"hello world" using SWIG or inline.pm ?



Can somebody teach me how to mix perl code with c++ ?

That is, how can I use "inline.pm" or the SWIG package to

write a c++ program which takes a string from perl and prints it ,
and vice-versa ?


Tassilo v. Parseval

Also sprach thewhizkid:
Can somebody teach me how to mix perl code with c++ ?

That is, how can I use "inline.pm" or the SWIG package to

write a c++ program which takes a string from perl and prints it ,
and vice-versa ?

You can't use Inline for calling Perl from C++. If you want that, read
'perldoc perlembed' and 'perldoc perlcall'.

For the other direction, you have many possibilities:

Here's a couple of examples with C. C++ is only interesting if you want
to deal with C++ objects.

#! /usr/bin/perl -w

use Inline C;


void hello (SV *msg) {
char *text = SvPV_nolen(msg);
printf("hello, %s\n", text);

The above explicitely passes a SV* (a Perl scalar) to hello() and then
retrieves the string stored inside. 'perldoc perlapi' shows the
available macros and functions provided by the Perl API.

Inline::C can also do some automatic type conversions for you:

#! /usr/bin/perl -w

use Inline C;


void hello (char *msg) {
printf("hello, %s\n", msg);

Here the transition from SV* to char* happens implicitely. This
automatism however only works for the basic C types. If you have a
library with complex types, you need to define your own conversion
routines. This is usally done in a file called 'Typemap' (they are
only sparesly documented so you might need google and some patience to
find out how they work).

Another alternative way is using pure XS. Inline::C/C++ are just
wrappers around XS. They look simpler but they aren't really. XS has the
advantage that development happens in a more standard way: You work on
the .xs file and use another console to do a 'make'. Errors are thus
appearing on your console and not dumped in files in a hidden directory
(as Inline does it).

When working with XS, you usually have the overhead of creating a real
module. But that's not really a bad thing. You start with h2xs:

ethan@ethan:~/Projects$ h2xs -c -b 5.5.3 -n Hello::World
Writing Hello/World/ppport.h
Writing Hello/World/World.pm
Writing Hello/World/World.xs
Writing Hello/World/Makefile.PL
Writing Hello/World/README
Writing Hello/World/t/1.t
Writing Hello/World/Changes
Writing Hello/World/MANIFEST

This creates a skeletal module with all required files. The -b switch
adds a compatibility layer to your module so that the newer portions of
the PerlAPI will be made compatible with at least 5.00503 (for this

After that, you add the functionality to Hello/World/World.xs. Right now
it only contains:

#include "EXTERN.h"
#include "perl.h"
#include "XSUB.h"

#include "ppport.h"

MODULE = Hello::World PACKAGE = Hello::World

Adding an XS function that prints its argument as string looks like:

SV *string;
printf("hello, %s\n", SvPV_nolen(string));

You put this below the 'MODULE =' line. Now you go to the other console
and do a 'perl Makefile.PL && make':

ethan@ethan:~/Projects/Hello/World$ perl Makefile.PL && make
Checking if your kit is complete...
Looks good
Writing Makefile for Hello::World
cp World.pm blib/lib/Hello/World.pm
AutoSplitting blib/lib/Hello/World.pm (blib/lib/auto/Hello/World)
/usr/bin/perl /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.0/ExtUtils/xsubpp -typemap
/usr/lib/perl5/5.8.0/ExtUtils/typemap World.xs > World.xsc && mv
World.xsc World.c
Please specify prototyping behavior for World.xs (see perlxs manual)
cc -c -I. -O3 -march=athlon -fno-strict-aliasing -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE
-fpic "-I/usr/lib/perl5/5.8.0/i686-linux/CORE" World.c
Running Mkbootstrap for Hello::World ()
chmod 644 World.bs
rm -f blib/arch/auto/Hello/World/World.so
LD_RUN_PATH="" cc -shared -L/usr/local/lib World.o -o
chmod 755 blib/arch/auto/Hello/World/World.so
cp World.bs blib/arch/auto/Hello/World/World.bs
chmod 644 blib/arch/auto/Hello/World/World.bs
Manifying blib/man3/Hello::World.3

And now, you can already call your function without installing the

ethan@ethan:~/Projects/Hello/World$ perl -Mblib -MHello::World
hello, world

If you do a 'make install' you have this module properly installed

Since it's a proper module, you have a file Hello/World/World.pm, too.
This is an ordinary Perl module file. If you want your function to be
exported automatically, you do it there:

@EXPORT = qw(hello);

After doing 'make' again (whenever you change something, do a 'make'),
you call it thusly:

ethan@ethan:~/Projects/Hello/World$ perl -Mblib -MHello::World
hello, world

In the above command-lines, -Mblib tells perl to use the blib/ directory
as location of the module. blib/ holds the compiled but not yet
installed module.

XS does the same conversions as Inline::C, so the function hello() could
also be written as:

char *string;
printf("hello, %s\n", string);

Returning values from a function isn't hard either:

char *
char *string;
char *retstring;
int len;
len = strlen(string) + 8;
New(0, retstring, len, char);
memcpy(retstring, "hello, ", 7);
memcpy(retstring + 7, string, strlen(string));
retstring[len] = 0;
RETVAL = retstring;

Just as you can pass in Perl types and do the conversion yourself, you
can use the Perl stack explicitely to return a SV. That way, you can
return lists of values by XPUSH()ing them and then telling perl how many
values you pushed with XSRETURN(num_of_values):

char *string;
SV *retval;
retval = newSVpv("hello, ", 7);
SvGROW(retval, strlen(string));
sv_catpv(retval, (const char*)string);

/* sv_2mortal() makes the SV mortal:
* that is, it will auto-destroy itself when it goes
* out of scope */

I can't much comment on SWIG. From the XS/Inline/SWIG trio I'd say it is
the worst choice since it's not Perl specific. It may make the first
steps of wrapping a library into a Perl module easier, but you have
better control over what happens when using Inline or XS. If you ignore
the common myths that Inline is much easier than all the rest, XS is
still the best way of accessing C/C++ from Perl.

The manpages you should read are:

perlxstut /* a tutorial, not complete but helpful nonetheless */
perlguts /* explains the concepts behind the Perl internals */
perlcall /* if you call Perl code from your XS */
perlapio /* the I/O related PerlAPI */




I want to make a little script in perl .
.... but I'm very newbie in this langage

For each sub-directory of a given directory ...

(and for each file in the directory)

.... I want to write in a file something like that :

< <topic>
< resourceRef
xlink:href="fille:///nameOfTheLastFileInTheSubDirectory"/ >

(Where fullNameOfEachFile is the name of the file with his path)

Any idea to help me to start ?



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