PHDL a new HDL for PCB design




I want to give you an update on the HDL for PCB work I have been
doing. Lately I have collaborated with the Configurable Computing Lab
at Brigham Young University to introduce a new, super simple HDL for
board design capture. A compiler has been written and tested on a few
board designs.

The syntax of the language is highly simplified and efficient compared
to VHDL or even Verilog. The language lets you first define devices,
where functional port names are associated with pin numbers. Then
your instantiate those devices and connect nets to the ports. Device
ports can be single pins or busses.

You can look at the complete code for an example design in these files

For boards with Xilinx FPGAs I have published a utility that
automatically generates the device declaration and instantiation
template to cut down on typing and mistakes.

Please let me know what you think.

I include some example code below for your convenience. Here is a
sample syntax for the device definition. Note that data busses and
repeated signals like GND are handled with a single line declaration.

// Analog Devices high speed DAC
device ad9739 is
attr refPrefix = "U";
attr refDes = "";
attr name = "";
attr value = "";
attr pkg_type = "ANALOG_DEVICES_BC-160-1";
attr mfgr = "Analog Devices";
attr PartNumber = "AD9739BBCZ";
attr cost = "70.00";

pin[13:0] DB1_P =
pin[13:0] DB1_N =
pin[13:0] DB0_P =
pin[13:0] DB0_N =

pin[1:8] VDDC = {C1, C2, D1, D2, E1, E2, E3, E4};
pin[1:14] VSSC = {A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, C4, C5,
D4, D5};
pin[1:8] VDDA = {A10, A11, B10, B11, C10, C11, D10, D11};
pin[1:8] VSSA = {A12, A13, B12, B13, C12, C13, D12, D13};
pin[1:18] VSSA_SHIELD = {A6, A9, B6, B9, C6, C9, D6, D9, F1, F2,
F3, F4, E11, E12, E13, E14, F11, F12};
pin NC = {A14};
pin[1:4] IOUTN = {A7, B7, C7, D7};
pin[1:4] IOUTP = {A8, B8, C8, D8};
pin I120 = {B14};
pin VREF = {C14};
pin IPTAT = {D14};
pin DACCLK_N = {C3};
pin DACCLK_P = {D3};
pin IRQ = {F13};
pin RESET = {F14};
pin CS = {G13};
pin SDIO = {G14};
pin SCLK = {H13};
pin SDO = {H14};
pin[1:4] VDD33 = {J3,J4,J11,J12};
pin[1:6] VDD = {G1, G2, G3, G4, G11, G12};
pin[1:10] VSS = {H1, H2, H3, H4, H11, H12, K3, K4, K11, K12};
pin SYNC_OUT_P = {J1};
pin SYNC_OUT_N = {J2};
pin SYNC_IN_P = {K1};
pin SYNC_IN_N = {K2};
pin DCO_P = {J13};
pin DCO_N = {J14};
pin DCI_P = {K13};
pin DCI_N = {K14};
end device;

And here is some sample code of how the parts are wired up.

design fmc_dac is

// device definitions
include "devices.phdl";

// Power and ground nets.
net +3V3, +2V5, +1V8, 1V8_sense, gnd;
// net VDDC, VDDA;

// DAC Signals.
net[13:0] DB1_P, DB1_N, DB0_P, DB0_N;
net IRQ_2V5, RESET_2V5, SPI_CS_2V5, SPI_SCLK_2V5, SPI_SDO_2V5,
net DAC_VREF, IPTAT, I120;
net analog_out;

// Clock signals.
net samp_clk_in, bal_clock_p, bal_clock_n, coup_clock_p,
net clock_buf_p, clock_buf_n;
net ADCLK914_Vref;
net out_coup_clock_p, out_coup_clock_n;

// Test signals.
net test_trace_bottom, test_trace_top;


// This the fast DAC itself. Note how concisely the busses are
inst fast_dac of ad9739 is refDes = "U1";
VDDC = <+1V8>;
VSSC = <gnd>;
VDDA = <+3V3>;
VSSA = <gnd>;
VSSA_SHIELD = <gnd>;
NC = open;
I120 = I120;
DACCLK_N = DACCLK_P; // clock polarity reversed for better
VDD33 = <+3V3>;
VDD = <+1V8>;
VSS = <gnd>;
DB1_P = DB1_P;
DB1_N = DB1_N;
DB0_P = DB0_P;
DB0_N = DB0_N;
end inst;

Brian Drummond


I want to give you an update on the HDL for PCB work I have been doing.
Lately I have collaborated with the Configurable Computing Lab at
Brigham Young University to introduce a new, super simple HDL for board
design capture. A compiler has been written and tested on a few board

The syntax of the language is highly simplified and efficient compared
to VHDL or even Verilog.
For boards with Xilinx FPGAs I have published a utility that
automatically generates the device declaration and instantiation
template to cut down on typing and mistakes.

Please let me know what you think.

It's a noble effort, but...

To be honest, I suspect many of the changes from VHDL syntax are for no
good reason (except looking "cool" to C programmers) and may be

The most obvious example on a first look:

Lose the "include".

