bugware status) that if they weren't willing to tell you *only* what you
wanted to hear then they shouldn't bother answering. Yet it is one of
those unwelcome responses that you are now acknowledging as correct.

It has taken the best part of two years for you to see that the advice
that you were given when you first raised the question was the correct
way of tackling the problem. You may eventually see that bulk of the
other advice that you have responded to with aggression and abuse is
also just as correct (though given the slope of your learning curve it
will be a long while yet). In the meanwhile, judging by some of your
recent posts here:-

<quote cite="<[email protected]>">
But you chose to provide an opinion on what I wanted to do pointing out
where I was wrong for asking what I asked. I'll go away and I hope you
do too. I do not need this crap.

<quote cite="<[email protected]>">
To hell with the Thought police. One thing you may notice in this group
Gino it is full of those that THINK they know what is right for

-you have every intention of going on abusing those who know enough
about browser scripting to be in a position to offer you real help, and
refusing to recognise that just because you don't want to hear something
that doesn't meant it isn't right.


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