[ANN] Ramaze Version 0.1.2


Michael Fellinger

This time we are proud to announce Version 0.1.2 of the Ramaze framework, an
open source web framework with the aim to be light and modular.

Since the 0.1.0 release we have made a lot of progress and the overall API has
mostly settled down. An extensive set of tests is covering almost every detail
of the implementation and usage.

It is developed by by several people and already in production-use at some

Homepage: http://ramaze.rubyforge.org
IRC: #ramaze on irc.freenode.net

New Features in Version 0.1.2:

- Restructuring of Ramaze internals, featuring a cleaner overall layout.

- Add Ramaze::Record to easily record requests fitting particular patterns.

- Support for the Remarkably templating engine.

- Adapted for Rack 0.2

- Easier caching.

- replacing autoreload with a general SourceReload class.

- Reviewed and largely improved tutorial and tested examples.

- Even less patches to the Ruby core, mostly for compatibility with the
upcoming Ruby 1.9 and tested with older versions down to 1.8.2.

- Largely improved Spec-framework for any kind of web-application.

- Through some benchmarking and refactoring the overall speed has improved
around the factor 2-3.

A complete Changelog is available at http://manveru.mine.nu/ramaze/doc/CHANGELOG

- Builds on top of the recently released Rack library, which provides easy use
of adapters like Mongrel, WEBrick, CGI or FCGI.

- Supports a wide range of templating-engines like:
Amrita2, Erubis, HAML, Liquid, Markaby, Remarkably and its own engine
called Ezamar.

- Highly modular structure, you can just use the parts you like. This also
means that it's very simple to add your own customizations.

- A variety of helpers is already available, giving you things like advanced
caching, OpenID-authentication or aspect-oriented programming for your

- It is possible to use the ORM you like, be it ActiveRecord, Og, Kansas or
something more simplistic like a wrapper around YAML::Store.

- Good documentation: although we don't have 100% documentation right now,
just about every part of Ramaze is covered with basic and advanced docs.
There are a variety of examples and a tutorial available.

- Friendly community: lastly, but still quite important, there are people from
all over the world using Ramaze, so you can get almost instant help and

For more information please come to http://ramaze.rubyforge.org or ask directly
on IRC (irc://irc.freenode.net/#ramaze)

Thank you,
Michael 'manveru' Fellinger and the Ramaze community

Kashia Buch

This time we are proud to announce Version 0.1.2 of the Ramaze
framework, an open source web framework with the aim to be light
and modular.

way to go! Greatly appriciated. The new SourceReload in this
version is really much better, taking next to none CPU.


PS: Favourite Ramaze feature of the day:

Using Ramaze::Dispatcher::Action::FILTER to implement arbitrary
filters which get run on the response (like Localization).

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