Giving an application a window icon in a sensible way



I am not sure if you missed it, but infact, I did email you with the
offer that, if you send me your software (of if the software is
sensative, an equivilant) then I would manipulate into a standard
structure (if required) and write a simple ant build script to
demonstrate how it could be done.

I was referring to personal criticisms or sincerely-meant "help" with
my *supposedly* poor mental health, so as not to do so in front of
third parties and thereby effectively attack me publicly. Nobody
bothered to take *those* thoughts to email. I wonder why?
I even said that if we could get back
to a reasonable level of mutual respect, I may offer you some project
space on my subversion server so you could test it out without the need
to set it up for yourself.

That's OK, but thanks.
I am not sure if you ignored/deleted this email or it got trapped in
your spam filter (which would be somewhat ironic given another topic of
debate within this thread).

I may have forgotten about it, or not gotten to it in all the chaos


Hehe... sorry... just can't help myself!

I invoke Godwin's law! [snip]

I, for one, don't find any suggestion that I may have "lost" at all

In any event, it's a false application. I was using Nazis as an example
of how "everyone else is doing it" is not a justification in and of
itself. I was not directly suggesting that any of the present
participants were like Nazis, and in fact made it clear that they are
in fact in the bush leagues of evil compared to *those* guys.


What it is the kids are saying this days.... Pwned?

I don't give a shit *what* they are saying. This entire line of debate
is pointless, since it was founded on a (wilful?) misunderstanding of
what I wrote.


Tom said:
Twisted said:
Oliver Wong wrote:

[hostilities, most of them copied rather than original, deleted]

Stop attacking me at once.

cont'd: "I am the mighty Twisted, and if you do not do as I say, I will
contact my good friend Kim Jong-Il and he will distend you to pieces..."

We are not amused.
So you think that all the people who have responded have just magically
seen you through the wires and figured, you are the fat kid in the
schoolyard, lets pick on him for fun?

Basically. Although, obviously, not because of my weight. Presumably
something innocuous but eccentric in my mannerisms set them off.
Here is a another perspective: we only know of you from your responses,
none of us have ever heard of you from before. So the problem can only
stem from your responses, in which you are crude, rude, intolerant and
not very apologetic from the very beginning.

At first, I was simply "not very apologetic" because I had nothing to
*be* apologetic about. And because being apologetic would have been
tantamount to an admission of guilt, besides. Later I got rather
annoyed, as you would have if our positions had been reversed.
But then again you are only going to make the following comment to this:
"[insulting drible deleted] ..." or you are going to make up an excuse
for why you are not replying that...

Think again. For one thing, I don't make those kinds of gross spelling
errors, which is one clue that the hypothesis you and your pals have
been entertaining about the size of my brain might be a teensy bit
Yes... we all have our trofys at home which says "10.000 noobs
massacred", its a contest you see, and now the contest has moved on to
be "how many times we can get you to massacre yourself" ... :)

You shall find that I am not easily tricked or manipulated into
self-attack or developing self-hostile beliefs. In fact, once attacked
I respond mainly defensively and avoid doing anything else, partly so
that suggesting I do something self-damaging won't work, and neither
will suggesting the opposite and hoping for reverse psychology.


foo said:
I believe that if, from the outset, you had simply ignored any
perceived disparagement, there would have been no negative

My past, personal experience puts the lie to this claim.
I also believe that there is nothing wrong with being fallible, all
humans are. It is a strength, not a weakness, to be able to admit your
mistakes, especially in public. I'm not asking you to do this though.

It is a weakness to admit to mistakes that you don't actually believe
you made (either you don't believe they were mistakes, or you don't
believe you're actually responsible).
I believe that you made that treadmill and advertised it to the world.

No, you did, when you attacked me in the presence of third parties.
But I'm beginning to think you sadly incapable of stepping off it. I
am. Therefore I am moving on.


(And yes, I was incapable of stepping off it, or at least unwilling to
while you had the controls and were running it at such a speed that my
doing so would mean risking serious injury.)

(Oh, look what just happened AGAIN. And right after following up to
foobarbazqux, of course...I need to have a closer look at that
bastard's message headers. There must be *something* in there that's
causing following up to count extra toward that broken "limit" BS.)

Joe Attardi

reread everything, and I'm not about to do that just because you have a
faulty memory.
So basically, no. You accused me of harassment, so the burden is on you
to cite proof of that harassment. And sorry, Google Groups is not
broken. Either: (1) find a better excuse; or (2) give me a valid
Using language that also tried to convince all and sundry that I was
some sort of bonehead, mind you. *That* is what I objected to.
I asked you why learning Ant would be a bad thing. When did I suggest
you were a bonehead? As with your earlier claim -- cite an earlier post
where I suggested such, or don't keep mentioning it.
For one thing you never
qualified anything with "I think". For another, you repeated it several
times eventually.
Several times? I said "Twisted, you'll be glad to know that I'm wasting
no more time on you
after this post. " in this post:
Where were the other several times I repeated it, hmm? Show me where I
repeated it and I will recant.
And later on you called me pretty much every name in the book, and went
on to invent a few new ones for good measure.
Again, where did I invent new names to call you?

