moving to records in a gridview with paging and sorting enabled(LINQ)


Mike N.


First know that I'm not a programmer by trade, I a hobbyist programmer
working on a website for a game. background on my problem:

I have a gridview that has paging and sorting enabled. I have it
hooked up to a LinqDatasource which provides an initial where clause.
This where is modified by the user using a dropdown list so the user
can filter the list further like so:

switch (DropDownList1.SelectedValue)
case "All":
LinqDataSource2.Where = "HoursPlayed >
@HoursPlayed && Team ==
@Team && Name != @Name";
LinqDataSource2.Where = "HoursPlayed >
@HoursPlayed && Team ==
@Team && Name == @RoleName";

The first column in my gridview is the number of the record in the
current sort order. If the page length is 10 and the user is on the
second record of page 2 the first row will have the number 12 in it,
and so on through the pages. (I just do the numbering with a template
control and the following as the itemtemplate: <%#
(Container.DataItemIndex + 1) + (GridView2.PageIndex *
GridView2.PageSize) %>

I use this grdiview as a ranking table. When the user re-sorts the
table it comes up with a new ranking based on the column he's sorted
on and the filter he's provided.

I have all of the above working fine, here is my predicament:

I want the user to be able to input a value (UserName) and then have
the gridview go to the proper page and select the appropriate row.

It seems to me the easiest way to do this would be to get at the
dataset inside the LinqDataSource and find the index of the record I
am looking for and then set the gridview's pageindex appropriately and
select the row on the page. I've been unable to figure out how to get
that dataset, so I've resorted to creating a new query using the same
parameters the LinqDatasource is using in it's where clause and order
by. First I set the where like this:

var rolelist = from r in dbBestMedic.Roles
select r;

switch (DropDownList1.SelectedValue)
case "All":
rolelist = rolelist.Where(r =>
r.HoursPlayed > minHours && r.Team
== 3 && r.Name != "Classes");
rolelist = rolelist.Where(r =>
r.HoursPlayed > minHours && r.Name
== DropDownList1.SelectedValue);

Then I set the orderby like this:

switch (GridView2.SortExpression.ToString())
case "Player.UserName":
rolelist =
rolelist.OrderByDescending(r => r.Player.UserName);
case "HoursPlayed":
rolelist =
rolelist.OrderByDescending(r => r.HoursPlayed);
case "XP":
rolelist =
rolelist.OrderByDescending(r => r.XP);
case "XPHoursPlayed":
rolelist =
rolelist.OrderByDescending(r => r.XPHoursPlayed);
rolelist =
rolelist.OrderByDescending(r => r.XPHoursPlayed);

Then I iterate through the query (rolelist) to get the index and set
it in my gridview

Aside from thinking there has to be an easier way (is there and easier
way?), this fails if the field I am sorting by has values that aren't

So now I am trying to ad a second orderby field to ensure a unique
value between the first sort field and the second combined. When I do
this though it seems to me the data is being sorted differently in the
Linqdatasource's orderby clause:

<asp:LinqDataSource ID="LinqDataSource2" runat="server"
OrderBy="XPHoursPlayed desc, PlayerID desc">

and the sort expression I set for my Linq query:
switch (GridView2.SortExpression.ToString())
case "XP":
rolelist = rolelist.OrderByDescending(r =>

because this breaks my routine and the query I am iterating through is
no longer in the same order as the Linqdatasource's data going to the
gridview (but it seems to me they should be as the orderby clause and
the Linq expression should be equivalent.

Sorry for the long post, felt i needed all of this to explain my
predicament properly.

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