[ANN] Ramaze version 0.1.3


Michael Fellinger

This time we are proud to announce Version 0.1.3 of the Ramaze framework, a
light and modular open source web framework.

Since the last release some polishing and improvements have been made, it seems
like Ramaze is now mostly feature-complete.

An extensive set of specs is covering almost every detail of the implementation
and usage. It is developed by several people and already in production-use at
some companies.

Home page: http://ramaze.rubyforge.org
IRC: #ramaze on irc.freenode.net

Short summary of changes from 0.1.2 to 0.1.3:

- Better error handling

- Many bugs fixed

- Some speedup

- Lots of docs added

- Smoother sourcereload

- New Wiki example

- jQuery

A complete Changelog is available at http://manveru.mine.nu/ramaze/doc/CHANGELOG

Known issues:

- Haml: either use Haml version 1.5.2 or require ActionPack.

- Builds on top of the recently released Rack library, which provides easy use
of adapters like Mongrel, WEBrick, CGI or FCGI.

- Supports a wide range of templating-engines like:
Amrita2, Erubis, Haml, Liquid, Markaby, Remarkably and its own engine
called Ezamar.

- Highly modular structure, you can just use the parts you like. This also
means that it's very simple to add your own customizations.

- A variety of helpers is already available, giving you things like advanced
caching, OpenID-authentication or aspect-oriented programming for your

- It is possible to use the ORM you like, be it ActiveRecord, Og, Kansas or
something more simplistic like a wrapper around YAML::Store.

- Good documentation: although we don't have 100% (dcov says around 75%)
documentation right now, just about every part of Ramaze is covered with
basic and advanced docs.
There are a variety of examples and a tutorial available.

- Friendly community: lastly, but still quite important, there are people from
all over the world using Ramaze, so you can get almost instant help and

For more information please come to http://ramaze.rubyforge.org or ask directly
on IRC (irc://irc.freenode.net/#ramaze)

Thank you,
Michael 'manveru' Fellinger and the Ramaze community

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