*You* are the one looking for a sense of victory. *You* therefore have some issues.
*You* are putting a lot of words in my mouth. There isn't any kind of
victory I'm looking for. At this point, I am just looking for you to
back up your claims that you are making.
I still can't find this promise you speak of. See above.Liar, liar, liar...
You have successfully dodged the question again. If I am a liar, than
prove it. Show where I promised to not post again. Otherwise it is you
that are a liar.
Maybe you're genuinely unaware of how much damage to someone a nasty
rumor you start about them can cause. If so, I suggest you educate
yourself, and then apologize to me for all of this.
What rumor exactly am I starting?

Basically, Twisted, all insults aside, you keep making claims that you
refuse to back up. Your excuse is that Google Groups is broken and so
you can't go back to read older messages in the thread. Give me a
break. Could it be because you are full of shit and don't want to admit

Joe Attardi

No, it's only net.stalking when you follow someone around and either
post offtopic crap everywhere they go
One other topic != everywhere. Try again. I posted in one other topic,
about bogus null pointer exceptions.
or drag irrelevancies from their
past and from other newsgroups into a present discussion.
It's not irrelevant when it solidifies your reputation as a troll.
Even when they insinuated (in front of a live studio audience!) that
you were dumb?!
Nobody suggested anything like that until you started acting like a
Your steadfast refusal to stop posting
this dreck proves that you think there's a lot at stake in this.
No, all it proves is that I fancy a good long debate.


Twisted said:
Hehe... sorry... just can't help myself!

I invoke Godwin's law! [snip]

I, for one, don't find any suggestion that I may have "lost" at all

It is amusing (to me at least) precisely because you care so much about
'winning' this usenet-based virutal pissing contest. Your reply was,
therefore, so predicitable I could have written it for you.

You should understand by now that trying to 'win' an argument with
someone on usenet (where both parties are at, around or above average
intelligence) is like trying to win, what they call in your part of the
world, tic-tac-toe. It is just move and counter-move in the most
predictable way, every exchange results in a draw, with each party
exclaiming, "I nearly had you there!!". The reality is, both parties
are losers because they waste the time playing in the first place. In
the famous words of the WOPR from the movie 'wargames'...."Interesting
game, the only way to win is not to play".

The tone of my post should have indicated how (un)seriously I take
Godwin's law.

Incidentally, my offer of help continues to stand for as long as this
thread remains active in my memory (which should be a good long time!),
just drop me an email in reply.


[ snip ]
Probably yes. I would assume it's okay to provide unsolicited advice or
questioning outside the original question, unless the OP specifically states
they don't want this to occur.

My understanding is that one of the benefits of providing answers
to questions in a public forum is that people other than the OP
can benefit. So, even if the OP has said that he/she has solved
the original problem, unsolicited advice or alternative approaches
could be of use to other people following the thread -- either in
real time (so to speak) or in archives of previous discussions.
So I'm not sure the OP's opinion about whether follow-ups are wanted
should control whether they happen. The OP is free to refuse,
or simply not respond to, questions and to ignore advice. (Well,
this particular OP seems to think that any follow-ups questioning
his/her competence have to be replied to. But neutral "here's another
approach you could try next time" comments seem to me to be useful
to others and harmless to the OP.)

[ snip ]


[ snip ]
a) the behavior in
question can't have been wrong (it came from me after all)

[ snip ]
(I don't do things wrong)

[ snip ]

Yes, I've snipped a lot of context, but I think these two statements
can stand on their own and should be noted by people who might miss
them in your longer post.


(e-mail address removed) wrote:

[ snip ]
Neither do I.

Evidently not.

I won't claim that the regulars are uniformly helpful, and I've
certainly observed them being less than gentle with newbies who've
ticked them off in some way. But my observation is that they are
far more often helpful than not -- or anyway that technical questions
do usually get correct answers, if not on the first round then fairly
quickly. This is based on sampling threads based on whether the
subject lines seem to be of interest to me, over several years.

(I *am* curious about that 500-plus-post thread generated when a
new person asked something and was given bad information and then
things went from bad to worse. But I don't know of a way to search,
in Google's archives, by length of thread, and there's probably no
other way to find it, unless you care to provide some information
that would help me locate it.)


[ snip ]
So just don't defend them. You posted your solution. Someone posts
"Here's a better way to do it." You read it, say "Ok" (either to yourself,
or make an actual post saying just that), and then go on, living your life.
If you reply "Well, no, my idea is better because...", then expect to get
more replies saying "Actually, no, *MY* idea is better because..." and so

This suggestion wasn't well-received, apparently in part because saying
"okay" might be interpreted as agreeing with what the other person is

So, what about if instead, when someone says something one disagrees
with but doesn't care to argue about, one were to reply "whatever" --
and then, as you sensibly suggest, going on with one's life?

Just a thought. Twisted seems resistant to this approach, but maybe
it will be something to consider should you ever feel like giving
similar advice to someone else.

[ snip ]

Tom Forsmo

Twisted said:
> You shall find that I am not easily tricked or manipulated into
> self-attack or developing self-hostile beliefs. In fact, once attacked
> I respond mainly defensively and avoid doing anything else, partly so
> that suggesting I do something self-damaging won't work, and neither
> will suggesting the opposite and hoping for reverse psychology.

