3.5 Deployment Question



Hello all:

I've got a 2K3 R2 web server with an ASP.NET site, a few different web
services and a few Http endpoints running under ASP.NET 2.0. In our
development environment, everything is running under .NET 3.5. Back in
development, we've converted all the production pieces to 3.5 and now it is
time to deploy.

My question is: What, besides targeting the 3.5 framework for each
application and publishing, should be done to ensure a smooth deployment?
Here's a little back story. The live ASP.NET site (currently in 2.0) uses
the ajax extensions toolkit so I'd imagine I'll have to upgrade that to the
3.5 build. Also, in order to run under SSL, the ASP.NET site also contains
the web service applications as directories deployed to the server in the
ASP.NET site's path. All of these web services have already been converted
(in development) and are ready to go as well.

I know that the IIS snap-in tool doesn't give an option for 3.5 and this
makes sense as the 3.0/3.5 framework is an extension of the 2.0 framework,
but is there any known 'gotchas' to be aware of?

Thanks all!

David R. Longnecker

We recently upgraded with about the same scenarios as you... and it went
without any issues. We reproduced all of our existing applications in a
..NET 3.5 environment prior to "flipping the switch"--but you never know on
the production servers. =)

We had several standing applications targeting .NET 2.0--they didn't change
at all and, after a few months now, have had no issues. Our 3.5 applications,
after the RTW of 3.5 was installed, published without any trouble aside the
existing applications. All of our production servers are now running the
3.5 framework and are working great.

You are correct--3.0/3.5 are simply additions to the framework... you're
still, essentially, hitting the .NET 2.0 framework (if you look at %systemroot%\Microsoft.NET\Framework,
you'll see 3.0 and 3.5 folders, but the aspnet utilities still reside in

Good luck with your upgrade!



Thanks David ... good to know it worked out well for you and hope I have the
same luck!


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