Learn from VHDL's use of packages and libraries, and move to something
similar (or just copy it)

Or discover that you have to write a new component library for virtually
every PCB you make. Because includes don't scale beyond trivial examples.
Even C programmers have to use a crude hack with #defines to avoid
accidentally #including the same header file twice.

And then consider namespace pollution. When you try to use the
Spartan-3E-1000 from Jim's component library with the ADC from Fred's,
you will find they both defined a Resistor and a Capacitor, and then
you're stuck. Either you convince them to let you delete bits of their
libraries, or you get to write your own...

VHDL gives you tools like embedded configurations to solve the problem:
Library Jim;
Library Fred;
use Fred.Components.all;
for U1: Spartan3E_1000 use Jim.Components.Spartan3E_1000;

Then, VHDL gives you generics and ports. These map quite well to your
attrs and pins, so why change them?

For example, you have to deal with things like half a dozen package types
for resistors - even on the same board. Use the generic map to override
the package type, and the port map to connect the pins.

Sorry to be so critical, but you did ask.

- Brian



I want to give you an update on the HDL for PCB work I have been
doing.  Lately I have collaborated with the Configurable Computing Lab
at Brigham Young University to introduce a new, super simple HDL for
board design capture.

The first question would be 'Why?'...followed by 'What improvements
over current art does this bring to the table?' that would be
some first metrics to we'll see how those questions get
The syntax of the language is highly simplified and efficient compared
to VHDL or even Verilog.

These languages are not typically used to design boards so you're
comparing your language to something that is not typically used for
that purpose. The board design info is buried in a database that is
unique to the specific design tool. VHDL and Verilog files can be
generated as output from those tools, but that makes those files
artifacts, not design files.
 The language lets you first define devices,
where functional port names are associated with pin numbers.  Then
your instantiate those devices and connect nets to the ports.  Device
ports can be single pins or busses.

OK...that would be an expected feature of any PCB design tool whether
it is a schematic capture tool or a language.
Please let me know what you think.

One basic piece of information that every part would need in a board
design is the physical location on a board. While a property/
attribute could be defined for the part that will eventually contain
that information for a particular board design that information would
need to be editable on a per-instance basis. I'm pretty sure that
when it comes to placement and layout, PCB people would prefer a
graphic tool, not a text editor because part placement is concerned
with visualizing interconnects (i.e. the 'rats nests'). This would
end up meaning that your new language would, at best, become another
file output artifact of the design tool, not the native design
itself. In that sense, it would not appear to offer anything more
than VHDL or Verilog...and since those languages are standards, your
language would offer less.

Kevin Jennings

Rob Gaddi


I want to give you an update on the HDL for PCB work I have been
doing. Lately I have collaborated with the Configurable Computing Lab
at Brigham Young University to introduce a new, super simple HDL for
board design capture. A compiler has been written and tested on a few
board designs.


Not sure I see the point to the exercise. When I'm writing VHDL to
target an FPGA I've got access to a large (infinite if you consider
device migration to be an option) number of repetitive resources. Under
these circumstances, the idea of a language+compiler makes a lot of
sense; it's mapping my high-level description of what I want onto these
physical resources. That's when a text-based language is at it's best.

The price I pay is, when I want to connect up the pseudo-devices I've
built, I'm forced to use structural descriptions in my HDL. This is
when a text-based language is at its worst. VHDL or Verilog, take your
pick, both are wildly inferior to schematic capture at allowing you to
visualize a design built by connecting together pre-existing blocks.
Even if those blocks are just one file over. If there were any
industry-standard schematic format, one that I could trust I could still
open files in a decade from now, I'd use it for my structural hookup in
a heartbeat.

PCB design is all the connection of pre-existing blocks. You're not
going to have a tool that compiles your high-level description to
2N4400s and 2N4402s. On top of that, where in an FPGA I only very
rarely give a damn about placement, routing, etc, on a PCB it's
absolutely critical. Impedance matching and termination issues,
cross-talk issues, noise immunity issues (damn switchers), thermocouple
effects, all matter and all need to be taken into account by hand.

The board sitting on my desk right now has 550 parts on it, which makes
it the least complex thing I've designed in a long while by nearly half.
The idea of trying to put those parts together in one long sequential
list rather than a graphic spread across two dimensions and multiple
sheets, and to even hope to get it right, strikes me as abject lunacy.

If it ain't broke...


someone remembering EDIF?
It can be used for all kinds of netlists.
Schematic, Circuit (eg. IP-Cores) and also PCBs.

And it's standardized. (IEC 61690-2)

As already mentioned by others, netlist files are in general created
and read by some software, rarely by humans.
So complexity shouldn't be the problem.
(One might think of some XEDIF format in the future, which makes a
hhange in the syntax to something XML compatible to ease up software

So, what has this "new PHDL" to offer instead of endless lists of name
I could see some attributes for device naming purposes and even a cost
factor in the example.
But where can one describe locations, track attributes, timing
constraints and other relevant things that come to mind when designing
a PCB?

