Why 'No child processes' after a system() call



Hi all,

I have a script (see below) that is driving me nuts.
It runs as a daemon on a RHEL box and does just about everything
correctly. It's job is to scan a hash of jobs every 15s to see if
there are any new ones that need to be performed.

Each time a new job is found, this script forks off a child to perform
the necessary task.
Prior to forking off the child, it runs a utility called 'cleanXML'
which is designed to remove invalid characters from an XML file.

I use system to call the utility. For some reason, the return code is
'No child processes'. But, the thing is, it has absolutley no problem
forking just a few lines later...

So my question is... what's going on!?! If I think about it, the
return value of -1 means that after the hidden fork() that system()
performs, the parent process couldn't find any child processes, which
means either that the fork() didn't work or that the child died before
the parent process could proceed... is that feasible?

Any other hypotheses would be warmly welcomed




use strict;
use svcNav::svcView; # Custom module
use svcNav::svcControl; # Custom module
use Data::Dumper;
use diagnostics;

sub message(@);
sub error(@);
sub wall(@);

my $access_log = "/var/log/svcObjectBrowserJobs.log";
my $error_log = "/var/log/svcObjectBrowserJobs.error.log";

open STDIN, '/dev/null' or die "Can't read /dev/null: $!";
open STDOUT, ">>$access_log" or die "Can't write to $access_log: $!";
open STDERR, ">>$error_log" or die "Can't write to $error_log: $!";

# Change to root so that unmounting filesystems will be possible
chdir '/';

my $canCleanXML = "no";
my $xmlCleaner = "/root/cleanXML"; #Custom utility that clears
invalid chars from an XML file

# Check to see if we can execute the cleanXML script
if ( -x $xmlCleaner )
$canCleanXML = "yes";

wall( "objectBrowser daemon started PID:" . $$ );
wall( "XML Cleaning will",
( $canCleanXML eq "yes" ) ? " " : " not ",
"be performed");

# In order to reset this daemon, simply put a job of type "reset" in
the queue
# The dameon will reset once there are no more running jobs
my $endLoop = "no";
my $runningJobs = 0;
my $resetJobId = 0;
# Main loop
# Scan the job queue no more often than every 15s
# The period may be longer, depending on how many jobs get started
in this
# pass through
sleep 15;
my $jobs = svcView::getJobs(); # get a hash of 'jobs'

# Throw out the jobs that have already failed and
# Count the running jobs
$runningJobs = 0;
my $nonFailedJobs = {};
foreach my $jobKey ( keys %$jobs )
if ( $jobs->{$jobKey}->{'type'} eq "reset" )
if ($endLoop eq "no")
wall("Reset request received");
$resetJobId = $jobKey;
$endLoop = "yes";
elsif ( defined( $jobs->{$jobKey}->{'pid'} ) )
elsif ( $jobs->{$jobKey}->{'failed'} eq "no" )
$nonFailedJobs->{$jobKey} = $jobs->{$jobKey};
if (($runningJobs > 0) && ($endLoop eq "no"))
message("Found $runningJobs running jobs");

# Go through the non failed jobs and start parsing them up to a
# of 6 concurrent processes
foreach my $jobKey ( keys %$nonFailedJobs )
# Only start new jobs if the daemon is not going to end
if (( $runningJobs < 6 ) && ($endLoop eq "no"))
message( "Trying to start a "
. $jobs->{$jobKey}->{'type'}
. " job on fileId: "
. $nonFailedJobs->{$jobKey}->{'fileId'} );

# If XML Cleaning is enabled, we clean the file first
# I found that if this was done after the fork, it would
# I've moved it here because it's pretty quick

my $cleaningOutcome = "Not performed";
if ( $canCleanXML eq "yes" )
my $fileId = $nonFailedJobs->{$jobKey}->{'fileId'};
my $xmlFile = svcView::getFileName($fileId);
message("Cleaning file: $xmlFile");
my @cleanArgs =
( $xmlCleaner, $xmlFile, $xmlFile . ".cleaned" );

