I would like write some data recovery software



I would like to write some data recovery software as a learning thing.
The sort of thing that you would use to recover data from a currupt HDD
or floppy etc. I would like to be pointed in the right direction as
far as modules to use and suggested approaches.

Dennis Lee Bieber

I would like to write some data recovery software as a learning thing.
The sort of thing that you would use to recover data from a currupt HDD
or floppy etc. I would like to be pointed in the right direction as
far as modules to use and suggested approaches.

Uh... this is highly OS dependent... You need to be able to do
direct RAW disk sector addressing; something that OSs don't really like
to give to applications. You also need very good documentation of the
file system (and the only file system I know well enough to navigate at
that level is one I haven't used in over a decade -- the file system
used by the Amiga, which was a hashed-head, multiple linked list
Wulfraed Dennis Lee Bieber KD6MOG
(e-mail address removed) (e-mail address removed)
(Bestiaria Support Staff: (e-mail address removed))


Dennis said:
Uh... this is highly OS dependent... You need to be able to do
direct RAW disk sector addressing; something that OSs don't really like
to give to applications. You also need very good documentation of the
file system (and the only file system I know well enough to navigate at
that level is one I haven't used in over a decade -- the file system
used by the Amiga, which was a hashed-head, multiple linked list

Yes, OK I guess NTFS would be of most interest to me. From the
research I have been doing it may be that it is a fairly in depth
undertaking and possibly not such a good project considering my
knowledge of NTFS and python. I will have bit more of a look about.



gel said:
I would like to write some data recovery software as a learning thing.
The sort of thing that you would use to recover data from a currupt HDD
or floppy etc. I would like to be pointed in the right direction as
far as modules to use and suggested approaches.

what kind of recovery? disk broken into pieces and recover from it?

Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

Dennis said:
On 17 Oct 2006 20:18:40 -0700, "gel" <[email protected]> declaimed
the following in comp.lang.python:

[…] You also need very good documentation of the file system […]

Yes, OK I guess NTFS would be of most interest to me.

Then you'll have a hard time because NTFS specs are not available for
free. Just reverse engineered stuff.

Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

Laurent Pointal

gel a écrit :
I would like to write some data recovery software as a learning thing.
The sort of thing that you would use to recover data from a currupt HDD
or floppy etc. I would like to be pointed in the right direction as
far as modules to use and suggested approaches.

Once you get a way to access the bytes to recover... the Hachoir library
can be interresting as a model to map structures on these data.





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Cheers, I am having a bit of look at it now

Bacula, may be interesting too. (if my infos are correct).

Sep 21, 2024
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To recover data from a corrupted HDD or floppy manually, you can start by using built-in tools like Windows’ CHKDSK to fix disk errors. You can also try accessing the drive using command-line tools to retrieve specific files or attempt booting from a Linux live CD to copy data from the corrupted drive.

However, for a more efficient approach, the BLR Data Recovery Tool is a powerful solution. It simplifies the process by scanning the corrupted drive, offering selective recovery options, and restoring lost or deleted files while maintaining the original data integrity.

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