Help with embedded Flash issue related to IE.



I just need some tips on what to do next, or if you want to skip the
long post is there a way to restore IE 6 (running on Windows Media
Center Edition) to its virgin state (complete reinstall.

The reason why I need this resolved is for a WinForm based app that
uses the embeded IE control. It's loading Flash documents locally,
describing the problem in this way gets to the core of the issue I am

So here's the problem:
I have an .HTML file saved to a local path c:\htmldocs and inside that
HTML document I am using the object tag to embed Flash.

<object id="ContentSWF">
<param name="movie" value="">
<param name="quality" value="high">
<embed id="SWFMovie" src="myflash.swf" width="100%"

So the swf I am trying to load myflash.swf is in the same directory as
the .html file. I can open the html file from c:\htmldocs using
FireFox and it works great. I can also load it from IE 6 on my desktop
system and IE 7 on my Vista desktop, again... no problems the HTML
loads the local .SWF file is loaded as expected.

However on my notebook PC it will not load locally, instead I just see
the IE ActiveX place-holder icon where the .SWF should be. I have
taken my notebook and matched up all security settings available
through IE options and the two are identical.

I have also tried reinstalling IE 6 from the vendors Windows Media
Center DVD-ROM. (using the ie.inf file method) the install proceeded,
but the problem persist.

Does anyone have a clue what might be causing this? If not, is there a
way to repair or reinstall IE 6 back to its virgin state (registry
keys restored 100%, bookmarks wipped, I don't care... just want it
back too the way it ways initially).

Please help.

Below are things I've tried:
* I went to Adobe's website Flash settings manager and made sure all
is well.
* I have removed all anti-virus software from the system
* I reinstalled the Adobe Flash .OCX from Adobe's website
* I tried opening the .HTML file from a different folder (I copied
the .swf along too of course)
* I tried using FireFox to open the local .HTML on the computer
expericing the problem, using FireFox it works just fine.

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