std_logic_vector to string in hex format


Mad I.D.

Hello. I have a
std_logic_vector let's say X"ABCD".

And i have

variable temp : string (4 downto 1);

How do I put ABCD in variable temp?

Thank you. I'm trying with the 'image but it only works on scalars.

Mad I.D.

On Aug 29, 6:45 pm, Jonathan Bromley <[email protected]>

Sorry Jonathan but I must ask something about the code.
My VHDL knowledge is not perfect so I don't undestand this :

I see that you had to create a new subtype so the compiler wouldn't
report that selector is unconstrained.

Can you explain this:
slv4'(s_norm(i*4 to i*4+3))

I never saw this kind of value assignment using ' (for attributes) and
don't know what to ask google. Please if you could provide a useful
link or just explain :) I would like to learn.

Thank you again !
Sorry for my eng.

Mad I.D.

On Aug 29, 6:45 pm, Jonathan Bromley <[email protected]>

Sorry Jonathan but I must ask something about the code.
My VHDL knowledge is not perfect so I don't undestand this :

I see that you had to create a new subtype so the compiler wouldn't
report that selector is unconstrained.

Can you explain this:
slv4'(s_norm(i*4 to i*4+3))

I never saw this kind of value assignment using ' (for attributes) and
don't know what to ask google. Please if you could provide a useful
link or just explain :) I would like to learn.

Thank you again !
Sorry for my eng.

OK, I found it :)
"Qualified expressions"


Can you explain this:
slv4'(s_norm(i*4 to i*4+3))

I never saw this kind of value assignment using ' (for attributes) and
don't know what to ask google. Please if you could provide a useful
link or just explain :) I would like to learn.

In this case, the ' does not indicate an attribute, instead it is used
to state that the thing to the right of the ' (in this case "(s_norm
(i*4 to i*4+3))") is of the type specified by what is to the left of
the ' (in this case "slv4"). The reason you need to tell it this is
because the data type of "(s_norm(i*4 to i*4+3))" is ambiguous. In
this situation the ' is called a 'type qualifier'.

A simpler example of the need for a type qualifier is something like
"0101". Should this be interpreted as a std_logic_vector, a
bit_vector, a string? Without any context, it is impossible to tell.
In many situations, the compiler can figure it out based on what
"0101" is being assigned to, in other cases it can't. In those
situations where the compiler complains about the type being
ambiguous, you have to explicitly tell it what the type is so if
"0101" is meant to be treated as a string then you would say


As an aside, you'll probably find the conversion of data types to
strings will find many uses, in testbenches as well as design code. I
would suggest that you first create a function along the lines of what
Jonathon suggested but instead of working with std_logic_vector, have
it work with an input string. I'd also get rid of the limitation that
requires the input string to have only a multiple of 4 (don't assert
with a failure, just pad the left with the appropriate number of
zeros). So your basic function with all the gory code fits the
following form

function HexImage(L: string) return string;

Now you can build on this by creating heximage functions that work
with all the vector types quite easily, without having to rewrite
anything, instead you'll be building on this one basic function (see
code below).

Those functions presuppose that there is a function called 'image'
that can translate a particular data type (for example
'std_logic_vector') into a string of ones and zeros. You'll have to
write those functions too, but they are pretty simple (see example
below for 'bit' and 'bit_vector').

By building up a set of functions in this way you can pretty quickly
get yourself a full library of functions that convert from all of the
basic data types (including vectors) into strings. The most effective
way to do this is to have your base function (the one that has the
nitty, gritty code with the case, if, etc.) work with strings rather
than std_logic_vector.

In fact, you can see the value of using strings as function I/O right
in the use of the other conversion functions themselves that I've
shown because to build up the bigger functions, I rely on using other
lower level functions. By normalizing on strings for function I/O for
the lowest level conversion function, it simplifies things quite a

Kevin Jennings

-- Start of heximage functions
function HexImage(L: bit_vector) return String is
end function HexImage;

function HexImage(L: std_ulogic_vector) return String is
end function HexImage;

function HexImage(L: std_logic_vector) return String is
end function HexImage;

function HexImage(L: signed) return String is
end function HexImage;

function HexImage(L: unsigned) return String is
end function HexImage;
-- End of heximage functions
-- Start of an example image function
function image(L: bit) return String is
constant bit_image: String := bit'image(L);
return(bit_image(2 to 2));
end function image;

function image(L: bit_vector) return String is
variable Lx: bit_vector(1 to L'length);
variable RetVal: String(1 to L'length);
Lx := L;
for i in Lx'range loop
RetVal(i to i) := image(Lx(i));
end loop;
end function image;
-- End of an example image function
Kevin Jennings


On Sat, 29 Aug 2009 13:05:10 -0700 (PDT), KJ...

All very sensible.  Your stringification of assorted
vector types before generating other representations
is an interesting idea, though I'm not 100% sure I
really like it - it seems a pity to lose information
about the source data object's type so early in the
conversion process.

Then maybe think of it as converting the source data type into the
target data type early in the conversion process instead.

As a general rule, we're likely in agreement that the conversion to
some generic type like 'string' in order to reuse something is not
always good practice since this can also be abused to defeat the type
checking that is a very useful part of the language. I'm guessing
this is the reason for your less than '100% sure'. However, in this
case I don't think there is any abuse of type checking since there is
still a gatekeeper with the various 'image' functions each of which
works only with one specific data type and will always return a
properly formatted string. Any required checking should be done
In self-defence I should point out that I was doing
my best to illustrate, in one small example, a bunch
of tricks that are generally useful in such applications:
normalization of vector ranges, unconstrained parameters
and return types, type qualification, and the use of
assertions to catch undesirable/unexpected conditions.

My agenda was to show examples of code reuse, broadening a specific
problem into a more general problem/solution and then demonstrating
how that can sometimes results in being able to quickly and easily
build on the general solution to provide not only the specific
solution, but other examples of other specific solutions.
I hope it didn't throw the OP too much off the scent.

That's why we post though, isn't it? To give the posters and others
other scents to sniff at.

Kevin Jennings


Get the following package:
(original page:

Load this page, then:

temp := to_hstring (slv_var);

In the newer version of ModelSim if you turn on the VHDL-2008
switch this works without adding the package.

For Aldec, they have already compiled this package for
you in the library ieee_proposed. I suspect if you turn
on the VHDL-2008 flag that it will also work without referencing
the package.


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