Instead of just another netlist format it would be more interesting to
have a "language" that just concentrates on doing the real design
stuff for PCBs,
such as constraints, while the pure netlisting is already solved and
noone wants to do it "by hand" anyway.

In the FPGA world we find something similar in the UCF files (from
Xilinx, other vendors may have differnt names for the same).
Tools read in some netlist and then apply the UCF constraints to allow
controll over the physical layout.
Something similar for PCBs, in a standardized way(!), would be nice

Have a nice synthesis


Hello Guys,

Thanks for responding.

I want to apologize for the original out of context post. I intended
to reply to an existing thread where we were already talking about
using HDL to describe circuits for PCB construction. I'll try to
explain here now.

I have been designing printed circuit assemblies for over 20 years.
During that time HDL has almost completely taken over the logic design
business. You all know the advantages of text for logic design but I
will repeat some of them here.

- Abstraction
- Portability
- Standardization
- Readability
- Maintainability
- Efficiency
- Version control compatibility
- Code generation

PHDL (PCB HDL) is an attempt to achieve the same advantages for
printed circuit connectivity definition, the part of the printed
circuit design process that is currently done with schematic
diagrams. PHDL does nothing for the layout part of the design process
because that is naturally a drafting operation and we are pretty
satisfied with the commercial tools available for layout.

Printed circuit design connectivity definition is a much simpler task
than logic design. You are only instantiating chips and wiring them
up. You don't need data types, signal assignments or boolean functions
for example. For that reason we developed a super simple HDL
specifically for the task of designing printed circuit boards. Also,
printed circuit board design is a very important engineering task,
perhaps as important as logic design, so it deserves its own language
optimized for that purpose.

PHDL is a design language. Component ports are associated with their
physical pin numbers in a device declaration. Then you instantiate
parts and attach signals to them, nothing fancy. The language has
many syntactical features that provide abstraction, reduce typing and
help minimize errors. The current version of the compiler already
provides a good bit of error checking.

At first I thought that we could use VHDL but it does not directly
support pin numbers in component declarations. You have to devise some
new attributes and process them specially to associate pin numbers
with entity ports. The pin number attribute cannot be on the same
line with the entity port but rather has to follow all the port
declarations. You would have to play a similar game for all the other
stuff like PKG_TYPE, PART_NUMBER, etc. The syntax gets very ugly and
requires a tremendous amount of typing.

Our compiler can already output netlist formats for PADS and Eagle. It
is easy to create more output formats and we want to support Altium
and VHDL netlist outputs. The VHDL would be for anyone who might want
to simulate or graphically view the structure of their design in an
RTL viewer.

Eilert, I like your idea of a standard language for PCB physical
constraints but you would have to get a bunch of CAE companies to
agree on a standard. That's not what we are trying to do.

Our compiler is written in java so you can run it on any machine,
including a smart phone in a pinch. The compiler executeable is a
"jar" file that can be archived along with the board design for
infinite maintainability. Of course, the board design source is text
and text editors will exist forever.

I find PHDL syntax to be quite readable and it provides both // and /*
*/ style comment operators. I find myself writing the comments first
then filling in the circuits afterwords.

To avoid most of the typing on big FPGA boards I wrote a Xilinx2PHDL
converter that automatically generates most of the text for the
board. When you have text design entry it opens up all kinds of
possibilities for autogeneration. I'm working on the Actel2PHDL and
Altera2PHDL converters now.

To my mind the biggest advantage of PHDL over graphical schematics is
compatibility with version control tools. Because it is text, I can
look back at every change ever made to the design.

We have already designed several printed circuit boards using PHDL.
Originally I thought it would be best for high pin count FPGA boards
but we have used it for analog and power boards and those read well
also. It is amazing how a few comments can help with the board design

On the other hand, we understand that a lot of people just like
drawing pictures of board designs and are willing to use proprietary
tools to do it. We are just offering an alternative to those HDL types
who prefer a very direct and open design methodology.

Anyway, that is enough for today.



Hello Guys,

Thanks for responding.

I want to apologize for the original out of context post. I intended
to reply to an existing thread where we were already talking about
using HDL to describe circuits for PCB construction. I'll try to
explain here now.

I have been designing printed circuit assemblies for over 20 years.
During that time HDL has almost completely taken over the logic design
business.  You all know the advantages of text for logic design but I
will repeat some of them here.

- Abstraction
- Portability
- Standardization
- Readability
- Maintainability
- Efficiency
- Version control compatibility
- Code generation

PHDL (PCB HDL) is an attempt to achieve the same advantages for
printed circuit connectivity definition, the part of the printed
circuit design process that is currently done with schematic
diagrams.  PHDL does nothing for the layout part of the design process
because that is naturally a drafting operation and we are pretty
satisfied with the commercial tools available for layout.

Printed circuit design connectivity definition is a much simpler task
than logic design.  You are only instantiating chips and wiring them
up. You don't need data types, signal assignments or boolean functions
for example. For that reason we developed a super simple HDL
specifically for the task of designing printed circuit boards. Also,
printed circuit board design is a very important engineering task,
perhaps as important as logic design, so it deserves its own language
optimized for that purpose.

