using Google API Spellchecker



I am trying to crack a puzzle by brute force. The
puzzle involves finding a hidden word. The hidden
word is made up of a combination of letters, each
letter chosen from a given list of letters. I have
an example below (written in Perl) that will
produce my exhaustive list of possible words.
The hidden word is 'cat.'

my @jumble = (
[ 'c' ],
[ 'q', 'a' ],
[ 'l', 't', 'q' ],
my @numbers = (
print @$_, "\n" for combine ( @numbers );
sub combine {
my ( $first, @rest) = @_;
return map [ $_], @$first unless @rest;
my @res;
for my $part ( combine( @rest) ) {
push @res, map [ $_, @$part], @$first;
return @res;

What I would like to do is take my candidates for
words and pass all the words to Google API
spellchecker; tossing aside mispelled words, so
that I am left with the solution to my puzzle. I
have looked at Net::Google::Spelling, but this is
not what I want. What I want is to filter an
exhaustive list of generated words through Google,
to find the correctly spelled word.

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