web space ?


Starshine Moonbeam

Paul Haas said:

I am teaching a Intro to Internet class and one of the later chapter
introduces HTML. I would like for my students to do a small web page using
HTML. Can anyone recommend free web space which will allow the use of HTML?
Also, I looking for myself as well and don't mind paying. I heard that Yahoo
Geocities is decent. Any opinions would be appreciated.

You don't need to be on the internet at all to view what your webpage
will look like. You will need net access to store your pages on a server
but honestly if they're just starting out, they shouldn't need to. They
can just keep their projects on a disk.

open notepad
write your code
save as: whatever.html <---- you must have the .html (.htm will work
too), not .txt

to make changes:
open your webpage (1 note, you must have your .jpg and .gifs in the same
directory as your page or they won't render when you open your page)
view source (View in the file, edit, search...bar. souce is in the drop-
down menu in view)
make your changes
save (just use save (ctrl-s), not save as)
switch back to the webpage and hit f5 (refresh if whatever browser
you're using doesn't recognize f5)

Now if you really, really want them to use a server, geocities is okay.
It's free and and the upload's pretty hassle free. I've never had a
problem with them. There is a storage limit so if you want them to use a
lot of pictures or animations you're gonna have to watch the storage


Now if you really, really want them to use a server, geocities is okay.
It's free and and the upload's pretty hassle free. I've never had a
problem with them. There is a storage limit so if you want them to use a
lot of pictures or animations you're gonna have to watch the storage

The one issue I have with Geocities is their inclusion of ads which
normally violate the doctype you set for your page. Sometimes those ads
cannot validate. So it's important to validate before the page is
uploaded, and then to re-check to see that rendering of the page is
undisturbed when the error-ridden code is added.

Starshine Moonbeam

Neal said:
The one issue I have with Geocities is their inclusion of ads which
normally violate the doctype you set for your page. Sometimes those ads
cannot validate. So it's important to validate before the page is
uploaded, and then to re-check to see that rendering of the page is
undisturbed when the error-ridden code is added.

I can't speak to this. I've never had that problem. There was always an
ad and it always worked. Sometimes it opened a big long ad but that was
because of the design of the ad, not the scripting that created it.

Jim Higson

Paul said:

I am teaching a Intro to Internet class and one of the later chapter
introduces HTML. I would like for my students to do a small web page using
HTML. Can anyone recommend free web space which will allow the use of
HTML? Also, I looking for myself as well and don't mind paying. I heard
that Yahoo Geocities is decent. Any opinions would be appreciated.

Might I make the suggestion that, since you only need to put up a few small
sites that will get minimal traffic you host it yourself?

No really, it's not that difficult to do. If you're teaching a web class it
should be well within your grasp.

Because we're talking about tiny sites any computer should do as a server,
even an old one that noone uses anymore. A Pentium one or two box is fine.

The software is even free - most Linux distributions come with Apache, an
excellent webserver (runs most of the world's websites) pretty much ready
to go out of the box.

So, it costs nothing and helps demystify the web when a student can go to a
webpage and point to the computer the data is coming off.

Just my <currency>0.02

Jim Higson

Neal said:

Close your elements! We wouldn't want the rest of the thread to start
costing us money, would we? ;)

Not if I'm using some proprietry SGML in which the currency tag doesn't have
to be closed.


You don't need to be on the internet at all to view what your webpage
will look like. You will need net access to store your pages on a server
but honestly if they're just starting out, they shouldn't need to. They
can just keep their projects on a disk.

While this is certainly true, shouldn't an actual course include the
mechanics of getting a page up and running? I.e., all the
username/password, FTP address or control panel, which stuff goes
where, sort of hassle?

Starshine Moonbeam

Frogleg said:
While this is certainly true, shouldn't an actual course include the
mechanics of getting a page up and running? I.e., all the
username/password, FTP address or control panel, which stuff goes
where, sort of hassle?

Honestly, I don't know since I don't know what the particulars of his
html section is going to be. If he's just showing them how to make a
simple webpage, then no because they don't really need it. If he's gonna
show them how to take that webpage and put it on their brand new
geocities site and all the fun things that entails, then yes, you'd be
correct. And you'd want them to learn the code first anyway before
piling on server problems to it, iykwim.

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