PHDL is a design language.  Component ports are associated with their
physical pin numbers in a device declaration. Then you instantiate
parts and attach signals to them, nothing fancy.  The language has
many syntactical features that provide abstraction, reduce typing and
help minimize errors. The current version of the compiler already
provides a good bit of error checking.

At first I thought that we could use VHDL but it does not directly
support pin numbers in component declarations. You have to devise some
new attributes and process them specially to associate pin numbers
with entity ports.  The pin number attribute cannot be on the same
line with the entity port but rather has to follow all the port
declarations. You would have to play a similar game for all the other
stuff like PKG_TYPE, PART_NUMBER, etc. The syntax gets very ugly and
requires a tremendous amount of typing.

Our compiler can already output netlist formats for PADS and Eagle. It
is easy to create more output formats and we want to support Altium
and VHDL netlist outputs. The VHDL would be for anyone who might want
to simulate or graphically view the structure of their design in an
RTL viewer.

Eilert, I like your idea of a standard language for PCB physical
constraints but you would have to get a bunch of CAE companies to
agree on a standard. That's not what we are trying to do.

Our compiler is written in java so you can run it on any machine,
including a smart phone in a pinch.  The compiler executeable is a
"jar" file that can be archived along with the board design for
infinite maintainability. Of course, the board design source is text
and text editors will exist forever.

I find PHDL syntax to be quite readable and it provides both // and /*
*/ style comment operators.  I find myself writing the comments first
then filling in the circuits afterwords.

To avoid most of the typing on big FPGA boards I wrote a Xilinx2PHDL
converter that automatically generates most of the text for the
board.  When you have text design entry it opens up all kinds of
possibilities for autogeneration. I'm working on the Actel2PHDL and
Altera2PHDL converters now.

To my mind the biggest advantage of PHDL over graphical schematics is
compatibility with version control tools. Because it is text, I can
look back at every change ever made to the design.

We have already designed several printed circuit boards using PHDL.
Originally I thought it would be best for high pin count FPGA boards
but we have used it for analog and power boards and those read well
also.  It is amazing how a few comments can help with the board design

On the other hand, we understand that a lot of people just like
drawing pictures of board designs and are willing to use proprietary
tools to do it. We are just offering an alternative to those HDL types
who prefer a very direct and open design methodology.

Anyway, that is enough for today.


Several years ago, I looked at using vhdl for pwb netlists.

Most schematic capture systems understand the distinction between a
symbol and a package. The same symbol may map into multiple packages,
each with different pin numbers.

You can make the vhdl entities be the packages, and components the
"schematic symbols"

Then you define configurations to map component (with logical port
names) to entities (with phisical port names). These can be named
configurations that each map one component to one entity.

Then you would just code up your netlist instantiating the components,
and write a configuration that defines which package each component
will use.

The part I could not figure out was that most schematic capture
systems are capable of using symbols that represent part of a package,
not the whole package (e.g. quad nand gate parts, resistor networks,

So I eventually dropped the idea.

I like drawing schematics better anyway. I don't have to name a wire
if I don't want to, it takes care of it for me. I can have one symbol
pin or wire represent an entire bus and one symbol represent multiple
components (e.g. 32 pullup resistors) or multiple parts of one or more
components, etc. Purely structural use of HDL is one of its weaker
applications. You might as well code an edif netlist. It is difficult
to visualize interconnect between a half dozen high port-count
components when the only clue you have is matching signal names.



I have been designing printed circuit assemblies for over 20 years.
During that time HDL has almost completely taken over the logic design

That's not quite what has happened. Roughly 30 years ago programmable
logic parts came into existence. Fundamentally, the input to these
parts is a bit stream that encodes a functional description of the
logic to be implemented. As the capabilities of these parts changed
it became feasible to rapidly and less expensively (as compared to a
board re-design) deploy logic function changes to an existing board.
Also, over these 30 years the capacity of that described logic has
increased many times over.

HDLs have not "taken over the logic design business", they are simply
a more productive tool for describing large amounts of logic, the
output of which is a bitstream. Printed circuit boards on the other
hand have only increased in density incrementally over that same time
frame. Whether or not the density has reached the point where a text
description is 'better' or not is an opinion that everyone can have,
but not all parts of a board are simply hooking up pins on large
parts. There are analog sections and some power sections that greatly
benefit from a 2D graphical description (i.e. schematic) and are much
worse off in a linear text file.
You all know the advantages of text for logic design but I
will repeat some of them here.

- Abstraction
- Portability
- Standardization
- Readability
- Maintainability
- Efficiency
- Version control compatibility
- Code generation

PHDL (PCB HDL) is an attempt to achieve the same advantages for
printed circuit connectivity definition, the part of the printed
circuit design process that is currently done with schematic

Unfortunately, you have not presented any data or even mentioned that
you have measured anything to indicate that PHDL (or any other HDL)
description is a better and more efficient tool for printed circuit
board design capture. As I asked in my first post 'What improvements
over current art does this bring to the table?'...if PHDL is
measurably better than schematics than you should be able to measure
that difference. If it's not, and it's just another tool that one
could use, OK...but don't assume that any benefits of using one type
of tool then get inherited by another type of use.
PHDL does nothing for the layout part of the design process
because that is naturally a drafting operation and we are pretty
satisfied with the commercial tools available for layout.

