Function result not locally static in case expression


a s


I wrote the following helper function to decode a chip select for
addressing a particular register in custom processor peripherals.

function CE_decode(CE_bit,CE_width : integer) return
std_logic_vector is
variable v_tmp : std_logic_vector(0 to CE_width-1) := (others =>
v_tmp(CE_bit) := '1';
return v_tmp;
end function CE_decode;

The problem is that Xilinx XST returns a warning:
WARNING:HDLParsers:817 Choice CE_decode is not a locally static

I confirmed that the warning is actually redundant but I would still
like to get rid of it.

I am using the function in a context like this:

C_NUM_REG : integer := 4;

p_slv_reg_write : process(Bus2IP_Clk) is
if rising_edge(Bus2IP_Clk) then
case slv_reg_write_sel is
when CE_decode(0, C_NUM_REG) =>
slv_reg0 <= Bus2IP_Data;
when CE_decode(1, C_NUM_REG) =>
slv_reg1 <= Bus2IP_Data;
when CE_decode(2, C_NUM_REG) =>
slv_reg2 <= Bus2IP_Data;
when CE_decode(3, C_NUM_REG) =>
slv_reg3 <= Bus2IP_Data;
when others => null;
end case;
end if;
end process p_slv_reg_write;

Instead of using the CE_decode function I can of course just write a
static expression,
but this gets hard to maintain and needs modification each time the
number of registers
in the peripheral changes. And it is hard to spot a mistake if there
are 32 registers
which CE is actually being decoded, e.g.

Can somebody please suggest how to work around the warning or suggest
a better way
in place of CE_decode function?

Thank you!

Enrik Berkhan

a s said:
The problem is that Xilinx XST returns a warning:
WARNING:HDLParsers:817 Choice CE_decode is not a locally static
C_NUM_REG : integer := 4;

p_slv_reg_write : process(Bus2IP_Clk) is
if rising_edge(Bus2IP_Clk) then
case slv_reg_write_sel is
when CE_decode(0, C_NUM_REG) =>
slv_reg0 <= Bus2IP_Data;
when CE_decode(1, C_NUM_REG) =>
slv_reg1 <= Bus2IP_Data;
when CE_decode(2, C_NUM_REG) =>
slv_reg2 <= Bus2IP_Data;
when CE_decode(3, C_NUM_REG) =>
slv_reg3 <= Bus2IP_Data;
when others => null;
end case;
end if;
end process p_slv_reg_write;
Can somebody please suggest how to work around the warning or suggest
a better way
in place of CE_decode function?

You could use if-constructs like this:

p_slv_reg_write : process(Bus2IP_Clk) is
if rising_edge(Bus2IP_Clk) then
if slv_reg_write_sel = CE_decode(0, C_NUM_REG) then
slv_reg0 <= Bus2IP_Data;
end if;
if slv_reg_write_sel = CE_decode(1, C_NUM_REG) then
slv_reg1 <= Bus2IP_Data;
end if;
if slv_reg_write_sel = CE_decode(2, C_NUM_REG) then
slv_reg2 <= Bus2IP_Data;
end if;
if slv_reg_write_sel = CE_decode(3, C_NUM_REG) then
slv_reg3 <= Bus2IP_Data;
end if;
end if;
end process p_slv_reg_write;

Note that 'elsif' has intentionally not been used to avoid priority
decoders and because CE_decode() already guarantees non-overlapping

If you put slv_regX into an array, you can even use a for loop instead
of explicitly writing all those if's.


Bart Fox

Can somebody please suggest how to work around the warning or suggest
a better way
in place of CE_decode function?
Try to define and use some constants:

constant ce_slv_reg0_c : std_logic_vector := CE_decode(0, C_NUM_REG);
constant ce_slv_reg1_c : std_logic_vector := CE_decode(1, C_NUM_REG);
constant ce_slv_reg2_c : std_logic_vector := CE_decode(2, C_NUM_REG);
constant ce_slv_reg3_c : std_logic_vector := CE_decode(3, C_NUM_REG);

They should be static enough for VHDL.




