Help!!!! please...... i alway got error message when i try to simulate my schematic

Jan 21, 2008
Reaction score
Hi everybody...
i am new for xylinx
i install "xylinx ISE5" and "ModelSim XE II v5.6e"

everything is just fine...
but there is something i that
everytime when i try to simulate my schematic that i design
i double click "simulate behavioral verilog model

the program will automatically generate .tbw file
and will auto open modelsim.... and everytime it always shows as below

" WARNING[10]: test.tfw(17): Bad name in macro definition: 1
# ERROR: test.tfw(17): near "seven": expecting: MACROMODULE MODULE PRIMITIVE (*
# WARNING[10]: test.tfw(18): Bad name in macro definition: 4
# WARNING[10]: test.tfw(19): Bad name in macro definition: 7
# WARNING[10]: test.tfw(21): Bad name in macro definition: 9
# WARNING[10]: test.tfw(29): Bad name in macro definition: 6
# WARNING[10]: test.tfw(31): Bad name in macro definition: 2
# WARNING[10]: test.tfw(32): Bad name in macro definition: 6
# WARNING[10]: test.tfw(34): Bad name in macro definition: 1e
# WARNING[10]: test.tfw(38): Bad name in macro definition: 1
# WARNING[10]: test.tfw(39): Bad name in macro definition: 9
# WARNING[10]: test.tfw(40): Bad name in macro definition: 3
# WARNING[10]: test.tfw(41): Bad name in macro definition: 4
# WARNING[10]: test.tfw(43): Bad name in macro definition: 4
# WARNING[10]: test.tfw(46): Bad name in macro definition: 2
# WARNING[10]: test.tfw(48): Bad name in macro definition: 6
# WARNING[10]: test.tfw(54): Bad name in macro definition: 3
# WARNING[10]: test.tfw(56): Bad name in macro definition: 8
# WARNING[10]: test.tfw(57): Bad name in macro definition: 6
# WARNING[10]: test.tfw(58): Bad name in macro definition: 6
# WARNING[10]: test.tfw(61): Bad name in macro definition: 5e
# WARNING[10]: test.tfw(64): Bad name in macro definition: 2
# WARNING[10]: test.tfw(82): Bad name in macro definition: 5
# WARNING[10]: test.tfw(83): Bad name in macro definition: 7
# WARNING[10]: test.tfw(85): Bad name in macro definition: 7e
# WARNING[10]: test.tfw(90): Bad name in macro definition: 1
# WARNING[10]: test.tfw(91): Bad name in macro definition: 3
# WARNING[10]: test.tfw(92): Bad name in macro definition: 3
# WARNING[10]: test.tfw(95): Bad name in macro definition: 9
# WARNING[10]: test.tfw(97): Bad name in macro definition: 7
# WARNING[10]: test.tfw(99): Bad name in macro definition: 9
# WARNING[10]: test.tfw(100): Bad name in macro definition: 9
# WARNING[10]: test.tfw(101): Bad name in macro definition: 8
# WARNING[10]: test.tfw(102): Bad name in macro definition: 5
# WARNING[10]: test.tfw(103): Bad name in macro definition: 2
# WARNING[10]: test.tfw(105): Bad name in macro definition: 5
# WARNING[10]: test.tfw(109): Bad name in macro definition: 7
# WARNING[10]: test.tfw(111): Bad name in macro definition: 6
# WARNING[10]: test.tfw(119): Bad name in macro definition: 3
# WARNING[10]: test.tfw(126): Bad name in macro definition: 3
# WARNING[10]: test.tfw(132): Bad name in macro definition: 7
# WARNING[10]: test.tfw(135): Bad name in macro definition: 9
# WARNING[10]: test.tfw(138): Bad name in macro definition: 9
# WARNING[10]: test.tfw(140): Bad name in macro definition: 8
# WARNING[10]: test.tfw(141): Bad name in macro definition: 8
# WARNING[10]: test.tfw(144): Bad name in macro definition: 2
# WARNING[10]: test.tfw(146): Bad name in macro definition: 4e
# WARNING[10]: test.tfw(158): Bad name in macro definition: 3
# WARNING[10]: test.tfw(159): Bad name in macro definition: 8e
# WARNING[10]: test.tfw(162): Bad name in macro definition: 6
# WARNING[10]: test.tfw(163): Bad name in macro definition: 5
# WARNING[10]: test.tfw(164): Bad name in macro definition: 5
# WARNING[10]: test.tfw(175): Bad name in macro definition: 2
# WARNING[10]: test.tfw(176): Bad name in macro definition: 7
# WARNING[10]: test.tfw(177): Bad name in macro definition: 3
# WARNING[10]: test.tfw(179): Bad name in macro definition: 5
# WARNING[10]: test.tfw(180): Bad name in macro definition: 1
# WARNING[10]: test.tfw(185): Bad name in macro definition: 8
# WARNING[10]: test.tfw(189): Bad name in macro definition: 5
# WARNING[10]: test.tfw(190): Bad name in macro definition: 5
# WARNING[10]: test.tfw(193): Bad name in macro definition: 7
# WARNING[10]: test.tfw(194): Bad name in macro definition: 2
# WARNING[10]: test.tfw(197): Bad name in macro definition: 3
# WARNING[10]: test.tfw(199): Bad name in macro definition: 3e
# WARNING[10]: test.tfw(201): Bad name in macro definition: 8
# WARNING[10]: test.tfw(203): Bad name in macro definition: 8
# WARNING[10]: test.tfw(204): Bad name in macro definition: 1
# WARNING[10]: test.tfw(206): Bad name in macro definition: 1
# WARNING[10]: test.tfw(208): Bad name in macro definition: 2e
# ERROR: c:/Modeltech_xe/win32xoem/vlog failed."

