target _blank and opening a new window in Firefox


Jonathan N. Little

Ed said:
There is no way. Period. No "inless", no unless, no nothing, it cannot
be done. Period!

Great one Ed! I was having a tough time deciding whether this was some
form of bad "cyber-speak", non-English struggle, or illiteracy going on


It's really non-sense to open 900px wide pages in a small pop-up. I think
Firefox should have made an exception for popups windows.



I entirely agree with RF when he says
"If the information is so important then put it right there, on the
page I am
looking at."


Blinky the Shark

Jonathan said:
Great one Ed! I was having a tough time deciding whether this was some
form of bad "cyber-speak", non-English struggle, or illiteracy going on

I'm still trying to untie "itturends".

john smith

soory but im doing my best to write bing totly blind and and having
nothing but a sckreen reader to help me out maks it relly hard to write and
i mess things and get words stuck together some times but know this i don't
do it on perpace . and I do try and edit my messages but i domess things
some times.


john said:
soory but im doing my best to write bing totly blind and and having
nothing but a sckreen reader to help me out maks it relly hard to write and
i mess things and get words stuck together some times but know this i don't
do it on perpace . and I do try and edit my messages but i domess things
some times.

That actually crossed my mind, as you're making the same type of
mistakes as another blind poster in the webmaster group. I bet that if
you let your reader speak the words you wrote, you won't hear the
difference between a correctly spelled word and an incorrectly spelled
one. Makes it kinda hard to catch the errors I think.

Jonathan N. Little

john said:
soory but im doing my best to write bing totly blind and and having
nothing but a sckreen reader to help me out maks it relly hard to write and
i mess things and get words stuck together some times but know this i don't
do it on perpace . and I do try and edit my messages but i domess things
some times.

With that knowledge we shall cope. We have others here that are blind or
not native English speakers and we can usually find common ground to
communicate. But sometimes it is difficult to differentiate from those
who think it is really cool using super cyber-speak slang....


"john smith said:
soory but im doing my best to write bing totly blind and and having
nothing but a sckreen reader to help me out maks it relly hard to write and
i mess things and get words stuck together some times but know this i don't
do it on perpace . and I do try and edit my messages but i domess things
some times.

No, I'm sorry mate. This did not occur to me and I would not have
made my remark (about the writing being deliberate or accidental)
if it had occurred to me that you were blind and using a screen
reader. You still get your meaning across ok. Don't go away, you
can learn a few things here. (I just did.)

Blinky the Shark

john said:
soory but im doing my best to write bing totly blind and and having

While I did just mention one of your words ("itturends") that I was still
trying to figure out, in hopes that someone else could decode it, I had
already (before you posted this explanation) kind of pictured you reading
and posting with at least a very severe vision impairment and perhaps even
using a mouth stylus. I commend you for your effort in wrestling with
this medium given the amount of effort it must involve.

Ed Mullen

Blinky said:
AND a spare "e" thrown in just for good measure?

I gotta give it up to Els. That was a brilliant translation!

You know, before the first drink I was totally flummoxed by the prose.
After the second drink I thought it charming in a kind of "stranger in a
strange land" sort of way. After the fourth drink I was sitting staring
at the screen going: "I need another drink."

Having slept on it and come back for review I really wonder what's going

Hmm. In all seriousness, I wonder if the poster is using a speech
translator. Firefox=fier fox. SeaMonkey=see monky. I guess=igess. If
I sound it out in my head I wind up hearing Stephen Hawking. Tawking.

Ed Mullen
Deja New: What? Again?

Ed Mullen

john said:
soory but im doing my best to write bing totly blind and and having
nothing but a sckreen reader to help me out maks it relly hard to write and
i mess things and get words stuck together some times but know this i don't
do it on perpace . and I do try and edit my messages but i domess things
some times.

Ahhh! In a reply I just wrote I surmised that might be the case. I
should have read through the thread first and gotten the answer.

John, no problem. Keep posting, we'll figure it all out.

Ed Mullen
Can fat people go skinny-dipping?


Blinky said:
AND a spare "e" thrown in just for good measure?

Yup. Depending on the pronunciation or 'turn'.
Not sure about English, but in Dutch it's quite common to pronounce an
extra vowel between consonants.
The Dutch word "melk" (milk) for example, is often pronounced as
"mellek" or "melluk".
Jul 18, 2008
Reaction score
cool guys, i applaud your work but to be able to force a new window you need to go beyond target=_blank
this works on firefox and ie, haven't tested other browsers

<a href="#" onclick="'application.htm','application','toolbar=no,width=600,height=750,left=400,top=100,scrollbars=yes,resizable=no');return false">Start Application</a>

this opens a new window without toolbars or favorites in sidebar
Last edited:
Aug 11, 2008
Reaction score
I just came accross this post and I'll put in my two cents worth for any junior level programmer or someone looking to build a web app for the first time. I've been doing apps/sites for clients for the past 15 years and there are exceptions to every rule. True, it is anoying to have popups all over the place when you go to web sites, but remember why that is. It's because of exploits people are using on the web to make money. Should we disallow email because of SPAM? No, we find ways around it. Like SPAM filters. Technically speaking, every email I get from Macy's, Circuit City and such is treated as SPAM until I add them to my SPAM filter. Does that discourage these places from sending mass emails anyway? No, of course not. We don't change what we do (when it makes sense) because of others' misuse. We just become smarter and try and work around it. So, I agree with previous posts that you should try very hard to show whatever you need without popups (for more reasons than just the anoyance factor), but there are many times I use popups and sometimes THEY ARE NECESSARY. The alternatives of course would be hidden divs, frames or other ways that are not always the most efficient. So for anyone thinking of using popups, don't let these "purist" discourage you from using them. If they were so bad, MS and FF would have just done away with them versions ago. BTW, FF will allow new windows even if the "New pages should be opened in:" setting is set to a new tab (I'm using version
Feb 19, 2009
Reaction score
minion said:
<a href="#" onclick="'application.htm','application','toolbar=no,width=600,height=750,left=400,top=100,scrollbars=yes,resizable=no');return false">Start Application</a>
Very nice, but if the user has javascript turned off (and many do), completely useless. The value of the href attribute should be the same as the first paramater of the javascript function.

<a href="application.htm" onclick="'application.htm','application','toolbar=no,width=600,height=750,left=400,top=100,scrollbars=yes,resizable=no');return false">Start Application</a>

So if the user has javascript disabled, the link works as normal. If they have it enabled, the javascript executes instead. (I believe that if the javascript returned true the normal link would also work, and you don't want that. Returning false suppresses the normal link. I think. Don't quote me on that.)

Feb 19, 2009
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By the way, I came to this thread from Google. What I was actually looking for was a Firefox extension to tell me whether a link had a target attribute to force a new window/tab. I eventually found that extension. It's called Link Alert. Wonderful little tool. Does loads of other things too.

Mar 24, 2010
Reaction score
Hi, just to stick in my 2 cents worth...

I'm writing a website that'll show things on the projection screen... its something for internal use and I personally know all the people who'll be using the "site" ... we need the 2nd screen to be a popup and we want it to appear directly on the second screen so as someone said earlier on, there are always reasons when "popups" are necessary or desirable :)
Mar 1, 2011
Reaction score
You can use this code and it WILL work <a href="your URL" onclick=", '_blank', 'toolbar=yes,location=yes,directories=yes,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes'); return false;">

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