I wrote the following helper function to decode a chip select for
addressing a particular register in custom processor peripherals.

function CE_decode(CE_bit,CE_width : integer) return
std_logic_vector is
variable v_tmp : std_logic_vector(0 to CE_width-1) := (others =>
v_tmp(CE_bit) := '1';

Normally, breaking vec := (CE_BIT => '1', others => '0') into your code
solves the problem. I would first ensure that args are constants:

constant CE_bit,CE_width : integer

Brian Drummond


I wrote the following helper function to decode a chip select for
addressing a particular register in custom processor peripherals.

function CE_decode(CE_bit,CE_width : integer) return
.... and using it as
p_slv_reg_write : process(Bus2IP_Clk) is begin
if rising_edge(Bus2IP_Clk) then
case slv_reg_write_sel is
when CE_decode(0, C_NUM_REG) =>
slv_reg0 <= Bus2IP_Data;
when CE_decode(1, C_NUM_REG) =>
slv_reg1 <= Bus2IP_Data;
when CE_decode(2, C_NUM_REG) =>
slv_reg2 <= Bus2IP_Data;
when CE_decode(3, C_NUM_REG) =>
slv_reg3 <= Bus2IP_Data;
when others => null;
end case;
end if;
end process p_slv_reg_write;

Instead of using the CE_decode function I can of course just write a
static expression, ....
Can somebody please suggest how to work around the warning or suggest a
better way
in place of CE_decode function?
Bart Fox has one good solution : use the CE_Decode function to create
your static expressions (constants) ... but another way is to realise the
purpose of the case statement is to evaluate once, and simply compare
against a static list (effectively a list of constants.

So another way is to write a new function

subtype reg_addr is natural range 0 to C_NUM_REG;
-- Use a subtype here so synthesis doesn't use 32-bit arithmetic!

function select_reg(selector : ) return reg_addr is
-- a simple exercise...

case select_reg(slv_reg_write_sel) is
when 0 => slv_reg0 <= Bus2IP_Data;
when 1 => slv_reg1 <= Bus2IP_Data;
when 2 => slv_reg2 <= Bus2IP_Data;
when 3 => slv_reg3 <= Bus2IP_Data;
when others => null;
end case;

-- Brian

a s

Thank you all! These suggestions above are all very interesting.

I decided to go with Brian's suggestions and implemented the
following function. I checked it in simulation and synthesis
and the function passed without warnings. Anyway, I would
appreciate to receive a comment if someone spots a weak point.

function select_reg(selector : std_logic_vector;
C_NUM_REG : integer)
return natural is
subtype reg_addr_t is natural range 0 to C_NUM_REG-1;
variable reg_addr : reg_addr_t := 0;
for i in 0 to C_NUM_REG-1 loop
if selector(i) = '1' then
reg_addr := i;
end if;
end loop;
return reg_addr;
end function select_reg;

Thanks again!


Why are you passing c_num_reg to the function? The 'range attribute
from the selector argument will give you what you want:

function select_reg(selector : std_logic_vector) return natural is
variable reg_addr : natural range selector'range;
for i in selector'range loop
if selector(i) = '1' then
reg_addr := i;
end if;
end loop;
return reg_addr;
end function select_reg;

Note that the function returns the same value whether no bits or set
or selector'low is set. May not be a problem in your application.

If you need to encode only a slice of a vector, then call the function
with the slice instead of the whole vector.


Mike Treseler

Can somebody please suggest how to work around the warning or suggest
a better way
in place of CE_decode function?

Selects are a stubborn problem.
My last looked something like:

type cs_t is (ram, rom, led, keys, io);
type cs_bits_t is array (cs_t) of std_ulogic;
type cs_bytes_t is array (cs_t) of byte_t;
signal cs_s : cs_t;
signal cs_bits_s : cs_bits_t;
signal rdy_bits_s : cs_bits_t;
signal data_bytes_s : cs_bytes_t;
-- some limits record
-- some table of adr limit records:
type cs_table_t is array (cs_t) of cs_limits_t;
function cs_all return cs_bits_t is ...for loop for all selects
cs_s <= cs_now(cs_bits_s);
d <= data_bytes_s(cs_s);

-- Mike Treseler

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