You really dont get it!

Nobody really cares whether you reply or not anymore. Because this and
the other threads has turned into a troll threads long time ago, for
many peoples amusement. The only thing keeping the threads alive, is the
fact that you feel you need to try to undo any comments made about you,
thats why others keep posting trolls back at you.

This is not your local office space, where undermining you could lead to
a better standing with the boss. This is the internet, there is no boss
to suck up ot here. The only thing people care about here is: are you
posting messages that are on topic and useful to others (in technical
terms) and do you avoid being hateful, spiteful, intolerant and a
troller of any sorts (there are many troll types, i think about 31
different recognised sorts on the net). If you fulfill these criteria
then you can have a long, meaningful and peacful life on internet
discussion groupd. If not, people are just going to make fun of you or,
even better, just ignore you.

So the self massacre part, is the part where you insist on undoing all
comments made about you or to you, instead of just ignoring it and
letting the thread die.
We are not amused.

You mean: you are not amused! the rest of us have been.... (Btw, did you
not notice the wrong use of a certain word in my statement, it was put
there for you to ignite about bad english and others to be amused.
Basically. Although, obviously, not because of my weight. Presumably
something innocuous but eccentric in my mannerisms set them off.

Now we are getting somewhere, but why do you think its innocuous? its
because it isnt, you have ended up in this position.

At first, I was simply "not very apologetic" because I had nothing to
*be* apologetic about. And because being apologetic would have been
tantamount to an admission of guilt, besides. Later I got rather
annoyed, as you would have if our positions had been reversed.

Yes you have, you where rude from the start. You should be a bit more
humble when you enter an arena where you dont know the background of the
people who are there. You really need to figure who to listen to and who
not to listen to, i.e. who knows more than you and who does not. Then
you simply and politely ignore people who say nothing interresting, and
you listen to the ones who do know what they are talking about.
What you did was: you asked a question, did not get the answer you
expected or liked and started telling people to piss off. Thats quite
rude, so here you are...
But then again you are only going to make the following comment to this:
"[insulting drible deleted] ..." or you are going to make up an excuse
for why you are not replying that...

Think again. For one thing, I don't make those kinds of gross spelling
errors, which is one clue that the hypothesis you and your pals have
been entertaining about the size of my brain might be a teensy bit

first of all, english is not my native langauge and I dont live in an
english speaking country so I dont really care about what you think
about my misspellings in this thread. I just couldnt be bothered to
excert energy on going through the spell checker...

secondly, thats the kind of reply you have been making for all other
such posts, so you can not talk your way out of it...

Oliver Wong

Twisted said:
It was clear that he rejected such claims in the second.

I think you inferred that he rejected such claims, but he never actually
explicitly did so. Which is why I think it's okay to not explicitly reject
every insult that comes your way. If someone calls you an idiot, just shrug
it off like Einstein did.
A situation with no analogy here. Some of this thread's participants
have behaved mildly (and chiefly discussed Eclipse or Java, at that).
And of course there is an unknown but probably nonzero number of

There is an analogy: The entire newsgroup asking you to leave. The fact
that it didn't happen doesn't mean it's not analogous with the hypothetical
entire-crowd-asking-him-to-leave situation.
Well, I suppose I *could* try asking Attardi et. al. politely to leave
the newsgroup, but I doubt it would work. (Even asking Attardi alone to
leave the thread didn't work; he kept saying he would, and then making
a liar of himself. At least three times now, and counting...)

You don't actually have to ask anyone to leave. In the case of a
lecture, if someone is speaking at the same time as the lecturer, those who
are genuinely interested in hearing what the lecturer has to say are unable
to do so. In a newsgroup, you can read the articles you want to read, and
ignore the ones you don't want to read.
As I explained elsewhere, those people are clearly special cases owing
to substantial fame or other factors.

In other words, it's possible.
You've picked some astonishingly poor examples. The one is reputed to
have committed suicide and may not have actually existed anyway (no
archaeological evidence or factual-type historical documentation, for
starters); the other was actually assassinated.

You believe Buddha commited suicide? We're actually speaking quite
informally here, as Buddha is more of a title (like "Pope") than a specific
person. I'm guessing we're both referring to Siddhartha Gautama. I think
historians generally accept that Siddhartha Gautama was a real person, just
like Jesus Christ was a real person, even if it's disputed as to whether
they actually did everything their respective religions claim that they did.

AFAIK, the story says Gautama predicted his own death and did nothing to
prevent it (I believe the same thing was said of Jesus). I wouldn't call
that suicide.
The implication is that people who don't do anything about arseholes
that mudsling at them in public either end up suicidal or get killed
before that can happen by the people the mudslingers eventually
convinced to hate them!

Or they die a peaceful, natural death? AFAIK, that's what happened to
Gautama. Buddhist monks were also brought up earlier. I suspect the vast
majority of them are neither assassinated, nor do they commit suicide.
Perhaps Ghandi was exceptional in this regard.
Your examples therefore support *my* position far more than they
support yours. By rebutting the insults it is entirely possible that I
am avoiding an early death, based solely on your latter example.

