Avoiding new lines in tables and doublespacing every word ...




for some reason Firefox is apparently inserting a new line somehow
after some IPA symbols which I have written in their hexadecimal

Also, I would like to have two spaces by default in textual fields
from tables.

What would be the style sheet statements to achieve this?


Toby Inkster

onetitfemme said:
for some reason Firefox is apparently inserting a new line somehow
after some IPA symbols which I have written in their hexadecimal

Do you mean it's displaying one character per line, or that it's just
splitting word part-way through?
Also, I would like to have two spaces by default in textual fields
from tables.
What would be the style sheet statements to achieve this?

TD, TH { word-spacing: 0.33em; }

(Note CSS word-spacing is applied *in addition* to the default spacing
between words.)

Chris Sharman

onetitfemme said:

for some reason Firefox is apparently inserting a new line somehow
after some IPA symbols which I have written in their hexadecimal

Validate your page ( http://validator.w3.org/ or
http://www.htmlhelp.com/tools/validator ), then tell us where it is (if
it's still broken).
IPA - I thought that was beer?
Also, I would like to have two spaces by default in textual fields
from tables.

What would be the style sheet statements to achieve this?

You could be talking about td { width: 1em; } or possibly min-width, or
margin or padding - all of which would be css.
If you're talking about    then that really has to go in the html.


Jukka K. Korpela

onetitfemme said:
for some reason Firefox is apparently inserting a new line somehow
after some IPA symbols which I have written in their hexadecimal

You probably made an error.

Try posting the URL if you want more specific help.
Also, I would like to have two spaces by default in textual fields
from tables.

Here, too, a URL would help, but you would also need to express clearly
what you see as a problem and what you would like to achieve. Where
should two spaces appear and what are "textual fields from tables"?
(Normally _forms_ have fields.)
What would be the style sheet statements to achieve this?

Followups trimmed. Crossposting is mostly a bad idea. More hints on
Usenet conduct: http://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/usenet/dont.html


// __
Toby Inkster wrote
Do you mean it's displaying one character per line, or that it's just
splitting word part-way through? ..
TD, TH { word-spacing: 0.33em; }
otf: Thank you this change did it! And for those stumbling on the same
problem. If you can to reverse to regular spacing inside a particular
<td> use:
<span style="word-spacing: 0.0em">text segment with single spaces as
// __
Chris Sharman wrote
http://www.htmlhelp.com/tools/validator ) ...
otf: Actually my, still under dev. with typos and errors, page:
did validate as XHML version 1.0 Strict (of course without the
geocities junk)
I am not a designer myself (and I hope this is not illegal around here
;-)), so I usually have a hard time making things look acceptably. This
page looks good enough, to me ;-), so I will keep working on its
content for now. I would however welcome all tips and opinions.
I have two questions though (which you can see in the TODO section of
the html doc):
._ how do you list indentation in a way that it should cascade so that
if an encompassing item is V. the next sub-item should be. say, V.i.
and so forth?
._ how do you rid the "Document encoding" table of the outer border?
._ I haven't found a way to make tidy freaking keep the hexadecimal
encodings of especial characters. I am running it like:

sh-3.00# tidy -file errs.txt -clean -asxml -access 3 -latin1 -indent
-wrap 120 -output output.html <page2b_tidied>.html

it just substitutes them for numeric ones, which does not work well
for me.



By the way, what I wanted to do with this "self-nesting of ordered
list" you do with "counters", which are very poorly supported. More on
it from:



Here are examples that do not work on:

Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.7.10) Gecko/20050911
Firefox/1.0.6 (Debian package 1.0.6-5)

// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en"

<title>list test</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css" />
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />

<style type="text/css">

body { counter-reset: par-num; }
p { counter-increment: par-num; }
p:before { content: " Paragragh: " counter(par-num, upper-roman) ". ";

ol { counter-reset: item; }
li { display: block; }
li:before { content: counter(item) ". "; counter-increment: item; }

<h1>list test</h1>

<p>First paragragh.</p>

<p>Second paragragh.</p>


// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


OK, the self-nesting of ordered lists works -relatively- OK on Firefox
version 1.5.

I tried this css based page:

// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en"

<title>list test</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css" />
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />

<style type="text/css">

body { counter-reset: par-num; }
p { counter-increment: par-num; }
p:before { content: " Before Paragragh: " counter(par-num, upper-roman)
". "; }
p:after { content: " After Paragragh: " counter(par-num, upper-roman) "
<a href=\22mailto:[email protected]?Subject=test emai\22>test
email</a>"; }

ol { counter-reset: item; list-style: none; }
ol li { counter-increment: item; }
ol li:before { content: counter(item, upper-roman) ". ";}

ol ol { counter-reset: item2; list-style: none; }
ol ol li { counter-increment: item2; }
ol ol li:before { content: counter(item, upper-roman) "."
counter(item2, lower-roman) "._ "; }

ol ol ol { counter-reset: item3; list-style: none; }
ol ol ol li { counter-increment: item3; }
ol ol ol li:before { content: counter(item, upper-roman) "."
counter(item2, lower-roman) "." counter(item3, decimal) "._ " ; }


<h1>list test</h1>

<p>First paragragh.</p>

<p>Second paragragh.</p>



<ul> Unordered list in ol (ol ul):

<ul> Unordered list in ol (ol ul il):


<ul> Unordered list outside of ol:

// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

which did work but partially:

1._ It did not handle unordered lists (inside of ordered ones)

2._ It did not insert the email as an actual "mailto" URL in the page
after each paragraph, but it did print smartly the "before" part.

there is an example:

previously posted on the net that only shows nesting ordered lists.

Apparently if you nest an unordered list then it doesn't work right

Here is an image of what I am getting:



Toby Inkster

onetitfemme said:
ol li { counter-increment: item; }
ol li:before { content: counter(item, upper-roman) ". ";}

This CSS rule will of course match:

<LI>this list item here!

You could try using:

OL > LI { counter-increment: item; }
OL > LI:before { content: counter(item, upper-roman) ". ";}

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