doubt in process statement of vhdl



dear all
i am constructing a FIFO which is in between 2 clock domains.
1st domain --clk1
2nd domain--clk2
so in my program i written
process(clk1, clk2)

so first let me say clk1 triggered process and the code inside the
process is in the process of execution and in the middle of execution
if clk2 triggered the process what will happen.will the start
responding to clk2 trigger instantaneously by suspending the clk1
trigger or after completing the task of clk1.
i think i am clear..if not plz tell me for further clarity.the process
is as follows
behavior: process (clk_in, clk_out)

variable fifo_index : natural := 0;
variable i : natural ;
variable fifo_buffer : buffer_type;
variable req_temp : std_logic := '0';

--n := fifo_index;
-- Accept input
if clk_in'event and clk_in = '1' then
if chan_in.req = '1' and fifo_index < buffer_size then
fifo_index := fifo_index + 1;
index_delayed <= fifo_index after fifo_delay;
fifo_buffer(fifo_index) := chan_in;
end if;
end if;

-- Acknowlege input
if clk_in'event and clk_in = '0' then
if chan_in.req = '0' then
ack_in <= '0' after 0.5 ns;
elsif fifo_index < buffer_size then
ack_in <= '1' after 0.5 ns;
end if;
end if;

-- Check for output acknowlegements Send output data
if clk_out'event and clk_out = '1' then
if ack_out = '1' then
req_temp := '0';
if fifo_index > 1 then
fifo_index := fifo_index - 1;
end if;
index_delayed <= fifo_index;

-- for index in 1 to fifo_index loop
-- fifo_buffer(index) := fifo_buffer(index + 1);
--end loop;
fifo_buffer(i) := fifo_buffer(i+1);
i := i+1;
if (i = fifo_index+1) then
exit L1;
end if;
end loop L1;
end if;
if fifo_index > 0 then
req_temp := '1';
chan_out <= fifo_buffer(1) after 0.5 ns;
end if;
end if;

chan_out.req <= req_temp after 0.5 ns;

end process behavior;

end Behavioral;


dear all
i am constructing a FIFO which is in between 2 clock domains.
1st domain --clk1
2nd domain--clk2
so in my program i written
process(clk1, clk2)

so first let me say clk1 triggered process and the code inside the
process is in the process of execution and in the middle of execution
if clk2 triggered the process what will happen.will the start
responding to clk2 trigger instantaneously by suspending the clk1
trigger or after completing the task of clk1.
i think i am clear..if not plz tell me for further clarity.the process
is as follows

This will not be synthesizable (not sure if that is your intention here or
if you just want to write a model for a fifo for simulation only purposes).
If you do intend for this to be synthesizable (i.e. implement it in a
physical part) you can not have a process triggered by edges of two
different signals (i.e. clk1, clk2) or by different edges (later in the code
you looked for rising edges as well as falling edges). If you really need
all of this you'll need to have four processes: two that are triggered by
events on clk1 and two more that are triggered by events on clk2 In
addition you can not use the 'after' clause (i.e. ack_in <= '1' after 0.5
ns; is not synthesizable). There may be other problems but those are the
first that jumped out.

If, on the other hand, if all you're trying to do is make a simulation model
of a fifo then in regards to your question..

"if clk2 triggered the process what will happen.will the start responding to
clk2 trigger instantaneously by suspending the clk1 trigger or after
completing the task of clk1."

the answer is that a process will always run to completion or until it
voluntarily gives up control (via a 'wait' statement). If 'clk2' triggered
the process then this implies that the clk1 task had already completed so
there is no chance of the clk1 proces being suspended as a result of
anything to do with clk2.



Some synthesis tools allow multiple clocks/edges in one process, so
long as the same signal/variable is not assigned on more than one
clock/edge. Synplify is one such synthesis tool, and I believe Quartus
is as well.


alessandro basili

Processes are only a way to describe sequential logic, so it can even be
done everything in the same process but the major problem is that each
signal will turn out as a flip flop, a hardware coded object, which will
not be able to be clocked on both rising and falling edge of the clock.
Think to the hardware before writing the code is the best way to
understand vhdl in my opinion.


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