Converting Dos C to an applet?!



Hello. I wrote a little C program with Borland C 5.5 and compiled it
as a 32-bit DOS application. Is there any way for me to get my little
program to run in a window on my website as opposed to people having
to download it first?

Thank you!!

- Jason

Andrew Thompson

BrainCell000 said:
Hello. I wrote a little C program with Borland C 5.5 and compiled it
as a 32-bit DOS application. Is there any way for me to get my little
program to run in a window on my website as opposed to people having
to download it first?

I am not sure how you want me to frame the answer,
but I will take a stab.

a) Yes, it _is_ possible to write your program as an
Applet and run it inside a browser.

If your program wants to write to the web surfers'
disk their are various tricky things you need to do
to the applet (digitaly signing it, to free you from the
applet security sandbox) that are a bit tricky.

b) To invoke your C program from within an Applet
in a browser not only hits the 'security' problems,
but introduces dealing with 'native' resources (JNDI,
I think).

Further, the x-platform Applet would be calling a platform
specific C prog - hardly the best way to go.

Do either of those answer your question?

Thomas Schodt

I wrote a little C program
Is there any way for me to get my little
program to run in a window on my website

If it's only small, rewrite it as a Java applet.

Henrique Seganfredo

few questions:

I did not get your idea exactly: do you want the code to run server side or
client side? the person who accesses the webpage must only see some sort of
listing, information from this program or must interact with the program?
Which level of interaction is needed?

Varying from your answer, the way to must could be just CGIze the C program
or convert the code to Java and make ir run as an applet. Each approach will
demand a few security policies and may offer some limitations.

Henrique Seganfredo

Tim Tyler

BrainCell000 said:
Hello. I wrote a little C program with Borland C 5.5 and compiled it
as a 32-bit DOS application. Is there any way for me to get my little
program to run in a window on my website as opposed to people having
to download it first?

Short answer: yes - convert it to Java.

Doing it by hand will /probably/ be easiest and quickest.

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