R"richard" help out: background images in mobile



Heve ALT.HTML Only

Jeff Thies said:
I'm writing a simple mobile menu. This is a list of lists that you click to toggle more and less.
I need a background image to flip from a down caret to an up caret. Ideally this would be on the right and would be in the middle
of the line. It would be a fixed percentage height of the li.
I'm confused at how to style this. With foreground images, I set widths as a percent. If you don't set the width as a percent than
the apparent size will be determined by the pixel density, dppx.
I see that there are previously unknown to me background-size properties of cover and contain.
Also, I see that you can use an SVG as background-image.
So, a seemingly simple thing to do is not so simple.
What to do?

Jeff just thank a Imagine
Then make it work

if body background-image "don't work right"
Move on to td background "don't work not just right"
Can it be Move to DIV ?

You have to work out the Bugs

See My start_Page For Cecil
I have CSS.file like to add some Class too

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">

<body bgcolor="#00ff00">

<!--Old img alt="My_ First_ New _Bicyle (332K)" src="F:/My_First_New_Bicyle.JPG "height="800" width="792" / -->
<!--New img alt="IMG_0380 (325K)" src="IMG_0380.JPG" height="1409" width="1338" /-->

<table summary="" height="660" width="1130">
<tr><!-- Here The Back-Ground-->
<td background="0380.JPG">
<font face="Courier New" size="6" style="front: Bold;" color="Red"><b>
<div> My First New Bicycle

All of today is my birthday
I have become five on this day
I will blow out the candles on my birthday cake
And a wish for something special I will make
Today I am old enough for a new bright red bicycle
I have grown to old now for my old tricycle
I'm still much to young to get me a motorcycle
And who knows what to make out of a unicycle
But I know I'm old enough to learn to ride a bicycle
I may even get good enough to ride while eating a pop-cycle
All of today is my birthday
I have become five on this day

Cecil Ferrell </div>

Here Work Links
< http://web.css.alt.mynews.ath.cx:81/Users/Jeff_Thies/Cecil-F/MyFirstNewBicycle.html >

Now I working out the bugs
and adding some style
type= text/css

Dam the wife whet to bad
no I-phone Test to day


Jeff Thies said:
If you haven't read Thomas' post, read through it, it covered all my
questions. It's well done.
Menu (in progress), as the designer wanted it is here:
(View with mobile) Snipped html that had that 90's look...

Jeff it look good too
But i see not a background Image
Like This One

I just Added: background-position: 1,
BODY {bgcolor: #6B4D4A; leftmargin:0; topmargin:0 }
Be removen bgcolor="#6B4D4A" leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" from body

I'll have to keep Working out the Bugs
For a wide Screen and UpRight Screen View
I'll be add Forward and Back Button to it to
the page too

This isn't the main Page
But one of manly background Image with text on them

So how you page Coming a long?

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">


<title>My First New Bicycle By: C.J. Ferrell</title>
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico">
<META http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<style type="text/css">
BODY {bgcolor: #6B4D4A; leftmargin:0; topmargin:0 }
DIV {background-attachment: fixed; background-image: url(0380.JPG);
background-position: 1}
<body bgcolor="#6B4D4A" leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" >

<div lang="en" nowrap>
<pre><font style="front: Bold; color:#ffffff;" face="Arial Black" size=6 >
My First New Bicycle

All of today is my birthday
I have become five on this day
I will blow out the candles on my birthday cake
And a wish for something special I will make
Today I am old enough for a new bright red bicycle
I have grown to old now for my old tricycle
I'm still much to young to get me a motorcycle
And who knows what to make out of a unicycle
But I know I'm old enough to learn to ride a bicycle
I may even get good enough to ride while eating a popcycle
All of today is my birthday
I have become five on this day
By: Cecil Ferrell
Author: Billy R. Ferrell
Email: (e-mail address removed)
Comments: One Text. Makes! One Good Hot Page!


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