Possibly better loop construct, also labels+goto important and on the fly compiler idea.


Steven D'Aprano

Peter, you can ignore Terry's "advice" if Google Groups works for you.
There are a small number of Google haters here who seem larger due to
their obnoxious noisiness.

There are people here who hate Google Groups but simply don't chime in.
I'm one of them. Perhaps I should.

There are also many people who have a blanket "ignore" switch on anything
coming from GG, not out of any personal vendetta against you, but simply
out of self-defence. They don't say anything simply because they don't
see the posts.

I've been using Google Groups to post here for many years and with a
little care it is usable without annoying anyone

This is true, and thank you for taking that care, that is really

But perhaps you should consider that although GG works for you, it
doesn't work for many people who don't take that care. So far Peter
Cacioppi is one of those people. He has shown no inclination that he is
willing to take the care to communicate well according to the community
standards here, and he has shown a distressing tendency towards snarky,
arrogant responses to polite requests to fix his posts.

except a few drooling
fanatics. All access methods have pros and cons (and I've posted here
about many of TB numerous cons) so if the usability tradeoff favors GG
for you (or anyone else) I recommend you not be intimidated by the
anti-GG goon squad.

Your personal attacks are not appreciated. Why can you not accept that
people who post using GG's defaults cause pain and difficulty to many --
probably the great majority -- of readers who use either the mailing list
or the news group to read this list? Don't you think that they are
entitled to complain when people repeatedly post double-spaced, hard to
read messages, or set the reply address wrongly, or include no context or
attributes, or all of the above at once?

Do you really intend to say that we have no right to complain about how
difficult Google Groups makes it for us?


Your personal attacks are not appreciated. Why can you not accept that
people who post using GG's defaults cause pain and difficulty to many --
probably the great majority -- of readers who use either the mailing list
or the news group to read this list? Don't you think that they are
entitled to complain when people repeatedly post double-spaced, hard to
read messages, or set the reply address wrongly, or include no context or
attributes, or all of the above at once?

Do you really intend to say that we have no right to complain about how
difficult Google Groups makes it for us?

I think you are mixing up cause and effect, symptom and disease, Steven.

The symptoms are
1. Double spaced responses
2. Non/improper attribution
3. Generally idiotic behavior

The 'disease' is:

Google-groups is current technology whereas newsgroups/feeds etc is pre-www technology.

By fairly straightforward statistics -- you should know given the newest module in python 3.4 <wink> -- the probability of idiotic behavior in a bunch of children is going to be significantly higher than the same in a bunch of adults.

Google-groups consist of the 'children-population' (so to speak); newsgroups etc consist of the adult population with some exceptions.

The appropriate way of dealing with children is not to say "Dont be children!" but to say "This kind of behavior is unacceptable out here"

I feel the biggest negative consequence of the anti-GG rhetoric is that the bigger issue -- idiotic behavior -- is left unaddressed in favor of very minor local issues like double-spaced mails.

So far Peter
Cacioppi is one of those people. He has shown no inclination that he is
willing to take the care to communicate well according to the community
standards here, and he has shown a distressing tendency towards snarky,
arrogant responses to polite requests to fix his posts.

I think its fairly straightforward to fix these issues:
First (for complete newbies) one ignores the problem and engages/answers discusses
Then one mildly mentions that this -- double-spacing/non-attribution whatever -- is causing a problem; eg the footnote that Mark (used to) keep
Then more strongly
Then finally give no response to the question under discussion except to point out and underscore the idiotic behavior -- just make sure that the claim of Peter -- "this group is working for me" -- is not kept true.

tl;dr I think Mark's scoldings in this regard will work if they come not just from him but from any and every one. They are likely to have a larger subscription if you would agree to change: "Dont use GG!!"
"Users of GG are requested to read and follow these instructions
https://wiki.python.org/moin/GoogleGroupsPython "