and everytime those macro above it is automatically define in my .tfw file
i have to deleted all macro definition in my .tfw file then save it again

just like below (red mark below, it is auto include in my .tfw file)

`define _5nine 61
`define 1seven 17
`define 4six 48
`define 7five 77
`define _3seven 39
`define 9nine 99
`define _9seven 97
`define _5six 58
`define _3four 36
`define rt 7
`define BS 1
`define _4eight 50
`define _2zero 20
`define 6nine 71
`define _2eight 30
`define 2one 21
`define 6five 67
`define _8seven 89
`define 1eight 18
`define _3six 38
`define droptch22 10
`define _5eight 60
`define 1four 14
`define 9five 95
`define 3one 33
`define 4nine 51
`define _3one 33
`define 4one 43
`define _9two 94
`define _4three 45
`define 2four 24
`define _5one 53
`define 6four 66
`define _1eight 18
`define second23 11
`define droptch1 7
`define droptch3 14
`define num26 5
`define 3zero 32
`define _9one 93
`define 8five 87
`define 6one 63
`define 6two 64
`define _5five 57
`define _8nine 91
`define 5eight 60
`define mrt 7
`define GR 1
`define 2two 22
`define gt 5
`define _9three 93
`define second22 13
`define seven 15
`define RY 4
`define yt 2
`define tgt 3
`define bt 200
`define RG 3
`define AGR 0
`define YR 2
`define AS 0
`define DS 2
`define mgt 5
`define TRG 2
`define TGR 5
`define at 700
`define 5nine 61
`define 7three 75
`define retstate_3 11
`define 7eight 80
`define dropgch2 15
`define _2seven 29
`define _8one 83
`define num24 4
`define 1five 15
`define 3six 38
`define 3three 35
`define _3two 34
`define _6seven 69
`define 9seven 97
`define _8eight 90
`define 7nine 81
`define _4two 44
`define 9zero 90
`define 9three 93
`define 8six 88
`define 5three 55
`define 2five 25
`define num23 6
`define 5four 56
`define _8two 84
`define _8six 88
`define second19 14
`define 7two 74
`define _4seven 49
`define 6three 65
`define _1six 16
`define _1five 15
`define _7seven 79
`define _9zero 92
`define _9nine 99
`define retstate_5 13
`define _5four 56
`define 3four 36
`define _6six 68
`define _3three 35
`define _9four 94
`define _2three 23
`define _4six 48
`define _8three 85
`define 3two 34
`define second20 7
`define dropgch4 19
`define two 18
`define _4nine 51
`define _2four 24
`define 7one 73
`define num20 2
`define _3nine 41
`define 9two 92
`define num19 9
`define droptch2 9
`define 9six 96
`define _7eight 80
`define 8nine 91
`define 8zero 82
`define _2nine 31
`define retstate_2 10
`define 2zero 20
`define retstate_4 12
`define 4eight 50
`define _5seven 59
`define _5zero 52
`define _6eight 70
`define _7one 73
`define _7three 75
`define _3zero 32
`define num16 0
`define five 36
`define _6five 67
`define _4four 46
`define droptch21 9
`define 3seven 39
`define 8eight 90
`define _2one 21
`define six 32
`define 6six 68
