Is it possible for a hyperlink to call TWO URLs?


Chris Ianson

Jose said:
The poster stated that he had 25% intellegent users (that is, 25% do not
use flash <asbestos on!>. That makes flash not suitable in his target


Wow, you mean some of you can actually read *as well as* type?! :O Hehe ;)

You know, I just thought, if what I have been asking in this thread was so
damn confusing, how come Neredbojias nailed it in his first reply... hmm...

My first post: "...the bookmark in the inline frame causes the parent
frame to scroll down, which I do not want". Now we all know Favourites
don't cause pages to scroll down. Surely one of you had used FrontPage, or
at least MS Office or were able to figure it out. I just have a feeling you
were being intentionally awkward nitpicking on my wording. It seems obvious
to me, but maybe that's 'cause I know what I was on about! :D

It just became so convoluted because everyone started questioning why I
wanted to do it my way, "ooh, why not do it my way instead?!", they cried.

I appreciate this is not a "help desk", however the fact remains that I
*HAVE* received help/tech support/solutions/whatever you wanna call them. I
came, I asked, I got the answers. Some of you got in the way of that.

The point I was trying to make earlier was simply that it could've been a
lot easier! Some of you guys *are* quite hard work sometimes. But don't
worry, I'll be outta your hair soon, then this'll be your exclusive domain
to prowl and roam once again. I have received my free technical support,
and am immensely greatful to Els and Neredbojias.

Kudos guys!


Chris Ianson said:
You know, I just thought, if what I have been asking in this thread was so
damn confusing, how come Neredbojias nailed it in his first reply... hmm...

Because he is about to meet a terrible challenge, a life changing
experience with Officer Bud White. This has galvanised him into
frenetic activity. He is trying hard to get up as many brownie
points as he can in the hope that the er... um... meeting with
Officer White will be ... let us say ... less severe than it
otherwise might be.


With neither quill nor qualm, dorayme quothed:
Because he is about to meet a terrible challenge, a life changing
experience with Officer Bud White. This has galvanised him into
frenetic activity. He is trying hard to get up as many brownie
points as he can in the hope that the er... um... meeting with
Officer White will be ... let us say ... less severe than it
otherwise might be.

Officer White, who is he?
I'll break his back across my knee!
'Cause I'm the main man in the 'hood;
My fighting's legend and my loving's good!

<wood pounding floor>

They call me Ne-red-bo-ji-as.
Around me broads don't wear no bras.
And men will tend to shit their drawers
When I come out to settle scores!

<pounding wood and female squeals>

Blinky the Shark

Neredbojias said:
With neither quill nor qualm, dorayme quothed:

Officer White, who is he?
I'll break his back across my knee!
'Cause I'm the main man in the 'hood; My fighting's legend and my
loving's good!

<wood pounding floor>

They call me Ne-red-bo-ji-as.
Around me broads don't wear no bras.
And men will tend to shit their drawers When I come out to settle

<pounding wood and female squeals>

I met a traveler from an antique land
Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read,
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed,
And on the pedestal these words appear:
"My name is Neredbojias, King of Kings:
Look upon my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.


With neither quill nor qualm, Blinky the Shark quothed:
I met a traveler from an antique land
Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read,
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed,
And on the pedestal these words appear:
"My name is Neredbojias, King of Kings:
Look upon my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.

Wow, a classy ode! I really liked the part that said "Neredbojias, King
of Kings..." And "...the sneer of cold command". That's me, a cold
commanding sneerer. Maybe I should move to someplace like Mesopotamia,
sneer around a lot, and run for king.


Neredbojias said:
With neither quill nor qualm, Blinky the Shark quothed:

Wow, a classy ode! I really liked the part that said "Neredbojias, King
of Kings..." And "...the sneer of cold command". That's me, a cold
commanding sneerer. Maybe I should move to someplace like Mesopotamia,
sneer around a lot, and run for king.

Shall I compare thou to Ozymandias...

I don't think so Boji, Percy Bysshe Shelley will not help you
with Officer White. Nothing will. You really need to resign
yourself to this.


With neither quill nor qualm, dorayme quothed:
Shall I compare thou to Ozymandias...

Is he anything like Ozzy Osbourne?
I don't think so Boji, Percy Bysshe Shelley will not help you
with Officer White. Nothing will. You really need to resign
yourself to this.