Yes, by rebutting insults, it is entirely possible that you will save
the entire universe from annihilation too. Almost anything is *possible*.
I'm not sure how *probable* rebutting insults is in avoiding death, though:
"Well, I was going to assassinate Twisted, but now that he has explained to
me that he's not an idiot, I guess I'm not gonna anymore."

If your main concern is avoiding assassination, perhaps you should put
less effort in rebutting insults and more effort in not upsetting people.
Believe it or not, rebutting insults is not nescessarily the best way to
avoid upsetting people. Just look at this thread for evidence of this.
No doubt this is while constantly doing things that prove "them" wrong,
rather than doing nothing to exert an opposite influence on the minds
of bystanders.

Although this is inconsistent with your earlier suggestion that he did
nothing at all (and eventually some roused rabble got up the gumption
to kill him).

If I said he did nothing at all (I don't remember making this claim),
then I mispoke. Rather, what he did was not bother to rebutt every insult
thrown in his direction. Isn't Ghandi the mascot of *passive* resistance?
The British did something that the Indians didn't like. The Indians
responded with hostility. It doesn't matter whether you consider yourself to
be the Indians and the regulars of cljp to be the British, or the other way
around. Either way, Ghandi criticized both sides, saying hostility is always
evil and could never be justified.

I don't really know Ghandi all that well. Never met him. I don't know if
I agree with all his policies (was he for or against gay marriage, for
example?), but I am in agreement with him in this specific policy: Drop the
hostilities -- it doesn't solve anything, not even when it's hostilities in
the form of revenge or payback for hostilities received.

And now, of course, they have golden reputations. There's only a few
spots near the top of a pyramid; that's why whatever that mysterious
Nigerian email seems to imply, only a small minority of us can ever be
rich. Or have untarnishable reputations, or whatever.

I don't think it works like a pyramid scheme. There's a finite amount of
money in the world. If I get more money, it means someone, somewhere out
there, has less money. Not so with whatever the currency is for measuring
untanishability of reputations. If I figure out a way to make myself more
resistent to insults, that doesn't nescessarily make anyone else there less

But that doesn't make the situation symmetrical. You can't prove your
negative ("no harm is done"), but I can prove my positive and
*dis*prove your negative. The latter only requires one counterexample,
and I have a hat full of them, so you can't even claim that it was some
sort of fluke or one-off.

Did I claim "no harm is done"? What I meant was "you can change the
rules of the game in your favour".
What kind of success have you been having?

Well, I knew about Ant... And I don't seem to receive as much damage
from receiving insults as you do. And people don't continue to insult me,
despite my telling them to stop.
My own simulations indicate
that you:
a) Get embroiled in usenet fights (this one, for starters) same as I
b) Have an unknown but growing number of enemies spreading rumours
about you behind your back. So do I, but you aren't even trying to
combat them or refute them or hinder their recruiting efforts. It's not
hard to guess then which of us will get assassinated first. :p

My guess is neither of us will get assassinated, and we'll both die of
much more mundane causes. Like a car crash. Or high cholestorol. Or
lightning striking us.
What happened to "to thine own self be true"?

The two are not mutually incompatible, I think. "To thine own self be
true" to me says don't pretend to be someone you're not in order to please
others. First of all, when you're changing yourself instead of changing the
world around you, you're doing this not to please others, but to please
yourself. Second, I'm advocating actually changing yourself, not just
pretending to change yourself.

Think back to that story of the old man with the leather shoes and the
pebbly road. If he wrapped his foot in leather, but it *still* hurts to walk
on the road, he should just smile and say "Haha, yeah, this is great! I
don't feel a thing!" while wincing. He had a good idea of trying to make
some leather shoes, but it just didn't work out. No sense lying to yourself.
So the old man should go over to woodsmith and perhaps getting wooden clogs
made for him. Again, this is better (in the sense of less effort) than
hiring a carpenter to replace the road with a smooth, finished wood

You know what? I think I've got this pegged. You're an idealist and I'm
a pragmatist.

To me, the idealist-vs-pragmatist contrast has the connotation that
you're more grounded in reality than I am. Other than that, I would agree
with you. However, I think that my perception of the world around me is just
as "real" to me as the your perception of the world around you is to you.
The difference is that I enjoy my world but you don't seem to enjoy yours.
Because they were the first to mention the event (and then with a
vehement denial). It's quite another matter if someone accuses them of
it first, and they *reply* with a vehement denial. An innocent person
will always react with a vehement denial. Some guilty persons also
will. Anyone who just gets all quiet like is certainly involved
somehow, perhaps guilty of the offence itself or perhaps a witness that
is being intimidated or who participated in something that went too far
over his objections, but involved.

Perhaps an innocent person will choose to be quiet (e.g. waiting to see
his lawyer), because he knows that if he's only quiet when guilty, and loud
when innocent, that it'll be trivial to determine whether he's guilty or
not, whereas if he always behaves the same in either situation, it's much
more difficult to determine innocence or guilt.
To minimize the frequency of this, an insult has been followed
meticulously with a rebuttal in a direct follow-up and within 24 hours.
This maximizes the likelihood that anyone who sees the former sees both
of them.