`define 5five 57
`define 5six 58
`define fift 5
`define _7zero 72
`define _6nine 71
`define dropgch3 17
`define _8zero 82
`define _7five 77
`define _6four 66
`define _4one 43
`define _7two 74
`define dropgch0 8
`define 2seven 29
`define 7six 78
`define 3nine 41
`define droptch0 6
`define 5one 53
`define 1three 13
`define retstate_1 9
`define _3five 37
`define four 76
`define _9eight 98
`define 8two 84
`define _1three 13
`define _7four 76
`define _7nine 81
`define 5zero 52
`define 5two 54
`define three 6
`define num21 10
`define 7seven 79
`define 2three 23
`define _4zero 42
`define _8five 87
`define 3five 37
`define num18 1
`define 3eight 40
`define droptch4 16
`define 8seven 89
`define _5three 55
`define 8four 86
`define 1six 16
`define _1two 12
`define 1one 11
`define droptch5 18
`define 2eight 30
`define 4zero 42
`define 1nine 19
`define _6one 63
`define num25 12
`define 4four 46
`define zero 1
`define 8three 85
`define one 79
`define 7four 76
`define _9six 96
`define 4seven 49
`define _2two 22
`define _1one 11
`define 4three 45
`define 9eight 98
`define 6eight 70
`define _6two 64
`define _8four 86
`define num17 8
`define 1two 12
`define _2six 26
`define 4five 47
`define 7zero 72
`define 2six 26
`define _1four 14
`define _1seven 17
`define 5seven 59
`define 8one 83
`define _2five 25
`define 4two 44
`define 6zero 62
`define _6three 65
`define _9five 95
`define _3eight 40
`define _6zero 62
`define _5two 54
`define num22 3
`define 6seven 69
`define 9four 94
`define dropgch1 11
`define _4five 47
`define 2nine 31
`define _7six 78
`define 9one 91
`define _1nine 19
`define sgt 3

then close ModelSim and Simulate again
after i do all process then i can see the simulation result......

and everytime i edit my schematic i have to repeat all the process above again

this error annoyed me a lot
i need your help to correct this problem...........................
help please.................................................
Jan 21, 2008
Reaction score
I really need help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Does anybody know how to get rid of that auto macro define???

i really don't know why every time i change test bench file after i save it

it will always define a lot of variable that i didn't define it....
so when i simulate the circuit.. it always give me the error

please help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-(
Jan 21, 2008
Reaction score
Who should i ask?????

i have been waiting for a week!!!! but seem nobody know how to solve my problem!!!!

anyway i would like to ask the one who have some idea
according to my problem who shold i ask for my problem??
please suggest me something!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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