No offense, but I really don't need any help from someone named
<snicker> "Percy Bysshe"... He must have been a standout on the

Mark Parnell

Deciding to do something for the good of humanity, Neredbojias
No offense, but I really don't need any help from someone named
<snicker> "Percy Bysshe"... He must have been a standout on the

You should talk! ;-)


With neither quill nor qualm, Mark Parnell quothed:
Deciding to do something for the good of humanity, Neredbojias

You should talk! ;-)

What?? "Neredbojias" is an uncommonly masculine name related to such
notable and manly personifications as TTutankhamen, Genghis Khan, Eric
the Red, and Mr. Bojangles! "Percy" sounds like a fruitcake, "Bysshe"
sounds like a weird dog, and "Shelley" was voted girl-most-easily-mated
by members of the Mountain Valley High chess club.

Chris Ianson

Neredbojias said:
With neither quill nor qualm, Chris Ianson quothed:

Uh, yes, I think so. But the j/s code is in image1.htm so as it is,
that would necessitate repeating almost the same code for each
imageN.htm (-or making some changes and a .js file. Probably the better
way to do it would be to move the code to the "master.htm" page, but I'm
not sure if that is even possible. ((Um, um, actually, it should be. I
think.)) )

Hi Neredbojias. Love the name ;)

Hmm well I have been trying but I can't get that option to work across
iframes. Here is what I have got:

1 master page as per my example.
2 inline frame htm files > each of which has an image just as my example.
When you click a hyperlink on the first inline frame htm, it calls a jump
tag which takes you to a position on the 2nd iframe htm.

Your solution works great within the *one* iframe, but not when jumping to a
different htm file within that one iframe.

Here's what I've tried:

Placed this after every jump tag:

onClick="gett(this.href);return false;"

Placed this in each of the 2 iframes:

<script type="text/javascript">
var pdbst;
function gett(a) {

When that didn't work I placed it in the master page, however that caused
some sort of bug where there was a 15 second delay before it would call
iframe htm #2, and in the meantime all the graphics stuck if you scrolled up
and down the master page. :-S

What would we need to change to get this great idea to work across pages?
Thanks for your efforts, really appreciated.

Chris :)

Jonathan N. Little

Chris said:
"Neredbojias" <[email protected]> wrote in message
Your solution works great within the *one* iframe, but not when jumping to a
different htm file within that one iframe.

Here's what I've tried:

Placed this after every jump tag:

onClick="gett(this.href);return false;"

Placed this in each of the 2 iframes:

<script type="text/javascript">
var pdbst;
function gett(a) {

When that didn't work I placed it in the master page, however that caused
some sort of bug where there was a 15 second delay before it would call
iframe htm #2, and in the meantime all the graphics stuck if you scrolled up
and down the master page. :-S

What would we need to change to get this great idea to work across pages?
Thanks for your efforts, really appreciated.

Okay, one more time to demonstrate the JavaScript solution is possible
but a bit more complicated that you imagine.

1) Create a temp html page.

2) Add following JavaScript in the head:

<script type="text/javascript">
function stats(){
var f=document.forms[0];
f.wpyo.value=(window.pageYOffset ? window.pageYOffset : 'N/A');

f.dbst.value=(document.body.scrollTop ? document.body.scrollTop : 'N/A');

f.ddest.value=(document.documentElement.scrollTop ?
document.documentElement.scrollTop : 'N/A');


function updater(){
setInterval("stats()", 200);



3) Add several filler block elements so you can scroll the window a bit:

<p>Filler Paragraph</p>

4) About 1/2 way down put this form:

<div>window.pageYOffset? <input type="text" name="wpyo" size="20"</div>
<div>document.body? <input type="text" name="db" size="20"</div>
<div>document.body.scrollTop? <input type="text" name="dbst" size="20"</div>
<div>document.documentElement? <input type="text" name="dde" size="20"</div>
<div>document.documentElement.scrollTop? <input type="text" name="ddest"

5) Now the most important part, open and test in *more* than MSIE! This
will even display results for 4x browsers. Particularly notice the
difference among IE, Netscape 6+, Mozilla/Firefox, AND Opera, (hint, hint)

I am not saying it cannot be done, but it is not simple either. Almost
but not as bad as finding XY coordinates of mouse on an HTML document.