Chris Angelico

tl;dr I think Mark's scoldings in this regard will work if they come not just from him but from any and every one. They are likely to have a larger subscription if you would agree to change: "Dont use GG!!"
"Users of GG are requested to read and follow these instructions
https://wiki.python.org/moin/GoogleGroupsPython "

I would say that "Don't use Google Groups" is absolutely the right
advice, because it penalizes the ultimate cause of the problem. If a
bus company sets timetables that demand the drivers work the
accelerator and brake in binary (one or the other is always flat
down), the advice is not "Don't buy eggs" but "Don't ride that bus
line". Considering how easy it is to use some other way of posting and
reading, there's no reason for the makers of a fundamentally flawed
piece of software to be rewarded with usage.

Anyway, no matter how carefully you fix your own posts, you'll still
run into the one problem you can't fix: that, because of the extremely
poor signal-to-noise ratio from GG, a number of people just won't see
your post.

And trust me. No matter how many times you ask people to read that
wiki page, you'll still get far FAR better results by recommending
Thunderbird or email. I've seen a good number of people go "Oh, my
posts are annoying because of the software I'm using? No probs, I'll
change software to not be annoying", which solves the problem without
the fiddlinesses that the wiki page advocates.



As soon as we hear of people automatically blacklisting any posts that
come from Thunderbird, I'll believe you that they're on par. Until
then, no matter how courteous you might be in your use of GG (which
still makes you part of an extremely small minority), you still have a
fundamental downside in that your message simply won't get to

I am aware of that. As I said the last time the subject came up,

* So what? Anyone too lazy or with too much need to control, to
not skip over posts they find annoying probably is someone unlikely
to offer anything constructive in any thread I'm participating

* It is not at all clear that the number who actually completely
ignore GG is more than a very small number.

* Life's full of tradeoffs. The convenience of GG to some people
is worth the downside.


Thunderbird cons - I've never known any.

That's odd, because in
I responded to a direct question from you about problems
with Thunderbird. If you mean instead that because *you've*
experienced no problems, then none exist, that's your business
but I hope you don't carry that attitude into your programming

Further, that post was only with technical issues related to
TB; in another thread in which you participated, I explained
some of the other usability tradeoffs, issues of personal
choice and preference which clearly vary between users, for
example in:
I question your judgement if you see you own preferences for
TB as being absolute and applicable to everyone. The idea
that there exists any access method for reading this list
that has *no* cons is ludicrous.
Google groups cons - continual
streams of messages on a daily basis that are double spaced despite
umpteen requests to follow instructions so the crap doesn't get
repeated. Just how difficult is it? Are you prepared to pay for my new
glasses, as the eye strain caused by google crap really does get to me.

You are being absurd. If you are seriously willing to damage
your eyesight because you feel compelled to read every post
here then you should seek psychological help right away.


There are people here who hate Google Groups but simply don't chime in.
I'm one of them. Perhaps I should.

There are also many people who have a blanket "ignore" switch on anything
coming from GG, not out of any personal vendetta against you, but simply
out of self-defence. They don't say anything simply because they don't
see the posts.

They see the replies so they have every opportunity to reply.
I would hope the reason they don't is because they don't want
to contribute to the already way too voluminous insults, flames,
nit-picking, troll-baiting and other non-python related garbage
This is true, and thank you for taking that care, that is really

But perhaps you should consider that although GG works for you, it
doesn't work for many people who don't take that care. So far Peter
Cacioppi is one of those people. He has shown no inclination that he is
willing to take the care to communicate well according to the community
standards here, and he has shown a distressing tendency towards snarky,
arrogant responses to polite requests to fix his posts.

I hadn't read this whole thread, I just wanted to provide an
alternative point of view to that expressed by Terry Reedy
re Google Groups (since I use it myself).