# Run the cleaning utility
if ( $? == -1 )
message("XML Cleaning failed, see error log");
error("Failed to execute XML Cleaner: $!");
$cleaningOutcome = "Failed due to cleaner not
elsif ( $? & 127 )
message("XML Cleaning failed, see errror log");
my $errMsg = sprintf(
"child died with signal %d, %s coredump\n",
( $? & 127 ),
( $? & 128 ) ? 'with' : 'without'
$cleaningOutcome = "Failed due to cleaner
elsif ( ( $? >> 8 ) != 0 )
message("XML Cleaning failed, see errror log");
my $errMsg =
sprintf( "child exited with value %d\n", $? >>
8 );
$cleaningOutcome =
"Failed due to cleaner exiting with failure
message("XML Cleaning successful");
$cleaningOutcome = "Cleaning completed
`cp $xmlFile.cleaned $xmlFile`;

`rm $xmlFile.cleaned`;

# Now that the file is clean, we start a process to parse
my $jobPID = fork();
if ( !defined($jobPID) )
error("Couldn't fork!");
elsif ( $jobPID != 0 )
# Daemon's code path
wall( "Starting proc. ".$jobPID." for jobKey ".
svcControl::markJobStarted( $jobKey, $jobPID );
if ($@)
error( "Daemon failed for some reason: " . $@ );
sleep 10;
# Parsing code path
my $fileId = $nonFailedJobs->{$jobKey}-
my $trackNum = $nonFailedJobs->{$jobKey}-
my $comment = $nonFailedJobs->{$jobKey}-

message( "Creating snap for File: $fileId ",
"with tracking number $trackNum ",
"and comment $comment");

my $parseResult = 0;
my $parseMessage = "";
$parseResult =
svcControl::processSnapFile( $fileId,


$parseMessage );

# Check the outcome of the parsing and mark the
# appropriately
if ( $@ || $parseResult != 0 )
wall( "Job failed: " . $@ . " "
. $parseMessage
. "\nXML Cleaning: "
. $cleaningOutcome );
svcControl::markJobFailed( $jobKey,
. " XML Cleaning: "
. $cleaningOutcome );
message("Job finished");
svcControl::markJobDone( $jobKey,$fileId );
if ($@)
error( "Parsing process failed for some reason:
" . $@ );
} while (($endLoop eq "no") || ($runningJobs != 0) );

# If execution gets to here, then the while loop has ended, so the
script is
# about to end
svcControl::markJobDone($resetJobId, "NULL");
wall("Ending daemon");

# These subroutines are used to post messages into the log files
# You have to concatenate localtime with a string to get it in human
# format, but you need to print a list so that @_ is read in a list
sub message(@)
print localtime() . ": " , @_ , "\n";

sub error(@)
print STDERR localtime() . ": " , @_ , "\n";

sub wall(@)

Darren Dunham

I have a script (see below) that is driving me nuts.
It runs as a daemon on a RHEL box and does just about everything
correctly. It's job is to scan a hash of jobs every 15s to see if
there are any new ones that need to be performed.
Each time a new job is found, this script forks off a child to perform
the necessary task.
Prior to forking off the child, it runs a utility called 'cleanXML'
which is designed to remove invalid characters from an XML file.
I use system to call the utility. For some reason, the return code is
'No child processes'. But, the thing is, it has absolutley no problem
forking just a few lines later...

You don't check the return code from system, so you mean something
else. I assume that you mean $! says that.

What I think is happening is that when the system fails, it is setting
$? to -1, but it does not touch $!. So the contents of it are invalid
for you and represent something else (like some old wait from

Here's an example:

$ cat /tmp/systest
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;

my $prog = '/tmp/noexist';
print "Error vars are $? and $!\n";
print "Error vars are $? and $!\n";

$ perl /tmp/systest
Can't exec "/tmp/noexist": No such file or directory at /tmp/perl line 5.
Error vars are 65280 and
Can't exec "/tmp/noexist": No such file or directory at /tmp/perl line 8.
Error vars are 65280 and No child processes

The only difference between the two invocations is that the wait() put
something in $! which was picked up later. It's not associated with the
failed fork/exec from system.
So my question is... what's going on!?! If I think about it, the
return value of -1 means that after the hidden fork() that system()
performs, the parent process couldn't find any child processes, which
means either that the fork() didn't work or that the child died before
the parent process could proceed... is that feasible?

Most likely is that the system is failing because the code you're trying
to run is not executable (pathname, permissions, etc.)


Thanks for that

However, it turns out, the problem is the line:


That tells the main loop to ignore signals from children of all forks,
so when you call system, the wait() call doesn't find any children.

I set
before my system() call and the problem is resolved



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