I think you misunderstood. I'm suggesting that people are reading your
posts, but they are not getting the message you wish to convey. I.e. you
could write a logically sound rebuttal, and what they'll see is
yet-another-post-from-Twisted-containing-swear-words, without actually
caring, acknowledging or remembering what it is you wrote, except for the
damning parts.
Yes, just as it is also physically possible for me to ignore someone
charging at me with a knife. That doesn't make it wise.

Right. But since this middle-step doesn't follow, the rest of your
argument is nullified. Perhaps what you meant to write is "I *think* the
optimal response is to retaliate", but I'm arguing that that's not actually
the case.
What planet are you from again?

If thieves rob a store and get thrown
in jail, they stop (at least until they get out again). If thieves rob
a store and get shot by the proprietor, or just scared shitless, or
beaten up or something, this hopefully discourages them from doing it
again. If thieves keep trying to rob stores and being foiled by clever
locks or alarm systems, they should get discouraged and quit trying as
it's wasting their time and frustrating them. If on the other hand
thieves rob a store and get off scot-free, on the other hand, they've
just learned that robbing stores is easy money and carries little risk
of adverse consequence. If a whole society behaves as you recommend,
the robbers end up owning everything, and everyone else winds up in the
poorhouse. There is an exact analogy with any other crime and, indeed,
with any other antisocial, hostile act that harms others.

If the thieves break try to rob a store, and find nothing to steal,
they'll probably be disappointed and stop robbing this particular store.
You're assuming damage will always be done when someone insults you. I'm
saying that's not always the case.
If I let people who harm me get away with it, and society also lets
them get away with it (and in a lawless place like usenet the latter
will always happen), then they learn that they can have their way with
me and I won't resist, and that is the LAST thing I want these fuckers
to learn.

So don't let people harm you. And the easiest way to achieve that is to
develop an intrinsic resistence to their attacks. If you can do what the
shop proprietor in the store analogy above did -- shoot the thieves, scare
them shitless, beat them up, set up clever alarm or lock systems, etc. --
then by all means, do so. But I seriously doubt that your posting rebutals
up on usenet is scaring your adversaries shitless, cleverly locking them
out, or disabling them altogether.
OK, not solipsism exactly, but retreating into your own fantasy world
by whatever name you'd call that. Retreating totally from the world
because it's too damn hard to change it.

I'm not retreating from the world. I'm adapting to it. If the
environment around me is causing me damage, I change so that I'm no longer
damaged by it.
(And you called *me* lazy?

(1) I don't think I ever called you lazy. I might have said you did not
put effort into doing one specific action (googling "ant"), and that was a
true claim: You *didn't* put effort into doing that action. I did not make a
comment whether not putting effort is characteristic of you or not.
(2) I don't think being lazy is nescessarily bad. I'm very lazy, for
example. Physically, at least. I find it much easier to think through a
problem, than to use physical strength to try to brute force my way through
it. I.e. I like to spend less energy when possible. So yes, I'm lazy.
It's in the nature of tool-using primates to change rather than accept
the things they don't like about their environment; you are behaving
rather more like a mouse or some other non-sentient, non-tool-using
denizen of this planet, from all indications.)

I don't have anything against using tools. In the change-yourself fable,
the old man wrapped his feet in leather shoes. That's a tool, right? I
pointed out that here, he's changing himself (by wearing shoes) rather than
changing his environment (by paving the entire road with leather).
Unacceptable. If I were to believe that it is a "losing game" with no
way out, then an unacceptable conclusion would be inescapable. Anyone
could, at any time, do irreversible harm to me simply by insulting me
publicly. If you're to be believed, nothing at all that I do will
mitigate the damage or deter such attacks.

It then follows that anyone can harm me with complete impunity at any
time, with real negative consequences for me, zero for him, and no way
for me to undo the damage or convince him not to do it again (and
again, and again).

That conclusion leads in turn to a conclusion that to strive is futile,
because enemies (and there are always enemies, since no-one can please
100% of the people 100% of the time) will always be able to destroy it
all and undo everything and ruin my life on a whim and at a moment's
notice and without any chance of my preventing this or even taking them
down with me.

There are three possibilities. I can believe as you apparently do, and
conclude that it's all futile because there's nothing I can do to
prevent the enemy (any enemy) from destroying me at any time, and
there's no way I can prevent ever having an enemy, in which case I
don't try to accomplish anything since it's useless anyway, and a bad
outcome results; I can continue to believe as I do, but you happen to
be right, and a bad outcome results; or I can continue to believe as I
do, you turn out to be wrong, and a good outcome may result.

Note that the only chance of a good outcome requires that I *not*
believe you.

Therefore, I won't.

This is dangerous thinking: "I believe in something because I like the
outcome that that belief produces". E.g. "I believe that if I rape, murder,
do other nasty things to people, nothing bad will happen to me. Why? Because
if I believe otherwise, bad things will happen to me when I *do*
rape/murder/whatever. Whereas if I stick with my belief, there's a chance
that a good otucome will happen after the rape/murder/whatever."