OK...but then where does one look to find out where in the circuit
resistor R123 is located, what is it connected to etc.? Layout
defines reference designators...reference designators are needed to
relate back to the generating source file (schematic or PHDL) in order
to maintain the design. None of this matters for 'logic design' that
results in a bitstream that gets loaded into a programmable logic

While net list generation (i.e. schematic capture) is a completely
separate process from layout the two processes are not totally
independent. You still need something out of the layout tool that
gets put back to the 'source' whether that source is a schematic or a
PHDL text file or some other file. Since schematics can be
hierarchical with the same circuit repeated more than once, you can't
even say that the reference designator could be used to instantiate
the part in PHDL since, for a repeated circuit, one would have a
single PHDL file (or section of a file) that describes something to be
instantiated...but it needs to be instantiated more than once. Copy/
paste/label each copy? If so, then live with the law that anything
that gets copied by a human will eventually change from whatever it
was first copied from.
Printed circuit design connectivity definition is a much simpler task
than logic design.  You are only instantiating chips and wiring them

While your statement is true, it would be challenging at best to look
at the description of even a simple filter in text form to determine
the this form would likely not be benefiting the people
who have to pick up and support a design after the original designer
has moved on.
You don't need data types, signal assignments or boolean functions
for example. For that reason we developed a super simple HDL
specifically for the task of designing printed circuit boards. Also,
printed circuit board design is a very important engineering task,
perhaps as important as logic design, so it deserves its own language
optimized for that purpose.

It is deserving and today the language optimized for that purpose is a
graphical schematics so again we get back to my question 'What
improvements over current art does this bring to the table?'. You
still need to be better than the incumbent to gather outside support.
PHDL might very well be better than schematics, but if it is you
should be able to measure some improvement somewhere, not simply state
that it is better than something that is not used for design (i.e.
VHDL as the board design source) and leave it at that.
PHDL is a design language.  Component ports are associated with their
physical pin numbers in a device declaration. Then you instantiate
parts and attach signals to them, nothing fancy.  The language has
many syntactical features that provide abstraction, reduce typing and
help minimize errors. The current version of the compiler already
provides a good bit of error checking.

Simply noting that everything in the above paragraph is equally true
for schematics as well.

Our compiler can already output netlist formats for PADS and Eagle. It
is easy to create more output formats and we want to support Altium
and VHDL netlist outputs. The VHDL would be for anyone who might want
to simulate or graphically view the structure of their design in an
RTL viewer.

RTL viewer generated schematics are usually...well...something that
you don't like to view.

To avoid most of the typing on big FPGA boards

....extra work that is created by choosing to go with linear text
I wrote a Xilinx2PHDL
converter that automatically generates most of the text for the

At least there is a solution to the problem that was self-
created...well for certain suppliers I guess. Does every part
supplier need a converter in order to be productive using PHDL?
Samsung? Intel? On Semi? Lucent? Fairchild?
When you have text design entry it opens up all kinds of
possibilities for autogeneration. I'm working on the Actel2PHDL and
Altera2PHDL converters now.

Perhaps you should expound on what those possibilities might be as
compared to schematics. Hierarchy, parameters, generation and reuse
are already there with schematics. What did you have in mind?
To my mind the biggest advantage of PHDL over graphical schematics is
compatibility with version control tools. Because it is text, I can
look back at every change ever made to the design.

Any file can be version controlled...whether it is a proprietary data
format or not.

So the biggest advantage you see then is the ability to use 'diff' to
see what has changed which you cannot do with a version controlled
schematic. OK...but since a schematic simply documents intended
connections between devices, the net list CAE file output (which is a
text file as well) can be similarly 'diffed'.

Since the PHDL file is not going to be the 'only' design artifact file
there will need to be other files as well as part of the board design
process. So how is the ability to run 'diff' on a PHDL file
fundamentally any better than running 'diff' on the net list output
from the CAE tools?

Lastly, if what you state actually is the biggest advantage, then ask
yourself who benefits and who pays the cost? Is the cost worth it to
the one who has to pay it? These are all different ways of stating
'What improvements over current art does this bring to the table?'
We have already designed several printed circuit boards using PHDL.
Originally I thought it would be best for high pin count FPGA boards
but we have used it for analog and power boards and those read well
also.  It is amazing how a few comments can help with the board design

Comments though do not create circuits...therefore one must always
accept that they can be inaccurate and/or misleading
On the other hand, we understand that a lot of people just like
drawing pictures of board designs and are willing to use proprietary
tools to do it. We are just offering an alternative to those HDL types
who prefer a very direct and open design methodology.

