Vim Plugin Issue


Ryan C.

Anyone here use Vim? I'm trying to get my first plugin, NERD_tree to
work and can't seem to figure it out or find the solution anywhere

I unzipped the .zip from into ~/.vim and it created the doc,
nerdtree_plugin, and plugin directories.

Then I went into Vim and tried a ton of different commands to no avail.
I get one of the two following examples:

E464: Ambiguous use of user-defined command

:nerdtree (or any command other than the above)
E492: Not an editor command: nerdtree

I'm new to Vim and am not sure what steps to take to get past this. Any
help is hugely appreciated.


Phillip Gawlowski

Anyone here use Vim? =A0I'm trying to get my first plugin, NERD_tree to
work and can't seem to figure it out or find the solution anywhere

I don't remember where I found this hint, I was advised to put the
following line into my .vimrc:

nmap <silent> <c-n> :NERDTreeToggle<CR>

Control+N now opens a buffer of tree navigation goodness (replace c-n
with what makes sense for you, obviously). Otherwise, you'll have to
peruse the NERDtree documentation via

:help NERD_tree.txt

Phillip Gawlowski

Though the folk I have met,
(Ah, how soon!) they forget
When I've moved on to some other place,
There may be one or two,
When I've played and passed through,
Who'll remember my song or my face.

Marc Weber

Hi Ryan,

<c-d> means ctrl-d

1) there is a dedicated Vim mailinglist (-> -> commmunity)

2) most plugins ship with a doc/*.txt file which contains all
information about its usage.
In this case you want to read section 2.1 "Global Commands"

3) learn how to use completion. Eg try Nerd<tab> or Nerd<c-d>
The command you tried does not exist. The error message you got is
confusing though.

4) If you want to give many plugins a try use vim-addon-manager.
Installing a plugin such as nerdtree can be done easily:

:ActivateAddons The_NERD_tree
Probably you'd like to use InstallAddon, review code, put name into
your .vimrc. (last lines of doc/*.txt
contains a script you can copy paste into your shell to install it)

5) Start using tags. Look them up using :h tag<c-d> (in particular
:tjump command)
This is way faster than nerdtree for most cases.

Marc Weber

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