Anyway, you seem to have misunderstood my position (again). You seem to
think that you can't change the rules of the game, and therefore everything
is futile. And you're right that *if* you can't change the game, everything
is futile. But you *can* change the rules of the game. Don't consider
insults on usenet so significant a form of damage, and suddenly you're not
in a guaranteed-bad-outcome situation anymore.
Well, either it's a trick or you're as thick as two planks. :p After
all I've done, including provide evidence that verbal attacks
(especially persistent ones) cause genuine tangible harm, you still
don't believe me.

I'd ask you to tell me what it is that happened between your friend and
you, but I'm not sure if you're willing to share it over usenet.
Worse, I don't think you even thought the two moves
further ahead that were sufficient to see that your belief leads to a
conclusion of futility. If being insulted automatically enters you
unwillingly into a losing game, with genuinely negative consequences,
then since there's no practical way short of hermitude to prevent that
ever happening *life* is a losing game in which nothing you do will
matter, because eventually everyone will hate you and not care what you
accomplished in your life. As soon as you believe anything that leads
to such a conclusion, you *have* lost the game -- permanently, unless
you one day change your mind.

Of course, there's also empirical evidence that you're wrong. If it is
an automatically losing game, which anyone can force you into at any
time (one insult does the job), then anyone can ruin your life without
any way for you to stop them succeeding, and sooner or later someone
will dislike you enough to do so. Only being a hermit might save you
from that eventual fate. It follows that nobody who is elderly or
actually dead should have good reputations, save perhaps hermits.

Since there are plenty of examples of people (nobodies and celebrities
alike) who died at a ripe old age with a reasonable reputation, it
follows that you were wrong.

Actually, I think the problem is that you seem to think that all these
people were playing the same game as you. I suspect they weren't: They were
playing the same game as me, which is how they ended up with reasonable

Most of these people, the nobodies with good reputations, have probably
been insulted at one point in there life, right? Do you know what this
insult was that they received? Did you ever hear this insult? Even if you
did hear it, would you care about that insult, and now think of this dead
person less favorably? Probably not. Probably you don't really care about
that dead person, let alone the insults they may or may not have received.
The very fact that they're nobodies shows that any insults they received had
no effect with respect to your opinion of them. And probably it had no
effect on the vast majority of the 6 billion other people on this planet.
Nobody cares. Insults are fleeting.

- Oliver

Oliver Wong

[ snip ]
So just don't defend them. You posted your solution. Someone posts
"Here's a better way to do it." You read it, say "Ok" (either to
or make an actual post saying just that), and then go on, living your
If you reply "Well, no, my idea is better because...", then expect to get
more replies saying "Actually, no, *MY* idea is better because..." and so

This suggestion wasn't well-received, apparently in part because saying
"okay" might be interpreted as agreeing with what the other person is

So, what about if instead, when someone says something one disagrees
with but doesn't care to argue about, one were to reply "whatever" --
and then, as you sensibly suggest, going on with one's life?

Just a thought. Twisted seems resistant to this approach, but maybe
it will be something to consider should you ever feel like giving
similar advice to someone else.

Thanks. I'll try to remember to use "whatever" instead of "okay" next
time, since from my perspective, they are about equivalent in meaning in
this context (but I can see how others may perceive a difference).

- Oliver

Oliver Wong

Twisted said:
consequences in question are unpalatable to any reasonable person; you
have repeatedly shown yourself to be extraordinarily abnormal in
numerous regards, most particularly concerning convincing yourself that
you don't give a shit if your circumstances are crappy, and have even
admitted explicitly to many such abnormalities, including that one.

Anyone with a normal brain and a normal degree of caring how they are
perceived will find it unpalatable.

You make it sound like being normal is a good thing. Why not strive to
achieve something higher?
The way it was phrased indicates that its real purpose was to poke fun
at that work, regardless of your denials. I'd have to be a moron not to
consider how people will interpret what you wrote, and how they'll
react. Of course, maybe you think I am one, but if so, you made a BIG
fucking mistake. I DID consider how many people would likely read that,
and how they would react, and it made me want to rip your fucking head
off. Now unless that is something you actually like making people want,
I suggest you change your strategy.

Was this an exageration, or did you seriously want to rip my fucking
head off? Because if you were being serious, I do have an alternate
strategy: Backing out of this thread, and any conversation with you as
quickly as possible.
You know damn well that that isn't how I (or many others) would
interpret it.

You're wrong.
I take any mockery of something of mine personally, and any
implications that I'm in any way less than "good at" whatever I'm good
at, or worse than average more generally, equally personally. As does
anyone sane.

Funny. Amongst my male friends, we like to talk thrash to each other,
especially when playing (video)games. I don't think any of us take it
personally. We call each other bastards, shout "WTF? You suck!", etc. and
mock each other constantly. And yet we remain good friends, and generally
forget about what was said after the event.
It's fairly close, yes.

"Are you sure Z wouldn't be better?" is exactly a statement you
criticized as being ad hominem.
The real danger sign is when the form "your"
appears in the subject (not the object), as then something about the
person is becoming the focus of discussion, instead of something about
the software.

"Is it certain by you that Z wouldn't be better" sounds awkward to me.
At anything from which at least one member of the audience is likely to
have inferred an implied or stated negative claim about me.

So in other words, you consider every statement on the Internet to be an
insult. Because on the Internet, there's always somebody, somewhere, who
will inferred an impled negative claim about you.