People also like to see better ways of doing things and are willing to
change to those better ways. But when there is no indication or it is
not 'obvious' in what way something 'new' is better than the 'old way'
one should question if 'new' is 'better' or 'worse' or just
'different'...ideally being able to back that up with some form of
measurement to support.

As a last point, consider that FPGA tools in some ways return to the
graphical roots for improving designer productivity. FPGA suppliers
provide various widgets (PLLs, memory controllers, image processing
functions, etc.) that can be parameterized by the user with a GUI
wizard for the intended usage. Those widgets in turn can be
instantiated in a graphical tool as well to very quickly generate a
complete design (Altera's SOPC Builder being an example). So even the
area where HDLs are most prominently used by a designer, there is
market pull for a graphical tool to improve productivity...rather
counter to your possible thesis that the text only approach might be

Anyway, that is enough for today.


Thanks for providing the info, hopefully take what I say not so much
as constructive input as it was intended rather than as a rant.



Thanks for providing the info, hopefully take what I say not so much
as constructive input as it was intended rather than as a rant.

Delete the 'not so much' from above...



I also started down the "VHDL for PCB" path. I figured out how to use
VHDL attributes to add the extra info we need for PCB netlist
creation. For example, here is how a component declaration might look
using VHDL.

-- This component is a 1:4 LVDS clock buffer.
entity sy89832u is port(
en : inout STD_LOGIC; -- enable pin. internally pulled high.
vref : out std_logic;
vt : in std_logic;
gnd : in std_logic;
vcc : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
in_p : in STD_LOGIC;
in_n : in STD_LOGIC;
q_p : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
q_n : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0));
-- some part attibutes.
attribute pcbl_partlevel of sy89832u : entity is true;
attribute pcbl_package_type of sy89832u : entity is "MLF-16";
attribute pcbl_part_number of sy89832u : entity is "SY89832UMI";
attribute pcbl_part_cost of sy89832u : entity is 15.23;
-- the pin numbers.
attribute pcbl_pin_list of en : signal is "8";
attribute pcbl_pin_list of vref : signal is "10";
attribute pcbl_pin_list of vt : signal is "11";
attribute pcbl_pin_list of gnd : signal is "13";
attribute pcbl_pin_list of vcc : signal is "7,14";
attribute pcbl_pin_list of in_p : signal is "12";
attribute pcbl_pin_list of in_n : signal is "9";
attribute pcbl_pin_list of q_p : signal is "5,3,1,15";
attribute pcbl_pin_list of q_n : signal is "6,4,2,16";
end sy89832u;

It is not too bad but I don't like how the pin numbers are located
down below, disassociated from the port declaration. Also, talking to
compiler designers, I learned that VHDL is notoriously difficult to
parse. VHDL is difficult for the board designer and difficult for the
compiler designer. That is why I dropped the idea of using VHDL for
PCB design.

Here is how a similar device declaration looks in PHDL

// an clock buffer IC
device sy898533 is
attr refPrefix = "U";
attr refDes = "";
attr pkg_type = "SY898533LKZ";
attr mfgr = "MICREL";
attr partNumber = "SY898533LKZ";
attr cost = "4.45";

pin[1:3] vcc = {10,13,18};
pin clk_p = {4};
pin clk_n = {5};
pin pclk_p = {6};
pin pclk_n = {7};
pin clk_en = {2};
pin clk_sel = {3};
pin[1:2] nc = {8,9};
pin[0:3] q_p = {20,17,15,12};
pin[0:3] q_n = {19,16,14,11};
pin vee = {1};
end device;

We optimized the syntax to be easy to type and to be easy to parse. I
really like the way that the list of pin numbers is on the same line
with the port declaration.

I like your suggestion about creating record type busses and routing
those between subsystems. Record types is on the To Do list for
PHDL. I can imagine a record for a DDR3 interface that combines all
the data, address, clocks and control lines into a single record.
Signals from that record would be connected to the individual memory
chips. I think it would be quite readable.

It is possible to do record busses in some proprietary graphical
schematic tools. Unfortunately, every tool does it differently. Even
different versions of the same tool will differ in this sort of

Our goal is to create an open and free methodology that we could use
for any project that we choose and for any layout back-end program. We
don't want to be controlled by some CAE vendor. We insist that we
control our intellectual property by creating and maintaining it in a
portable format. We want to be free.

Anyway, that's our goal. :)




The idea of textual PCB design entry is a small paradigm shift and a
lot of people react emotionally so thanks for your comments.

Everybody I know uses VHDL or Verilog for even very simple CPLD
designs. Of course, for large FPGA's and ASIC design HDL is the
preferred entry method for now.

On board design, I also thought that the analog portions of board
design were best done with schematics, till I tried PHDL. Now I find
that the ability to mix lines of comments with lines of design text
actually makes PHDL more expressive than proprietary schematic entry
methods, even for analog circuits.

Also, at least for the kinds of board I do, PCB design is getting
simpler over time. What used to require a board full of ECL logic now
easily runs inside a low cost FPGA. Switching regulators used to be
quite a challenge to capture. These days, I always use an integrate
controller that usually includes the power FET and often includes the
required inductor as well. It only takes a few lines of PHDL (plus
comments) to capture a switching regulator design.