However, looking now, I see you pointed out that Peter originally
cross-posted his two messages to four groups:

alt.comp.lang.c: 4 posts total
one (serious, on-topic [*1], non-snarky) reply and a reply from OP.

alt.comp.lang.borland-delphi: 4 posts total
same as above

alt.lang.asm: 6 posts total
three (serious, on-topic, non-snarky) replies and a reply from the OP

comp.lang.python: 26 posts and counting
Two immediate not-on-topic responses, one polite but a little haughty
(what made the author assume that everyone has a weblog to post to?)
and one, from *you*, clearly snarky:
Oh look, your post was cross-posted to no fewer than four
newsgroups. What a surprise!
Ironic that you are complaining about snarkiness from the OP.
Those were followed (unsurprisingly) by a snarky response from the
OP and then (currently and counting) 26 replies, many snarky, none
addressing the OP's topic and none directly Python related.

Perhaps the snarkiness you complain about came from other earlier
threads, but I did see anything that struck me as horrible in a brief

Why didn't you and the other respondents just ignore the above post,
likely leading to the same results as in the other three groups?
Instead we are all treated to yet another endless thread (with forked
subject lines making it even harder to avoid) of non-Python related
verbal pissing.
Your personal attacks are not appreciated.

What I wrote was a non-personal attack.
Why can you not accept that
people who post using GG's defaults cause pain and difficulty to many --

"Pain"? If you really suffer pain from reading badly formatted
posts you should consider the advice I gave to Mark Lawrence.
But ignoring the exaggerations, I can and do accept it causes
some degree of annoyance -- it annoys me as well, and I've no
clue where you got the idea that it didn't. But it is also
annoying for many infrequent posters to go though the effort
to set up a news group reader or deal with a lot of email from
a high-volume mailing list. And it is annoying for readers to
wade though the constant torrent of bitching by GG bashers.
Of course I understand that you consider your annoyances more
important that other people's but then don't we all.

I am irritated by things here too: people who haven't
learned to tell the difference between "fact" and "my opinion",
people who feel free to be blunt to the point of offensiveness
in their posts but who take offense at the mildest slight
directed at them, people who can tell on the basis of a post
or two if a question is homework or a poster is drunk or lying
about a college degree, people who respond to every troll that
drives by, people who regularly post messages intended for a
totally unrelated group, people who speak for "the community"
when I never voted for them as spokesperson, etc. But I try
not to pollute this group by publicly venting my frustration
every time I see an irritating post.
probably the great majority -- of readers who use either the mailing list
or the news group to read this list?

You have no basis other than wishful thinking to claim that.
Google groups has a very large following and my guess is that
the vast majority of c.l.p readers are silent and seldom if
ever post. The large number of posts here from GG would suggest
that the readership there is substantial, and the decline in
"web-1.0" tools (usenet, mailing lists, etc) is additional
evidence that the number of GG users (who are used to and
prefer flashier web-based interfaces) may be much greater
than you would like to think.
Don't you think that they are
entitled to complain when people repeatedly post double-spaced, hard to
read messages, or set the reply address wrongly, or include no context or
attributes, or all of the above at once?

"entitled" is too subjective a word for me but I do think
the such complaints have a major negative effect on the value
of this group to those of us who come here looking for Python-
related discussions.
Do you really intend to say that we have no right to complain about how
difficult Google Groups makes it for us?

Poor baby! Life is sooo hard, isn't it? :)


Google-groups consist of the 'children-population' (so to speak);
newsgroups etc consist of the adult population with some exceptions.
The appropriate way of dealing with children is not to say "Dont be
children!" but to say "This kind of behavior is unacceptable out

This is exactly the kind of trash-talk that provokes so much discord

Steven D'Aprano

On 10/25/2013 08:40 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote: [...]
However, looking now, I see you pointed out that Peter originally
cross-posted his two messages to four groups:

I think you are confused. I haven't said anything about Peter Cacioppi
cross-posting. To the best of my knowledge, he hasn't cross-posted
anything here.