Chris Ianson

Okay, one more time to demonstrate the JavaScript solution is possible but
a bit more complicated that you imagine.

Um thanks, but before I do all that which looks like a lot more than
Neredbojias' 9 lines of JS, is it a solution to the question you responded
to, or something else?

Also waiting to hear from N. with a tweak for his 9-line solution.


Jonathan N. Little

Chris said:
Um thanks, but before I do all that which looks like a lot more than
Neredbojias' 9 lines of JS, is it a solution to the question you responded
to, or something else?

Also waiting to hear from N. with a tweak for his 9-line solution.


You miss understand. The javascript I supplied is not supposed to
replace Neredbojias's code, but to demonstrate a problem with
determining the window scroll amount from browser to browser.
Neredbojias's code will fail in Mozilla and Firefox.

Do my demo and witness for yourself, consider it a step to understanding
your situation rather than waiting for someone else to do it for you.


With neither quill nor qualm, Chris Ianson quothed:
Your solution works great within the *one* iframe, but not when jumping to a
different htm file within that one iframe.
What would we need to change to get this great idea to work across pages?
Thanks for your efforts, really appreciated.

I reworked the stuff into one page which is much better than the old
system. You no longer need an iframe, you can use the "strict" doctype,
there's no "jumpy-jittering", and it even works in Opera (-although
Opera has a bit of a scrollbar bug.)

I also setup a _simple_ link to a second image which you will have to
work on if you want to change pics more robustly.

Remember, this whole thing is based on javascript (-although I think it
degrades rather well.) An s/s language like php would probably serve
you better in the long run.

Here's the link:

Chris Ianson

I reworked the stuff into one page which is much better than the old
system. You no longer need an iframe, you can use the "strict" doctype,
there's no "jumpy-jittering", and it even works in Opera (-although
Opera has a bit of a scrollbar bug.)

Wow. Wow. You know you're a genius right?

I hope you didn't spend tooo long on it ;)

I am a bit concerned that now the whole page relies on JS. The
'anti-scrolling' thing was just a nice bonus that I wanted for those who has
JS enabled (90% of people). However, I don't really want the whole trick to
rely on it ideally.

That's a glitch free solution though that's for sure!

*But*, is there a way to tweak your first solution to work across iframes?

Thanks again. This is why I love Usenet! Kudos to you if you can tweak v1.

Chris :)


With neither quill nor qualm, Chris Ianson quothed:
Wow. Wow. You know you're a genius right?

I hope you didn't spend tooo long on it ;)

I am a bit concerned that now the whole page relies on JS. The
'anti-scrolling' thing was just a nice bonus that I wanted for those who has
JS enabled (90% of people). However, I don't really want the whole trick to
rely on it ideally.

It's just an auxiliary scrolling device. There's still the scroll bar.
That's a glitch free solution though that's for sure!

*But*, is there a way to tweak your first solution to work across iframes?

That was okay for an isolated instance, but expanding upon it, adding
links and such, would be difficult to do in a standards-compliant way.
Had I known you were going to want links into the image-container, I
would have approached the situation differently and probably advocated
server-side methods to accomplish that. Still, it's impossible to
retain the established scroll-height without javascript.

Anyway, here is my last effort of this "project":

Chris Ianson

*But*, is there a way to tweak your first solution to work across
That was okay for an isolated instance, but expanding upon it, adding
links and such, would be difficult to do in a standards-compliant way.
Had I known you were going to want links into the image-container, I
would have approached the situation differently and probably advocated
server-side methods to accomplish that. Still, it's impossible to
retain the established scroll-height without javascript.

So are we saying it is not possible to retain the iframe? I really would
like the iframe to stay, as it offers me much flexibility with background
images and colours for the iframe, 3d borders, etc.
Anyway, here is my last effort of this "project":

Is there an easy way for me to drop my existing images into this, along with
their associated 20 or so layers + hotspots?

Thanks! :)

Chris Ianson

Neredbojias said:
Had I known you were going to want links into the image-container, I
would have approached the situation differently and probably advocated
server-side methods to accomplish that.

PS: Yep I'm happy to have a JS file on the server if it means retaining the
iframe as per your first example, whilst jumping to different images. Keep
up the great work...

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