You are right, I don't have any hard data on productivity but I have
been using schematic entry for over twenty years and now I have done
several designs in PHDL. My subjective impression is that PHDL is
faster, more accurate, more readable and less annoying than
proprietary graphical schematic tools. I use the Vim text editor and
we wrote a sytax highlighter control file for Vim that makes PHDL
design entry really pleasant. When working with schematic entry tools
I keep track of how much time I spend on non-productive tool fiddling
and how much on actual design entry. I think it is 90% fiddling and
10% actual work. In PHDL, I feel the ratio is reversed, 10% fiddling
and 90% design entry.

With respect to efficiency, I find that pure text PHDL design entry
actually requres less typing than the schematic editor that I normally
use (Mentor DxDesigner). I find most of the text can be autogenerated
(FPGA) or cut and pasted from the pdf data sheet. I find the
reduction of typing (and fiddling) really reduces my error rate and
lets me focus on the actual design. Again, this is just an objective
observation. Let me know what you think after you have tried PHDL.

Searching for components by refdes is something that is very unwieldy
in most schematic editor tools. Of course, searching for text within
a text file like PHDL source is very natural. The PHDL compiler
controls the mapping between design pathname and refdes in an open CSV
format file that can be searched to quickly locate any refdes within
the design hierarchy. Furthermore, we are extending the funtionality
of the refdes idea to contain some hierarchical information. This
makes it really easy, in the layout tool, to quickly select all the
components in one part of the design. As far as I know, this is a very
simple but valuable improvement over how schematics usually handle

With respect to version control, diff'ing the source design is much
better than diff'ing the machine generated netlist output.

I have actually tried almost all of the graphical logic generation
tools to supposedly improve designer productivity, Xilinx DSP System
Generator, Altera DSP Builder, Aldec BDE block diagram editor,
National Instruments Labview FPGA,... For production designs I always
use strait HDL entry for maintainability. How many proprietary tools
do you want to pay maintenance on just to be able to edit your own
design? PHDL is free and open. You could actually archive the PHDL
compiler (jar file) along with your design for infinite

I am getting together with the compiler designers tomorrow. We are
going to talk about new features for version 2 two of PHDL. The new
features will definitely include

1) Hierarchical design - for modularity. Once we have this, PHDL won't
be linear text but, instead, organized functionally.
2) VHDL output - for design analysis, simulation and graphical
viewing. This is an easy way to get pictures out of your PHDL design.
3) Altium netlist output - Altium is coming on in popularity. People
request Altium netlist format more than any other.
4) Record Type nets - We want to do this better and simpler than VHDL.
Ie., we want to be able to combine inputs and outputs in a single
5) Full parser re-write - The guys want to do a little "refactoring"
now that they have written a compiler and are a lot smarter.

Once again, thanks for the comments and ideas. The very fact that you
guys are participating on this use group means you are looking for new
ideas. Maybe PHDL is not for you.

Best wishes,




The idea of textual PCB design entry is a small paradigm shift and a
lot of people react emotionally so thanks for your comments.

Everybody I know uses VHDL or Verilog for even very simple CPLD
designs. Of course, for large FPGA's and ASIC design HDL is the
preferred entry method for now.

On board design, I also thought that the analog portions of board
design were best done with schematics, till I tried PHDL. Now I find
that the ability to mix lines of comments with lines of design text
actually makes PHDL more expressive than proprietary schematic entry
methods, even for analog circuits.

Also, at least for the kinds of board I do, PCB design is getting
simpler over time. What used to require a board full of ECL logic now
easily runs inside a low cost FPGA. Switching regulators used to be
quite a challenge to capture. These days, I always use an integrate
controller that usually includes the power FET and often includes the
required inductor as well. It only takes a few lines of PHDL (plus
comments) to capture a switching regulator design.

You are right, I don't have any hard data on productivity but I have
been using schematic entry for over twenty years and now I have done
several designs in PHDL. My subjective impression is that PHDL is
faster, more accurate, more readable and less annoying than
proprietary graphical schematic tools. I use the Vim text editor and
we wrote a sytax highlighter control file for Vim that makes PHDL
design entry really pleasant. When working with schematic entry tools
I keep track of how much time I spend on non-productive tool fiddling
and how much on actual design entry. I think it is 90% fiddling and
10% actual work. In PHDL, I feel the ratio is reversed, 10% fiddling
and 90% design entry.

With respect to efficiency, I find that pure text PHDL design entry
actually requres less typing than the schematic editor that I normally
use (Mentor DxDesigner). I find most of the text can be autogenerated
(FPGA) or cut and pasted from the pdf data sheet. I find the
reduction of typing (and fiddling) really reduces my error rate and
lets me focus on the actual design. Again, this is just an objective
observation. Let me know what you think after you have tried PHDL.