Peter Cacioppi

Rusi said:

"Users of GG are requested to read and follow these instructions
https://wiki.python.org/moin/GoogleGroupsPython "

Yes, I read those instructions and found them fairly opaque. If you want toinstruct "children" (odd that I find myself categorized that way on a CS forum, but whatever) then you use pictures.

Seriously, it's not exactly clear what protocol GG users are expected follow to make posts hygenic. The standards I've used when creating this sort ofcontent is to use screen shots with arrows and circles drawn in. If you'regoing to make an instruction page for some nuanced client feature, spend an extra 10 minutes and make it fully idiot proof.

With re: the snark ... I am shocked, shocked to find snarky comments on theinternet. (eyeroll) There was plenty of snark in this joint before I posted, good luck policing that.

Chris Angelico

The large number of posts here from GG would suggest
that the readership there is substantial, and the decline in
"web-1.0" tools (usenet, mailing lists, etc) is additional
evidence that the number of GG users (who are used to and
prefer flashier web-based interfaces) may be much greater
than you would like to think.

That's not a problem. The people who think that Web 2.0 has to
completely supplant everything else are most welcome to spend all day
on Facebook, and try to get their homework help from there. I don't
mind. Meanwhile, the rest of us will continue to use - and to
understand - the lower-level internet protocols that actually work. We
will then go on to develop communication protocols that don't involve
JavaScript in web browsers, that don't have ten-round-trip latency,
and that actually work. SMTP-like or MUD-like protocols seem to be
quite effective, in my experience.



Rusi said:

"Users of GG are requested to read and follow these instructions
https://wiki.python.org/moin/GoogleGroupsPython "

Seriously, it's not exactly clear what protocol GG users are expected follow
to make posts hygenic.

Yes... that page is longer and more confusing than necessary.
1. The double-posting bit is unnecessary -- not been happening after the 'new' GG.
2. The missing attributions problem is new and needs to be added
3. The main message of that page that needs to be noted is
- to remove extra spurious lines
- to NOT top-post
The standards I've used when creating this sort of
content is to use screen shots with arrows and circles drawn in. If you're
going to make an instruction page for some nuanced client feature, spend an
extra 10 minutes and make it fully idiot proof.

Please do!
If I were in charge I would say "Patches welcome!"
Who is the 'you' you think you are addressing?
With re: the snark ... I am shocked, shocked to find snarky comments on the internet. (eyeroll) There was plenty of snark in this joint before I posted, good luck policing that.

Not my complaint: idiocy was my complaint

Chris Angelico

Yes... that page is longer and more confusing than necessary.
1. The double-posting bit is unnecessary -- not been happening after the 'new' GG.
2. The missing attributions problem is new and needs to be added
3. The main message of that page that needs to be noted is
- to remove extra spurious lines
- to NOT top-post

If someone's editing that page, it'd be nice to also ask people to
chop their lines short - most newsgroup and mail clients hard-wrap to
80 characters, but GG posts invariably come through with one-line
paragraphs. It's annoying when you try to quote the text, and several
online archives look ugly when the lines are too long.


Peter Cacioppi

Rusi said :
"Please do! If I were in charge I would say "Patches welcome!"

Well, I don't really know what the GG best practice ought to be here.

What I am doing now (manually copying whatever I need to quote to give somecontext) seems to be tolerable to law enforcement (I guess). But I'm minimizing the PIA not with some clever GG usage but by exploiting two monitors and the way I have "open in new browser" configured. It isn't something I'dcare to document and it doesn't really scale to general usage.

And, for all I know, the goons are still grinding their teeth, they're justmore quiet now.


On 10/25/2013 08:40 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote: [...]
However, looking now, I see you pointed out that Peter originally
cross-posted his two messages to four groups:

I think you are confused. I haven't said anything about Peter Cacioppi
cross-posting. To the best of my knowledge, he hasn't cross-posted
anything here.

Yes, it seems I somehow concluded that Skybuck Flying who originated
the thread (in which you immediately complained about cross-posting)
and Peter were the same person, without any good reason. Apologies
to you and Peter. However, I don't think that invalidates the other
points I made.