The physical equivalent is someone walking up to me and punching me in
the nose, and when I block the punch, throwing another one, all of this
despite my never having thrown any at him. Tell me -- do you honestly
think this hypothetical assailant would ever believe that I was the one
assailing him instead of the other way around?

I think the physical equivalent is an American making the "OK" sign with
his hand, which is apparently considered to be a vulgar gesture by an
Australian, and then punching the American. From the Australian's point of
view, the American started it. From the American's point of view, the
Australian started it.
My "reaction" didn't include any thrown punches until there'd been
unambiguous ones thrown at me first.

Nobody threw punches. This is usenet. That's simply not possible.
The effects of the blows there wear off within days, if not hours. The
effects of starting nasty Internet rumours about someone can last a
lifetime. There is no comparison.

I don't know about you, but I'd much rather get insulted on the Internet
than get punched.
And there you go insulting me again. Your statement clearly implies
that I'm in need of "straightening out", which in turn implies that
something is wrong with me, perhaps even that I'm "crooked", which in
turn suggests criminality for God's sake.

I would have used the term "twisted". (Couldn't resist).

Anyway, I feel my statement doesn't imply that you objectively need
straightening out, only that *I* think you need straightening out. The
difference is that I might be wrong.
Apologize at once.

I'm not sure what you want me to do here. It seems you advocate not
"lying" or being "dishonest". I honestly do think you need "straightening
out". So under your philosophy, should I apologize, or should I stand my
ground? What would you do in my situation?

[... keeping (a) because it's referenced later...]
You are truly insane then. If a person does something that harms
another person and nothing is done to either prevent the harmful
effects (e.g. a lock thwarting a thief) or punish the harm (e.g.
throwing the thief in jail), then the person is encouraged to do it
some more, and the harm keeps happening.

You showed one example where it might make sense to "punish", but that
doesn't mean it always makes sense, as per your original claim. For example,
let's say you get into a fight with someone, and he insults you.

Now, in YOUR opinion, should be allowed to insult them back freely, or
do you think that if you decide to insult them, you should be punished by
the society, as per (a) and (b)?
This is ludicrous. This is similar to suggesting negotiation with
terrorists now.

How is my suggestion similar to negotiating with terrorists? Do you
think that because I think it might be a good idea not to insult person, I
am therefore logically obligated to think it's a good idea to negotiate with

Ridiculous. Snow is a momentary issue; a nasty rumor can cause lasting

I will forever remember the pain that snow inflicted on me (it was near
zero). It's not something you forget. I mean, everybody who has experienced
snow remembers what it was like, what it felt like, etc., right?
Also snow is a natural phenomenon you can't negotiate with or
blame for bad behavior. Human beings behaving cruelly to other human
beings is something society has an *obligation* to react against,
self-protectively. Besides, society *does* deploy snow-plows and other
resources to mitigate snow.

The snow was to illustrate to you that there are scenarios where (4) is
the optimal solution. Once you're open to this idea, I can start to show you
how (4) might be the optimal solution in this thread as well.

- Oliver


Joe Attardi wrote:
[aside from assorted deleted crap]
You accused me of harassment, so the burden is on you
to cite proof of that harassment.

The number of posts in this thread (now nearly 400) is proof enough. :p
I asked you why learning Ant would be a bad thing. When did I suggest
you were a bonehead?

Later on. I'd try to find the exact post to cite, but obviously if I go
putting things into the search box and hitting "submit" the contents of
this form will evaporate, I'll lose my place, and etc. -- if you were
wondering why I said my current news interface was broken, inability to
easily multitask without losing data and shit is one of many reasons.

Nonetheless, you must have insulted me or we wouldn't be having this
discussion about it. Unlike some people here, I am not in the habit of
making false accusations.
Several times? I said "Twisted, you'll be glad to know that I'm wasting
no more time on you
after this post. " in this post:
Where were the other several times I repeated it, hmm? Show me where I
repeated it and I will recant.

I *can't* find them for the reasons cited above -- to wit, I'd lose
everything typed into this form, at minimum. And I don't care for your
trying to take advantage of my deficient usenet access (which is my
ISP's fault, not mine) to "prove" your nonsense. Asking me to readily
navigate about the thread while concurrently editing a reply is like
forcing someone to fight you with one hand behind their back -- it's
patently unfair.

Everyone remembers you saying words to the same effect two or three
other times, though, I'm sure, and as definitive statements unqualified
with things like "I think".
Again, where

Again, stop making requests of me knowing full well that my being
currently tied to GG for newsgroup access will make them impossible for
me to fulfill.

Your namecalling is hardly in need of further documentation. Anyone
opening this thread to a random post has about a 1 in 3 chance to land
on an instance of it; anyone flipping through four or five posts is
almost certain to.
*You* are putting a lot of words in my mouth.

That's an odd claim for you to make, especially as a) you started this
and b) you have been putting words in *my* mouth, time and again, as
well as once or twice presuming to speak for every Tom, Dick, and
Lurker reading the thread(!)...
There isn't any kind of victory I'm looking for. At this point, I am just looking for you to
back up your claims that you are making.