Searching for components by refdes is something that is very unwieldy
in most schematic editor tools. Of course, searching for text within
a text file like PHDL source is very natural. The PHDL compiler
controls the mapping between design pathname and refdes in an open CSV
format file that can be searched to quickly locate any refdes within
the design hierarchy. Furthermore, we are extending the funtionality
of the refdes idea to contain some hierarchical information. This
makes it really easy, in the layout tool, to quickly select all the
components in one part of the design. As far as I know, this is a very
simple but valuable improvement over how schematics usually handle

With respect to version control, diff'ing the source design is much
better than diff'ing the machine generated netlist output.

I have actually tried almost all of the graphical logic generation
tools to supposedly improve designer productivity, Xilinx DSP System
Generator, Altera DSP Builder, Aldec BDE block diagram editor,
National Instruments Labview FPGA,... For production designs I always
use strait HDL entry for maintainability. How many proprietary tools
do you want to pay maintenance on just to be able to edit your own
design? PHDL is free and open. You could actually archive the PHDL
compiler (jar file) along with your design for infinite

I am getting together with the compiler designers tomorrow. We are
going to talk about new features for version 2 of PHDL. The new
features will probably include

1) Hierarchical design - for modularity. Once we have this, PHDL won't
be linear text but, instead, organized functionally.
2) VHDL output - for design analysis, simulation and graphical
viewing. This is an easy way to get pictures out of your PHDL design.
3) Altium netlist output - Altium is coming on in popularity. People
request Altium netlist format more than any other.
4) Record Type nets - (maybe) We want to do this better and simpler
than VHDL. Ie., we want to be able to combine inputs and outputs in a
single record.
5) Full parser re-write - The guys want to do a little "refactoring"
now that they have written a compiler and are a lot smarter.

Once again, thanks for the comments and ideas. The very fact that you
guys are participating on this usenet group means you are looking for
new ideas. Maybe PHDL is not for you.

Best wishes,



1) Hierarchical design - for modularity. Once we have this, PHDL won't
be linear text but, instead, organized functionally.

How will it handle reference designators when you instantiate the same
hierarchical module more than once in a design? Are reference
designators now required to be hierarchical paths?

Most schematic entry tools do not require you to define a reference
designator when you instantiate the component, they will do that
automatically when the extract the netlist (and annotate a cross-
reference for you). And they will allow board layout to resequence
them per physical location once the components are placed on the
board. Unlike the pdf schematic which is searcable, when I'm probing
the board, there is no search feature for it. That's why I infinitely
prefer reference designators sequenced per layout, not per schematic

Now that schematic drawings are ultimately released as a multi-page
pdf with searchable text, the advantages of a textual netlist over a
schematic are nil, while the disadvantages are considerable. Tools
exist for graphically comparing two schematic versions to easily
identify the changes, even when they are "cosmetic". Keep in mind that
what you may consider "cosmetic" may be critical to the understanding
imparted to the reader. Comments are cosmetic too, but very useful.

Must you entirely re-define a component that is in a different
package? Most systems separate logical parts that get instantiated
from physical packages that are included in the netlist for a variety
of reasons (e.g. multiple package choices per instantiated logical
part, multiple logical parts per physical package, etc.). How does/
will PHDL handle these scenarios?

Cadence had a spreadsheet-type system that was an alternative to
schematic capture for board design. It might have worked pretty well
for backplane design, but was a complete dud for general purpose board

I can easily see that if you use integrated power supply controllers
as the extent of your analog design, then you may not appreciate the
contextual awareness that a schematic diagram provides over a netlist.
Most non-trivial analog circuits are easier to understand when
presented appropriately in a graphical context. Spice may be
universal, but nobody uses it to convey a circuit to another human.
Don't underestimate the value of a well-drawn schematic (not a
computer generated one) for the customer, reviewers, maintainers,
technicians, etc. Even in FPGA design, I often long for the ability to
re-arrange a computer generated diagram of my code for presentation,
documentation, etc.

Productivity is a lot more than simply getting a design out of your
head and into a board. And therein are the shortcomings of text-based
board design.




I want to give you an update on the HDL for PCB work I have been
doing. Lately I have collaborated with the Configurable Computing Lab
at Brigham Young University to introduce a new, super simple HDL for
board design capture. A compiler has been written and tested on a few
board designs.


How cool that you're working on this. I had been looking on the web, but I had not found anything yet. At our company we are doing something very similar, and we've designed a syntax that is highly optimized for electronic design entry. We are just starting to build the compiler, so you're probably ahead quite a bit. On the other hand, I see that your language is indeed simple; probably a bit too simple to effectively describe circuits.

I also do understand the almost "angry" or "upset" replies from some guys here. Hardware guys don't like change, usually. And people who THINK in schematics can't grasp the great advantages of text over anything graphical. The same happened when FPGAs came into existence. I wouldn't want to feed themouths of those who have actually drawn schematics with logic gates to do FPGA design.

We see that the advantages of text entry are so great, that we have stoppedusing any graphical tool for FPGA designs years ago, with great success. Ido believe that for electronic designs the same advantages exist.

However, there are some questions that remain to be answered. I'd really beinterested to talk to you about this 'off line'.

With kind regards,

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