Would you please be kind enough to quote the question that I asked.
You'll find it extremely difficult as I actually made a stement. I quote

Ah, right it was a stement rather than a quesion. And that
changes my points exactly how?
can you ignore it until you've actually looked at it? Do you have
Superman's eyesight?

So your eyes are so sensitive that just glancing at a double
spaced message damages them? OK....


tl;dr I think Mark's scoldings in this regard will work if they come not just from him but from any and every one. They are likely to have a larger subscription if you would agree to change: "Dont use GG!!"
"Users of GG are requested to read and follow these instructions
https://wiki.python.org/moin/GoogleGroupsPython "

Anyway, no matter how carefully you fix your own posts, you'll still
run into the one problem you can't fix: that, because of the extremely
poor signal-to-noise ratio from GG, a number of people just won't see
your post.

I just addressed that in another post. Perhaps your TB reader
somehow missed it?
And trust me. No matter how many times you ask people to read that
wiki page, you'll still get far FAR better results by recommending
Thunderbird or email.

By "results" I gather you mean the production of posts that
are non-annoying to you. Your "results" do not seem to include
any consideration for what is preferable for the poster -- ie
a pretty selfish definition of "results".

By all means, mention the option of using TB. But there is
a difference between a recommendation and coercion. And please
be accepting if the poster decides that GG is a better solution
for them.

For many people, including those that post here infrequently,
who work from different platforms, who want remote access, who
don't have time, skills or interest in doing setup more involved
that a few mouse clicks, GG is better answer.
I've seen a good number of people go "Oh, my
posts are annoying because of the software I'm using? No probs, I'll
change software to not be annoying",

That's fine. If someone finds TB (or whatever) suits them
better, then all's good for them. But you are extrapolating
from a few cases to universality.
which solves the problem without
the fiddlinesses that the wiki page advocates.

The wiki page advocates nothing. It offer some options for
both using GG *and* minimizing annoyance to other users.


That's not a problem. The people who think that Web 2.0 has to
completely supplant everything else are most welcome to spend all day
on Facebook, and try to get their homework help from there. I don't
mind. Meanwhile, the rest of us will continue to use - and to
understand - the lower-level internet protocols that actually work. We
will then go on to develop communication protocols that don't involve
JavaScript in web browsers, that don't have ten-round-trip latency,
and that actually work. SMTP-like or MUD-like protocols seem to be
quite effective, in my experience.

That's a pretty bigoted view of a large class of people.
I understand your desire to stay with the technology you
have learned and are familiar with. However, your apparent
desire to exclude people who don't share your view is a
shame and seems contrary to the PSFs policy of being
welcoming and encouraging diversity.


First, thanks (both of you) very much for the feedback. I originally
wrote that page.
Yes... that page is longer and more confusing than necessary.
1. The double-posting bit is unnecessary -- not been happening after the 'new' GG.

OK, I have not seen the the cc option in a long time either.
2. The missing attributions problem is new and needs to be added

I don't understand this. When I use GG I have not noticed missing
attributions. Do you have any idea under what circumstances it happens?
3. The main message of that page that needs to be noted is
- to remove extra spurious lines

That is point #2 on the page, right after the point about double posting
and will be #1 when the double posting point is removed. Are you saying
that is it not prominent enough, or not clear enough?
- to NOT top-post

Good point, I'll add that.
Please do!
If I were in charge I would say "Patches welcome!"
Who is the 'you' you think you are addressing?

If me, I'll think about it but given that the page is instructions
about how to modify text, pictures would not come to my mind immediately
as being most appropriate.

Thanks again though for the suggestions.


First, thanks (both of you) very much for the feedback. I originally
wrote that page.

One more 'to-be-removed' from that page is the bit about new and old GG at the end. It used to work for a while. Now google has completely removed the 'old interface' (at least to the best of my knowledge).

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