Why, when you know they're true, I know they're true, and anyone who's
bothered to continue following this thread knows they're true? Why
don't you just go away? What's in it for you to keep attacking me day
in and day out? Hmm?
You have successfully dodged the question again. If I am a liar, than
prove it. Show where I promised to not post again.


****. I give up. You are completely insane. This is outrageous. You say
two completely different things in the same posting only a page or so
apart, you make all kinds of bogus claims about my IQ and my sanity,
you persist in harassing me online and forcing me to keep publicly
rebutting your public nonsense, and through all of this you complain
repeatedly that *I* am fighting dirty or doing most of the things that
it is *you* doing.

I shouldn't even bother with detailed rebuttals any more, not to *your*
posts anyways. Just blanket denials of any truth in any negative things
you've said lately.
What rumor exactly am I starting?

Anything nasty about me that you can, from what I can see. And Christ
alone knows what you might be posting behind my back in some other
thread (or some other entire newsgroup); I certainly haven't the time
to monitor them all.
Basically, Twisted, all insults aside, you keep making claims that you
refuse to back up.

No, *you* do, claims about my intelligence, sanity, worth as a human
being, and Java competence, of which only the latter could be
considered even *close* to on topic in this group.
Your excuse is that Google Groups is broken and so
you can't go back to read older messages in the thread.



Joe said:
No, it's only net.stalking when you follow someone around and either
post offtopic crap everywhere they go
One other topic != everywhere.[snip hostilities]

It's still offtopic crap and it's still net.stalking if you drag stuff
anywhere, or follow them to one other newsgroup. (I seem to have, of
late, attracted a relatively harmless stalker operating out of
comp.text.tex too, as if you weren't bad enough...)
It's not irrelevant when it solidifies your <snip>

It's not relevant when it has *anything* to do with my <whatever>
rather than with Java, moron.

Your sole motive in referencing stuff I wrote elsewhere in the past is
to take it out of context, twist it, and then use it in your campaign
of character assassination. I see no reason to consider any such motive
legitimate, or any action whose only motive can be such.

It's like how handguns can be for protection, but assault rifles are
for only one thing -- assault. Similarly, various debating tactics can
be legitimate, but dragging in your opponent's history can be for only
one thing: ad-hominem attack. There is no way that it is legitimate to
bring in someone's past as part of a discussion on "giving an
application a window icon", and there is no way that you can convince
me (or anyone else) otherwise, so give it up.
Nobody suggested anything like that until you <insult deleted>

No, all it proves is that I fancy a good long debate.

You misspelled "flamewar", fuckwad.


Twisted said:
Hehe... sorry... just can't help myself!

I invoke Godwin's law! [snip]

I, for one, don't find any suggestion that I may have "lost" at all

It is amusing


End of debate.
You should understand by now that trying to 'win' an argument with
someone on usenet (where both parties are at, around or above average
intelligence) is like trying to win, what they call in your part of the
world, tic-tac-toe.

On the other hand, it is becoming apparent that my current opponents in
this so-called "debate" are at, around, or below moron intelligence, so
none of the above applies. Anyone who had an IQ even approaching normal
would realize that picking fights with n00bs over their programming
techniques and then morphing it into a general all-around mud-slinging
contest is stupid, pointless, and a waste of their time, after all.
The reality is, both parties are losers because they waste the time playing in the first

Actually, only those attacking me are. They actually choose to waste
the time. I on the other hand am forced to, in order to counter their
moves. They can claim a draw and leave; if I stop first, then since
they got the first move they bloody win. Since that is (as you pointed
out) their only chance at winning, they are spending considerable
effort trying to trick me into doing so. And, of course, you may be one
of them, and your subtle fallacies in the post I'm replying to here,
for example implying that the situation is symmetrical when clearly it
is not (they struck first, and I never had malicious intent), may then
be deliberate and part of the same strategy...
In the famous words of the WOPR from the movie 'wargames'...."Interesting
game, the only way to win is not to play".

Famous misquote, you mean; "the only winning move is not to play" seems
to be the actual dialogue.

In any event, like global thermonuclear war, it's stupid to start the
game but when someone else does you're still stuck playing it and do
have to retaliate or they actually win after all.
Incidentally, my offer of help continues to stand for as long as this
thread remains active in my memory (which should be a good long time!),
just drop me an email in reply.

Unless you can ship me overnight FedEx an economy size can of
Flamr-B-Gon to spray all over, I'm afraid
there is little you can do.


My understanding is that one of the benefits of providing answers
to questions in a public forum is that people other than the OP
can benefit. So, even if the OP has said that he/she has solved
the original problem, unsolicited advice or alternative approaches
could be of use to other people following the thread -- either in
real time (so to speak) or in archives of previous discussions.

True, and I have no problem with that, so long as it isn't at the
expense of implicitly insulting the OP's intelligence or competence.
The best case is that they believe it, get discouraged, and go away.
The worst case is that it erupts into a massive flamewar. This is
closer to the latter, though not all the way there (believe me I've
seen worse).
But neutral "here's another approach you could try next time" comments seem to me to
be useful to others and harmless to the OP.

There's the kind of constructive thinking we need more of around here,
in place of finger-pointing and namecalling.

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